The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 02, 1948, Image 4

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Mer ont tr, rr
. with her parents,
Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Doings
Purely |
Jack Lee of Washington, D.C.
spent the Easter weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Roscoe Lee of Terrace
Mrs. Leslie Warhola is staying
temporarily with her brother and
family in Kingston. The Warhola
house has been sold to John Bush.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmerer
of Parrish street spent Easter visit-
ing the latter’s brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Herbert
of Edwardsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lewis and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Miles of Pine Beach, N.J., and Mrs.
Nettie Parrish of Wilkes-Barre
spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Woolbert of Mt. Zion.
Davenport street is spending several :
days in Baltimore where she is
visiting her new grandson, Eddie
Harold Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Casper
and family will move this week from
their home on the Ceasetown road
to the Niezgoda house.
Frederick Anthony, student at
Lehigh University spent the Easter
vacation with his wife and parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rhodes of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne and
Marlene spent the Easter weekend
in Atlantic City. Mrs. Milne and
Marlene remained for the week.
Mrs. Kate Kirkendall, formerly
of Dallas, now of Scranton, is spend-
ing some time with Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra Hoover of Trucksville R.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer
Sr. of Davenport street had as
guests over the holiday weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Niemeyer and
daughter, Kathy of Baltimore. Mr.
and Mrs. William Niemeyer and
Mrs. Philip Anderson and chil-
dren, James and Gretchen, have
returned to their home in Balti-
more, Md., after spending a week
with Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Robbins of Trucks-
Mrs. Wilson Cease left Tuesday |
night for Washington state where]
she will join her husband and visit!
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. |
and Mrs. Arnold Cease and family. |
Philip Cease, student at State Col-
lege, spent the Easter vacation at
his home. |
Mary Louise Jones, dietician at!
Massachusetts General Hospital, |
Boston, spent the Easter holidays
Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Jones, Terrace Avenue.
Her sister, Aleatha, returned with,
her to spend a few days in Boston. |
Mr. and Mrs. William Ockenhouse
and family of Huntsville road moved
in with Mrs. Ockenhouse’s parents, :
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eipper of Rice
street, this week. i
Freddie Anderson, son of Mr. and!
Mrs. Frederic Anderson, has been
ill at his home at Carverton with
the mumps.
Attorney and Mrs. Leighton. R.
Scott and Leighton, Jr. of Easton,
will spend the weekend with Mrs.
Scott’s mother, Mrs. H. H. Zeiser
of Huntsville road.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reese of
Franklin street spent the weekend
in Philadelphia where they visited
the latter's sister, Mrs. William
Pierce of Plains, who is a patient
at the U. of P. Hospital.
Miss Rita Cummings of Lake
street will entertain members of
her card club on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Templin of
Oakmont, Pa. will arrive Friday
to spend the weekend with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
W. Templin of Woodlawn road.
Miss Pauline Ide and her fiance,
John Blackwell of Troy, Pa. spent
the Easter weekend visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
‘cus Ide of Mill street.
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Frick of
Pike's Creek had as guests over
the Easter weekend their fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Frick of
~ Merchantville, N. J., Mr. and Mrs.
Earl J. Frick of Doylestown and
Miss Helen Frick of Shenandoah.
Miss Helen Williamson, former
Shavertown teacher, now teacher at
the Friends School in Philadelphia,
spent several days last week visit-
ing friends and relatives in the
Back Mountain. She was called
home by the death of her brother,
Claude of Bethlehem.
Mrs. G. R. Flack, wife of Dr. G.
R. Flack of Main road, Trucksville,
is spending some time visiting her
parents in Massachusetts. Her
father has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Davenport
and son, Bobby of Kunkletown and
Harry Davenport of Newark, N. J.,
spent the holiday weekend visiting
Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Howell of Trucks-
| and Mrs. Percy Robinson of Laflin
sons, Billie and Bobbie of Balti-
more also visited the Niemeyers and
Mrs. A. C. Verfaille. Sunday Mr.
visited at the Niemeyer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Snyder
and son, Bob of Church street and
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Snyder
and son, Billy of Berwick. spent
several days last week at Mr. and
Mrs. S. Hogan's Evergreen Planta-
tion at Gordonsville, Tenn. Mr.
and Mrs. Hogan are the grand-
parents of Mrs. William Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. W. Templin
entertained at a family dinner
Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Eck and Marilyn, Jack, Dorothy
Jean and Beverly Eck of Shaver-
town, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Templin
and Bobbie of Wilkes-Barre, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Maxwell of Kings-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reese
of Dallas, and Ralph and Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Riley of
Shavertown have left for Riverside,
Cal., where they will visit Mrs.
Riley's sister and family for a few
months. :
Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis of
Clarion, Pa., spent the Easter week-
end with the former’s parents, Atty.
and Mrs. B. B. Lewis of Woodlawn
John E. Johnson has returned to
his home in Shavertown after
spending the past three months in
Schenectedy, N. Y., where he was
called by the serious illness of his
Frankie Kuehn and Marilyn Ohl-
man, students at Temple University
resumed their studies Tuesday after
spending the Easter weekend with
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hinkle of Shav-
ertown had as Easter Sunday dinner
guests Rev. Paul Keppel of Forty
Fort and Mrs. Hinkle’s mother, Mrs.
Frances Sutliff.
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hess of Ro-
chester, N. Y., spent Easter with
Mr. and Mrs. Dory Rogers of Trucks-
ville and also spent sometime with
Mr. Hess's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Hess of Noxen.
Mrs. Dory Rogers, Trucksville,
spent sometime this week with her
sister, Mrs. John Derolf, Arch street,
Wilkes-Barre, who has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver Jr.
and son Skippy visited Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Snyder of Lehman
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin
and family spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver of
Charles Conklin Jr., returned to
his home after spending two months
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Shaver of Trucksville.
“Skippy”’ Shaver is recuperating
at his home in Trucksville after a
fall in his walker down the steps
of his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller of
Mrs. William - Niemeyer Sr. of
“Merton of the Movies”
Red Skelton, Virginia O’Brien
Ann Sheridan, Lew Ayres
Zachary Scott
“Buffalo Bill
Rides Again”
Richard Arlen, Jennifer Holt
“I Cover Big Town”
Philip Reed, Mona Barrie
i Shavertown and Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Rood of Lehman avenue spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Beidleman of West
Broad street, Nanticoke.
James L. Williams of Kitchen
| Creek has returned to his home
| after spending several days in Nan-
ticoke hospital. He is much im-
proved. :
W. B. Jeter, president of First
National Bank is back on the job
after being ill for a week.
Miss Dorohy Weaver of Kunkle
| Candidly Photographed
Beautifully Mounted
E.C. Hupson
Darras 168-R-9
Davis Street, Trucksville
Alberta Gensel, Engaged
To Lawrence Steltz
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gensel of
Alderson announce the engagement
of their daughter, Alberta, to Lawr-
ence Steltz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Steltz Sr. of Sweet Valley.
Miss Gensel is a graduate of Lake-
ton High School and is presently
employed at Bowman’s Restaurant.
Mr. Steltz is also a graduate of
Lake Township High School and is
a year and a half in Italy. He is
now attending the Wildan Electrical
School in Wilkes-Barre.
The wedding will take place in
Annabelle Crispell To
Wed Howard Eshleman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Crispell
of Alderson R.D. have announced
Annabelle, to Harold Eshleman, son
of Moravia, N.Y.
Miss Crispell is a graduate of
employed at the Sunrise Factory
at Endicott, N.Y.
Mr. Eshleman served with the
U.S. Army and is employed in John-
son City, N.Y.
Miss Crispell and Mr. Eshleman
spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs.
Crispell at which time the an-
nouncement was made.
had as guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
William Trexler of Germantown.
Mrs. Trexler is the former Rhoda!
James Besecker Jr., freshman at
University of Pennsylvania, spent
the Easter vacation with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Besecker
of Norton avenue.
Miss Eleanor Carter has returned
to her home in Portland, Maine after
spending several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Oliver. Mrs. Oliver
and Miss Carter were classmates at
New England Conservatory of Music.
Mrs. Sherman Wardan of Shaver-
town had as luncheon guests Wed-
nesday, Mrs. D. P. Honeywell and
Mrs. Kate Gensel. Sunday the
Wardans entertained Mrs. Garfield
Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
| Kunkle and Baby Sherman of Sweet
Valley; also members of their family.
Mrs. Nora Mulhern of Norton
avenue spent the Easter weekend
with her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. William Mulhern in
Theodore Commons of Norton
avenue spent the Easter weekend
visiting his mother. in Syracuse, N.
Y. Ted is in these parts working
with the George Common Insula-
tion Company in Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs. Maggie Hildebrant of Norton
avenue had as weekend guests her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. William Thomas and sons,
Billie, Karl and David Allen of Phil-
adelphia. Callers Sunday afternoon
were Mrs. Robert Cranston and Mrs.
Lena Titus of Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert® Griesing of
Franklin street and Dick Phillips
of Norton avenue motored to Phila-
delphia Friday evening where they
spent the night with Mrs. Griesing’s
sister and family. Saturday they
and Lois, student nurse, attended
the wedding of a friend in Allen-
Douglas Robins who recently was
discharged from military training,
is now employed at Dallas Hard-
ware and Supply.
Boiled water cress, they say, is
a favorite dish in some parts of
the world, but tastes differ, and
you won't find it on our menus.
What you will find is a whole-|
some, healthful variety of good,
American food, cooked the way,
you like it’ Come eat with us!,
Bowman’s Restaurant
a veteran of World War II, serving |
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eshleman
Laketon High School and has been]:
the engagement of their daughter, | §&
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Claudia Ruth
Cooke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
| Claude H. Cooke of Fernbrook, to
Frank B. Kamor, son of Mrs.
Mary Kamor of Overbrook avenue.
The double ring ceremony was per-
formed in St. Philips Church at
Battle Creek, Mich., February 6 at
6:30 P.M. Father McDonald offici-
ated. Attendants were Lt. Ann
Mitchell and Lt. Frances O'Brien.
The bride wore a gray gabardine
suit with brown accessories. Her
shoulder bouquet was of orchids.
Lt. Mitchell wore brown gabardine
suit with matching accessories and
Lt. O'Brien gray gabardine. Both
had shoulder bouquets of gardenias.
Mrs. Kamor is a graduate of Dal-
las Township High School and East
Stroudsburg Staté Teachers’ Col-
lege. From there she went to Wal-
ter Reed Hospital in Washington,
D.C. where she received her com-
Miss June Swan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Swan of Idetown
will become the bride of Charles H.
Fisk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.
Fisk of Sweet Valley in the Idetown
Methodist Church Sunday, April 18
at two o'clock. Rev. Frank K. Ab-
bott will perform the double ring
Mrs. Doris Schallenberger will
play the piano and Mrs. Roy Tryon
will be soloist.
Miss Betty Lewis of Lehman will
be maid of honor and Mrs. Edith
Bonning, sister of the bride of
Trucksville, and Miss Eleanor Po-
Krinchak, bridesmaids. Best man
Miss Claudia Ruth Cooke Is
Married To Frank B-Kamor
mission in physical therapy. She
served four years and three months,
part of it in England where she
received her commission as first
lieutenant. Since the end of the
war she has been at the Percy
Jones General Hospital in Battle
Creek where she received her
honorable discharge March 25.
Mr. Kamor was also graduated
from Dallas Township High School.
He enlisted in the United States
Air Corps and took his basic train-
ing at Puerto Rico. He was com-
missioned and received his wings
at San Antonio, Texas, then left
for Italy. He was in the service
for six years. He is now enrolled
at Temple University where he is
majoring in accounting.
The couple reside at 1823 North
Park Avenue, Philadelphia 22. They
spent their Easter vacation with
their parents Back of the Mountain.
Miss June Swan To Become
Bride Of Charles H. Fisk
will be Murray Fiske, brother of
the bridegroom, and Arnold Swan,
brother of the bride will act as
Pages will be nieces of the bride,
Patricia and Leonora Swan and
Sally Woolbert will be flower girl.
Miss Swan is a graduate of Leh-
man High School and for a time
was employed by the Bell Telephone
Company in Philadelphia. She is
now employed at Natona Mills.
Mr. Fisk was also graduated from
Lehman High School and is em-
ployed by Ritter Construction Com-
pany at Holidaysburg where the
couple will reside.
James Seward Has
Fifth Birthday Party
A birthday party was held in
honor of James Seward who was
five years of age on Sunday at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Seward, Fernbrook.
He received many lovely gifts.
Supper was served to the following:
Mr. and Mrs. William Compton and
Melvyn, Mr. and Mrs. George Belles,
Mrs. George Shaver, Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. George Shaver Jr. and Skippy,
Mrs. Harry Belles, Bob and Dorothy,
Mrs. Fred Lamoreaux, Joy and
Freddy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Se-
ward, Buddy and Jimmy, the guest
of honor. :
June Long Is Engaged
To Norman H. Iverson
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Long of
Sweet Valley have announced the
engagement of their daughter, Lil-
lian June, to Norman H. Iverson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Iverson
of 344 State Street, Nanticoke.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
Garrison Memorial High School,
Shickshinny and Wilkes-Barre Gen-
eral Hospital School of Nursing.
At present she is on the Nursing
Staff at that institution.
Mr. Iverson attended Harter High
School, West Nanticoke, and spent |
two years in the Marine Corps
during World War II, eighteen
months of which were spent in
overseas duty. He is employed by
the Glen Alden Coal Company.
No date - has been set for the
Robert Patrick Estus
Christened On Sunday
Robert, Patrick Estus was bap-
tised on Palm Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock at St. Theresa’s Church
by Father Bernard Grogan.
Sponsors were Miss Dorothy Sulli-
van and Fred Velletri of Providence,
R.I. Dinner was served at 6 o’clock
Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George
Stolarick, Lehman; Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Kaye, Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and
“Mrs. Edward Lelasher, Hudson;
Miss Dorothy Sullivan, Fred Velletri,
Providence, R.I., Mr. and Mrs. David
Estus and children, Jeanne, John,
Davy, Ethel, Tommy, and Paul.
Mrs. Frank Miller, recent bride,
was guest of honor at a lovely
“shower given at the Kunkle Com-
munity Hall by her friends and
neighbors Friday evening. Mrs.
Miller is the former Mabel Miller
of Kunkle.
The hall was attractively decor-
ated with Easter colors and spring
Seated at the bride’s table were
her mother, Mrs. Gideon Miller, her
cousin, Mrs. Virginia Lupinski, her
aunt, Mrs. Charles Ellsworth, her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Franklin Miller
Sr. and the bridegroom’s aunt, Mrs.
Alvin Williams.
A huge bouquet of spring flowers,
a wedding cake with bride and
groom, and wedding bells added a
festive touch to the bride’s table.
At one end was a guest book which
everyone signed. The linen lunch-
eon cloth had belonged to the
bride’s grandmother, the late Mrs.
Guests tables had centerpiece of
narcissus and tall white tapers.
Multicolored Easter candies were
used as decorations.
Gifts were presented to the bride
in a large white sail boat, along
with a recipe book in which guests
had written their favorite recipes
Mrs. Frank Miller,
Is Honored at Community Shower
Recent Bride,
or household hints. Decorations
were in charge of Mrs. Winther
of the Joann Dress Shop.
Present at the shower were: Mrs.
Clifford Hawke of Trucksville; Miss
Jean Richards, Plymouth; Mrs. Al-
fred Broom and Mrs. Bert Stitzer,
Shavertown; Mrs. Charles Ellsworth,
Mrs. Virginia Lupinski of Hamlin;
Mrs. Franklin Miller Sr.; Mrs. Al-
vina Williams, Laurel Run; Mrs.
Marian Witter, Alderson; Julia Kun-
kle, Mrs. Gideon Miller, Mrs. Lewis
Nulton, Mrs. Allen Brace, Mrs. Car-
rie Kunkle, Mrs. William Brace.
Mrs. Florence Klimeck, Mrs. Marie
Rydd, Mrs. Emily Traver, Mrs. Jack
Birnstock, Jo Carrol Birnstock, Mrs.
Thomas Landon, Mrs. Forrest Kun-
kle, Mrs. Georgia Mitchell, Mrs.
Fred Dodson and Jackie, Mrs. Stella
Isaacs, Mrs. Vera Wertman, Mrs.
George Landon, Mrs. Ralph Ash-
burner, Mrs. Paul Hilbert and dau-
ghter, Miss Joann Winther, Miss
Kathleen Winther, Miss Lela Win-
ther and the guest of honor..
Mrs. Miller, who has spent her
entire life in Kunkle, is a member
of the Senior Class at Dallas Town-
ship High School. Mr. Miller, a
@&1., is attending school in Wilkes-
Barre. The ceremony was per-
formed last fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Haycox and
family of Main Road spent the
Easter weekend in New York City.
8 Rooms, Steam Heat, Fireplace,
Hardwood Floors. Interior Has Been
Remodeled Attractively
We're on duty 24 hours a
day—always ready to ser-
vice your car. Don’t wait
——phone Dallas 274-R-9.
Dallas, Pennsylvania
Dallas 246-R-3
L. W.
LeGrand, Jr.
Contractor and Builder
means a knack for mak-
ing your garden grow.
And that’s what our
gardeners do when they
landscape your lawn,
garden beautifully,
Telephone 244-R-9
Next To Brace Gas Station
Shavertown—Main Highway
ADULTS 50c - -
Wednesday, April 7 at 8 p. m.
“UP” on jhe
this spring? Why not
phone 118, today for
an appointment with
this tush
top” hairdo.
“over the
facial massages.
Beauty Parlor
Parrish Street, Dallas