PAGE EIGHT A POST CLASSIFIED AD The TRADING POST pi \ IS THE PLACE TO GET RESULTS QUICKLY AND CHEAPLY PHONE DALLAS 300 @ THREE CENTS PER WORD @ 80c MINIMUM For Sale— Male Help Wanted— BIRD HOUSES and feeders, scien- tifically made, 75c up. Frank R. * Jackson, phone H. L. 265. Children’s outgrown COATS, SUITS, dresses, skirts, blouses, play clothes, also children’s furniture and adults clothing. Childrens’ Out- grown Clothing, 779 Wyoming Ave- nue, Kingston. Open daily 10:30 to 5. Saturdays until 9 P.M. White House PAINT, white enamel. Guaranteed to stay white. Plastic roof coating, guaranted five years. Roll roofing. Horse shoes, calk nails. George L. Stolarick, Lehman Supply. Phone 9002-R-2. General electric REFRIGERATOR, dresser, chairs, iron beds. Good- leigh Farms, phone Dallas 125. Builder's WENCH for raising large timbers. William Robbins. Dallas 223-R-3. : Modern bottled GAS RANGE, large lighted oven, divided top with light, automatic timer and oven control. Dallas 432-R-3. Whom To Call— MAN to work in cow barn. Hillside Farm. See Mr. Hemenway. Phone 173-R-5. Experienced MAN, single or married to work” on dairy farm. Phone Dallas 485-R-11. Female Help Wanted— WOMEN wanted, no experience nec- essary. Apply between 2 and 4, Mt. Evergreen Co., Church Street, Dallas. COOK and housemaid, both to sleep in. Three in family. Call Anne Dorrance, Dallas 211-R-2 or Frances Dorrance, Kingston 7-2013. Older WOMAN or GIRL to help with housework for next few weeks or longer during illness in family. Phone Dallas 300 or 396. For Rent HOUSE between Hays Corners and Kunkle, half mile from new high- way. Phone 137-R-3. Sanitary Service— FISHING, Dog, Hunting Licenses. Income Taxes filed. Chapman ‘Notary Public, Lehman Heights. CARPENTRY WORK. Cabinets new or remodeled. Repairs on furni- ture and antiques. Saws sharpened. C. B. Kocher, Alderson, phone 3387. For PLASTER and STUCCO work, call Berti and Scouten, Dallas 277-R-2 or Kingston 7-7988. Those who insure with TURN “re Turn” for further service. George Turn, phone 336-R-13. Give your house that new look. For painting and decorating phone Sheldon E. Nichols, Dallas 335-R-4. FURNACE and STOVE PARTS wel- ded; ice skates, shears, knives, saws sharpened. R. Gregory, 194 Lehigh St., Shavertown. Lehigh Valley Coal. Prompt delivery. Phone Dallas 215. Also at our mill, Parrish street, Dallas, slab stove wood $1 a cord or we ‘deliver a large load for $5. Sawdust freee. ECKERT LUMBER & COAL COQ., Shavertown. LAND and construction surveys. New buildings staked and levels furnish- ed. William J. Carroll, registered pro- fessional engineer. Machell avenue, Dallas. Phone 260-R-2. FLOOR SURFACING, sanding, re- finishing, waxing and _ polishing. H. W. King, 224 Pierce Street, Kingston. Dallas 132-R-8 or Kingston 17-7264. : STUDIO style PORTRAITS taken in your home gt your convenience. Children a specialty. Proofs sub- mitted, no obligation ‘to buy. Write or phone E. C. Hudson, Davis street, Trucksville. Dallas . 168-R-9. We don’t say it with flowers but we remove your DEAD STOCK promptly. Dallas 433-R-9, Laskow- ski. y For PERFECTION in machine, ma- chinless, or cold permanent wav- ing, finger waving or dyeing—see Marguerite, Main Road, Fernbrook Phone 397. WATER WELLS a specialty. . All work guaranteed. R. B. Shaver and Son, Contractors, Drillers, Ide- town, Dail Harvey's Lake 3156 SEPTIC TANKS, reinforced concrete buy the best. Costs less in long run. C. E. German and Son, Kings- ton 7-5348 or your local supply dealer. DEAD ANIMALS removed promptly, free of charge. Call Carl Crockett, Muhlenburg, 19-R-4. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools and privy vaults cleaned. J. A. Singer, City Scavinger, 137 Dagobert street, Wilkes-Barre. Dial 3-4529. Watch Repairing— You can now have that SWISS or American watch REPAIRED in Dallas. All work guaranteed and checked to a timing machine. Henry's Watches and Jewelry, next to ‘the Bank. Wanted To Buy— FRESH COWS and close springers. Must be T. B. and blood tested; also all kinds of beef cattle and calves. If you have any livestock to sell, write or phone me and I will call on you at once. I am in the country everyday in the week. I buy direct, I sell direct and there- fore pay you more money. Ike Mellner, 114 Second Ave., Kingston. Phone 7-2746. Private Instruction— INSTRUCTION piano, band and orchestra instruments. Alfred Milli ner-Camp, Lehigh street, Trucksville. Phone Dallas 304-R-8. Furniture Repairing— Make your fine old furniture NEW with its original wear and comfort— Beautiful wide range of fabrics. Low prices— Guaranteed workmanship. Write or phone John Curtis. 7-5636— 210 Lathrop street, Kingston. Electrical Contracting— | ELECTRICAL WORK, wiring build- ings, installing receptacles, switches, light outlets. Phone 290-R-7. Dallas Electric Shop. 118 Main Street Dallas. Coal And Hauling— SLAB STOVE wood, $1 per cord. at mill near Beaumont. Ruggles Brothers. PLUMBING, heating, oil burners. Robert R. Phipps, Main Road, Dal- las. Phone Dallas 188-R-2 : CUSTOM WEIGHING, anything, any time on new Howe heavy duty scales up to 19 tons. Eckert Lumber and Coal Company. FLOOR SANDING and Resurfacing, expert workmanship, moderate rates. Lawrence E. Wolfe. Dallas 361-R-3. SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL, coal, fill dirt, excavating. Bud Mitchell, Dallas 458-R-4 FIREWOOD, SAND, GRAVEL, blocks, top soil, fill and coal. C. J. Seward. Phone 327-R-4 General HAULING—COAL, Wood, ashes, prompt service. Norti Berti, Dallas 277-R-2. iC We have a supply As An Accommodation For - Our Customers which are available in the lobby. \ f of income. tax blanks DALLAS, Member Federal Deposit FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENNA. Insurance Corporation 7 di ’ wy ¥ 1rd Wanted To Rent— Two BED ROOM apartment or small house for couple and one child. C. C. Norbeck, assistant County Farm Agent. Phone Kings- ton 7-1826. Dressmaking— LADIES’ COATS, suits, dresses re- modeled. Ann Stahl, 3rd house from Fernbrook Dairy. Phone 490- R-13. Poultry— BABY CHICKS, U. S. Pullorum clean. Order now for winter and spring delivery. Hilbert’s Hatchery, Beaumont. Piano Tuning— PIANO TUNING and repairing. Muhléenburg 18-R-61. Oscar Whitesell, Hunlock’s Creek, RFD 1. Welding— WATER PIPES THAWED quickly and easily. Welding anytime, anywhere. If its metal we can weld it. Dallas Portable Welding Co. Dallas 274-R-9 Legal— : Estate of Frieda Kear, Deceased, late ,of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. All per- sons having claims against this es- tate are requested to present them, are requested to make payment without delay to Esther F. Welker, Administratrix C. T. A., 547 Ford avenue, Kingston, Pa., or to Robert F. Dilley, Atty. Bennett Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and all those indebted to the estate| he THE POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1948 Mrs. Mary Williams Dies at Pottsville Friends and neighbors extend their sympathy to Mrs. Clyde Cooper whose mother, Mrs. Mary Williams died suddenly last Thursday at Good Samaritan Hospital, Pottsville, after a brief illness. She was sev- enty-four years old. A former resident of Benton and Fernbrook, she had been making her home with her ~daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Whitby, since the death of her husband, E. H. Williams, eight years ago. On her frequent visits with the Coopers, she refreshed old friendships in the Back Mountain area and, through her congenial disposition, made many new ones. Besides Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Whitby, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. David Jones of Kingston, and a son, Vernon, of Westfield, N.J.; also two sisters, Mrs. Ray Felton of Wood, Pa., and Mrs. O.B. Poulson of Harrisburg, three brothers, J. M. Britten and T. G. Britten of Wilkes-Barre and Jesse of Saxton, also the following grandchildren: Polly Lou, Priscilla and Douglas Cooper, Eleanor and] Donald Williams, and Edmund Whitby, Jr. Funeral services were held from Forty Fort with Rev. O. B. Poulson, Mrs. Williams’ brother-in-law, in charge. Pallbearers were Paul Britten, Fred Felton, David Miles and Thomas Day, all nephews, and Gwynne Whitby and Earl Hess. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery at Shavertown, beside her husband. Estate of Harriet Luella Koup, De- ceased, late of Kingston, Pa. All persons having claims against this estate are requested to present them, and all those indebted to the estate are requested to make pay- ment without delay to Francis El- wood Koup, Executor, 569 Rutter Avenue, Kingston, Pa., or to Robert F. Dilley, Atty. Bennett Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Kunkle Community Hall Associa- tion will hold its annual meeting, for the election of officers on Mon- day evening, February 16 at 8 p.m. in Kunkle Community Hall. New officers will take office on March 1. Henry Shupp, Secretary NOTICE | Notice is hereby given “that the Luzerne County Commissioners pur- | suant to the Act of Assembly of May) 21, 1937, P.L. 787, have filed Peti- tions indexed to Nos. 525, 526, and 527 March Term, 1948, requesting the approval of the sales of the premises hereinafter mentioned to John A. Gallagher, Attorney: 1. Lot No. 276 Brooks Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania having a frontage of 40 feet by a depth of} 150 feet, and sold for the sum of $171.01. The total amount of the taxes, penalties, interest, and costs due against said premises is $266.25. 2. Lot No. 277 Brooks Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania having a frontage of 40 feet by a depth of. 150 feet, and sold for the sumof $130.38. The total amount of the taxes, penalties, interest, and costs due against said premises is $188.33. 3. 31 Essex Lane, Wilkes-Barre, ! Pennsylvania, having a frontage of | day of February, 1948, at 10 A.M, 26 feet and a depth of 104 feet, im- proved with a two story frame dwelling and sold for the sum of $601.32. The total amount of taxes, penalties, interest, and costs due against said premises is $1,078.39. The Court of Common Pleas for Luzerne County has fixed the 19th for hearing thereon. R. L. COUGHLIN Solicitor YOUR PRIVATE SAFE A Safe Dopesit Bou in ow Firo-and-Thett-Preof Vaults Protects veluablos of fuse thea te o doy. HN Firs? Floor = Street Love! — Ne Stairs « BA BA a BR [e LF. BT NOTING ET 301: You would be surprised to know how many calls we get for properties in DALLAS AND VICINITY that we cannot fill. If you have Real Estate in THE DALLAS AREA To Rent or Sell Call us—And we will give you good service. J. W. YOUNG - Realtor WB—3-6116 721 Miners Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 1.9 Lehman Township Supervisors AUDITORS REPORT : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, Lehman Township From First Monday in January, 1947 to First Monday in January 1948 CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR | 47 Cash in Bank, Securities and Reserves ..........c.o...... $ 777.03 TO AL a rem erst ae ta shai es S$ 777.03 RECEIPTS Taxes Collected in ‘Cash during Year aiianivniinnien. $ 5,612.67 Taxes Collected on Old Duplicates during Year ........ 23.18 Amount Received from County on Unpaid Taxes or Liens. Billed: i fe ni. rd a a Td 1,122.64 MOTAL = in maranatha $ 5,149.25 Amount Received from Loans or Certificates of Indebtedness i. i et iss itiessdonsitesshons $ 3,500.00 Ota oti i in ee A ee ri rssh a $15,407.74 EXPENDITURES General Government... dha atnasaiiiivis nibs 701.34 Protection to Persons and Property 1,455.00 Highways sida nfo niin nto dail ciel, 12,472.41 - Miscellaneous 290.23 Debt Service 255.00 4 E00 0 LR a TR NE Te $15,173.98 CASH BALANCE AT END OF YEAR .......u.....5... $ 1,010.79 RESOURCES Cash; Securities and Reserves: .....c..cceirtioclinisnegsssinonse $ 1,010.79 Due from Tax Collectors ......iscesvussiresassiiss trades be ih cue 1,542.74 Due from County on Taxes Returned and Liens Filed 749.88 BOE AL eh Sa TT $ 3,303.41 LIABILITIES Outstanding Township: Bonds ........L ini $ 3,500.00 BOT AL i rd i a i its es ie sod $ 3,500.00 POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT APPROVED, MAY 21, 1943, PL. 433. Signed: | FE. L. Ruggles Leonard H. Ide Eleanor E. Ingram Auditors Don't sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER’S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. En- tire Estates Bought. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 HERE ARE THREE HARD-TO-GET ITEMS that we now have in stock WINDOW FRAMES Knock down or built up WINDOWS DOORS Exterior or Interior SHAVERTOWN BUILDERS’ SUPPLY 10 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE DALLAS 42 Open For Business 6 Days A Week From 10 A. M. Daily Quick, courteous service. TRUCKSVILLE BARBER SHOP Over Gregory's Store Carverton Road BERNARD SHUKIT, Prop. TASTER SEWING IS SMOOTH 2334 Spring fashions for the entire family. THE GRACE T. CAVE SHOP Main Street, Dallas ANN \ANANANNNNV NN ET | {o) ALLL 1S NOW! NOW when we have skilled men and more efficient equipment. NOW when genuine “J-M” Rock Wool is still available at low cost. NOW when high taxes and living costs make fuel sav- ings mighty important. NOW when you can again have 86 months to pay with no down payment. * * * For details and FREE book write or phone today. George Common & Co. 10 North Franklin Street WILKES-BARRE, PA. DIAL 2-0580 11 Norton Avenue TEL. 584-R-8 : LE LLL TE CTA BLOWN‘: ROCK WOOL ; HOME. INSULATION DALLAS 38-R-3 LARGE MODERN STORAGE ROOMS AND VANS IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO MOVE CALL US FOR AN ESTIMATE ROOT’S TRANSFER Local and Long Distance Moving WYOMING 540 out at a THREE RADIOS formerly $31.50 each formerly $5.88 each formerly $10.95 each formerly $1.98 formerly $1.45 each formerly $49.50 FOR THE SICK ROOM formerly $9.50 formerly $39.50 ONE ONLY SPARTON VAPORIZER SPECIALS! SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Have you seen our table of specials? Every item a quality product which we are closing One-Third Saving To You NOW $21.00 SIX ELECTRIC HEATING PADS formerly $3.50, $4.95, $7.05 each NOW $2.33, $3.30, $ 4.70 SEVEN ELECTRIC TOASTERS NOW § 3.92 I'WO AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRONS NOW § 7.30 FIVE PKG. CEDAR CLOSET WALLPAPER 15- INCHES WIDE—48-FEET LONG NOW §$ 1.32 EIGHT ONLY MOTOR OIL (2-gal. cans) NOW § .97 ONE APEX ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER NOW §33.00 NOW § 6.33 ONE ONLY COMBINATION HEAT & SUN LAMP NOW $26.33 EVERY ITEM IS FRESH AND NEW Dallas Hardware & Supply BE ’ ‘GOLD FISH SPECIAL Two live goldfish, Bowl, Stones, Moss and fishfood. All for 39¢c : VALENTINE CANDY Beautifully Boxed $1.35 to $5 Chocolate Coated CHERRIES in cream filling 98¢c Cherry Vanilla a special for this month. GAL. $1.90 Cherry Tarts VALENTINE CARDS A wide variety of designs. Chocolate Coated EASTER EGGS Coconut Cream 50c to Si Fruit and Nut 60c to $1.20 < NAMES PUT ON FREE Many people are plac- ing orders for them now for overseas de- livery. Send one to your boy over there. Remember Easter is March 28. PRESCRIPTIONS & Our biologicals are kept at the proper refrigeration for your protection. Our insulin is al- ways fresh and up- to-date. . SHAVERTOWN, PA.