The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 16, 1948, Image 4

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~ Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Chicrch Doings
Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Klinetob of
Luzerne were callers at the Rood
home, Lehman Avenue, on Monday
afternoon. Rev. Klinetob has just
retired from the active ministry
and expects to make his future
home on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Mrs. Mae Griffin and family have
moved from Pioneer avenue to an
apartment on Union street, Wilkes-
Barre. The Pioneer avenue house
has been purchased by Ralph Smith.
Mrs. Sam Thompson of Kingston,
former Lehman avenue resident,
returned to her home Friday after
spending a week with her family
in New Jersey.
Attorney and Mrs. Leighton Scott
and son, Leighton, of Easton, spent
the weekend with Mrs. Scott's
mother, Mrs. H. H. Zeiser and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hendricks
of Lehman had as Sunday dinner
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ruble.
Mrs. John Kirkendall is spending
some time with her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Helen Hart and family of
Machell avenue.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Parrish
of Carverton had as guests last
week during Wyoming Conference,
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert of
Jackie Eck Celebrates
His Sixth Birthday
Jackie Eck was guest of honor
at a birthday dinner at the home
of his grandmother and grandfather,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. W. Templin on
Sunday. Jackie was six on Tues-
day. Present were his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Eck of Shavertown;
his aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles. Maxwell of Kingston, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reese of Mt.
Greenwood road; his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Eck; Miss Stella
McKinnis, Marilyn, Dorothy and
| Beverly Eck, Jackie and the Tem-
1 plins.
Dolores Stark, Guest
‘At Surprise Party
Dolores Stark of Main road, Dal-
las, was guest of honor at a sur-
prise birthday party at her home
Friday, April 9. She was nineteen.
Present were: Leona Roberts,
| Geraldine Sebolka, Betty Cosmark,
| Genna Ragunas, Nancy Stenger,
‘ Cecelia Oblen, Charles VonStein,
{ Howard Garbutt, Charles Flack, Bill
| Hart, Bob Roberts, Otto Bachcoff,
! Bob Williams and the guest of
| honor.
| William Roushey Has
Eighty-First Birthday
William Roushey of Franklin
street, Shavertown, celebrated his
Maine, N.Y. Catherine Gilbert came eighty-first birthday anniversary on
up from Brothers College for the! Friday, April 10. He entertained
weekend. While here the Gilberts| for dinner and later for ice cream
- Field, California.
“ Shavertown.
called on many old friends.
Mrs. A. W. Weid of Main street
is spending some time in Chicago,
Ill, where she is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Atwell Wintermute. Mrs.
Wintermute will return with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Suis of Amster-
dam, Holland are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. James of Trucks-
ville Gardens. Mrs. Suis is the
mother of J. P. Wingaarten, Baker
Mrs. Wingaarten
is the former Dorothy James.
Mrs. George McLuckie returned
Friday to State College, Pa. after
a two-week’s visit at the home
of her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Cottle of
Mrs. McLuckie, for-
merly of Shavertown and Kingston,
now makes her home with another
daughter, Mrs. John Dobson Law-
ther of State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Goss
Manor entertained over the week
end Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver,
Miss Elizabeth Nuneville and Emrys
Nuneville of Drexel Hill. Mr. Sha-
ver, Mrs. Lewin’s brother, is re-
maining for a week.
Norti Berti of Main road sub-
mitted to an operation last Friday.
He is getting along nicely.
Harry Ohlman of Machell avenue
is spending several days in Phila-
delphia this week where he is sub-
mitting to allergy tests. He is
registered at the Benjamin Frank-
lin Hotel. Mrs. Helen Mailander
of Wilkes-Barre is spending the
week at the Ohlman home.
Miss Barbara Phillips and her
fiance, Richard Simonson of Harris-
burg spent the weekend with the
former’s mother, Mrs. Florence
Phillips. The family had a real
old-fashioned reunion with George
and his family and Fred Taylor
and his. The Taylors left Tuesday
morning to spend a few days in
Mrs. Lloyd Besteder of Vernon
will entertain the Vernon Ladies
Society at the April meeting. Mrs.
Stanley Brown is chairman of the
Mrs. Edward Skoronski of Ver-
non has returned to her home
after submitting to an operation
at Nesbitt Hospital.
Samuel Eggleston of Harvey's
Lake, who fell in February at his
home, is recuperating at the home
of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Eggleston of Vernon.
“Body and Soul”
with John Garfield, Lilli Palmer,
Hazel Brooks
Double Feature
“Partner of the Plains”
with Hopalong Cassidy,
Russell Hayden
“The 13th Hour”
Richard Dix, Karen Morley
“Stella Dallas”
with Barbara Stanwyck, Alan
Hale, Anne Shirley
| and cake, Elizabeth Dierolf and
Margaret Ferguson.
{| Mrs. Clyde Cooper has been ill
| with a bad cold at her home on
: Lehman avenue this week.
Myrtle Martin who has been liv-
"ing at Lemon during the winter
| months has returned to her home
{ at Beaumont. She holds a teaching
| Sositton at Lemon.
Mrs. Helen Connor of Utica, N.Y.
|is spending some time with her
| sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Smith of Machell ave-
‘nue. Mrs. Smith, who recently
, submitted to an operation, is able
to be up now.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Frick have
i returned to their home at Sweet
Valley after a motor trip through
Northeastern Pennsylvania. Enroute
they stopped at Blanchard, Pa. to
, visit Rev. Frick’s sister, Mrs. Harry
{ Kunes. They also visited Rev. Law-
rence Doak, former pastor at Ben-
ton and Stillwater.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. W. Templin
' of Cemetery street spent Saturday
{in Shamokin visiting the latter’s
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Erd
Startzel. They have as guest now,
i Mrs. Templin’s sister, Mrs. Kenneth
| Cain of Akron, Ohio, who came here
to attend the funeral of an aunt
at Shamokin.
! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross and
family returned to their home at
| Huntsville this week after spend-
ing the winter at Lake Sebring,
Fla. Marcia Gross is a student
nurse at Jefferson Hospital.
Mrs. Sherman Schooley enter-
tained a number of friends at
luncheon at Irem Temple Country
Club on Friday.
Gertrude Wilson has returned to
, her home after spending several
{Says in Washington, D.C.
{° Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hitchner
and sons, Boyd and Robert, from
i Collingswood, N.J., will be guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huey,
Lehigh Street, Shavertown. They
i will attend the wedding of Mrs.
Hitchner’s brother, John Blase, on
Saturday afternoon.
! Jim Fink, Lehigh Street, Shaver-
| town, will leave Friday for North-
! umberland where he will be best
man at the wedding of Herb Bol-
linger. Jim and Herb met over-
seas and both were members of
the 88th Division Band at Trieste,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheaton
| Lee of Lee Acres have as guests
{ this week Mrs. T. M. Mumford of
| Oxford, Mich.,, and J. H. Ledger
| of Washington, D.C.
| Mrs. Harry Ohlman of Machell
avenue spent last weekend in Phila-
delphia where she visited her
daughter, Marilyn, a student at
Temple University.
Candidly Photographed
Beautifully Mounted
E. C. Hubson
Darras 168-R-9 .
Davis Street, Trucksville
| the Club's
(William Ferry Is Guest
Of Honor On Birthday
Mrs. William Ferry of Sweet Val-
ley entertained at a dinner Sunday
honoring her husband who cele-
brated his birthday anniversary.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Ferry ‘and children, Betty, Shirley
and Carolyn, the guest of honor
and Mrs. Ferry. Callers in the
afternoon to wish Mr. Ferry “happy
birthday” were Mrs. McKinley Long,
Dayton and Jay, Emlyn Iverson,
Harold Cragle and children, Barbara
and Fred.
Mrs. Milford Shaver
Entertains Card Club
Mrs. Milford Shaver of. Goss
Manor entertained members of her
bridge club at her home last Fri-
day. Present were Mrs. Lettie Cul-
ver, Mrs. Edna McCarthy, Mrs. Bet-
ty Warhola, Mrs. Karl Kuehn, Mrs.
Florence Phillips, Miss Gertrude
Wilson and the hostess.
Mrs. J. H. Hauck Is
Hostess at Dinner
Mrs. J. H. Hauck of Norton ave-
nue entertained members of her
bridge club at a delicious chicken
dinner last Wednesday evening.
Present were: Mrs. Paul Warriner,
Mrs. Ray Evans, Mrs. Florence Phil-
lips, Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. M.
J. Brown, Mrs. Henry Peterson,
Mrs. James Huston and the hostess.
Kennel Club Meets
The Back Mountain Kennel Club
met last Wednesday in Lundy’s ban-'
quet room with the following mem-
bers present: Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Bergman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bar-
tow, Mrs. Margaret Cottle, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs.
fiftieth wedding anniversary with
Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary
) Scott Newberry i
of East Dallas will celebrate ir’store at East Dallas.
Ww, the A. Al Moores, a new
This year, being seventy-six, he
open house for friends and rela-| vows he’s really going to stay re-
tives Sunday, April 18 from 2 until tired and do nothing but spade
5, and from 7 until 10 o’clock. in his beloved vegetable garden—
Mrs. Newberry is the former Jen-|
nie May, daughter of the late Mr.|
and Mrs... Anson May, and Mr. |
Newberry, son of the late Mr. and!
Mrs. Norton L. Newberry, all of,
Beaumont. They were childhood!
sweethearts, attending the old
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, Mr. William' Beaumont Academy together and
Llewellyn, Mrs. Oswald Griffith, Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence Powell, and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Robinson. Mr.
Bartow is chairman for the third
annual show of the Back Mountain
Club which will be held Sunday,
July 25th, in the West Side Armory.
As usual, a good judging panel will
be selected and we feel the show
will draw a good group of dogs
and exhibitors. Both cash prizes
and trophies will be awarded with
customary generosity
and we trust a large number of
local breeders and fanciers will
start grooming their best dogs for
competition with their fellows.
Silver Leaf Club
Holds Party At Kunkle
Silver Leaf Club enjoyed a party
at the Grange Hall Tuesday eve-
ning. Business meeting was in
charge of president, Mrs. Anna
Present were: Mrs. Fred Dodson,
Mrs. William Brace, Mrs. Oliver
Ellsworth, Mrs. Stanley Elston, Mrs.
Forrest Kunkle, Mrs. Allen Brace,
Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. Owen Ide,
Mrs. Jim Traver, Mrs. Victor Rydd,|
Mrs. Palmer Updyke, Mrs. Grant’
Ashburner, Mrs. Florence Klimeck,
Mrs. Clyde Hoyt, Mrs. Ralph Hess,
Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. William
Weaver, Mrs. Gideon Miller, Mrs.
Phil Ellsworth, Mrs. Frank Boston
and Mrs. Weaver.
Plans were made to hold a Mother
and Daughter Banquet on May 4.
Reservations should be in the hands
of Mrs. Hoyt by April 30.
Entertain At Shower
Mrs. James Langan of Wilkes-
Barre and Mrs. Fred Stevens of
East Dallas entertained at a shower
honoring Mrs. Frank Kamor, the
former Claudia Cooke, at the home
of Mrs. Stevens recently. Present
were: Mrs. Carl Besteder, Center
Moreland; Mrs. Walter Gosart, Mrs.
Edward Sidorek, East Dallas; Mrs.
Corey Besteder, Kunkle; Mrs. Frank-
lin Hemenway, Trucksville; Mrs.
Claude Cooke, Mrs. Della Thomp-
son, Mrs. Mary Kamor, Betty Jane
Cooke, Mrs. Frank Kamor, Miss
Mary Bennallack, - Fernbrook; Mrs.
Wilson Garinger, Mrs. Arthur New-
man, Mrs. Ella Jumper, Mrs. Fred
Stevens of Dallas; Mrs. James Lan-
gan, Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs. Thomas Reese of Franklin
street has returned to Philadelphia
to be with her sister who is under-
going an operation this week.
Mary Brown is quarantined for
scarlet fever at her home on Church
Don't sell your antiques before
calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles,
Revolvers, Guns, Furniture,
Glass, Silver and Coins. En-
tire Estates Bought.
117 S. Washington St.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.— Phone 3-9459
| while deaths totaled 407, the Bureau
finally marrying in the West Pitt-'
ston parsonage April 16, 1898.
Prior to his marriage Mr. New-
berry spent seven years in the West.
where he rode the range, sleeping
nights in the fields with one buddie|
and a herd of cattle. Illness of,
his father who had been injured
in the Battle of Gettysburg and,
lost his right arm, made him give
up the cowboy life he so dearly
loved and return to his homestead.
Meanwhile Mrs. Newberry calmly
taught school at Beaumont.
Starting in to learn the building
business, Mr. Newberry plugged
along until he finally became head
foreman for some of the outstand-
ing construction companies of the
East, travelling here and there
supervising the building of bridges,
trestles, and’ foundations. He re-
tired last year, then spent the
year building his daughter and son-
that is if Mrs. Newberry stops buy-
ing more and more roses—her pets
—for him to spray.
Mrs. Newberry is an active mem-
ber of East Dallas Methodist Church
where she has headed the Wo-
man’s Society several times and,
even at seyenty-one, has difficulty
dodging committees. She is an avid
crocheter, knitter, and quilter. And
do her fingers fly when she is mak-
ing a new sweater or cap for one
of her ten grandchildren!
Both of the Newberrys are in
excellent health and are fun to
be around.. They have good hear-
ing and can read the Post without
Sunday will be an exciting day
when all the neighbors drop in to
reminisce and talk about the days
when half a dozen houses made up
the villages of Noxen and Beau-
The Newberrys have four chil-
dren: Mrs. Emily Shultz and Mrs.
Sylvia Jones of Millville, Mrs. Al-
fred Moore of East Dallas and Nor-!
ton Newberry of Aberdeen, Md,,!|
all of whom will be on hand for
Sunday’s celebration. There are
also ten grandchildren and two
Dallas Woman's Club Initiates
Eight New Members Wednesday
Eight new members were initi-
ated into the Dallas Woman's Club
at the dinner meeting held at/Irem
Temple Country Club, Wednesday
evening when / Mrs. Ross Lewin,
new president presided for the first
time. { 7s
Rev. Johny Tayloy! guest speaker
gave an inferestig talk on “The
Social Life of tHe Human Female.”
Business consisted of a donation
of ten dollars to the Cancer Drive;
ten dollars to the Shavertown
Youth Center; plans for a rummage
sale to be held May 3, 4, 5. Lois
Lewis discussed the Health Day
program that will be presented by
the Wyoming Valley Woman's Club
Thursday, April 22 at Hotel Sterl-
ing. Speakers will be Dr. J. Frank-
lin Robinson, Dr. Janjiggan, and
Dr. Burchell. Reservations must
be sent to Mrs. Lewin by Tuesday
Delegates to the Luzerne County
Federation of Woman’s Club con-
vention held March 31, Mrs. Peter
Rekus, Mrs. John Girvan, Mrs. Fred
Eck and Mrs. Norman Patton, gave
reports. Appointed as delegates to
the State Federation conference to
be held May 3, and 4 were Mrs.
Milford Shaver, Mrs. Thomas Cease,
Mrs. Joseph Schmerer, Mrs. Ross
Lewin with Mrs. Carl Dick, Mrs.
Charles W. Lee and Miss Grace
Cave as alternates.
Those taken into the club were:
Mrs. Hershel Atzenhofer, Mrs. Arn-
old Williams, Mrs. Michael Strub,
Mrs. Howard Yeager, Mrs. Harry
Snyder, Mrs. J. Franklin Robinson,
and Miss Pat Reynolds. Mrs. Jona-
than Valentine was reinstated.
Others present were: Mesdames
Algert Antonaitis, Primo Berretini,
James Besecker, Robert Bodycomb,
Thomas Cease, Gus Condoras, W.
H. Clewell, Lettie Culver, R. D.
Dickinson, Robert Dolbear, Fred
Eck, Gordon Edwards, Walter Els-
ton, Donald Evans, Myrtle Fell,
Thomas Landon, Charles W. Lee,
Ross Lewin, Robert Lewis, Gordon
Mathers, J. G. Maza, George
Frank, A. N. Garinger, John Girvan,
J. W. Gross, Harris Haycox, Wesley
Himmler, J. V. Hilferty, Verne
Isaacs, David Jenkins, Harry Ohl-
man, Norman Patton, A. J. Pruett,
Lewis Reese, Dale Parry, Peter
Rekus, L. L. Richardson, .J. Rear-
don, Dan Richards, Dan Robinhold,
J. R. Shurz, Joseph Schmerer, Al
Shafer Jr., Milford Shaver, Gran-
ville Sowden, George Turn, Thomas
Varker, Robert Van Horn, Jack
Vincent, Charles Whitesell, Bern-
ard Whitney, David Williams, Del-
mar Wintersteen, Howard Wool-
bert, L. O. Thompson, George Jones;
Miss Mary Weir, Miss Mildred
Devens; also five guests, Mrs. Con-
stanza, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Donnelly,
and Rev. and Mrs. John Taylor.
Births Exceed Deaths
In Luzerne County
Special to The Dallas Post
Harirsburg, April 15-—The number
of live births in Luzerne County
during the month of January was
slightly more than the number of
deaths due to all causes, according
to a report prepared for Pennsyl-
vania New Service by the State
Bureau of Vital Statistics. Births
during the month were listed as 663,
said. —PNS.
Approximately 10 Acres
275 Feet Frontage
Suitable for fine home site
Development of Colony
of Small Houses.
Near Huntsville Reservoir
J. W. Young
5-6116 Realtor
Bride of James K
Miss Arvilla Swan, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. George Swan of Ridg
street, Shavertown, became the
bride of James Keiper, Jr., son of
James Keiper, Sr., of Franklin
street, Saturday, April 10 at 2:30
PM. in Shavertown Methodist
church. Rev. Howard Harrison
performed the double ring cere-
Attendants were Miss Shirley
Swan, R.N., sister of the bride, of
Liberty, N.Y. and Elwood Ide of
The bride wore a pale gray gabar-
dine suit with navy accessories.
Her shoulder bouquet was of or-
chids. Miss Swan selected pink
gabardine with brown accessories
Miss Arvilla Swan Becomes
er, Jr.
of the bri ose navy blue print
i navy accessories and pink
rose buds.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion for about fifty guests was
held at the home of the bride and
the couple left on a trip to Buffalo,
N. Y. and Canada.
Mrs. Keiper is a graduate of
Kingston Township High School and
General Hospital School of Nurs-
ing. During the war she served as
first lieutenant with the U. S. Army
for two years. She was stationed at
Langley Field and Muroc, Cal.
Mr. Keiper was graduated from
Dallas Borough High School and
is employed by the Russell E. Mer-
rill Floor Sanding Company in
and gardenias. Mrs. Swan, mother
Forty Fort.
James Patton, Guest |
On Fourteenth Birthday
James Patton was guest of honor
at a birthday party given by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Patton
of Noxen Monday evening. He was
Present were: Hazel Sutliff, Verna
Jean Case, Alice Schenck, Ethel
Hettis, Roberta Lord, Rita Eley,
Betty Swingle, Barbara Mullen,
Shirley Siglin, Francis Lord.
Beverly Newell, Cecil Traver, Jo-
seph Shalata, Harold Hackling, Har-
old Newell, James Blizzard, Rich-
ard Jones, George Bower, Louis
Eckstein, Walter Galka, James Pat-
ton, Jr., Richard Patton, William
Pattton, Mrs. Peter Hopfer and Mr.
and Mrs. Patton.
Book Club To Meet
Book Club of Back Mountain
Memorial Library will meet at the
library next Wednesday afternoon}
at 2.
Dallas 246-R-3
L. W.
LeGrand, Jr.
Contractor and Builder
@® Delicious BUTTER
Tobacco - Cigarettes
Soft Drinks
Humpty Dumpty Store
evergreen trees. Size
If you have trees th
The Memorial Shrine
buy such trees and ha
want to do the same.
Memorial Shrine
is in need of large Blue Spruce, White Pine,
Junipers, Canadian Pine or any other hardy
Shrine as memorials to some one.
Call the Memorial Shrine and let us give
you all particulars; from 9 to 5 call Wilkes-
Barre 3-0221, after 5 call Centermoreland 23.
from 10 to 25 feet in
at are about to crowd,
has people willing to
ve them placed in the
You may