PAGE FOUR THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 35, 1948 E Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Doings Purely Personal Mrs. Roscoe Lee of Terrace street had as weekend guest her son, John R. Lee of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. James Lacy and family have moved from Huntsville to their home on Terrace street. The Lacys bought the Kirkendall house. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hoats have moved into their new home at Trucksville Gardens. Mrs. Lawrence Updyke has been ill at her home on Church street this week. Mrs. Pearl London of Kingston was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hilbert of Beaumont over the week end. Sunday callers at the Hilbert home were Mrs. Lee Philo and son of Bunker Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver London and son of Kingston. Mrs. W. B. Risley of Lehman ave- nue is spending some time with her dauhgter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston at Nicholson. ‘Mrs. Wilbur Herthler and her father have returned from Arizona to their home on. Main road, Fern- brook. Murray Scureman of Huntsville road returned to work last week after an illness. Miss Dorothy’ Sullivan of Provi- | dence, Rhode Island, is spending some time with Mz. and Mrs. David A. Estes and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Rine- himer had as guest for several days this week their granddaughter, Patsy Rinehimer of Tunkhannock while her mother had the flu. | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuchta and daughter, Judy, spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mrs. Mary Kuchta and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger of Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith Sr. ‘had as weekend guest their son, George of Lewistown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dolbear of Overbrook avenue had as Sunday supper guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodson of Kunkle. Mrs. Jerome Marshal, Mrs. Joe MacVeigh, Mrs. J. Stanley Rine- himer and Mrs. George Gregson at- tended a tea at the home of Mrs. John Humphreys in Kingston Tues- day. : Howard Bailey is recovering at his home on Wellington avenue after an illness of several weeks. His son, who was ill with pneu- monia, returned to school this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shurz of Cen- ter Hill road entertained the latter’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cook, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handley of Main road, Shavertown, had as weekend guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Edmondson of Rockville Center, L.| I. Mrs. Warren Edmondson came with them and visited the Handleys and her son and daughter-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Russell Edmondson. ‘Mrs. Walter Gerlock and Mrs. Thomas C. Hontz will entertain the "Ladies Auxiliary of St. Paul's Luth- eran Church at a “ Who's It” party at the Church on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Durkin cf the Edmundson Gift Shop attended the gift show in New York City this week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaff have purchased the Green house that they have been occupying on Pion- eer avenue, Trucksville. Mrs. Robert Green is ill at her home at Demunds. Joseph Voitek of Demunds recent- ly visited with relatives in Luzerne. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons of Demunds recently entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. William Spring and children, Patsy, and Billy of Plains. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRI-SAT. “This Time for Keeps” in technicolor with Esther Williams, Jimmie Durante Xavier Cugat Orchestra, Lauritz Melchoir MON-TUES. “Song of Love” with Robert Walker, Katherine Hepburn, Paul Henreid WED-THUR. DOUBLE FEATURE “Fear in the Night” Paul Kelly Kay Scott “North of the Border” Russell Hayden Inez Cooper GRIFFITHS’ WIRE HAIRED PUPPY FLIES TO NEW MASTER IN MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths shipped a fine little three month old wire haired terrier by air out tos Missouri on Wednesday. The little blatk and white féllow tr led in a crate built by @ind addres- sed to Mrs. Milton Lottman, a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Lottman for Mil- ton’s son. A little collar and tiny yellow bow of ribbon were his travel- ling suit and a note written by Grace, urging his new little master to use patience and understanding for a puppy who'd just left his mother and three little brothers and sisters, was his passport. SB | Have Baby Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gregory of Hunlock announce the birth of a baby girl, Donna Marie at Nesbitt Hospital, Tuesday, March 2. This is their first child. Mrs. Gregory is the former Marie Meade. Have Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. James Hilbert Moyer, Dallas R. D. 1, have announ- ced the birth of a son, James Hil- bert II on February 5th, at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Moyer is the former Miss Vivian Kocher. They have one other child, a dau- ghter, Beverly. "Robert Patrick Estes Mr. and Mrs. David A. Estes of Huntsville road, Dallas, announce the birth of their seventh child, i Robert Patrick, on February 20th at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Estes and infant son have returned to their home. Will Return Home Today Miss L’Nore Carey of Goss Manor will return to her home today after submitting to an operation at Nes- bitt Hospital Tuesday, February 24. The operation was necessitated by the injuries sustained while riding along Tunkhannock Highway last June. Philip Cease, accompanied by a fraternity brother, John Crum of Pittsburgh, spent the wekend with his mother, Mrs. Wilson Cease. Wilson Cease who is spending several weeks with his son Arnold and family in Washington State, | writes that the weather out there | is just like September and that he is having wonderful luck fishing. ! Mrs. Maggie Hildebrant is able to be out again after a recent illness of grippe. Oswald Griffiths and Tom Robin- son and Billy Ichter spent last { Thursday and part of Friday in New York City where they met I Margaret and Grace returning from a cruise to Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis of Lehman had as guests several days last week the latter's sister, Miss Grace Ferry and E. T. Truitt. Mrs. Lewis has been ill for the last two weeks with laryngitis. Cards have been received from Mrs. W. H. Conyngham who is visit- ing in San Francisco and Santa Barbara, California. Billy Valentine, son of Attorney and Mrs. William Valentine of Meeker has been ill this week. Ed Hall, Shavertown druggist, has returned after spending several weeks golfing in Florida. Murray Scureman Jr. has been ill at his home on Huntsville road this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Laskowski and son Theodore were Bloomsburg visitors recently. Theodore has en- rolled at the Bloomsburg State { Teachers’ College. Elmer Laskowski while repairing ‘a barn roof had the misfortune of falling off it, with a terrible shake- up and a few bruises. * Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Laskowski and daughter Shirley, visited friends in South River, N. J., re- cently. WEDDINGS Candidly Photographed Beautifully Mounted »% E. C. HubpsonN Darras 168-R-9 Davis Street, Trucksville su. Housewarming Is Given To Mr and Mrs. Finney The S. D. Finneys were guests of honor at a housewarming party on' Saturday night. The Finneys, former residents, of Holly street, Trucksville, have’ recently remodel- ed and moved into f 7 home on Carverton Road. ‘being a house- warming { , the guests arrived bearing gifts such as boxes of coal and bundles of wood with which to warm the house. A light trailer attached to "his car was used to cart the apple tree donated by one of the group. It was taken into the Finneys living room and de- posited in the fireplace. Some hot tales were told around the hot fire after which hot coffee was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Shortz, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bush and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Finney. Miss Patsy Cairns Is Honored At Shower Miss Patsy Cairns, bride-elect, was guest of honor at a linen shower given by Miss Lila Parry on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Byron G. Ide, Lewis Avenue, Trucksville. Miss Cairns will be- come the bride of Earl Gregory, Jr., tonight at 7:30 in Shavertown Methodist Church. She received many beautiful and useful gifts. Present were: Mrs. Conrad Or- chard, Mrs. Russell Wolfe, Mrs. Glenn Case, Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mrs. Earl Gregory, Mrs. Kathleen Cairns, Mrs. George Shaver, Jr., Mrs. Byron G. Ide, Mrs. Bud Williams, Edith Anderson, Marion Gregory, Jean Lamoreaux, Mary Ann Young- blood, Gladys Parry, Lila Parry, Laura Jean Perrin, and the guest of honor. Mrs. Betty Warhola Is Hostess To Card Club Mrs. Betty Warhola entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Church street last Thurs- day evening. Present were: Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mrs. Edna Mec- Carthy, Mrs. Lettie Culver, Mrs. Lil- lian Kuehn, Mrs. Florence Phillips, Miss Gertrude Wilson and the hostess. Louie Ayre Is Hostess To Pupils and Parents Mrs. Louie W. Ayre entertained a few of her piano pupils and their parents at a Parent-Teacher Meeting and recital at her home on Carver- ton road Sunday afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins and Wilma, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert DeWitt and Marjorie, Marshal Downes and Elinor, Rev. and Mrs. George Roberts and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. James Dick and Dawn, Mr. and Mrs. James Aikens and Ann. Womans’ Club To Install New Officers March 10 New officers will be installed at the dinner meeting of Dallas Wo- mans’ Club to be held at Irem Coun- try Club Wednesday, March 10, at 6:30. Reservations should be made with Grace Cave by Monday, March 8. Mrs. Granville Sowden will con- duct a quiz program for which prizes will be awarded. Names of new members for the club may be submitted up until March 10. Mrs. Louise Colwell Entertains At Supper Mrs. Louise Colwell entertained members of her bridge club at a chow mein party at her home on Ridge street, "Monday evening. Present were: Mrs. Paul Warriner, Mrs. Henry Peterson, Mrs. J. H. Hauck, Mrs. Ray Evans, Mrs. James Huston, Mrs. M. J. Brown, Mrs. Florence Phillips, and the hostess. Y REMEMBER— WE SERVE THE GREATER DALLAS AREA Real Estate - Insurance J. W. YOUNG, Realtor W.-B. 3-6116 * x x Fash keynote of this tight-waisted gray \ Miss Patricia Cairns, daughter of Mrs. Kathleen Cairns of Cliffside avenue, Trucksville, will become the bride of Earl S. Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gregory Sr. ofl" Miss Parry has selected Trucksville at a candle light.service lin Shavertown Methodist Church , this evening, Friday, March 5 at {7:30 p. m. Rev. Howard Harrison will perform the double ring cere- mony before an altar banked with palms and mixed flowers. .- Attendants will be Miss Lila "Parry of Wilkes-Barre and Ralph Anthony of Trucksville. Ushers, bath cousins of the bride groom, will be Byron Ide and Luther Gregory. Another cousin, Marian Gregory, will play the wedding march. The bride will wear ‘white bro- | caded satin dress fashioned with i long tight sleeves, high neck-line ions * x x One of six favorite suits for Easter is shown above as pictured in the March issue of Good Housekeeping. “Gracefulness is the suit, with a curve of collar and a swing of skirt. It is available in sizes 10 to 16 and costs about $45. Miss Patricia Cairns To Become Bride Of Earl Gregory Tonight and bustle. | Her finger-tip veil will fall from a tiara of rhinestones and she will carry a white Prayer Book marked” with an orchid. char- treuse taffeta designed like the bride’s gown with matching skull cap. She will carry a nosegay of mixed flowers. Following the ceremony, a small reception will be held at the home of the bride and the couple will leave for a motor trip. Miss Cairns is a graduate of Kingston Township High School. Mr. Gregory was also graduated from Kingston Township High School and is employed by Orchard Farm Dairy. They will make their home with Mrs. Cairns at 2 Cliffside avenue, Trucksville. Mrs. Shallenberger Is Hostess To Club ' Mrs. George Schallenberger en- tertained members of the Harmony Club of Demunds recently. Mrs. George Kraftek was welcomed as a new member. Oliver Schallen- ! beger entertained with piano selec- tions. Present were: Mrs. Ira Frantz, Mrs. Henry Phillips, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Henry Wells, Mrs. Rus- sel Race, Mrs. F. M. Drake, Virginia and Ricky Drake, Mrs. Corey B. Ransom, Mrs. J. J. Voitek, Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. Byron Kester, Mrs. Weldon Carle, Mrs. George Kraftek, Mrs. Harry Sweppenheiser, Sr., Joyce and Harry Jr., Mrs. George Berlew, Mrs. W. E. Schoonover, Mrs. | Gordon Austin, Mrs. Leon Fredd, | and the hostess. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Race, assisted by Mrs. Smith. TASTES oicionr Pigeon's eggs may be a delicacy to some people, but our patrons prefer the good food we serve as more suitable to their taste. You will always find the wide variety of our menu appealing. Come in and see for yourself. Bowman’s Restaurant MAIN STREET Silver Leaf Club Invests In Government Bonds At a recent meeting of the Silver Leaf Club of Kunkle it was voted by the majority of the members to thousand dollar government bonds to mature buy three one in twelve years. A recent building experience running much higher than was expected at present in- flated prices prompted the action. The Silver Leaf Club has ben re- sponsible for many community im- provements and financial gifts dur- ing its more thah than twenty years of activities. Mrs. Anna Weaver is president of the club. READY-FOR- THE. WEARING That's how every dress in your wardrobe should be! Let us lengthen hems, adjust shoulder pads or clean your frocks to give them freshness and longer life! IT'S ALWAYS TO HECK with your cleaning prob- lems. Harvey’s Lake 3326 DALLAS Call and Delivery Service QUICKEST CLEANING SERVICE IN THE AREA Three of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hinkle of Lincoln Drive, Shavertown, were born in February; so that month is a festive season in the Hinkle home. Teddy, 15, was born on February 1; Donald, 12 on February 14, and Jacqueline, 11, on February 28. That calls for a series of parties. On Valentine’s Day Donald was the guest of honor at a birthday party at the Hinkle home. Decora- tions were in keeping with the day and there was a large red heart centerpiece on the table, flanked with red and white tapers, and two large birthday cakes. Games were played and prizes awarded. Attending were: Carol Malkemes, Margaret Ferguson, Elizabeth Dier- olf, Gail Woolbert, Carol Kester, Donna Mae LaBar, Jeanne Debon- nick, Jane Bartels, Sandra Graves, Marilyn Covert, Jacqueline and Sandra Hinkle, Raymond Balut, Teddy Jones, John Baur, - David Three Hinkle Children Celebrate Birthdays In Month Of February Werts, George Jenkins, John Stahl and Teddy and Donald Hinkle, Grandma Sutliff and Mrs. Hinkle. On Saturday, February 28, Jack- queline was the guest of honor on her eleventh birthday anniversary. Table decorations were in pink and white with favors and two large birthday cakes surrounded with white tapers. Bingo and other games were played and prizes awarded. Those attending were Joan Sick- ler, Patsy Steele, Irene Pefferling, Marie Adler, Sandra Graves, Margo Davis, Barbara Hieleman, Gertrude Gueyer, Elaine Shotwell, Donna Mae LaBar, Carol Inman, Margaret An- tanaitis, Susan Jones, Linda Lou Lloyd, Nancy Wilkin, Sandra and Jacqueline Hinkle, Mrs. Rachael Porter, Jacqueline’s teacher in the Fifth Grade, Mrs. Robert Steele. Mrs. Sutliff and Mrs. Hinkle were also present. BOWMAN’S CREEK, PA. For That Very Special Treat Drive Out To MOUNTAIN VIEW INN And Enjoy A Delicious Chicken Dinner On Sunday PHONE H. L. 3695 Sweater Brigade Pretty pastel, downy- soft wool sweaters to escort your suits or just your skirts. So many lovely styles in so many heavenly colors. Slipons and cardigans in all sizes and a wide range of prices. ARTLEY MAIN STREET, LUZERNE oid PA igi RA