- their home on Lake Street. PAGE FOUR Neighborhoo THE POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1948 d Notes And News Of Local Church Doings Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Charleston, W. Va., son and daugh- ter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Franklin street are spend- ing two weeks in Florida. They are celebrating their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. : Sheldon MacAvoy of Spring street, Shavertown, celebrated his six- teenth birthday anniversary Tues- day, February 24.- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chappelle of Orchard street had as weekend guests, their daughter, Frances of Washington, D.C. and son, Frank of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts of Main street had as guests over the weekend their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roberts and daughter, Janet of Kingston. Mrs. Robert Garris and infant! son, Roderick Charles, have return- ed from Homeopathic Hospital to This is the Garrises first child. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards Sr. have returned to’ their home at IE a MRS. AMANDA YAPLE IS CHEERED BY VISITS WITH FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Coming right along and act- ing more like her own jolly self, Mrs. Amanda Yaple is able to be down stairs at her home on Claude street now and is enjoying short visits with néighbors and-friends. A weeksor so ago, she had a very~Special caller in her old friend, L. P. Taylor from At- lanta, Ga. She and Lou had a lot of fun chatting about the days when he and Ruth and Edith Jeter and Harry Harter used to enjoy hot waffles and home-made bread at the Yaples. “Them was the days.” On Valentine's Day, Mrs. Harry Snyder, a Claude street neighbor, surprised her with a heart bedecked basket full of jellies, candies, fruits and all sorts of delectable goodies. The ‘Sunshine Basket” was a gift from her neighbors on Claude street, all of whom sent cheery messages on frilly val- entines. She has thoroughly enjoyed reading the friendly messages of over two hundred cards. Huntsville after spending several weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, Claude street, had as guest for the past month the latter’s brother, Pfc. | Walter Smith who has been serving in China with the U. S. Marines for the past two and a half years. He . reported this week to Quantico, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Art Keefer and son, Larry of Tunkhannock, spent Sun- day visiting their parents, Mrs. Frances Keefer of Claude street and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman of Demunds road. Mrs. Maggie Hildebrant has been ill at her home on Norton avenue this week. She is somewhat im- proved now. Mrs. Tom Robinson of West Dallas and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths of Church a cruise to Bermuda. Tom will meet them in New York City. Cards have been received from Mrs. F. M. Gordon saying that she and the Taylors had a lovely trip and are enjoying bright warm weather in Atlanta. Miss Grace Cave who recently submitted to an operation at Home- opathic Hospital is able to be back in the store now part time. . Mrs. Melvin Mosier Sr. has re- turned to her home on Kunkle road after spending several weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scattergood of Camden, N. J. A. C. Devens who has been ill at his home on Lake street has re- covered and is able ‘to be back in the mill. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Birnstock of Kunkle spent Wednesday and Thursday in York attending the funeral of the former's Grandfather Birnstock. Frank Spini of Fernbrook road is; a patient at General Hospital. Stanley Henning! Mr. and Mrs. Jr. of Buffalo, spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fink of Shavertown and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henning of Trucksville. Mrs. Anna Lewin of Fernbrook has returned from Tannersville where she was guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards have returned to their home in Williamsport after spending a week at the D. L. Edwards home in Trucksville. Mrs. Harry Allen Sri is able to be out again after being ill at her home at Harvey’s Lake for the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne and Marlene moved Monday from the! corner of Machell avenue and ‘Mem- orial Highway to Center Hill road. a3 Miss Barbara Culp, student at Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College spent the weekend with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Milton Culp of Hunts- ville. She drove up with Miss Elma Major and Patty and Mary Ellen Clark who also visited their families at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards Jr., who have been living in Forty Fort moved into the Culp bungalow at . Huntsville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp enter- Forty Fort and on Monday Rev. Paul Keppel, Miss Brenton and Mrs. McClelland, all of Forty Fort. York City. : Cards ‘the Clinton Ides and the | Grosses from Havana, Cuba, saying they are enjoying the temperatures of 88 degrees. They ran into Duke ! Isaacs and Willard Johns down | there. Expected to spend the week ! end at Charleston, S. C. with friends and a few days at Williamsburg, Va., and then home. Mr. and Mrs. Dorey Rogers of Sutton road, Trucksville had as Sunday guests Ruth McConnell and Irene Adams of Ashley. Tuesday the Rogers visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyle and family in Wilkes Barre. WEDDINGS Candidly Photographed Beautifully Mounted »% BE. iC. HupsoN Darras 168-R-9 Davis Street, Trucksville street will return this weekend from | Mrs. Alan Kistler Sr. of Harvey's . Lake is visiting relatives in New have been received from Paul Twentieth anniversary dinner and installation of officers of Harmony Club was held at Howard Johnson's, Kingston recently. members, Mrs. Coray B. Ransom, Mrs. Ira Frantz who were present and absent members Mrs. Frank Besteder, Mrs. W. E. Schoonover all of whom were presented with corsages. Centerpiece at their table was an anniversary cake decorated in white, pink and blue. Other decorations were silver trees with valentine hearts. Favors were old fashioned girls in white pink and blue. Officers installed, president, Mrs. Harry Sweppen- heiser Sr.; vice president, Mrs. Leon Fredd; secretary, Mrs. Carl Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Byron Kester. Re- tiring officers: Mrs. Weldon, Mrs. J .J Voitek, Mrs. Henry Phillips. Mrs. Perry Robbins gave several read- Special tribute was paid charter Demunds Harmony Club Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary At Dinner ings. Mrs. George Schallenberger will be hostess for next meeting, Fepfuary 26. Dinner committee, rs. Weldon Carle, Mrs. Ira Frantz and” Mrs. George Schallenberger, table decorations were in charge of Mrs. Leon Fredd and Mrs. Nora Rozelle. Present were: Mrs. Harry A. Sweppenheiser Sr., and Harry Jr., Mrs. Frederick M. Drake, Mrs. Rob- ert Green, Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. A. L. Youngblood, Mrs. J. J. Voitek, Mrs. Ira Frantz, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Coray B. Ransom, Mrs. Henry Phillips, Mrs. Weldon Carle, Mrs. Willard Race, Mrs. George Hunt, Sr.,, Mrs. William Rozelle, Mrs. Ralph Kemmerer, Mrs. Joseph C. Burkhardt, Mrs. Henry Wells, Mrs. George Berlew, Mrs. Gordon Austin, Mrs. Russell Race, Mrs. Perry Rob- bins, Mrs. George Schallenberger, and Mrs. Leon Fredd. Lt. Kathleen Jeffery To Wed Henry V. Barot Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Jef- fery announce the approaching mar- riage of their daughter, Lt. Kath- leen of Valley Forge Hospital, Phoenixville, Pa., to Henry Veron Barot of Scarsdale, N. Y. The ceremony will be performed in St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Irvington, N. Y., Saturday after- noon, March 6. Lt. Jeffery is a sister of Mrs. Henry Peterson of Norton avenue and has visited a good many times in Dallas. The Petersons wedding. will attend the tained on Sunday Bill Lettsel of Karen Rogers Has Fifth Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers en- tertained at a party last Thursday for their daughter, Karen, who cele- brated her fifth birthday anniver- sary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howells, Harry Jr. and Shir- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Dorey Rogers and George dJr., Tommy and Johnny, Karen and Mr, and Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Fred Dodson Is Hostess To Neighbors Mrs. Fred Dodson entertained a number of neighbors at a paper demonstration at her home at Kunkle last Thursday evening. Pres- ent were Mrs. William Haddle, Mrs. Emil Balewski, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt, Mrs. Gomer Elston, Mrs. Harold Hess, Mrs. Kenneth Martin, Mrs. Albert Lewis, Mrs. Elwood Martin, Mrs. Ray Elston, Mrs. Wilson Maury, Mrs. Paul Hilbert, Mrs. Ann Rich- ards, Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Miss June Williams, Miss Mildred Devens and the hostess. Miss Marjorie Kitchen, neighbor, was demonstrator. an old Parent-Teacher Meeting Louie W. Ayre will entertain a few pupils and their parents at a parent teacher meeting Sunday afternoon at her home 60 Carver- ton road, Trucksville. Miss Elsie Higgins Is Bride Of W. H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. George Wei of Alderson announce the marriage of their daughter, Elsie, to William H. Jones, son of Mrs. Mary Jones of Wilkes-Barre. Rev. James Hilbert performed the ceremony in the Alderson Metho- dist parsonage at 7:15, December 24, 1947. There were no attendants. The bride was attired in brown pin-stripe suit with brown acces- sories. Mrs. Jones is a graduate of Dallas Township High School. Mr. Jones was graduated from Wilkes-Barre City Schools and the Cogne Electric- al School in Chicago. He is em- ployed by the Armour Leather Com- pany and conducts the Alderson Radio Service at Alderson. The couple is residing in a newly purchased home at Alderson. Friends In War Meet At Poad-Irvine Wedding Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Poad of De- munds had as weekend guests for the Poad-Irvine wedding Capt. and Mrs. Malcolm Michelwaite of Mit- chell Field and Larry Thulin of Easton, who served in the Pacific with the Irvines. Also Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Irvine, father and mother of the bridegroom, and Mr. and Mrs. George Irvine, brother and sister-in law of Mr. Irvine and his brother William Jr., all of San Francisco. After the reception the newly- weds left by train for New York City, New Orleans and Los Angeles. There they will pick up their car and drive to Lajolle Cal., and on to Palm Springs where they expect to spend their honeymoon before going to their home in San Francisco. On Dean's List - Among seventy students having attained a quality. point average of 2.5 or above, Albert Crispell, form- er Lake Township teacher, is on the Dean’s list at Mansfield State Teacher’s College. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRI-SAT. “Desert Fury” in technicolor with Burt Lancaster, Lizabeth Scott, John Hodiak CARTOON MON.-TUES. DOUBLE FEATURE “Don’t Gamble with Strangers” with Kane Richmond, Bernadine Hayes “South of the Chisholm Trail” Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette WED.-THUR. “Song of the Thin Man” William Powell, Myrna Loy Cartoon — 3. Stooges Comedy READY-FOR- THE. WEARING That's how every dress in your wardrobe should be! Let us lengthen hems, adjust shoulder pads or clean your frocks to give them freshness and longer life! IT’S ALWAYS TO HECK with your cleaning prob- lems. Harvey’s Lake 3326 Call and Delivery Service QUICKEST CLEANING SERVICE IN THE AREA It’s Delicious OUR OWN MAKE CE CREAM $1.80 per gallon Full Line and EASTMAN CAMERAS For prompt service send your film here for development. © Waskinglons- Bild REFRIGERATED CANDY DEPARTMENT Your favorite candies — perfectly confected, perfectly protected — their complete richness and tasti- ness assured by the cool, even temperature of this attractive installation. EVERY BOX YOU BUY HERE 1S GUARANTEED FRESH Shavertown - HALLS DRUG STORE - Pennsylvania Mrs. Louis Evans Is Honored At Shower Mrs. George Evans and Mrs. Howard James entertained at a shower honoring Mrs. Louis Evans, a recent bride at Orange. Those present were: Mrs. Harold Brace, Mrs. Glenna Ghorba, Mrs. Florence Ross, Mrs. Mabel Evans, Mrs. Horton Bell, Mrs. Marie Moyer, Mrs. Samuel Gardener, Mrs. Harold Evans, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Theo- dore MacHenry, Mrs. William Perri- go, Mrs. Luther Rozelle, Mrs. Ralph Rozelle, Mrs. John Goeig, Mrs. Per- ry Coolbaugh, Mrs. John Zarno, Mrs. Elmer Evans, Mrs. William Rozelle, Mrs. Louis Evans, Gladys Bell, Alma Sickler, Anna Matte, Barbara Brace, Thais Rozelle, and the hostess. Herman Reeses, Guests At House-Warming Party Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reese, West Main Street, Trucksville, were sur- prised with a house-warming party recently. The Reeses, formerly of Wilkes-Barre have purchased the Michael Laphy home at West Trucksville. At the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. George Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reese, Nancy Reese and Allan Roberts. Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay enter- tained at dinner Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Heitsman, Mr. and Mrs. George London, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Baird and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gay. Mrs. Ray Garinger, Hostess At Joint W.S.C.S. Meeting Mrs. Raymond Garinger was hostess to members of the W.S.C.S. of the Alderson and Ruggles Meth- odist Churches at a joint meeting last Thursday evening. Discussion of the evening center- ed around racial problems with special emphasis on the Negro situa- tion. The story of Booker T. Wash- ington was given by Jessie Armi- tage; Junior Girls’ Choir of Laketon High School entertained with sever- al Negro spirituals; Mrs. Raymond Garinger gave a synopsis of the “Color Line in Medicine” recently published by the Saturday Evening Post; Rev. James Hilbert was in charge of the Study Book teach- ings with the subject, “Great Pray- ers of the Bible.” Present were: Mrs. Gilbert Car- Entertains Circle Mrs. W. H. Morgan entertained members of Holcomb’s Grove Circle of Shavertown Methodist Church at her home last week. Mrs. Arthur Leek presided. Worship service was in charge of Mrs. Robert Clark and Mrs. Chester Nesbitt. Mrs. Elwood Swingle presented the study book. Solos were given by Mrs. Margaret Gordon. Present: Mrs. Robert Clark, Mrs. Rolland Shoemaker; Mrs. Edward: Trumbower, Mrs. Margaret Gor-| don, Mrs. James Agnew, Mrs. Earl] Hons, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. | Priscilla Carr, Mrs. W. H. Morgan, | Mrs. Chester Nesbitt, Miss Helen! McCord, Miss Ruth Edwards, Mrs. | W. W. Boyes, Mrs. Elwood Swingle, ! Nancy Boyes and Marjorie Davis. penter, Mrs. Warren Dennis, Mrs. Alfred Rogers, Mrs. Aseneth Davis, Mrs. Richard Williams, Mrs. George Armitage, Mrs. Marian Avery, Mrs. Morris Witter, Mrs. Lee Zimmerman, Mrs. Billy Elston, Mrs. Roy Schultz, Mrs. Lina Garinger, Mrs. Ralph Weaver, Mrs. Robert Traver, Mrs. Verne Kitchen, Mrs. Clarence Oberst, Mrs. Peter Sickler, Mrs. Fred Crispell, Mrs. Mina Harrison, Mrs. Almon Rood, Mrs. Ray Gar- inger, Rev. and Mrs. James Hilbert; June Kistler, Angela Biery, Tereva Traver, Carol Deets, Jessie Arm- itage, Janet Grey, Rosadell Grey, Virginia Price, Ruth Oney, Lois Oney. The first joint meeting of neigh- boring parishes proved so successful that plans to hold another in the near future were made. Y RememBerR— WE SERVE THE GREATER DALLAS AREA Real Estate - Insurance © J. W. YOUNG, Realtor W.-B. 3-6116 ARTLCY MAIN STREET LUZERNE