~~ Huntsville road will spend the holi- PAGE FOUR * ‘ THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 2 1043 Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Chineh Daints Purely Personal | Mrs. Constanza Weir and Miss Mary Weir of Goodleigh Farms mother, Mrs. Ziba Howell of Shav- had as weekend guests thé former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and | Saturday after spending a week Mrs. Martin Weir of New Jersey.: up py and Mrs. H. UMiller of George Turn of Shaver- | Reading. Mrs. town is recuperating after being | a patient at General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Goss Manor had as weekend guests last week the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver and Geraldine Ann and Lloyd Jr. of Newton Square, Wil- liam Dewees of Conshohocken, Brenton Gray of Lansdowne and Elizabeth Whitby of Upper Darby. | Trucksville, R.D. will attend the Jackie Berti, Main road, bk ted his ninth birthday anniversary on Sunday. i Hessler of Lebanon, Mrs. Phebey and son, Edward and Mrs. | Marie Doty and grandson of New for Camp Leonore at Hinesdale, York State. All were former class- Mass, after spending a vacation mates at Wyoming High School. Mrs. is spending some time with her son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Nulton of Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson of Vestal, N. Y., spent Fathers’ Day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson of Lehman. Miss Mary Reedy of Atlanta Georgia, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reedy of Center Hill road. She expects to attend Columbia Uni- versity this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risley of day weekend at Lake Carey as guests of Attorney and Mrs. Leigh- ton R. Scott. F 2/C David Shaver who is stationed at Brooklyn with the U. S. Navy spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver of Center Hill road. Joe Cooke of Swarthmore is spending several weeks with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Schurz of Center Hill road. Mr. and Mrs. Schurz and Davie and Jimmie and Joe spent Sunday at Eagles Mere. Mrs. Benjamin Frantz Jr. Hill- crest Lodge, Huntsville, has been a patient at Nesbitt Memorial Hos- pital for the past week. | Zena and Jolyon, have returned to | her brother, James and wife in Mrs. Frances Lewis of Lehman! New York City. entertained Friday Miss Dorothy | 4]50 stay with a brother at Sheeps Anna | Head Bay. | with her parents, Ida Nulton of Forty Fort Alan Kistler at Harvey's Lake. ' of Lincoln drive, Shavertown. Kitty Frantz is spending a week at Sky Lake Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Taylor of Melbourne, Florida, are the guests of Mrs. Charles B. Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doll and Jimmy Casterline of Evans Falls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ~ George Landon. Mrs. Warren Compton, North- ampton, Mass. and Mrs. Louise Mason, Springfield, Mass., sister of Mrs. Henry Peterson, spent weekend with the Petersons: Mrs. William Lynch of Harris- the burg spent several days last weel’ with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Wil- COX. > oii Mr. and Mrs. Fre.x Garrahan have sold their home on Church U. S. Army. He reported to Camp trect to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flanna- | pix, gan of Detroit, Mich, have left | Mr. and Mrs. Andy Adams of to live with their son and daughter- | Efferta spent Sunday with Mr. and in-law in Hatfield, Pa. day to his home on Orchard street after spending several days as a patient at General Hospital where he was under observation. Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph of Norton avenue had as weekend guests Mrs. Robert Blakeslee of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Remphrey of Sunbury and Mrs. Robert Setzer of Winfield. They all came to attend the Thomas wedding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weid of Main street have as guest their niece, Mrs. George Donahue of Le Grange, Ill. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY—SATURDAY “Cass Timberlane” Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner, Zachary Scott News MONDAY—TUESDAY “Elephant Boy” Sabu Three Stooges—Cartoon WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY “Unsuspected” Joan Caulfield, Claude Rains Audrey Totter Cartoon Joseph- | Mrs. A. C. Devens. Barry Edwards returned Satur- for many years field man in this Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Thomas who were married Saturday after-! noon are spending their honeymoon in Atlantic City. Mrs. Thomas is the former Miss, Jane Joseph of Norton avenue. Miss Marjorie Howell R. N. of Mineola, L.I. will arrive today to spend a month’s vacation with her Mrs. Howell ertown. returned Mrs. Michael Strub and children, their home on Machell avenue after spending two weeks visiting Mrs. Strub’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich= ard Giering at Easton. Mr. Strub was on a business trip to Wins- ton-Salem, N. C. Miss June Kistler of Harvey's Lake and Miss Edith Howell of summer session at New, York Uni- versity. Miss Kistler will live with Miss Howell will Miss Emily Kistler left Monday Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lutsey who has been ill at his home on S. River street is improving. Marilyn Mosier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mosier of Kunkle road is spending several weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ruggles at Pike's Creek. Mrs. Amanda Yaple is able to be out again after a relapse at her home on Claude street. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simonton of Harrisburg spent the weekend visiting the latter's mother and grandmother, Mrs. Florence Phil- lips and Mrs. F. M. Gordon. The Phillips and Mrs. Gordon drove them back Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hinkle and daughter, Marilyn of Columbus, Ohio, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hinkle Mr. Hinkle is a brother of Ted’s. Mari- lyn is remaining with the Hinkles for a two week’s visit. Sunday Harold Roderick of Syracuse, form- er Wilkes-Barre resident, was din- ner guest at the Hinkle home. | Nancy Dodson returned to her home in Lincoln, Mass., on Tues- day after spending a vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hutchison of Overbrook road. Mrs. Mae Townend has returned to Twin Spruce, Pioneer avenue, after spending several weeks at Buck Hill Inn. Mrs. Thomas Reese has been ill at her home on Franklin street. Mrs. Robert Hislop returned to her home on Franklin street Tues- day after spending sveral days at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia where she was under observation. ; Robert Moore has been ill at his home on Franklin street this week. Bud Sutton who has been living at the Morris home on Franklin street has gone to Waterbury, Conn., to work. Bob Galey has enlisted in the Mr. Adams was area for Tioga-Empire Milling Com- pany and has many friends here. It was his first trip to Dallas since March, 1942. GIVE JUST ONE THING YOU'D LIKE TO KEEP To The LIBRARY AUCTION Howard Risley’s Barnyard July 10 WEDDINGS Candidly Photographed Beautifully Mounted % E. C. HubpsonN Darras 168-RO Davis Street, Trucksville Miss Arlene V. Crispell, Weds Conrad Swinehart Miss Arlene V. Crispell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crispell of Harvey's Lake became the bride wood, Pa. on Satyfday, Jupe”12. Rev. Harry Ryhdell Performed the ceremony. ies” Iva Hoover sang “I Love You Truly”, and “Tzll Me, Do You Love Me?” Mrs. El- mer Hoover was accompanist. Attendants were, Leah Crispsli and Willard Crispell, brother and sister-in-law of the bride. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in an aqua sharkskin suit, with white acces- sories, white shattered carnations. maid of honor wore a pink gaber- dine suit, with white accessories, and shoulder bouquet of pink shat- tered carnations. The mother of the bride wore a navy blue serge dress with a ‘shoul- der bouquet of red rose buds. The bridegroom’s mother wore a black and white crepe dress with a | shoulder bouquet of red rose buds. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held for members of the families at the bride’s home, after which the couple left for a trip to New England States. Visit Hunting Lodge A number of local men spent the weekend at the Dallas Hunt- ing Lodge near Dushore. They were Ross Lewin, Jack Yaple, Har- old Flack, Mark Cronin, Walter Elston, H. A. Smith, Marvin Briggs and Don Coughlin, Joe Hughes and Hume Daron. Miss Daisy Jane Bellas Is Guest at Shower Miss Charlotte Peeke entertained at a variety shower honoring Miss Daisy Jane Bellas, Monday evening at her home on Glenview Terrace, Fernbrook. Miss Bellas married ‘Robert Lee Williams yesterday. The guests were entertained by a reading given by Mrs. Herbert Wil- liams and vocal solos by Barbara Hope. Group singing was enjoyed. Those present were the Misses Nancy Hessler, Peggy Martin, Joy Lamoreaux, Mary Foote, Frances Hildebrant, Nancilou Anderson, La- Berta Shultz, Clara Ann Evans, Barbara Hope, Mary Carey, Harriet Prater, Phyllis Kunkle, Daisy Bellas, Eula Dymond, Mildred Borton, Charlotte Peeke and the Mes- dames: Alverna Lamoreaux, Vera Welitchko, Elwood Dymond, Jean Williams, Herbert Williams, Earl Bellas, Charles. Have Baby Girl Mr. and Mrs. Junior Searfoss of West Nanticoke announce the birth of a baby girl at Homepathic Hos- pital Thursday morning, June 24. This is their first child. Mrs. Sear- foss is the former Joyce Widger, cousin of Mrs. Leslie Warhola of Dallas. Mr. Searfoss is employed at the Dallas Post. Nieces of Prof. Barnum Visit Home and Grave Mrs. Charles Lee Faries and dau- ghters, Elizabeth of Tripp City, Mrs. Vincent Bombardi and mother- in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Bombardi of Takoma Park, Maryland, visited Idetown friends and relatives and refreshed old memories with neigh- bors last week. Mrs. Faries is niece and her three daughters, grandnieces of the late professor James Barnum, son of the late Judge Barnum. They thoroughly enjoyed the old home- stead at Idetown built by the Bar- nums and now occupied by the Charles Matthews. While here they visited their uncle’s grave in Forty Fort. The late Professor Barnum was organist, pianist and ‘choir direc- tor of the Idetown Methodist church for many years and gave piano ‘lessons to a Y MACHELL AVENUE $7,000.00 Approximately 10 Acres 275 Feet Frontage Suitable for fine home site or Development of Colony of Small Houses. Near Huntsville Reservoir J. W. Young 4 5 116 Realtor and shoulder bouquet of ! The | good many | young folks throughout this section. ' Miss Claire Stevenson Becomes ‘Bride Of Glenn Nissley, Wednesday Miss Claire Stevenson, daughter of Conrad J. Swineharg; son of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stevenson of and Mrs. Conrad Swigkhart of Kirk Middleton, formerly of Harvey's Lake, became the bride of Glenn I Nissley of Middleton, Wednesday, June 20 at high noon in the Wash- ington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge. Attendants were Mrs. Malcolm Arnold, sister of’ the bride, and Robert Nissley, brother of the bridegroom. : The bride was attractive in street length dress of white eyelet organ- die fashioned with tight bodice and full skirt. She wore a match- ing sweetheart shaped bonnet and At a very pretty wedding Miss Dorothy Jean Considine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Considine of Trucksville Gardens, became the bride of Robert Griffiths, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Griffiths of Trucksville Gardens Saturday, June 19 at 3 o'clock. Rev. Ralph | A. Weatherly performed the double ' ring ceremony in Grace Episcopal ; Church Kingston. Organist was Mrs. Ruth Turn Reynolds. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore gown -of white satin, fashioned with tight bodice and full skirt entrain, off the shoulder neckline and long tight sleeves, pointed at wrists. Her finger tip veil of imported illusion fell from a bonnet of chantilly lace and she carried a white prayer book marked with an orchid with ! streamers of lilies of the valley: Maid of honor, Miss Marguerite Greenwood, selected aqua brocad- ed satin styled like the bridal gown. She wore matching sweet- heart bonnet and mitts and car- : ried red roses. Miss Betty Griffiths, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Roberta Luft, both of Trucksville were bridesmaids. Betty chose yel- low satin with matching bonnet and mitts and Roberta, pink. Both carried yellow and pink roses. carried a white prayer boek mark- ed with an orchid. Mrs. Arnold chose pink eyelet organdie similarly styled and a shoulder bouquet of sweet peas. Following . the ceremony the couple left for a motor trip through the New England States. On their return they will reside at 311 Elm Court, Middletown. Mrs. Arnold is a graduate of Middletown High School and has been employed at the State Capitol in Harrisburg. . Mr. Arnold is as- sociated with his father in the garage business at Middletown. Miss Dorothy Jean Considine Is Bride of Robert Griffiths Mrs. Considin / mother of the | bride wore aid with matching ac- | cessories and § white baby carna- tions and Mrs. iffiths, blue with matching accessories and white car- nations. Best man was Merton Hoffman of Johnson City, N. Y. and ushers, Robert Considine, brother of the bride and Bruce Griffiths, brother of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride and the couple left for Niagara Falls. Mrs. Griffiths is a graduate of Kingston Township High School. Mr. Griffiths was graduated from Kingston Township High School and served for three years with the U. S. Army in Europe. He is now engaged in construction work at Bethlehem. : Out-of-town guests at the wed- ding were Miss Marie Grall and Miss Bertha Huey of Jenkintown; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. May and Mrs. L. Grall of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker, Mrs. Freda Hess and James Logan of Camden, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lyons and daughter, Delores of New Cumber- land; Mr. and Mrs. Merton Hoff- man of Johnson City, N. Y.; Miss | Marguerite Dorsch of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. John Yaple Is Hostess to Card Club Mrs. John Yaple entertained members of her bridge club at her home at Goss Manor last Wed- nesday evening. Present were: Mrs. Lettie Culver, Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mrs. Harvey McCarty, Mrs. Karl Kuehn, Mrs. Betty Warhola, Mrs. Peynton Lee, Miss Gertrude Wilson and the hostess. Mrs. Howard Appleton Is Hostess At Bridge Mrs. Howard Appleton entertain- ed members of her bridge club at her home on Shaver avenue last Wednesday. Present were: Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Herbert Ray, Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. Howard Ide, Mrs. Cedric Griffiths, Mrs. Wal- ter Cook, Mrs. Frank Garris and the hostess. ® PAPER PLATES ® DIXIE CUPS ® “HOT CUP” 46-48 MAIN STREET PICNIC SUPPLIES ® WOODEN FORKS & SPOONS © PAPER TABLE CLOTHS A THOUSAND AND ONE OTHER HANDY ITEMS Dallas 5, 10 to $1.00 Store ® DRINKING STRAWS ® SANDWICH BAGS ® PAPER NAPKINS DALLAS “HAUCK’S CR yoy HAUCK” . & 7° MEANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY - TELEPHONE 535 - DALLAS “FLOWERS FROM SUPERIOR MERIT FINER QUALITY FLOWERS WE SPECIALIZE IN Distinctive Wedding and Funeral Designs FLOWERS Entertain Harmony Club At Howard James Home Mrs. Lewis Evans and Mrs. How- ard James were hostesses to mem- bers of the Demunds Harmony Club at the James home last week. Present were: Mrs. George Berlew, Mrs. William Rozelle, Mrs. Coray B. Ransom, Mrs. George Kraftek, Mrs. Henry Phillips, Mrs. Ira Frantz, Mrs. J. J. Voitek, Mrs. A. L. Youngblood, Mrs. Russell Race, Mrs. F. M. Drake, Virginia and Ricky Drake, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Harry Sweppenheiser Sr., Harry Jr., Mrs. Evan and Mrs. James. Plans were made for the annual picnic July 22, Mrs. J. J. Voitek, chairman. Next meeting will be held July 8 at the home of Mrs. George Ber- lew. Mrs. Albert Baker will assist her. S TO BE NgTIME RAZA Oo & \ . "TRY US FOR EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS HENRY’S Watch Repair Shop Located in Hazeltine’'s Garage Next to the Bank on MAIN STREET, DALLAS Mrs. Arthur Hoover, Hostess At Meeker Mrs. Arthur Hoover entertained members of the Meeker W.S.C.S. recently. Plans were made to hold a picnic at the home of Mrs. Hazel Nichols at Nicholson some time in August. Present at the meeting were: Mesdames Lillie Connelly, Ruth Rogers, Lillian Hildebrant, Mary King, Dorothy Steele, Edna Kirsch- ner, Janet King, Marie F. Wolfe, Helen Van Buskirk, Mary Scovelle, Mattie Sites, Marie B. Wolfe, Wil- helmena Rebennack, Glendoris Shil- anski, Eva Drabick, Viola Hoover, Hazel Nichol; Miss Letha Wolfe and Rev. Henry Kiessel. Every time a rubber stamp § is used it produces the § same imprint. Our famous brands also are always the same—every time you buy them at DIXON’S : FAIRLAWN STORE "HEY GANG" Sport Wear Headquarters Dress For The Weather Polo Shirts... x $1.50—81.95 T-Shirts... a7 0 .69— 1.00 Short Sleeve Sport Shirts 2.95— 8.95 Terry Cloth Pullovers 1.95 hk Cleaners Closed Week of July 5 We will accept cleaning, but will not send it out during that week. Joe’s Men's Shop. 37 MAIN STREET - Here’s Your Summer GET IN THE SWIM = DALLA CHILDREN’S Sizes 2-14 LADIES 34-44 MEN’S TRUNKS— SSM IL. ih 36 MAIN STREET The Grace T. Cave Shoppe (Tel. 354) DALLAS, PA. > FT