PP o | Lightning Protection Additional Socials Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Anderson and Gretchen and James have returned to their home in Baltimore, Md., after spending a month with Mrs. Anderson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robbins in Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins of Wil- mington, Del.,, spent the weekend at the Robbins home enroute from a trip through New England. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore of Lehman avenue have returned after touring Canada and visiting the Thousand Islands. Last week they and Billy Wolfe spent several days at Beach Haven, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. George Twillinger of Bretwood, Pa., are visiting the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moyer of Leh- man avenue. This weekend the Moyers will drive them home and remain for a week’s vacation. Ira Morris, Washington, D.C., and Russel Morris, Towanda, Pa., are visiting their mother, Mrs. Allie Morris, Dallas. Charles Morris has returned to Anniston, Ala., after a visit with his mother, Mrs. Allie Morris. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Gerhart, Norristown, Pa., are visiting Mrs. Caroline Caperoon, Franklin street. Mrs. Elmer Dowdell and daugh- ter Irene of Philadelphia have re- turned home after spending a week with the former’s aunt, Mrs. Wil- lard Race. Post Master Roy Tryon and Mrs. Tryon of Harvey's Lake will ob- serve their 25th wedding anniver- sary August 15. They were mar- ried at Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. Tryon have no family. EERE PROTECT YOUR LIFE END PROPERTY AGAINST LIGHTNING WITH OUR MODERN PROTECTIVE SYSTEM FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL or WRITE New Jersey Company SWIFTWATER, PA. - Mt. Pocono 6951 | Byron Kitchen RTH Needs New Hat Lutherans Defeat Hontz's All-Stars (Contributed) “BY” Kitchen needs a new hat since his St. Paul's Lutheran Church soft ball team defeated Tom Hontz’s All Stars on Monday night. “By” showed up with only half his team but the All Stars being good sports loaned him two of their star players. Larry Newhart and Ralph Heal both had a home run with three men on bases, and Junior Lozo did the same thing trying very hard to hold his place on the Lutheran team as his playing has been be- low standard for some time. “By” sure gets a break from the umpires. Dale Zimmerman, who started for the Lutherans, was knocked out of the box in the sec- ond inning after allowing eight runs and was replaced by the only one and invincible Charlie Gosart who pitched superb ball for the balance of the game. The All Stars were handicaped for a pitcher, Tom Hontz had a sore arm, the result of a pitcher's dual last week with Willard Lozo Sr., and had to let Beaver Boyce pitch who wasn’t in condition. Tak- ing all things into consideration, the Lutherans were lucky to come out ahead as the score was 21-20. Next time these two teams play there will be a different story. “By” Kitchen could use a good left fielder for the play off. Shavertown is developing a good community spirit for softball. There were about 150 fans at Monday night's game. - Even the women are talking about getting two teams to play soft ball. Leave your glasses home. Shavertown has some promising young players in the following youngsters, Bill Oney, who hits once in awhile, Jimmy Owens who is coached by his illustrious bowl- ing father; Conor Brothers who cover a lot of ground; Bobby Ed- wards who is a coming star, and white head Burnaford who knocks them over the fence; Speedy Loh- man, Never-Miss Bolton, Pepsi- Cola Spaciano, and Zib Sutton never miss catcher, last but not least is Gassie Purvin. The next gesture game is tonight, August 13th, High School ground between Gosart's. Ronnamizers and Hontz’s Fairlawners. Batteries will be Hontz and Earl Willard Lozo Sr. and Willard Lozo Jr. Approximately one-half the land area of Pennsylvania is forested. —_——————— MAIN STREET FOR ONE MONTH—STARTING AUGUST 15 With Every 25c Cash Purchase One Free Ticket Will Be Given For the Drawing Of A BARRE WAGON (Value $22.50) DRAWING WILL BE HELD SEPTEMBER 15 Come In And Look It Over - 3 Jack Hazeltine’s Auto Service DALLAS VVC UV VVVVVVVVYVvYVYYYVYYY Prices Reduced 1 » VV VV VV VV VVC VVC VIC VIC V VO VO VYVYVYYeV VY e YY Yee YY YYeYYy Ye 36 MAIN STREET 63 Dresses values to 10.95 9 Dresses values to 24.95 14 Coats and Suits One-half Price values 16.95—49.95 ALSO BARGAIN TABLE The Grace T. (Tel. 354) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ® 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 ® 9 4 4 4 4 sq 00 Cave Shoppe DALLAS, PA. i de Ddtieatbcdbcainsdiadbrdbaditbdbidb dabei THE POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1948 | Mrs. Witter Won Nineteen Prizes At Last Year's Alderson Show The person who won nineteen prizes at the 1947 flower show of Alderson Methodist Church is not worrying about the competition of Mrs. G. Earl Smith’s niches, or Frank Jackson’s pineknees whith will be exhibited at the Eighth An- nual Flower Show, Wednesday, August 25 at the Lake Townskip High School. She is Mrs. Morrison Witter, of Alderson. Mrs. Witter displayed just nine- teen different flower arrangements last year and walked off with that many ribbons. She told a Post reporter yester- day that she is happy about the added interest shown this year in the annual event sponsored by the Women’s Society of Christian Ser- vice and will do her bit, as she has in previous years, to make this season’s show a success. Many members of the Alderson Methodist Church and summer visitors have admired her decora- tions each Sunday in the church, without always knowing that it was she who filled the pulpit with flowers. “Mrs. Witter can pick a few queen Ann's lace, a couple of blades of long grass and a daisy ar two from the fields and make up 2 bou- quet so artistically that it inspires our minister and directs our con- gregation into reverent channels,” stated Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter, chairman of this year’s exhibit, “so one can imagine what she can do with cultivated flowers.” “It has gotten so lately,” con- tinued Mrs. Carpenter, “that when any one wishes to donate some of their flowers for church decora- tions, ‘they generally hand them over to Mrs. Witter knowing they will be displayed to their best ad- vantage.” “Mrs. Witter hasn’t thought of any special arrangement as yet this year for the flower show, but, as in the past, just one of her flowers placed in a milk bottle may take a first prize,” added the chair- man. The Rev. James Hibert, pastor of the church, announces there will be twenty-eight different classifica- tions open for exhibitars and each class will contain dozers of species, so all garden amatews will have a wide variety to cheose from in selecting their favorite display. The show will oper from three to ten P. M., but él exhibitors must have thir arrangements placed on the tables prior to noon the day of the display. Northeastern Guernsey Breeders To Be Guests At Sterling Farms D of A Drill Practice Mt. Vale Council No. 224 Daugh- ters of America will meet at I1.0.0.F. Hall tonight. There will be drill team practice. Those de- siring to retain positions on the drill team should attend practice or if unable to do so, send word whether they desire to retain a position on the team. Annual Clambake Toby Creek Lodge No. 1078 will hold its annual clambake Saturday, August 21. All tickets are to be turned in by Tuesday, August 17. The clambake will be held at the home of Doug Mathers. The Lodge’s first Ministrel meeting will be held Monday, August 16 at the Trucks- ville Lodge Room. Bulford Family Keunion Annual reunion of the Bulford family will be held Sunday at Har- vey’s Lake Picnic Grourds. Be Fortieth Reunion The fortieth annual reunion of the Traver Barringer families will be held Sunday, August 22 at Viola Park, Evans Falls.” U. S. Route 309. TNE A Safe Deposit Box. In our Firo-and-Theft-Preof Vaults Protests valuables at less then lc o doy. "First Floor = Street Level —Ne Stains & NL AA BE Le NAT'L BANK or WILKES-BARRE BUY NOW First Line Tires 600 x 16 Si 2.15 tax included * ROBERTS OIL CO. Main Hwy. Trucksville ¥ Guernsey Breeders of Northeast- ern Pennsylvania wil hold their annual summer picnic on Tuesday at A. J. Sordoni’s Sterling Farms, Alderson. The progr: will start at 11 o'clock with inspection of the herd and farm. This has been the lead- ing herd in Luzerne County Cow Testing Association. With an aver- age of 72 cows milked last year, herd average in Butterfat was 467 pounds. The farm is devoted en- tierely to grassland farming, in that grass silage, hay and pasture crops are the only crops. There will be a basket picnic at noon followed by an interesting program. Speakers will be Wil- liam H. Luzi, Field Secretary and John F. Blyholder Jr., Northeastern Fieldman, both of the Pennsylvania Guernsey Breeders’ Association. There will also be a half-hour de- voted to panel discussion of prob- lems relating to dairying. There will be cattle judging contests for both young and old. 3 All dairymen are invited to at- tend whether they are Guernsey breeders or not, and Grade animal herd owners are especially invited. In case of rain, ample provision has been made to hold the picnic under cover, announces Ellis Swingle, Superintendent of Sterling Farms. Hughey-Gordon Reunion be held at the home of O. H. Gordon at Pike's Creek on Sunday. Storm Doors ~All Sizes or made to order Screen Doors ECKERT Lumber and Coal Co. PHONE 215 Shavertown, Pa. PAT’S ELECTRIC SERVICE A New Location TO SERVE YOU BETTER WITH Everything Electrical For Home or Farm. Sales & Service Specialzing in Kelvinator Sweet Valley PHONE DALLAS 370-R-12 Logal— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that letters of administration have been granted in the Estate of Sophia Evans. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Matthew Evans, Jr., Administrator, Hillcrest avenue, Shavertown, Pa. P. O. Box 92. HENRY GREENWALD, Attorney Notice is give nthat Samuel Rosenberg and Margaret Rosenberg, husband and wife, have filed a pe- tition in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County to No. 962, October Term, 1948, to change their surname unto Page, and pray- ing that the new name of petition- ers shall be borne by their minor children. Hearing on said petition will be held Octiber 2, 1948, at 10:00 o’clock A.M,, when and where all persons interested may appear. ARTHUR O. KLEEMANN Attorney NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in compliance with and un- der the provisions of the Business Corporation Law, Act No. 106, ap- proved May 5, 1933, P. L. 364, and the amendments and supplements thereto, Articles of Amendment to the charter of SHAVERTOWN WATER COMPANY, having its principal place of business in the Borough of Dallas, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, will be filed with the Department of State Harris- burg, Pa., on Friday, the 20th day of August, 1948. Said Articles of Amendment are to amend the 2nd. and 3rd. paragraphs of the charter granted to said corporation under date of May 3, 1922 so as to en- large, extend and increase the area in which water is supplied, or may be supplied to the public in a por- tion of the Township of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania from its wells and pumps located, or to be located at various points in said area, without encroachment upon or any intention to compete with the facilities of any person or persons, firm or corporation now engaged in supplying water to resi- dents of certain portions of said enlarged area. B. B. LEWIS, Attorney. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PAUL J. LAUX, of 111 Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, Pa., will file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania. and. in the office of the Prothonotary of Luzerne County on Friday, the 20th day of August, 1948, an application for a certifi- cate to do business under the fic- titious name of PAUL J. LAUX and CO. Said business is to be carried on at 115-117 Pioneer Ave- nue, Shavertown, Pa. B. B. LEWIS, Attorney. NOTICE is hereby given that James B. Huston, Alderson, Lake Township, Pennsylvania, will file in the Office of the Commonwealth * Goodwin Auto PRESENTS The UNIVERSAL JEEP with HYDRAULIC LIFT ® It Saves You Time ® The 4-Wheel-Drive ® It’s Dependable You get more for your money when you invest in a Universal “Jeep.” You get a truly modern trac- tor—engineered for steady pull- ing at speeds of 2% to 7 mph, with ~~ 4-wheel-drive traction, powered by the famous 60 hp “Jeep” Engire. The “Jeep” will operate pulltype implements, or you can equip it with the new hydraulic lift that raises, lowers and controls 3-point-hitch im- plements a; the tomch of a lever by the driver's seat. You get more comfort and less fatigue—a full-back, cushioned seat, windshield, car-size lights, mudguards, easier steering. You get more than a tractor, for the “Jeep” helps out at other jobs. With power take- off, it operates shaft and belt- driven equipment. It gives you highway speeds in 2-wheel drive, and helps with your haul- ing and towing. The “Jeep” will get you through deep mud or take you cross country. See this hicle at— GOODWIN AUTO CO. 651 - 653 WYOMING AVE. versatile farm ve- Kingston, Pa.—Phone 7-3525 of Pennsylvania and in the Office of the Prothonotary of Luzerne County on August 16, 1948 his Application for a Certificate to do business under the fictitious name of “Old Toll Gate Feed Service”, said business to be carried on at Trucksville, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM A. VALENTINE Attorney SEALED PROPOSALS will be re- ceived by the Borough of Dallas, at the office of the Secretary until August 20th, 1948 at 7 P. M. at which time they will be opened and publicly read, for the furnishing of 5,000 gallons more or less road resurfacing oil, furnished and ap- plied, oil passing the State of Pennsylvania tests. 500 tons of %2-inch crushed stone or gravel, and 500 tons of stone chips. The Borough reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dallas Borough Council, J. F. Besecker, Secretary. Hoover Reunion Thirty-seventh annual reunion of the Hoover family will be held at Norris Glen on Saturday, August 21. All friends and relatives are invited. Please bring badges. Terry Will Teach Class Clarence C. Terry of Forty Fort will teach the Brace Bible Class at Dallas Methodist Church on Sunday. Last Sunday Prof. Ray- mond Kuhnert presented a very interesting lesson. JOIN 15 W CHRISTM $1 A First Drawing Each Week's Winner Receives $15 in Merchandise START NOW TO SAVE FOR CHRISTMAS We still have some choice brand-new records in stock. SALE—39¢ PAGE FIVE SANDY BEACH DRIVE-IN THEATRE Harvey's Lake FRIDAY-SATURDAY “The Return of Monte Cristo” Louis Hayward, Barbara Britton Popeye—*“What a Night” - News SUNDAY-MONDAY “Nobody Lives For- ever’ John Garfield, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Walter Brennant Faye Emerson pee Garfield at his toughest ari roughest. “1 Comedy—*“Inky at The Cir TUESDAY “Duffy’s Tavern” A host of famous movie and Radio Stars. Popeye—*“Seafaring Sea Goat” WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY “Sunbonnet Sue” Phil Regan, Gail Storm Comedy—“Mouse In Jailbreak” News Shorts COMING “Two Mrs. Carrolls” Humphrey Bogart, Barbara Stanwyck, Alexis Smith Show starts earlier as days become shorter. NOW EEKS AS CLUB Week September 3 NEXT TO POSTOFFICE DeRemer’s Radio Clinie TRUCKSVILLE GENERAL complete o| Telephon HOWARD ISAAC’S Home Appliance Store “everything from a light bulb to a LUNDY BUILDING MAIN STREET, DALLAS We have many small appliances and gifts for Various 0ccasions. ELECTRIC kitchen". Vd Gowed| - We rates right . . . Caddie LaBar’s MEMORIAL HIGHWAY stunts” for our publicity. customers spread the word that our repair service is the finest . our service efficient. When in “car trouble” —drive in here. OPEN 7:30 AM—12 MIDNIGHT “Nowadays They Try Anything For A Little Publicity” don’t have to resort to “trick Satisfied . our Service Station DALLAS