The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 18, 1948, Image 4

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i Soli
' Convention at Jamestown, N.Y.
Purely |
The George Ides of Rochester,
N. Y., former Huntsville residents,
have moved from East avenue,
Rochester, to 27 Chettenham road.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Taylor return-
ed to Atlanta, Ga., last Wednesday
after spending a week with the lat-
ter’s mother, Mrs. F. M. Gordon
of Norton Avenue.
William Reedy and son, Bobbie
of Rochester, N. Y., spent the week-
end with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Reedy of Center
Hill road.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hendricks
and Priscilla and Jackie of Lehman
spent the weekend visiting Mrs.
Hendrick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Rhiems at Halifax, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simonton
returned from their wedding trip
last Thursday, packed wup their
things, and are now comfortably
settled in their apartment in Har-
The names of Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., were omitted
by error from the list of out-of-
town guests attending the Phillips-
Post. The Taylors are aunt and
uncle of Barbara. |
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Frick of
Sweet Valley had as weekend
guests their entire family, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul S. Frick and Nancy of |
Merchantville, N. J., Mr. and Mrs.
Earl J. Frick and Miriam Joyce,
Lee Anne and Helen Caryl of
Doylestown, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Frick and Hollace_ and Glenn of]
Milford, Del., and Helen. All came
to attend the reception for their
parents at Huntsville Christian,
Church Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hutchi-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van- |
Tuyl and Miss Norma VanTuyl of
Harding attended the commence-
ment exercises at Penn State Col-
lege last Tuesday where Jim Jr.
was a member of the graduating
class. He received his B.S. in the |
Pre-medical Department and will]
enter Jefferson Medical College in
the fall.
Fire Chief and Mrs. William Dier-
olf of Shavertown left Tuesday
afternoon to attend the Eastern
District Fire Chiefs’ Association
Callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Bellas, Elm Terrace,
Trucksville, on Sunday were: Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Monroe of Elk-
land, Pa., Rev. and Mrs. Emory
Greenfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard Greenfield; Mr. and Mrs. Carle-
ton Hadsall, and daughters, Louise
and Joanne; Mr. and Mrs. William
Bellas and daughter, Joyce Ann,
Jeanne Blaine and Edward Campion.
Bob and Wade Smith of Hunts-
ville are in Kingston, Rhode Island
for a few days visiting their grand-
Miss Mary Still of Main road,
Dallas, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos-
pital where she submitted to an
operation. Her sister, Mrs. George
Boteler of Wauskesha, Wis., is here
looking after the home.
Mrs. Anna Mae Rose and dau-
ghter, Anna Mae of North Carolina
visited at the Quaill home on
Church street over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Archibald Brooks
and family have moved from De-
munds road to the former Wash-
burn farm at West Dallas.
Mrs. Frances Quaill and daughter,
Bobby Lou of Church street spent
the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Hold at Caldwell, N.J. and
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Trafford at
Montclair, N.J.
Rev. and Mrs. James Payne and
family of Mill street are spending
several weeks in Kansas visiting
Mrs. Payne's parents.
Mrs. John Merical has returned!
to her home on Lake street after |
spending the winter with her dau- |
ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. |
Russell Strunk of Kingston.
“Where There’s Life”
Bob Hope, William Bendix
Cartoon, News, Shorts
“Western Union”
Robert Young, Randolph Scott
Cartoon—Sport Reel
“Deep Valley”
Ida Lupino, Dane Clark
Wayne Morris
T. M. B. Hicks of New York City
spent the weekend at his home on
Demunds road. Mrs. Hicks is still
in Charleston.
Wilson Cease has returned to
his home in Trucksville after spend-
ing the winter with his son and
‘daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Arnold Cease at Richland, Wash.
Mrs. Cease returned home several
weeks ago.
Mrs. Sterling Eyer who has been
the guest of her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scure-
man of Huntsville road has re-
turned to her home in Stonington,
Mrs. Willard Durbin of Shaver-
town is a patient at General
Miss Jacqueline Kingsley of
Trucksville was graduated from
Western Maryland College May 31.
Mrs. Stanley Farr who has been
ill at her home in Trucksville is
Betty Jean Davis and Hazel
Roushey, both of Trucksville, re-
cently submitted to tonsilectomies.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Spitt
and daughter, Mary Alice and a
friend, Gwenlin Mock of Indiana,
Pa., spent the weekend visiting
Mrs. Spitt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Otis Rood of Sweet Valley. Mr.
Spitt is instructor in the State
Teachers’ 11 Indi ¥
Simonton wedding in last week's. gpchers® College at Indien
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brown of
West Dallas have as guest Mrs.
Arthur Paul of New York City.
Over the weekend Mrs. John
Hensyl of Bloomsburg was guest of
the Browns. :
William Beisel of Philadelphia
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beisel of
Mrs. L. E. Beisel was a guest at
* x 0%
the Barber-Wilcheck: wedding in
Wilkes-Barre on Saturday.
Mrs. Fay Parrish, Mrs. Sterling
Machell, Miss Louise Frantz, and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey spent
several days this week visiting Mrs.
Beaulah Frantz at Syracuse, N. Y.
A. C. Dick, Overbrook avenue,
is seriously ill at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hutchison,
Overbrook avenue, have returned
after a week in New York City
where they attended the exhibition
of Nazi stolen art treasures at the
Metropolitan Museum.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Bolinger of
Baltimore are spending several
days with Mr. and Mrs. Warden
Kunkle. Clint has been employed
' for several lears in the research
department of the Glenn Martin
Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman, Shaver-
town, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Bill of Kingston over
the weekend.
Mrs. Frank Updyke of Philadel-
phia spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Palmer Updyke of Kunkle
after attending the military funeral
of her nephew, Thomas J. Brennan
of Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Updyke
spent the weekend in Philadelphia
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Updyke.
While there they also visited their
daughter, Mrs. V. J. Payne and
attended a double header baseball
game between the Athletics and
the St. Louis Browns.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bundy of
Wilkes-Barre, formerly of William-
sport, were recent guests of Mrs.
Edma Howell.
Mrs. Edma Howell will spend
next week with Dr. and Mrs. H. U.
Miller of Reading. Mrs. Miller,
formerly of Centermoreland, was
Mrs. Howell’s maid of honor at her
wedding in 1908.
Mrs. Alan Scattergood and chil-
dren, Alan and Linda, have return-
ed to their home at Crescent Park
after spending two weeks with Mrs.
Scattergood’s mother, Mrs. Melvin
Mosier of Kunkle road. Mr. Scat-
tergood spent the weekend here
and drove them home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Page and
family of Trenton, N. J., and Miss
Belle Hess of Wilkes-Barre were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Hess of Carverton Road,
William R. Hammer, 98 Carver-
ton Road, is confined to his home
due to a recent illness.
Mrs. Anna May Smiles of Detroit,
formerly of West Pittston, is Visit-
ing her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mead of
Park Street.
| Mis. Clara Shupp Is
Candidly Photographed
Beautifully Mounted
E. C HuosonN
Darras 168-R-9
Davis Street, Trucksville
Surprised On Birthday
The following. people held a
birthday surprise dinner at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Carl Bran-
don, Center Moreland on Sunday
the occasion being the 77th birth-
day anniversary of Mrs. Clara
Shupp. « She received many cards
and gifts. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Fiske, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Fiske, Miss Ruth Fiske
of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sickler,
Marilyn and Lorraine Sickler, Mrs.
Walter Masteller, Dolores Masteller,
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Sickler, Dor-
thy Jean Sickler, Mrs. Frank Sick-
ler of Fory Fort; Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ellsworth, Louise, Kenneth and
Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Whitesell of Lehman; Mrs. William
Schmoll of East Dallas; Mrs. Cath-
erine Redmond of Rockaway, N.J.;
Emerson and Carol Brandon, the
host and hostess, Mrs. Clara Shupp
and Mr. and Mrs. Brandon.
Shirley Britt, Guest,
At Birthday Party
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Britt of i
Sweet Valley entertained at a’
party honoring their daughter,
Shirley, Saturday who celebrated
her birthday anniversary. Present |
were: Joyce Adams, Isabel Lynn, |
Joan Cragle, Shirley DeRemer,
Loraine Owens, Dorothy Shaw,
Wilbur Shaw, Donald Britt, Richard |
Neighborhood Notes And News Of Loca
‘Miss Dorothy Jean Considine
To Marry Robert Griffiths
Miss Dorothy Jean Considine,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Considine of Trucksville Gardens,
will become the bride of Robert
Griffiths, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric
Griffiths of Trucksville Gardens to-
morrow, Saturday, June 19 at 3
o'clock. Rev. Ralph A. Weatherley
will perform the double ring cere-
mony in Grace Episcopal Church,
Kingston. >
The bride will be given in mar-
riage by her father. Maid of honor
will be Miss Marguerite Green-
wood and bridesmaids Miss Betty
Griffiths, sister of the bridegroom
and Roberta Luft, all of Trucks-
ville. Best man will be Merton
Hoffman of Johnson, N. Y. and
ushers Robert Considine, brother
of the bride and Bruce Griffiths,
brother of the bridegroom. :
A reception for a few friends
and members of the wedding party
will follow the ceremony.
Miss Considine is a graduate of
Kingston Township High School.
Mr. Griffiths was also graduated
from Kingston Township High
School and served for three years
with the U. S. Army in the Euro-
pean Theatre. He is now engaged
in construction work at Bethlehem.
Mrs. Middleton Presents
Students in Recital
Mrs. Homer Middleton entertain-
ed some of her piano and elocu-
tion pupils and their parents at a
recital at her home at Idetown
Saturday afternoon.
Taking part in the entertainment
were: Jack and Priscilla Hendricks,
Russell Steele, Judith Steele,” Mar-
cia Elston, Phyllis Swan, Mary Lou
Elston, Janice Evans, Shirley Els-
ton, Marian Evans, Kenneth Sut-
ton, Shirley Welsh, Naomi Carey
and Caryl Williams.
Thomas, Ronald. Thomas, Thomas | Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Adams, Mrs. Marjorie DeRemer { Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
the guest of honor and the host Steele, Mrs. Roy Rogers, Mrs. Alice
and hostess.
Celebrate Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker en-
tertained at a dinner party Tues-
day evening honoring Atty. and
Mrs. B. B. Lewis of Cemetery street
who celebrated their wedding an-
niversary. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Dungey, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Shiber, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Himmler, the Lewises and the
Mrs. William Wilson Is
Hostess To Card Club
Mrs. William Wilson entertained
members of her 500 club at her
home last Tuesday afternoon.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Mary.
Shaver, D. P. Honeywell, Mrs. Nel-!
son Whipp. Others present were: :
Mrs. F. M. Gordon, Mrs. George |
Hofmeister, Mrs. Kathryn Gansel,
Mrs. Sherman Wardan and the
hostess. |
Attend Granddaughters |
Wedding In Easton = |
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert
have returned from Easton where
they attended the wedding of their
granddaughter Jacqueline Hilbert
to Wyman Neale Connor of New
Jersey. . The couple was married
at the Colton Memorial Chapel of
Lafayette College. A reception fol-
lowed at the Fraternity House, and
dinner later at the bride’s home.
They left for a honeymoon in Ber-
muda and will later reside in Pitts-
burgh where the groom will be em-
Bridge Luncheon
Mrs. Edma Howell, Shavertown,
entertained at a bridge luncheon
Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Herbert
Ray, Mrs. Cedric Griffiths, Mrs.
James Martin, Mrs. Jack Kennon,
Mrs. Howard Appleton and Mrs.
Lewis Evans.
Have Baby Boy
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hoats of
Trucksville Gardens have announ-
ced the birth of a seven and a half
pound baby boy at Mercy Hospital
Saturday, June 12. This is their
first child.
Entertains At Luncheon
Mrs. Alfred Bronson of Sweet
Valley entertained members of her
card club at luncheon at her home
last Monday. Present were: Mrs.
Gladys Cooper, Mrs. Ruth Major,
Mrs. Emma Ide, Mrs. Ethel Stolar-
ick, Mrs. Mildred Lewis, Mrs. Mable
Elston, Mrs. Thelma Culp and the
Elston, Mrs. Kenneth Swan, Mrs.
Mabel Elston, Mrs. Albert Evans,
Doris Evans, Mrs. Lanceford Suttons
Mrs. Aaron Sutton, Mrs. A. A.
Neely, Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Mrs.
Granville Carey, Mrs. Thomas Wil-
liams, Mrs. H. L. Klinetob, Miss
Bess Klinetob, Homer Middleton
and Homer Jr. and Mrs. Middleton.
Mrs. Harold Brace Is
Hostess To Orange WSCS
Two new members Mrs. Arthur
Webb and Mrs. Hugh Gebhart, were |
added to’ the Orange W.S.C.S. at
their recent meet ing at the home
of Mrs. Harold Brace.
Plans were made to purchase
some kitchen utensils and to serve
a chicken and waffle dinner tonight,
Friday June 18 at the Camp
Grounds. Any persons having bor-
rowed church kitchen utensils are
asked to return them.
Present were: Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. Fred Riech, Mrs. Mary
manuel, Mrs. Florence Ross,
Laird Stanton, Mrs. William Per-
rigo, Mrs. William Rozelle, Mrs.
Arthur Webb, Mrs. Hugh Gebhart,
Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Nora |Dy-
mond, Mrs. Stanley Jones, Mrs.
Cecil Sickler, Mrs. Malcolm Biard,
Mrs. Ernest. Gay and the hostess.
Mrs. Dora Griffith Is
Hostess At Shower
Miss Jean Blaine of Courtdale
was the guest of honor at a variety
shower given by Mrs. Dora Griffith
of 15 Elm Terrace, Trucksville on
Saturday afternoon.
Guests were: Mrs. Joseph Blaine,
Mrs. Wesley Bellas, Mrs. Carl Carl-
son, Mrs. Robert Price, Mrs. Wil-
liam Bellas, Jean Bennett, Mrs.
Harry Bowman, Erma Bennett,
Evelyn Novy, Elva Bennett, Mrs.
Carlton Hadsall, the guest of honor
and the hostess.
Miss Priscilla Sweeney
To Wed Harold D. Smith
Miss Priscilla Sweeney, daughter
of Miles H. Sweeney of Trenton,
N. J., will become the bride of
Harold Daniel Smith, son of Mrs.
Frank J. Werner of Pioneer avenue,
and the late Harold D. Smith, to-
morrow, Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock . in Westminster Presbyter-
jan Church of Wilkes-Barre. - ‘Rev.
W. Herbert Sugden, an uncle of
Mr. Smith, will officiate.
Miss Lois DeGraw of Butler, N.J.
will be maid of honor, Mary Ann
Sugden and Carol Sugden will be
bridesmaids and Jill Clerehew
Smith flower girl. Alan Harvey
Smith will be best man. :
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion will be held in the .church
parlors and at the Werner home.
“The richest child
musical education.”
is poor without a
Mrs. Bertha Jenkins Is
Bble To Be Out Again
Mrs. Bertha Jenkins is able to
be around the house again after a
fall at her home five weeks ago.
She wishes to thank the many
friends who sent her such beautiful
plants and cut flewers, good things
to eat and dripk, and so many nice
cards. A
The following visited her home
during her illness: Richard Jenkin,
Daisy Stephens, Wharton, N.J.; Mr.
and Mrs. George Jenkin, son, Rich-
ard, Mrs. Lewis Culp Jr., Mrs. Flor-
ence Fuller, Harry Sisco, Dover, N.
J.; Mrs. Anthony Mauro, children,
Barbara and Herbert, Carol Gar-
rison, Mine Hill, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Vanderhoff, Laura May Fisk,
Philadelphia; Miss Dorothy Culp,
Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. William
Preson, Doris Preston, East Mauck
Chunk; Mrs. G. W. Daniels, Miss
Anna Warren, Scranton; Mr. and
Mrs. P. O. Lutz, Orangville; Rev.
and Mrs. C. H. Frick, Pike’s Creek;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frick and son,
Rev. Paul Keppel, Forty Fort; Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Lewis, Wyoming;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rodda, William
Orr, Mr. and Mrs. James Frick,
Mrs. Howard King, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Culp, Kingston; Mr. and
Mrs. K. J. Woolbert, Kenneth and
Ann, Mrs. Wendall Jones, Shaver-
town; Mrs. Emerson Evans and
Emerson Jr., Carverton; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Moore, Nanticoke;
Mrs. Cecil Moore, Pearl Habblett,
Red Rock; Mrs. Thomas Foss and
Gladys, Meeker; Mrs. Herbert Moy-
er and Eleanora, Idetown; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Nuss, Arthur Nuss,
Lehman; Mrs. Katherine Graser,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bogert, Miss
Ethel Allen, Mrs. J. E. Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston, Mrs.
L. A. Shaver, Dallas.
Mrs. William - Eckert, Kunkle;
Mrs. Ray Perrigo, Mrs. H. J. Major,
Mrs. Harvey Moss, Mrs. Elva War-
mouth, Joan Warmouth, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Culp, Richard Culp,
Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Rev. and Mrs.
J. J. Jones, Mrs. Robert Culp, Char-
lotte Culp, Alice Culp, Mildred
Culp, Virginia Culp, Elain Rogers,
Joan Twaddle, Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Stull, Barbara Culp, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Roberts, Mrs. Alden
Wagner, Mrs. Milton Perrego, Carl
Warmouth, Huntsville.
Teacher of Piano, Organ
and Theory
Registration for Summer Session
now being taken at
60 Carverton Road
478 Simon Long Building
| Church Doings
Miss Peggy Greenwood
Is Hostess At Shower
Miss Peggy Greenwood enter-
tained at a shower honoring Miss
Dorothy Considine, bride-elect, at
her home in Trucksville Gardens
recently. Miss Considene will marry
Robert Griffiths in Grace Episcopal
Church, Kingston tomorrow, Satur-
day, June 19.
The party table was attractive
with centerpiece of pink snap-
dragons, pink and white carnations
and yellow roses. Tall pink and
white tapers were effectively used. |
Favors were handkerchiefs with
crocheted edges simulating minia-
ture parasols.
Present were: Miss Harriet Prater,
Miss Betty Griffith, Miss Jeanne
Clewell, Miss Irene Dover, Miss
Roberta Luft, Mrs. Eugene Con-
sidine, Mrs. Cedric Griffiths, Mrs.
William Clewell, Mrs. Thomas Mul-
downey, Mrs. Thomas Shelbourne,
Mrs. Raymond Greenwood, the |
guest of honor and the hostess. |
Fathers’ Day Social
The Demunds Girl Scout Troop
will sponsor a Father's Day Lawn
Social Sunday, June 20, 6:30 P.M.
at the home of Louisa Moss, Star
Route Road.
The social will feature straw-
berry shortcake and ice cream.
Other refreshments will be sold
also. Tickets may be obtained from
any member of the troop, the troop
committee, Bunny’s— Fernbrook,
Bowman's Delicatessen—Dallas.
Cattle buyers know what
brands signity quality live-
stock. The brand names on
any product you buy here
means our manufacturers
‘want you to know that
you'll get quality every
Approximately 10 Acres
275 Feet Frontage
Suitable for fine home site
Development of Colony
of Small Houses.
Near Huntsville Reservoir
J. W. Young
%-6116 Realtor
A °
sce &/% FOR
Your favorite candies — perfectly
confected, perfectly protected —
their complete richness and tasti-
ness assured by the cool, even
temperature of this attractive
Watch Repair Shop
Located in Hazeltine’s Garage
Next to the Bank on
61 Sharpe Street, Kingston
was the grand winner last
week—You may be the
Next Winner.
Father’s Day Cards
JOIN OUR Old Spice Shaving Sets
; Yardley Shavi
Half Century Club Ay Sm
oO Gillette Super Speed
nly $1 Per Week Razor Kit
It’s the Easiest Way to Obtain
America’s Finest
Phone 275-R-3
For Details
SEE US. WE HAVE THE widest selection
of foods and meats outside of a grocery store.
Complete Line
Of Delicatessen
Particularly Nice -
Rhododendrons at very low,
special prices.
Other Evergreens
Hardy Chrysanthemums
Fine Selection
: Bedding Plants
Memorial Highway—Dallas