v > “FARM TOPICS Clean up for Safety—Spring is the time to clean out the hazards around the farmstead. All kinds of rubbish in buildings and outside should be removed, and equipment and supplies arranged orderly and stored safely. Sows Need Exercise—Brood sows should be forced to take exercise outdoors daily, except in extremely bad weather. The exercise puts the sows in good physical condition for farrowing strong, thrifty litters. Sunshine, too, is important to health. Grafting Saves Trees—Some of the fruit trees girdled by mice or rabbits during the winter can be saved by bridge-grafting. Apple and pear trees over three inches [28 L0 TRUCK ‘A eNeol eo] WILKES - BARRE Soles-Parts-Service € Bus CO. STREET PHONE 2-7572 REPAIR—BU 10 E. CENTER STREET SWING INTO SPRING NOW! See our complete line of BUILDING MATERIALS and Pratt & Lambert Paints Ask about our easy payment plan. Shavertown Builders Supply Co. PHONE DALLAS 42 ILD—PAINT SHAVERTOWN EU de 00a. IF YOU RAISE TURKEYS THIS YEAR Feed TURKATINE the first ten weeks Follow with TURKEY GROWER and TIOGA TURKEY FITTING RATION [4 TI-O-GA Phone 337-R-49 KUNKLE, PA. DEVENS MILLING COMPANY - A.C. DEVENS, Owner Phone 200 DALLAS, PA. / THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1948 in diameter can be bridge-grafted with fair promise of success. Use Glass Blocks— Windows of glass blocks are attractive and have proved practical in dairy barns. They admit light, provide insulation, and are easy to clean. Pasture Cuts Costs—Poultrymen can reduce feed costs by using grass and legume ranges for their birds this spring and summer. The for- age contains valuable vitamins and minerals. Pigs Like Pasture—Good alfalfa pasture saves 5 to 10 per cent of the grain and 30 to 40 per cent of the protein supplement needed in the production of pork. A good stand of alfalfa will graze per acre 18 to 20 hogs on full feed or 6 or 7 on a half feed of grain. Select Colorful Shrubs—Color can be added to the landscape of the home grounds all through the year by carefully selected shrubs. They require less work and water than annual flowers and have fewer in- sects and diseases than tender plants. Treat Seed Oats—It pays to treat all seed oats to control disease. Use one-half ounce of new improved ceresan per bushel a few days be- fore planting. Growers also are urged to use blight-resistant varie- ties. 5 Bull Can Be Killer—Never trust the gentle bull. He is always a potential killer. Use a safe bull pen. Chicks Need Room—Although 300 to 350 chicks can be started in a 10 by 12 foot brooder house, they need more space as they grow. Double the space per bird every few weeks. Save Clover Seed—Because red clover seed is scarce and high in price, farmers should make the seed go as far as possible. Good stands often are obtained with 4 pounds per acre, and in the present situ- ation a bushel should cover 10 acres. Control Corn Borer—Clean plow-. ing is a great help in the control of the European corn borer. Wire! attachments on the plow aid in pulling cornstalks and other refuse into the furrow where it can be covered by the turned soil. Select Shrubs Wisely—For com- plete satisfaction, it is necessary to consider space, location, and other factors in selecting planting materials for the home grounds. Buy plants only from certified nur- series. Help Sod to Rot—Lime and well- rotted manure or fertilizer applied to old sod before plowing will has- ten rotting or decomposition of the sod. This action will help to change the organic matter into humus. Potatoes Discolored— When seed potatoes are cut for planting this) year, brown discolorations starting! at the stem-end and running through the tuber may be seen. These may have been caused by vine killer used on the crop last fall. ~ a SAFETY VALVE... (Continued from Page Two) = sandwich, one piece of fruit and a bottle of milk in a cold lunch packed at home. Nearby schools are providing such a hot school lunch at a cost of 12¢c. to 20c per day—with the help of this Federal subsidy and surplus food program. Such a program requires consider- able planning, much preparation, and the proper facilities, including cafeteria kitchen, with the neces- sary equipment, including storage, preparation and serving facilities; dining room, with chairs and tables; dishes, silverware, and automatic dishwashing equipment and dish bond issue in this amount—being more than 2 percent of the total valuation of the Township, requires | the approvel of a majority of the electors in the coming Primary Election where the question will be placed on the ballot of the Town- ship. If you are in favor of improving the schools of Kingston Township; if you are in favor of guarding the health of the children of our communities; if you are in favor of better training and education of our girls in Home Economics; if you feel that the music program in our High School should function freely without interfering with other classes you will go to the polls on election day and vote YES on this Bond Issue question. Nagle Breaks Leg in Mr. Emke’s new super market at Centermoreland. PAGE SLVEN Pennsylvania was nicknamed the Keystone state by reason of its Ralph Nagle of Forty Fort, father-| geographical location in the 13 in-law of George Emke, fell Satur-! Original colonies. day and broke his leg while help- — ing to install a walk-in refrigerator PROVES WONDERFUL FOR ITCHING SKIN RASH! | | | | | | First applications of Zemo—a doc- | tor's wonderful stainless, invisible | | } © King Features Syndicate. All Rights Reserved DIONNE QUINTS promptly relieve coughs of SEHESTCOLES antiseptic—promptly relieve itching, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Pimples and similar surface skin and scalp irritations. Zemo ALSO aids healing. Backed by amazing record of continuous success! First trial convinces. 7 E ———— storage cupboards. At present Kingston Township Schools have none of these facili- ties, except a large, 45-cu. ft. elec- tric refrigerator and an automatic|’ dishwashing machine which were obtained through this Federal pro- gram last June. To participate in the hot lunch program the building at the high! school must be expanded to make| room for a cafeteria kitchen, and! dining room; while this is being, done three other badly needed im-| provements are planned: 1. Modernize the Home Econom-| ics Department to a point where, it will provide the girls of Kingston Township with the latest and best’ facilities possible for studying, and working out, the problems of mak-| ing a good home. 2. Take the music room out of the center of the High School Build-| ing, where it annoys the pupils and teachers in adjoining rooms, and place it in a modern, sound proof room, separate from the main class rooms. ! 3. Provide storage facilities for storing athletic equipment, stage equipment and supplies; storing cafeteria supplies and school equip- ment. | The plans for the addition to the present building were drawn up by Lacy, Atherton, Davis and Wil-! son, professional architects who know their business; these plans’ have been approved by the Penn-! sylvania Department of Education, ! and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor as complying with good design, good planning, and meeting all of the State's Health and Safety, requirements. The cost of these improvements, including cost of the addition to the building; equipping the cafe- teria and dining hall; moving the Home Economiics Department and re-equipping it; providing the sound proof music room, and providing the storage space will be about $50,000. A bond issue for this amount will provide the necessary money, and will be repaid out of current reve- nues over a period of years. A SHORT OF OIL? SEE US The new 1948 Winkler Low Pressure Oil Burner is here. It burns less Oil— 25 to 50% It burns most any Oil Less Service HEATRITE Sales & Service Co. Route 309 & Center Street SHAVERTOWN, PA. DALLAS 579-R-7 — 158-R-8 HARVEY’S LAKE 4088 NIU LS FIRST IT'S EASY TO OUR DEMOCRACY NOW [IS THE TIME... AS OUR COUNTRY HAS GROWN AND ITS POPULATION HAS EXPANDED, THE NEED TO PROTECT OUR DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES HAS PLACED INCREASED RESPONSIBILITY ON THE INDIVIDUAL TO EXERCISE HIS RIGHT TO VOTE — AFTER CAREFULLY JUDGING THE CHARACTEl. AND ABILITY OF ALL CANDIDATES AND THEIR POSITION ON THE PUBLIC QUESTIONS OF THE DAY, \ NZ At wo E541 yt NS Yea J NSN YH / 0, Ng : i : ) ia 7 i) # Sad Lg / ly mn by Mat Vo A 7 i is (9477 PRAHA 3 I 7 ’ fl 117: \ gh P { WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE PRIVILEGE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF ELECTING OUR PRESIDENTS. TODAY, IN CERTAIN STATES, ‘WE HAVE AS WELL, A RIGHT AND OBLIGATION TO HELP SELECT, A7 THE PRIMARIES, THE MEN WHO WILL Ru~N FOR THE PRESIDENCY, = THIS SPRING, ALL OF US CAN HAVE A VOICE IN THE SELECTION OF CANDIDATES..« BY VOTING IN THE PRIMARIES- OR BY MAKING OUR OPINIONS KNOWN = WE DISCHARGE A BASIC RESPONSIBILITY OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP. GET TO: WEST SIDE BUILDING MATERIAL CO. INCOME TAXES - G. HOWARD LEWIS, Prop. a Saeuy NEW HOMES ~~ REMODELING |: rc voor vc EDUCATIONAL TUITION _ e : aoa ran ae LL LRAT - George Whitesell & Sons ® ‘“‘Heatilator™ Fireplaces ; -HOSPITAL- CPERATION CHARGES RE ey Tle vs oN ; i CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Ere Re Quick * Courteous Confidential Service! : Sow Pein Ly g : : Windows and Porches Screened Seed Windows Cabinet Work — Celotex Ceilings “Everything But Lumber” DIAL KINGSTON 7-1312 Phone Dallas 461-R-13 or 416-R-7 262 Union Street, Luzerne PT a WELL! FOUR OF AUNT MARY--WHAT 15 ? YOUR GENIAL GUEST, COLONEL CANFIELD ? DOING IN OUR MIDST ? TOM! H HE'S HERE ON IMPORTANT GOVERN- MENT BLISINESS, SO HE SAYS! BUT I'VE I'M A BILLYCOO BIRD! 2A ~N kK | OXY HAD A REPORTER TRAILING HIM FOR A WEEK! IF HE'S | A BIG SHOT INDUSTRIALIST, PARDON ME, MRS. WORTH! I'M HAVING AN IMPORTANT CONFERENCE IN MY ROOM TONIGHT. WILL YOU § SEE TO IT THAT WE ARE , NOT DISTURBED? DINING § BOOMVILLE'S LEADING BUSINESS MEN! I GUESS I BETTER START EATING MY WORDS -+ WITHOUT KETCHUP! : American News Features, Inc. By d’Alessio ‘THESE WOMEN! “But we’ll NEVER save any money if you keep putting decimal points in the right places!” STRICTLY BUSINESS 3 by McFeatters BOARD {MEETIN I | LU LID gE ~magts i a : “With longer Vasotons more. holidays, I hours, recreation periods, and ot ngs lunch ~ more time to produce anything!”