PAGE SIX Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver Jr. of Main Road, Trucksville, celebra- ted their second wedding anniver- sary on June 19. They have one son, Skippy. Mrs. Shaver ‘is the former Mary Snyder, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Lehman. | Siedel of Upper Darby were recent | FOG NO-DRIP FULL PINT NO-DRIP FULL QUART Perfect forall home uses. Tested and guaranteed. No mess or dripping ever. ADMIRAL DUSTER Death to pests. With $4.50 powder. 2 ft. reach. All-angle nozzle. HUDSON QUALITY GOODS AT BROWN & FASSETT “We Deliver” Fernbrook—Telephone 330-R-2 | callers of Mrs. Mary Emmanuel. and Fred Risch enter- ORANGE i tained on Saturday Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans have Newman and children "of Falls returned from visiting Mr. and Church, Va, Mrs. A. Cooper and Mrs" Russsll Eyet at Long Island, | daughter, Katherine of Swoyerville. New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bedford of Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell and Culver City, California are visit- daughter Gladys spent the weekend ing friends and relatives here. with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bell at' Mr. and Mrs. John Perry have Mehoopany. | returned from visiting their dau- Mrs. Otis Agnew, Mrs. Walter ghter Mrs. Lewis Bedford at Culver Stauffer and son John and Dorrie City, Cal. Miss Edith Brace and Larry Brace j have returned from touring the Brice Sickler'! New England States and Canada. | Mr. and Mrs. M/Sgt. and Mrs. children, Beatrice, John; Joy ; and Gloria of District Heights, Md., | have returned home after visiting It’s not too late to gather to- Mrs. Mary Emmanuel and family. | ther those used or new articles Miss Anita Emmanuel accompanied | for the Library Auction. Howard them home. Risley’s Barnyard, July 10. ery : 1 13] Soles -Parts-Service REO TRUCK € Bus CoO. WwW OOD STREET WILKES - BARRE PHONE .2-7572 FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL FREE COMPLETE WHEEL BALANCING WITH EVERY NEW TIRE BOUGHT HERE LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE Kelly Springfields oi- 812.50 YOUR LIFE IS WORTH MORE THAN A FEW DOLLARS TRADE IN YOUR “RISKY” TIRES NOW Caddie LaBar’s Service Station MEMORIAL HIGHWAY DALLAS THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1948 IDETOWN Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hawke of Maryland, Mrs. Charles Hawke, Charlotte and Norma Hawke of Bear Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Neely, Floyd Neely and son Ray of Wilkes-Barre spent Sunday with Mrs. A. A. Neely and Mr. and Mus. Ralph Welsh. _The Confidence Class will have a garden party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Agnew on July 10 from 2 to 4. Mrs. Murphey of Scranton will give a reading. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bridge, N. 'Y,, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. Mrs. Ernest Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Keller had as Sunday guests Alpha Smith, El- len and Warren Smith and Al Menninger of Richmond Hill, L. I Kerry Greenwood of Kingston is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux. Mr. and Mrs. and family of Plymouth are spend- Mrs. Margaret Jennings. Mrs. Albert London and daugh- ters Janice and Judy spent last week with relatives and friends in Rahway, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Garinger spent Sunday in Binghamton, N.Y. Joseph Davis is recuperating at his home in Rochester, N. Y. after an appendix operation. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lyons of Forty. Fort and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Randall of Huntsville. Mrs. Sam Ross and daughter, Gale of Berwick are sometime with ter Kitchen. spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Frank Wright and sister, Mrs. Claire McKenna. Mooretown Minstrel An old fashioned minstrel show will be presented in the Moore- town Church Hall, Thursday eve- ning, July 8 at 8 o'clock. Refresh- ments will be sold. Matthews and family of Chenango | Miss Helen Ann | Pollock of Washington, D. C. spent Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kanon and | sons, Joseph and John of Nanti- coke, spent Sunday with Mr. and | Willard Roberts ing this week with her mother, ! Samuel Frantz and mother, Mrs. ! Edith Frantz of Binghamton, N.Y.! Other callers | at the Reilly home on Sunday were spending ! Mr. and Mrs. Wal- | Howard Wright of Vestal, N. YY. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dymond of Wyoming took Mrs. Charles Hil- bert’ to visit Mrs. Charles Bigelow, Sr.,, who has been staying with her son Harry while preparations were being made for Mrs. Bigelow to move to Norristown. Have you noticed the “Dewey” appearance of things recently? Mr. and Mrs. William Coats of Sayre spent a few days with the Edward MacDougalls recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of | Potsdam, N. Y., are with Mrs. Smith's parents = the “Butch” 3miths for a rest. The Earl Johnsons have a snappy new Chrysler Windsor. Tommy May called in the State | Police to investigate the theft of | a cow which was then butchered but a few yards off his property. | No small wonder—people are get- ting desperate at the price of beef! Said correspondent is enroute to Canada for the first days of bass fishing with her husband and the “Casey” Denmons. Rosemary Kozak : SHORT OF CIL? SEE US | The new 1948 Winkler | Low Pressure Oil Burner | is here. It burns less Oil— 25 to 50% It burns most any Oil Less Service HEATRITE Sales & Service Co. Route 309 & Center Street SHAVERTOWN, PA. DALLAS 579-R-7 — 153-R-8 | | i | 1 T will capably take over. You'li be hearing from me again ”y after I catch the “big one”! SPORT NEWS No game Sunday! Rain! SWEET VALLEY Mrs. Loren Cragle and Mrs. Edgar Newton visited the Albert Holcombs Sunday evening. Mrs. Albert Hontz of Mooretown attended the funeral of James Web- ber, a returned veteran in Edwards- ville on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley en- tertained Mrs. Mrs. Belfrey and son of Philadel- 'phia for a few days last week. Harold Britt and Alice Mae are visiting relatives in New York State. Mrs. Harry Deets and: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long had as dinner guests Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Long of Coudersport and Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Long and June. The pathy death week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson spent Monday in New York City community extends its sym- to -McKinley Long in the of his two brothers last i and Tuesday in Pittsburgh. Harold Cragle and family visited relatives in Berwick on Sunday. Miss Bess Klinetob had as Sun- day guests Mr. and Mrs. Reynald Drasher and daughters of Wilkes- Barre, Mrs. Francis Keller and children and Mrs. Larry Smith and children. See you at the Library Auction in Howard Risley’s Barnyard July tenth. READY PHONE 124-R-2 - HARVEY’S LAKE 4088 for exterior PAINTING “Protects and Beautifies” This famous exterior paint has been protecting America’s homes for over a century and a quarter. There's none better, and because of its ease of application, length of wear and beauty of finish, people have found it to be the most eco- nomical in the long run. Complete painting information cheerfully given. WET HERILL" ATL A 4 PAINTS Fernbrook Builders Supply OPEN SATURDAYS ‘TIL 5P.M. G. R. CUPPELS, Prop. | MIXED Just off Fernbrook Corners [0] BEACH BALLS BATHING CAPS - GUARANTEED POCKET WATCHES GUARANTEED WRIST WATCHES FLASHLIGHTS HARMONICAS 00000000000 Ll HERE'S YOUR JULY 4th ICE CREAM IN THE ECONOMICAL ALSO BATHING CAPS FOR SMALL CHILDREN PICNIC PLATES and NAPKINS pkg. ANSCO and EASTMAN CAMERAS 8:3 to 227° Your choice of 6 delicious flavors of Breyers —~famous Bulk Ice Cream at a money-saving price. FILM * Fresh Peach Ice Cream $ 1.25 39, 49, 89 $2.50 & § 3.50 LL SIZES BIG TWO-FISTED CAP GUNS for the young patriot 49c $1.49 $1.98 CAP GUN AMMUNITION : 6 boxes for 25¢ WESTERN TYPE HOLSTERS ONE and TWO-GUN $1.00—$1.50 KINDS $7.65 to $13.50 each .15 19, $1.35 &$ 1.55 15 &$ 1.00 WIND PROOF Cigarette LIGHTERS $1.00 to $5.00 The kind that give you a light when you want it. DEVELOPING SUH TAH LOTION QUICK SERVICE 25¢ and 50c 25¢ and 49c 35¢ and 60c BAL The Rexall Store SHAVERTOWN PENNS YLVANIA Handy to take on a vacation. EVANS DRUG STORE GUARANTEED L POINT PEN . pocket size $1.00 ee FOR THE HOLIDAY POCKET KRNIVES - FISHERMAN’S KNIFE WITH FISH SCALER AND SAFETY CATCH FISHING LICENSES SUN GLASSES - FITSRITE AUDIPHONE EAR PROTECTORS for bathers GOLDENTONE LONG LIFE PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES PLAYS 1,000 TO 3,000 TIMES Also 10c packages of phonograph needles 2 STAINLESS STEEL WIRE- WOUND GUIDES 2 PIECE STEEL BAIT CASTING ROD! Precision-built with Stainless Steel Line Guides and Tip. Die Cast Aluminum Handle with Locking Ring for Reel. Two Piece Enamel Finish. HAS ACTION AND BALANCE OF HIGHER PRICED RODS LEVEL WIND CASTING REEL ONLY LOW PRICED QUALITY BUILT REEL WITH LIFETIME REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE $219 BOTH FOR 6 EE ——————————_———— 00 0000000000000 49c, T5¢ & $1.00= [HHERAROREEA BE i 25¢ to 4.98 pair 25¢ each 50¢ STAINLESS STEEL TIP TOP 1393 en © Quadruple Multiplying © 100 Yard Capacity ° @ Sturdy Nickel Plated and Styron Plas- tic Construction © Level Wind—Synchro- nized * TI