THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1948 PAGF FIVE "To Hold Garden Party Bt Trucksville Church Since so many tickets have al- ready been sold for the seventh annual garden party of Trucks- ville Volunteer Fire Company Aux- iliary the party will be held at the Trucksville Methodist Church in- stead of the Fire Hall as previously planned. Mrs. Howard Murphy will read “Stars In My Crown” by Joe David Brown starting promptly at 2 o’clock. FRIDAY-SATURDAY “Dakota” John Wayne, Vera Ralston Selected Shorts—Cartoon TUESDAY “Blondie Knows Best” Arthur Lake, Penny Singleton Screen Snapshots—Cartoon * * * Sandy Beach Drive-In Theatre Harvey’s Lake Come early for the show and enjoy a swim before show time. Try our delicious french fries, hot dogs, and many fountain delights. A special place built under roof for picnickers in case of rain or for those desiring shade. PICNIC DATES AVAILABLE CALL HARVEY’S LAKE—3636 SUNDAY-MONDAY “Copacabana” Groucho Marx, Carmen Miranda Andy Russell Bugs Bunny—Selected Shorts WED.-THUR. “Stork Club” Betty Hutton, Don DeFoe Pop-Eye in “I'll Be Skiing You” Selected Shorts * * hamburgers, steak sandwiches, * moment in your life. series of pictures for you. albums our specialty. Pictures on display at The Grace T. Cove "Shop, Dallas. ' TELEPHONE 472-R-9 To Cherish Forever An indelible record of the happiest Let us take a ¢h JAMES KOZEMCHAK, Photographer Member Photographic Association of America Bridal HUNTSVILLE Trucksville Shavertown Dallas Twp. SCORES IN DALLAS KIWANIS LEAGUE Friday, June 25 9 Dallas 15 Jackson Twp. 18 Fernbrook Tuesday, June 29 Dallas Twp. 10 Jackson Twp. 2 5 | Shavertown 4 Trucksville 2 4 | Fernbrook 9 Dallas 0 FOR SALEK THREE PONIES BRIDLES AND SADDLES R. EVANS IDETOWN ROAD HUNTSVILLE Fun in your Future! $1,000 IN PRIZES Admiral Refrigerator G E Electric Range Radio Phonograph Combination Electric Vacuum Cleaner Electric Toaster AND MANY OTHER PRIZES TRUCKSVILLE FIREMEN'S SUMMER FAIR JULY 22, 23 and 24 Enter your boy in the Soap Box Derby. COMMUNITY DINNER JULY 22 AT 5 O’CLOCK You can buy a watermelon for the weekend with what YOU SAVE ON MEAT AT LARE'S BOILING BEEF CHUCK ROAST PORK BUTTS PORK LOIN Fresh Ground” HAMBURGER SMOKED HAMS PORK and BEANS Early June PEAS No. 215 DICED RED BEETS Ice Cold WATERMELONS DICED CARROTS eben chen rs ee eke er hs 25¢. LB. SR sth eel 33c. LB: vn shi Sn Pe A ne See 49¢ LB. Cre pT CES 49¢ LB. Tad TIARAS (each) 99¢ ‘OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT TIL 8 P. M. LARE’S MARKET 188 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE BET your life we're going to be there—and so are a pair of geese, pheasants, mallard ducks, puppies, pigeons, tools and almost anything for a farm or barnyard. Also hundreds of pieces of good used furniture, old glassware, oval picture frames, antiques. ‘Don’t miss the fun 1 lamps, Lots of brand new articles too! BACK MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY AUCTION JULY 10 Howards Risley’s Barnyard Lehman, Avenue DALLAS stoves, refrigerators, and Promptly relieves coughs of TIGHT ACHING CHEST COLDS MUSTEROLE Fourth of July Specials Sun Burn Lotions GYPSY CREAM Liquid & Cream _ 59¢ Tartan Lotion 59¢ | Johnson’s Baby Oil... 10c & 43c Insect Repellents MOSQUITO CREAM Safe For Babies |... 30c Mosquito Stick 25¢ | Un X 1d LOTION 6 to 10 hour relief 69c ~KUEHN’S DRUG STORE City - DALLAS Large, WATERMELONS Direct From Dixie’s Finest Gardens Serve Them Ice Cold For A Perfect Treat Extra Large Calif. CANTALOUPES Fancy Freestone PEACHES Crisp Iceberg LETTUCE NEW POTATOES Again " Has All The Fixin’s to make your Holiday most enjoyable. "Picnic Time Your Nearby Acme Market Every department is full to overflowing with all of the foods you’ll be wanting—Real choice foods Sweet, Ripe r Low Prices each 25¢ 2 26e Closed All Day Monday, July 5th te Solid, Ripe, Slicing © = 9c | TOMATOES Full Peck (15 lbs.) 9c f ws 196 Quality lieats for Holiday Satisfaction % i Premium and HAL HAMBURG BAGOR Sliced 1S: Serve Hot for Dinner—Slice id for Sandwiches Fresh Ground Fancy CHICKENS Sweet Rasher PIGN Other Top Brands . Whole C | ( WAL Shank { eel Halt L Swift Premium » 3c | FRANK i iy MEAT LOAVES 69% | BRAUNSWEIGER - 63c Ready-to-Eat Tender, Smoked Ib. eg Ib. 49¢ FRITOS New Corn Ribbon T: os. 196 An Old Friend Is Back—Just in Time for the 4th eg Virginia Lee—DeLuxe Ring POUND CAKES reat each T5¢ Individual Frankfurter SWIFT’NING SHORTCAKES or Bar-B-Que SHORTENING ne 19¢ ROLLS .... 15¢ ==> 0c 31.18 Supreme Rye Bread « 15¢ KRETSCHMER’S » WHEAT GERM Supreme Br idge Rye od 15¢ 290 Virginia Lee Donuts ar. 156 HEINZ Glendale Club 2 Ib. sTRAINED Foops | CHEESE FOOD loat $1.03 Rich, Cheddar 6 53¢c | saRp Oneese 6% Heinz Junior Foods BALA CLUB 6 “= T20 BEVERAGES 58 Heinz Cereal Foods | J %oi' 95 5% §0¢ Loe 2 i 33¢c Plus Tax and Deposit a Formicle Sweel Tender Peas 2c... 25¢ HerhOx wii Nis Bouillon Cubes Ritter’s Pork and Beans Yoo 2N:23l¢| Omigen on Tg Chicken of the Sea Tuna fi w= 40c Frencls y They're 6 ox. Cream Salad Snyder’s Potato Chips he = 2h MUSTARD n 0! ox. 8 oz, oz. Wilsons Mor. vaio a 49¢| “9% 13 Creamwhite Shortening Creamwhite Shortening LUX Reg. Size gh “The 27 LIFEBUOY TOILET SAP 10» 420 | Princess Paper Napkins 31». $1.28 | Cuirite Wax Paper LUX FLAKES Med. Size Large Size fe 3% RINSO =e pkg. of 80 13¢ 125 ft. Bh 22 SOAP He Combination Sale SILVER DUST @QOLD DUST 2 Reg. Size Palmolive 1 Bath Size Palmolive All For 32 Fee lon. ow Yo] UF 2 SOAP POWDER 8