PAGE SIX Centermoreland Mrs. Jestie Schoonover has re- turned to her home after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Bennett Ferry of Union, N. Y. Mrs. Mary Story, Mrs. Carrie Schrader and Mrs. Clark Jackson left last week for California. Glenn Major was ill at his home last week. Miss Marian Jackson of Wash- Special-regular 85c men’s, women’s, children’s O’Sul- livan, Goodyear and Cats- paw Rubber Heels. 59 Special-regular $1.75 men’s women’s, childrens, Rubber leather or composition Soles 1.39 SHOP DALLAS FIRST "AND SAVE EXPERT REPAIRS Ga ox all SHOES £ a Us 0 Dallas Shoe Repair Shop MAIN STREET DALLAS ington, D. C.,, is home for two weeks. Mrs. Walter Lamoreaux is im- proving at her home after having been at the hospital to have "her teeth extracted. Mrs. Karl Besteder has been very sick for the past week. Curtis Edwards of Philadelphia is visiting his sister, Mrs. Karl Bes- teder. Yellowstone National park, estab- lished in 1879, was our first Na- tional park. Snow storm, sleet shorm. rain or sprinkle 1 Well press it again with nary a wiinkle, : Be prepared. Turn in your cleaning now for . . . MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 31 JOE’S MEN’S SHOP Quality Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings 37 MAIN STREET - DALLAS THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1948 _ ORANGE Anita Emmanuel, Correspondent Among those present at the Mother-Daughter banquet were: Mrs. Arthur Webb, Mrs. Paul Brace and Mrs. Fred Risch. Mrs. Nora Dymond recently en- tertained at dinner Miss Fannie Berlew, Mrs. Edward Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. John Galpin. Miss June Rhinehart of Hagers- town, Md., is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Dymond. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones of Forty Fort visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cool- baugh, on Sunday. Don’t forget the Parcel Post sale IDEAL ACCOMPANIMENT FOR THE PRETTY GRADUATE. A GIFT SHE'LL NEVER FORGET. HAUGK’S FLOWERS TELEPHONE 535 | Memorial Highway—Dallas and creamed chicken dinner Thurs- day evening, June 3. John Sickler, Mrs. Mary Emman- uel and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sickler and children of Carverton on Sunday. Miss Barbara Brace, a student of Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College, is spending the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Brace. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dymond and family have returned from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell and Gladys visited Mr. and Mrs. Hahn Love of Mehoopany on Sunday. SWEET VALLEY Mrs. W. J. Richards, Mrs. Ella Kyttle of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Dur- wood Williams of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young and E. E. Cragle of Muhlenburg called on Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson on Sunday. Miss Bess Klinetob visited her aunts and other relatives in Ber- wick several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quoss visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. John Williams in Nanticoke last Friday. Mrs. Willard Sutliff and Laura Marie are improving after being ill for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long and family spent Sunday id Verona, N. J., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stan- wood Romer. On their way home they called on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bucek at Columbia. Mrs. Bucek is the former Ella Brown of this place. Mrs. Alfred Bronson was hostess to members of the Executive Board of Dallas Woman's Club on Mon- day evening. : Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kunkle and son, Robert Sherman spent the J IY RT elT To get all the benefits of modern food supply and nutrition developments, make your kitchen complete with a CROSLEY FROSTMASTER FROZEN FOOD CABINET. Then you'll begin better, easier living by having constantly on hand a FLAT-TOP Gives You An Extra Work Surface RR CROSLEY Frosimaster The Frozen Food Cabinet That Fits Your Kitchen wide variety. of delicious frozen foods correctly kept for vitamin quality and vital goodness at the needed lower temperature. See the FROSTMASTER at your Crosley dealer’s — today! AROUSE APPETITES, BUILD HEALTH, HAVE MORE FUN EATING Just reach into your Frostmaster and serve fresher-tasting, fresher-looking frozen foods, selected from the world’s finest. MEALS ANYTIME ON A MOMENT'S NOTICE Save trips to the food store, to the locker plant. Cut cooking time. It’s your kitchen — handy frozen food pantry. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FROZEN FOOD BARGAIN SALES s Keep surplus foods, hold leftovers longer. A CROSLEY PRODUCT — THAT MEANS DEPENDABLE REFRIGERATION The Crosley FROSTMASTER was devel- oped and proved by Crosley . . . ation with a leading food laboratory. HOLDS 100 POUNDS — 2 WEEKS SUPPLY FOR 4 PEOPLE Only 36” high, 2934” and 262" deep! Styled and sized to match the most modern kitchen equipment. in cooper- Plus delivery and installation $10 Worth Of Frozen Foed With Each Frostmaster DeREMER Main Road Trucksville A Good Way To Start—lJoin The Club (Next To Postoffice) RADIO CLINIC Phone 275-R-3 STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters Sg = Qo Ie 73 ee LRT A EEE a el Zz Y= TI] | “Well, that answers one of our questions!” _ weekend at Hatboro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley visited Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cope at Allentown last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Button of Wilkes-Barre visited the former's brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button on Sunday. A moving picture, “The Drunken Driver” wil be shown by the anti- saloon league under the sponsor- ship of the W.C.T.U. in the church of Christ Tuesday, June 1 at 8 o'clock. A free will offering will be taken. IDETOWN Mrs. Sam Ross and daughter, Gail of Berwick spent sometime last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.” Walter Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Peter of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Newberry and family of Fern- e Sapolin Floor Enamel covers with one coat—dries in 4 hours . . . is specially reinforced to withstand hard wear. Resists dirt . . . easy to keep clean. Economical, too . . . costs less than a penny per square foot. Beautifies wood, concrete and cement floors. Room Lots FLOOR ENAMEL Special OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT— Reg. $5.79, NOW $4.95 Bargains In Window Shades, Linoleum, Wallpaper, Lamp Shades and Congoleum Rugs. LUZERNE Paint & Wallpaper STORE 121 MAIN STREET Across from the Bank TELEPHONE 7-9448 brook spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Garringer. Mrs. Arvilla Wainwright of Scranton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hadsel. Mr. and Mrs. William John- witz and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rella all of Jersey City, N.J., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl- ton Swan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Weir Stedman of Haddonfield, N.J., recently spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Blanchard. Mary Clair McKenna spent the weekend with Betty Rebennack of Meeker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Reilly and Marilyn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rice of Jersey Shore, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chesko and family James and Albert Jr. of Johnson City, N. Y., Mrs. George Irving and Albert London of Rah- way, N. J., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Blanchard spent the past ten days visiting relatives in Haddenfield, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tryon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Kahn of Baltimore. Variety Program Meeker W.S.C.S." will sponsor a variety program Friday, June 4, at 8 o'clock. Proceeds to be used to send girls of the church to sum- mer camp. © Committee members are: Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Russell Steele, Mrs. Arthur Hoover and Mrs. Morton Connelly. Every body is welcome. COMPLETE . . . AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIR AUTO BODY PAINTING AUTO SERVICE 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Call W-B 71184 or W-B 76714 Luzerne Motor Co. _ “Your Friendly Ford Dealer on the West Side” Atlantic Gas and Oil Station Open 24 Hours Lions Nominate New Officials Club Hears Talk On Rural Hospitalization Back Mountain Lions Club met at Evangelical Church, West Nan- ticoke, Tuesday evening with At- torney Miner Aylesworth, vice pres- ident, presiding. { Dr. Lewis B. Thomas and Sher- man Hoover reported on the do- nation of a community ambulance by a neighboring community and the offer was accepted. The fol- lowing are members of the ambu- lance committee: Dr. Lewis B. Thomas, George Wesley, Fred Hontz, Luther Cragle and Warren Boston. A committee consisting of Melvin Simons, Rev. A. Ward Campbell, M. L. Pollock and Attorney Ayles- worth nominated the following to be elected June 15: : Atty. Miner Aylesworth, presi- dent; Alfred Bronson and Rev. A. Ward Campbell, first vice president; Fred Hontz and Ben Rosengrant, second vice president; Dr, Lewis B. Thomas, third vice president; El- wood G. Ruckel, recording secre- tary; Bernard Coyle, financial sec- retary; Bryan Culver, treasurer; Sheldon Jones, tail twister; Fred Hontz and Luther Cragle, lion tamer; Fred Hontz and Luther Cragle, directors for two years. Kingsley A. Eckert, administrator of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, spoke on “Rural Hospitalization.” He described the problems in construc- tion, maintenance and operation of modern hospitals. Early diagnosis and use of preventive medicine have lessened average patient stay in the hospital, but hospitalization services which relieve patients of financial worry have increased pa- tient census. Consequently all hos- pitals are crowded. Public Health Services, Eckert said, have found it expedient to encourage construction of diagnos- tic centers with laboratories and X-ray equipment in rural areas, such centers to work in conjunc- tion with the hospitals in urban areas. The next meeting will be held at Evangelical Church on June 1. Arthur T. Thomas, Hanover Town- ship, will be humorist and song leader. Mrs. Wesley Oliver Is Hostess To Students Mrs. Wesley Oliver entertained a number of her piano pupils at a musical at her home in Shaver- town recently. Present were: Nancy Valentine, Sandra Sprout, Faith Elaine Edwards, Roberta Wil- liams, Patsy Ide, Barbara Hirle- man, Gail Woolbert, Dorothy Win- We install lightning pro- tection for homes, farms, and industries. LYNCH’S ELECTRIC & HARDWARE Electrical Contractors “In the electrical business for two generations.” 267 EAST MARKET ST, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. TELEPHONE 3-6816 ter, Mary Elizabeth = Schooley, Peggy Ann Malkemes and Ann : Palmer. Accommodations the Convention - Charles, Kenneth & : John H. Fetter, Mgrs. WELCOME SHRIN Avat June 6to 1 DAY SPECIAL FR., SAT., SUN. $14 Including All Meals ALSO THE ERS ! lable for Per Person 2 In Room ATLANTIC CITY. DECORAT! Fri. Sat. Mon. - From 0SCOBEL ON DAY SPECIAL Per Person 86.00 Two in Room L Sun. All Newly Renova: ted for a delightful, Spring or Summer Family Vacation. Welcome ay Nventionaires SAI