~) THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1948 PAGE SEVEN “FARM TOPICS Prevent Farm Fires— A safety program is the best way to guard against farm fires. Get rid of all fire hazards, check electrical wiring and equipment, keep heating units in good condition, cure hay and grain properly, and have fire-fight- ing equipment on hand. Treat Garden Seeds— Because many garden seeds carry disease- producing fungi and bacteria, treat- ing the seed is recommended. In- structions on treatment of most vegetable seeds can be obtained from the county agricultural agent. Stop Using Lights—About April 1, days are long enough to stop using lights in the laying house. Taper off in use of lights. Start them about a half hour for a few days until starting time coincides with daylight. Control Hog Lice—A 10 per cent DDT dust rubbed ‘into the hair of hogs, with some spread on the lit- ter, gives effective control of lice. Keep it out of feed and water, and troughs. Use Rubber Tires—Almost any implement or vehicle on the farm can be improved and its efficiency increased by using rubber tires. Spray Schedule Ready—The new 1948 spray schedule for peach, OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat THE GOVERNMENT HAS A PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY BECAUSE IT DETERMINES MONETARY POLICIES AND IS THE LARGEST SINGLE INDIVIDUALLY, EACH OF US CAN HELP REDUCE INFLATIONARY PRESSURES BY WORKING HARD, SPENDING PRUDENTLY AND PUTTING ALL WE CAN IN LIFE INSURANCE, SAVINGS AND GOVERNMENT BONDS. i ye ai EVERYBODYS BUSINESS ONE OF THE BIGGEST DANGERS THAT THE INFLATIONARY SITUATION HOLDS IS THE ATTITUDE OF “LETTING GEORGE DO IT.” ACTUALLY, IF THE PROBLEM IS TO BE MET, IT CALLS FOR CONCERTED ACTION BY THE GOVERNMENT, BY MANAGEMENT AND LABOR AND 8Y ALL OF US. W NW ot tow J ££ Deo IIR 5 1 BUYER OF GOODS AND SERVICES. ip” Y “4 wn, wy rill MANAGEMENT AND LABOR HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY BECAUSE WHAT THEY DO AFFECTS DIRECTLY THE WAGE PRICE SPIRAL. 7 WE HAVE AT ” 10 E. CENTER STREET DO YOU NEED A NEW ROOF? SHINGLES 5. PER SQUARE AND UP Come in and see our selection. Ask about our time payment plan. Shavertsun Builders Supply Co. Phone Dallas 42 | SHAVERTOWN Fire Badly Damages Sweet Valley Home The home of Howard Rinker at Sweet Valley was badly damaged by fire last Tuesday night. Flames were kept to the second floor of the home, a bungalow- type dwelling, by members of Sweet Valley Fire Company, who using their new high-pressure fog equipment brought the fire under control within a few min 8 " arriving at the scene. The fire is reported to have been caused by a defective chim- ney. Mr. Rinker is said to have attempted to extinguish the flames with a garden hose before sum- moning the firemen, whose appar- atus is based about a mile and one-half from the Rinker home. Miss Florence Jackson To Wed J. S. Greenley Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jackson of Center Moreland have announced the engagement of their daughter, Florence Louise, to John S. Grgefi® ley, son of Mr. and Mrs, “Ralph Greenley of Tunkhannock’R. D. 2. Miss Jackson was graduated from Tunkhannock High School in the class of 1947 and is employed “ims, the office of the Commonwealth Telephone Company. Mr. Greenley was graduated from Tunkhannock High School in the class of 1945. No date has been set for the wedding. © King Features Syndicate. All Rights Reserved DIONNE QUINTS' promptly relieve coughs of If It’s Real Estate WE HAVE IT— » WE BUY IT— WE SELL IT— WE RENT IT— WE APPRAISE IT— WE INSURE IT If you have it and need help, call us. DURELLE T. SCOTT, Jr. 54 Huntsville Road Telephone Dallas 224-R-13 after 6 P.M. Member of the Firm D. T. SCOTT & SONS Established 1908 By GENE BYRNES ~~ £L 3s : Lb. [MARY WORTH’S FAMILY | i | SHALL I GET YOU A CAB, COLONEL a CANFIELD? NO, THANKS , MRS. WORTH ! MY CALLS ARE CLOSE TOGETHER, AND THE OLD KNAPSACK ISN'T HEAVY! NO MAIL FOR ME, IS THERE ?+- BY THE WAY JUST WENT OUT ? bd WHO 1S THE DISTINGUISHED li LOOKING GENTLEMAN WHO THAT'S COLONEL CANFIELD, MRS.BROWN-- A RETIRED ARMY MAN, HERE ON GOVERNMENT BUSINESS! A I KNEW HE WAS IMPORTANT! SUCH POISE! .« AND CHARM! 15 THERE --UH «