- € nn _. Centermoreland Rev. and Mrs. Carl Brandon and children after spending a week at Atlantic City . have returned home. Mrs. Hazel Robbins and sons Dale and Barry and Mrs. Layiah Martin and son spent Thursday with their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Schoonover were Wilkes-Barre shoppers on Tuesday. Philip, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jackson was operated on for appendicitis on Wednesday. William Story took a load of men to Canada fishing over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Story and daughter Mary visited his mother ! went to Philadelphia to see over the weekend. Mrs. William Kelley has sold her home and moved her furniture. Mrs. Beulah Winters was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Schoonover on Sunday. Truman Brundage passed away Sunday night after a heart attack. We all extend our sympathy to his friends and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Winters and son and Mrs. Nona Schoon- over spent Monday with their mother. | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harding and daughter of Washington, D. C., spent the weekend with the form- er’s parents. George and Loren Schoonover OUR DEMOCRACY———byMat PEOPLE ENJOY. [1 Ja NE) A 7/4 oR FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF | WHAT MAKES AMERICA TICK ? | WE TAKE FOR GRANTED,OTHERS MARVEL AT THIS COUNTRY OF OURS-ITS TREMENDOUS PRODUCTIVITY= THE LIVING STANDARDS AND THE FREEDOMS OUR HOW HAVE WE ACHIEVED THESE THINGS 2 HOW O00 WE KEEP GOING FORWARD 2? THE ANSWER LIES, NOT ALONE IN OUR NATURAL RESOURCES NOR IN OUR GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION, THOUGH THESE HAVE HELPED. =RATHER IT IS IN THE CHARACTER OF OUR PEOPLE — THEIR INDUSTRY, THEIR INITIATIVE AND SELF-RELIANCE; AND IN THE FORM OF OUR GOVERNMENT, WHICH HAS ENCOURAGED, NOT HAMPERED, THE FREE PLAY OF THESE QUALITIES OVER THE LIFETIME OF OUR REPUBLIC. CONSISTENTLY, WE HAVE PROVIDED INCENTIVE AND REWARD FOR INDIVIDUAL EFFORT= HAVE FOSTERED VOLUNTARY THRIFT= fk ; M4 ahd THE PEOPLE AND THE NAT/ON. + air eT - STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters | Todays Special - ALPHABET soup “She says there’s a ‘bad word’ in her soup!” THESE WOMEN! By d'Alessio TW N= ERT A A = <5 the ball game on Monday. Mildred Schoonover spent the weekend with her mother - and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Ferry of Union, N. Y., visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Jestie Schoonover over the Fourth of July weekend. Misses Clarabel and Ida Mae Kresge of Towanda, N.Y. are spending the week wih friends. William - Storey, Larry Merrill, Floyd and Karl Besteder and Draper and Clarence Schoonover spent the 4th of July weekend fishing in Canada. Rev. E. Lee Brehm is a patient in a New York Hospital. He had plastic surgery. Mrs. Frank Williams son, Stanley are spending a vacation in Wash- ington, D.C. and several other places. Joe Statrick Jr. Washington, D.C., vacation. P.F.C. Elmer Dickinson was home on furlough for the holidays. He is stationed in North Carolina. Philip Jackson has returned from Nesbitt Hospital after an ap- pendectomy operation. William Schoonover enlisted in the Army. He left last week for Camp Dix, N. J. Mrs. Larry Merrill, son “Ricky” and Miss Ola Mae Montross visited friends in Binghamton, N. Y., over the weekend. Card of Thanks Mrs. William Disque and family wish to thank all who sent flowers and cards and ‘assisted in any way during their recent bereavement. is home from for a week's THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1948 Bessie Linaberry Wed To George R. Scherer Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Bessie Jeanne Linaberry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis of Mt. Green- wood road, Trucksville, to George R. Scherer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Scherer of Paterson, N. J. The candlelight ceremony was ‘performed June 5 in the Columbia Methodist Church at Columbia, N.J. Rev. William Meddock 0: Miss Ruth E. street, Trucksvill honor. Bridesmai € Mrs. Bar- bara Bridge of Pompton, Plains, N. J., Miss Marguerite Alderson, Luzerne, Miss Aileen Blamire and Miss Marion Blamire of Wilkes- Barre. Sandra Courtwright of Col- umbia was flower girl and George Davis, brother of the bride, ring bearer. William Graubit of East Orange, N. J., was best man and Edward Schwartz, John White, Dr. Robert Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at the Kittatinny Beach Inn, Columbia, and the couple left for Seaside Heights, N. J. They will reside at 37 Ham- ilton street, Patterson. Mrs. Scherer is a graduate of Kingston Township High School and St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing in Bethlehem. She was a supervisor of nurses at General Hospital, Patterson, N. J. Mr. Scherer was graduated from Pat- terson High School and Lake Sus- quehanna Airport Incorporated. He is a flight instructor at Sussex, N.J. 1s RED..... RUCK ad CRe R=] Sales -Parts- Service oe PHONE 2-7572 Made of Reinforced Concrete Manufactured by C. E. GERMAN & SON 74 DILLEY STREET, FORTY FORT, PENNA. For Information Call Your : LOCAL SUPPLY DEALER or KINGSTON 17-5348 Bridge and Allen Depuy, ushers. : Carlton Shone of Trucksville was | blight. soloist. PAGE SEVEN | FARM TOPICS | J] Protect New Grain—Clean out all old grain from granaries before the new crop is stored. Clean floors and walls of bins and storage rooms. Use 5 per cent DDT in oil to paint or spray on walls and floors of bins and storage rooms. Fertilize Fish Ponds— Algae ponds feed insects which the fish eat. Algae thrive on 8-8-4 com- plete fertilizer put in the water. About 100 pounds an acre is en- ough. It should be put on in sev- eral applications. Control Mosquitoes— Eliminate breeding places, especially on a community basis, to control mos- quitoes. Drain stagnant water ponds and keep enough fish in other ponds to eat the mosquito larvae. Fight Late Blight—Tomato grow- ers should be alert to prevent late Spraying every 10 days or dusting at 7-day intervals is recom- mended. Curb Insect Attacks— Japanese beetles and rose chafers can be controlled by DDT used as a spray or dust. Ice Cream Social” Meeker W.S.C.S. will hold an ice cream social and bake sale on the Connelly lawn, Lehman Outlet road, Wednesday, July 14 starting at 5:30. Committee members are Mrs. Viola Hoover and Mrs. Connelly. sEmSENIERImG HAVING TROUBLE ITH YOUR CAR? Ze { hs & PA Wn , in » uP s 224 SA WE DO EXPERT REPAIR WORK aun HAZELTINE’S AUTO SERVICE MAIN STREET Dallas, Pennsylvania VB I Rf py 1 ew Ty mena NOR yy, J mst Here Is The Election Schedule For The Remainder of the Year By Pennsylvania News Service The State Bureau of Elections has listed the following highlights on election procedure from the present time to the General Elec- tions on November 2, 1948. AUGUST 30—Last day for candi- dates nominated at April Primary by write-in or by stickers, to pay | filing fee, otherwise office will be | declared vacant. AUGUST 23— Last day for with- drawal of candidates nominated at the primary or by nomination papers. SEPTEMBER 2— Last day an elector may move from one elec- tion ‘district to another in order to be eligible to vote at the Gen- eral Election. SEPTEMBER 11— Last day to register before the November 2 General Election. SEPTEMBER 13—Last day to file substituted nomination -certi- ficates to fill vacancies caused by withdrawal of candidates nomina- ted at the primary election or by nomination papers. OCTOBER 23—Last day before the general election an elector who has since the time of registration suffered a physical disability which requires him to have assistance in voting, may personally make appli- cation to the proper registration commission to have such fact en- tered in his registration card. OCTOBER 26—Last day before the general election (for Philadel- phia ONLY) in which an elector who has suffered a physical = ability requiring voting assistance, may apply to have such fact enter- ed on his registration card. NOVEMBER 1—On or before this date, county boards of election shall deliver the necessary ballots and supplies to the various judges of election. NOVEMBER 2—General Election | Day. Polls shall remain open con- tinuously between 7 A. M. and 8 P. M. The Court of Common Pleas shall be in session from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M., except in judicial dis- tricts having one judge, in which case court shall be in session from 7 A. M. to Noon, and from 2 P. M. to 5:30 P. M., and then from 7 P. M. to 10 P. M. NOVEMBER 5—Return boards { | meet at noon to canvass and com- pute the votes cast at the general election. NOVEMBER 19—Candidates re- ceiving tie votes at election cast lots at noon before the Secretary of the Commonwealth of the county boards of election to determine election. NOVEMBER 22—Last day for county boards of elections to file returns with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. This is also .the last day to file petition to contest the election of any candidate. DECEMBER 3—First day after general election to register. Also first day to change party or non- partisan enrollment. Be Mrs. Thomas Foss Entertains At Shower Mrs. Thomas Foss of Meeker en- | tertained at a variety shower hon- oring Mrs. William Calkins Thurs- day evening., Mrs. Calkins is the former Pauline Ehret of Lehman. The party table was attractive with center piece of yellow garden flowers and yellow tapers. Favors were miniature lacy flower pots with variegated colored gum drop flowers. = Present were: Mrs. Edna Bowman of Courtdale, Mrs. Edward Tinkle- paugh of Trucksville; Mrs. Charles Masters of Muhlenburg; Mrs. Rich- ard Davenport, Mrs. Sheldon Pol- lock of Sweet Valley; Mrs. H. L. Hendricks, Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth, Mrs. Russell Ruble, Miss Vera Whitesell, Mrs. Robert Disque, Mrs. Sheldon Ehret, Mrs. Howard Ehret, Mrs. Arthur Ehret, Miss Alice Ehret the guest of honor and the hostess. JES et LOANS MEET INCOME TAXES INSURANCE PREMIUMS EDUCATIONAL TUITION MEDICAL-DENTAL BILLS -HOSPITAL- CPERATION CHARGES bot} - Quick Courteous: SIT aT | WYOMING NATIONAL Bo ‘Mary Louise Ockenhouse Celebrates Birthday Mary Louise Ockenhouse, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ocken- house of Rice Street celebrated her fifth birthday anniversary with a party for her little friends last Friday. Present were: Virginia and Ricky Drake, Carol and Janet Reed, Mary Dora and Durelle Scott, San- dra and Dickie Clark, Todd and Jeff Gibbs; Peter and Gwen Weav- er, Dale and Ilene Rattigan, Eve- lyn Fiske, Douglas Trumbower, Floyd Marley, Allen Ockenhouse Jr. and the guest of honor. Brace Class To Hold Covered Dish Supper Members of the Brace Bible Class of Dallas Methodist Church will entertain their wives and friends at a covered dish supper in the Ohlman Grove Monday, July 12, at 6 o'clock. Members are asked to bring a covered dish, their own silver, plates and cups. Coffee and dessert will be served by the class. Chairman of the committee is H. M. Strub assisted by Harry Ohl- man, James Besecker and Dan Robinhold. Hk 0 RUE Eh Shee Be EEE) There's A Reason _ By GENE BYRNES I HOPE RICHARDSON (SN'T AS CLOSE - MOUTHED AS THE REST OF COLONEL CANFIELD'S BUSINESS PALS ,CONNIE.! HE'S THE LAST ON OUR LIST! REG'LAR FELLERS THE COLONEL?Z--- PURELY SOCIAL, TOM! < / 7 INVEST DON'T HAND ME MY RELATIONS WITH THAT, BILL! I SOMETHING IN THESE NIGHTLY CONFERENCES! JUST LIKE THE TOLD You ,CHUM OW YOU'RE. NEWS STORY IN OKING UP ALONG! I GOTTA MAKE SOME DOUGH! OTHER BOYS { THERE'S NO IT! NOW RUN WELL, SHERLOCK! you SEEM TO BE UP AGAINST A STONE WALL! -