The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 13, 1948, Image 4

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pean tt
Pe Cre
Neighborhood N ii And News Of Loca
| Church Doings =~
“mer Ann Skopic.
Young Married Folks
P UYeé Ly Enjoy Sleighing Party
Personal =:
tertained at a party at their home
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hart of
on Lehman avenue recently follow-
ing a sleighriding party. Present
were: Mr. and Mrs. William Baker,
Shavertown had as weekend guest
their daughter, Miss Edith of Phila-
Jr.,, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roth, Mr. and
Paul Gross of Huntsville returned
to Sebring Lake, Fla. Sunday to
Mrs. Robert Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
spend some time with his family
Donald Davis and the Wilbur
there. He drove down with Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton Ide.
Mrs. Lewis Wilson and son Bobby
of Kunkle are spending a month
with the former’s husband in Pitts
burgh. Mr. Wilson is employed
there. }
Mrs. M. C. Miers has returned to
her home at Kunkle after being a
patient at Nesbitt Hospital. She is;
greatly improved.
Have Baby Boy
Mr. and Mrs. John Mallin of
Washington, D. C., have announced
the birth of a baby boy, Jack, Ties-
day, November 25. This is their
first child. Mrs. Mallin is the former
Miss Doris Monk of Pinecrest ave-
Mrs. Charles Hemenway enter-
tained at luncheon on Tuesday Miss
Mrs. Thomas Landon returned to julia Montanye and Mrs. Mary Jep-
her home at Kunkle on Sunday after ! son,
submitting to an operation at Nes- | Daniel Rozemehal, son’ of Mrs.
bitt Hospital. | Rose Kozemchak, Overbrook avenue,
David Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.| is enrolled at the Baltimore Institute
Owen Jones of Kunkle is ill at Nes-! ,¢ Photography, Baltimore, Mary-
bitt Hospital. land. He is a graduate of Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calhoun of Township High School and was a
Spar Hill Farm, Philadelphia, will yeoman first class in the U. S. Navy.
take up residence at Goodleighi pp and Mrs. Francis Lewis of
Farms shortly where the former will, .chman entertained Mr. and Mrs.
be employed as herdsman. { Frank Jenkins of Kingston at dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey of on Sunday.
Lake street had as guests Tuesday Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Rood of Leh-
Mrs. Edward Lewis of Alexandria, man avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
Va., and Miss Mary Beachman of ley Oliver of Shavertown recently
Plymouth. | visited Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Beidle-
Mr. and Mrs. James Huston of an of Nanticoke. ;
Harvey's Lake attended the wedding |
of the former's niece, Carol Eliza-| proving ut Ws heme! on. Chiich
beth Huston and John C. Lemont street after a week's illness. Rev.
in Philadelphia Saturday afternoon. Roswell Lyon filed the Dalles pulpit
The ceremony was performed in the
Episcopal Church of the Holy
Apostles. Carol is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Huston.
Bobby Moyer was able to return
to school this week after being ill
at his home on Lehman avenue
for the past week.
Douglas Cooper
school with the chicken pox. : Mrs. Arthur Anderson of Carver-
Mrs. Leslie Covert and grandson, ton road is a patient at Nesbitt
Harry Ashenbach, son of the former Hospital.
Irene Covert, former residents of Harry Dewitt of Mt. Greenwood
Dallas and Lehman, now of Colfax, road is a patient at General Hos-
Wash., have been ill with influenza. | pital.
Mrs. Covert recently received word, Mr. and Mrs. William Brickel
of the death of her mother, Mrs. | and children of Factoryville spent
John Wilkens of Regent street, last weekend with their parents,
Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Machell and
Cards have been received from Ralph Brickel.
Mrs. H. H. Zeiser and Mrs. W. J.| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn
Smith reporting lovely weather in' of Lake street had as guests Sunday
St. Petersburg with temperatures of Mr. and Mrs. William Durbin of
80 degrees. Forty Fort.
Mrs. Leonard Parleman of Cam-! Mrs, Zigmond Harmand of Fern-
den, N.J. is visiting her mother, brook has received word that her
Mrs. Joseph Skopic of Dallas Star sister-in-law, Mrs. Walter Lewin ar-
Route. Mrs. Parleman is the for- rived in Yokohama, Japan, January
The Parlemans 22; where she was met by her hus-
recently purchased a new home at band, Lt. Lewin.
Laurel Manor, New Jersey, and will Mrs. A. W. Weid and Mrs. Elsie
move there as soon as Ann returns.’ Boehme will entertain members of
Judy Robinhold, daughter of Mr. | their pinochle club at dinner at the
Rev. Frederick Reinfurt is im-
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baur have
. purchased and moved into the home
' vacated by the Irving Parsons family
on Parrish Heights.
Ogden Palmer of Trucksville is a
patient at Nesbitt Hospital where
is home from he submitted to an operation.
and Mrs. Dan Robinhold of Ma- | Weid home this evening, Friday.
chell avenue is ill with the chicken Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck and fam-
POX. ily of Shavertown spent several days
George Smith, state game warden this week visiting Mrs. Eck’s aunt
stationed at Lewistown, spent the and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
weekend with his parents, Mr. and Yeager in Northampton. Fred at-
Mrs. George Smith Sr. of Alderson. tended a bank convention at Allen-
Peter Garey, son of Mr. and Mrs. town.
James Garey of Alderson is ill with Gertrude Frantz has returned to
a bad case of scarlet fever. | her home in Huntsville after spend-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck of Shaver- ing several weeks at Miami Beach,
town and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rich- Florida.
ards of Goss Manor have had as Mrs Charles Perkins, wife of Dr.
guest this week Mrs. Ellaveve Haas Perkins, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos-
of Secane, Pa. pital.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Kitchen of Samuel Harrison of Trucksville is
Davenport street have received word ' a patient at Nesbitt Hospital.
from their son, Emory that he has' Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Williams
been transferred to Fort Benning,!' and children, Eleanor and Don, of
Georgia. His wife and baby are with Westfield, N.J., spent the weekend |
Mrs. Kitchen’s family in Virginia.| with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooper!
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk of Pine-' and family. They came here to
crest avenue had as visitors Thurs- attend the funeral of Mr. Williams!
day their niece and nephew, Mr. mother, Mrs. Mary Williams.
and Mrs. William Johnson of Taylor. James Hutchison, Jr. has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemenway | to his studies at Penn State College
of Hillside Farm attended the funer-| after spending the mid-year recess
al of Mrs. Hemenway’s step father,' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hollis at Herkimer, N. Y., James Hutchison of Orchard street,
last week. | Trucksville.
Stanley Moore who has been ill,! Byron Ide and Ralph Anthony of
is back at his job at Trucksville Trucksville left Wednesday morning
Mill. on a business trip to Buffalo and
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Board Meeting
Executive Board of the J. A. B.
Class will meet at the home of Mrs.
Laverne Race Monday evening, Feb-
ruary 16.
66 9
Welcome Stranger
with Bing Crosby, Joan Caulfield,
Barry Fitzgerald
“Cry Wolf”
Errol Flynn, Barbara Stanwyck
Cartoon And
This is America ‘Germany Today’
“The Great Waltz”
Luis Rainer, Ferdnand Gravet
Candidly Photographed
Beautifully Mounted
EE. C.. HupsoN
Darras 168-R-9
Davis Street, Trucksville
| George Bronsons, Hosts
To Kings’ Daughters
Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of
Sweet Valley entertained members
of the Kings’ Daughters at their
home Friday evening. Present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hartman, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Rood, Mr. and Mrs.
Garfield Goodman, Mrs. Earl Hart-
man, Mrs. Stephen Alexander, Mrs.
Walford Leinthal, Mrs. Adam Klem-
ovitch, Mrs. Gerald Cragle, Mrs. Al-
fred Bronson, Mrs. William Taylor,
Mrs. Harry Fiske, Mrs. Clyde Caster-
line, Mrs. Stanley Hontz, Miss
Keziah Edwards and the host and
Mrs. Dean Ide Is
Hostess To Club
Mrs. Dean Ide entertained mem-
bers of her card club at her home
on Mill street, Monday evening.
Present were: Rita Cummings, Rob-
erta Quaill, Mrs. Lewis Reese, Mrs.
Earl Brown, Mrs. Victor Cross, Mrs.
Ralph Antrim, Mrs. Edwin Ide and
the hostess.
Mrs. Harold Hess Is
Hostess to Joy Class
Mrs. Harold Hess entertained the
Joy Class of Kunkle Methodist
Church at her home Tuesday eve-
ning. Plans were made to put on
a minstrel show with the Fire Crew
in March.
Present were: Mrs. Wilson Maury,
Mrs. John Honeywell, Mrs. Dan
Meeker, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt, Mrs. El-
wood Martin, Mrs. Howard Martin,
Mrs. Corey Besteder, Mrs. Gomer
Elston, Mrs. Calvert Birnstock, Mrs.
Ray Elston, Mrs. Lewis Agnew, Mrs.
Fred Dodson and the hostess.
Play Pinochle At
Ernest Smith Home
and say they don’t like the ‘new
the new fashions.
fashions were too extreme. They
ceed with men.
Men Hate “New Look”
At last the men mustered enough courage to come right out
Malone, well known radio personality revealed, while serving as a
member of Cosmopolitan: magazine's male-tested fashion show at
the Stork Club in New York that when he mentioned the “new look”
on two of his radio programs he received 97,432 letters assailing
The jury which also included Arthur Hale, Rich-
ard Kollmar, Peter Roberts, and Peter Donald agreed that the new
liard’s worsted crepe, shown above, as the suit most likely to suc-
look” in women’s fashions. Ted
selected the cocktail suit in Jul-
Service Woman's Club
Hears Annual Reports
The budget was approved and
reports for the fiscal year given
at the meeting of Harvey's Lake
Mrs. Ernest Smith entertained
members of her pinochle club at
her home in Forty Fort Tuesday.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Lynn Ash-
worth and Mrs. Howard Ide. Others
present: Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh, Mrs.
Thomas Williams, Mrs. Lansford
Norris, Mrs. Edward Kropp, Mrs. C.
S. Hemenway and the hostess.
Kunkle Education Board
Meets At Elston Home
Plans for an oyster stew supper
to be served were outlined at a
meeting of the Board of Education
of Kunkle Sunday School held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Elston Monday evening. Present
were: Rev. and Mrs. James Hilbert,
Arthur Mauer, Mrs. Emma Miller,
Mrs. Mabel Miller, Mrs. Sylvia
Brace, Mrs. Betty Meeker, Joseph
Delet-Kanic and the host and
Mrs. Lizzie Moore Is
Hostess To S. S. Class
Mrs. Lizzie Moore entertained
members of the Dorcas Bible Class
of the Church of Christ, Friday eve-
ning. After the business meeting
a social hour was enjoyed and re-
freshments served.
Present were: Mrs. Lizzie Moore,
teacher; Mr. and Mrs. William
Trumbower, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Moss, Mrs. Otis Allen, Mrs. Frank
Foss, Mrs. E. J. Waterstripe, Mrs.
Jennie Thomas, Mrs. Mattie Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. David Benscoter, Ed
na Roberts, D. E. Davenport and
the hostess.
| Miss Nellie LaCorte
To Wed Gerald Frantz
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Miss Nellie La-
Corte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
LaCorte of Ashley, to Gerald Frantz,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz
of Huntsville.
Miss LaCorte is a graduate of
Ashley High School and is employed
in the office of the Vulcan Iron
Works. Mr. Frantz was graduated
from Lehman High School and for
a number of years conducted the
Fairlawn, Store at Huntsville’ Corn-
ers, now the Barnes Fairlawn. He
is now proprietor of Jerry’s Anchor
Inn on Overbrook road.
The wedding will take place in
June. :
Skating At Lake
Executive Board of Back Moun-
tain Memorial Library will meet at
the Library on Tuesday evening.
Library Board To Meet
Assisted by Chief<of Police Fred
Swanson, Wayne Smith has cleared
several places at Harvey's Lake for
skating. f
Woman's Service Club held at the
Rex Restaurant last Thursday eve-
A heart-shaped cake, later won
by Mrs. Mildred Garinger, made an
attractive centerpiece for the party
table. Valentine games were en-
Plans were made to hold a sleigh-
ride party Saturday evening, Feb-
ruary 28.
Present were: . Mesdames Elsie
Rauch, Esther Armitage, Mary
Zorzi, Marian Rood, Martha Brice,
Vida Comstock, Margaret Garey,
Arline Oney, Loretta Nelson, Nellie
Scouten, Avis Kocher, Leona Oberst,
Verne Smith, Helen Scouten, Mary
Payne, Eva Allen, Hilda Leinthal,
Ada Mae Kocher, Josephine Allen,
Marguerite Shaver, Genevieve Fiske,
Evelyn Winterstein, Nettie Con-
doras, Clara Smith, Virgie Sorber,
Emily Kistler, Mabel Dennis, Mir-
iam Carpenter, Lolo Taylor, Mildred
.Garinger, Esther Gray, Webber and
Reynolds; iMsses Bertha Kern, Mar- |
jorie Kitchen, Bethia Allen, Eleanor
Humphrey and Edna Miller.
Senior Girl Scouts
Make Plans for Dance
Virginia Jones was hostess to
members of the Shavertown Senior
Girl Scout Troop at her home on
Pioneer avenue Monday evening.
Cookie orders were taken. Plans for
a dance to be held February 21 in
Kingston Township High School
were outlined. Music will be fur-
nished by Wayne Weaver. Senior
Scout tests were passed.
Presen twere: Nancy Lozo, Sylvia
Jones, Ruth Mary Morgan, Judy
Powell, Janice Ross, Beverly Atwell,
Dorthy D. Reese and Mrs. Jane
Case Davis. :
Next meeting will be held at the
home of Janice Rose Monday eve-
Spaghetti Supper
Second annual community spa-
ghetti supper will be held at Leh-
man Methodist Church on Wednes-
day night, February 18 under the
sponsorship of the Friendship Class.
| Fellowship met at the Trucksville
. of every type done
by experienced prin-
ters. All work done to
your complete satis-
faction. Low prices.
The Dallas Post
Patricia Cairns to Wed
Earl S. Gregory Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen Cairns of Cliffside
avenue, Trucksville, announces the
approaching marriage of her dau-
ghter, Patricia to Earl S. Gregory
dJr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greg-
ory of Carverton road, Trucksville.
The double ring ceremony will be
performed Friday, March 7 at 7:30
p. m. in the Shavertown Methodist
Church. Rev. Howard Harrison will
officiate. ’
Attendants will be Miss Lila Parry
of Wilkes-Barre and Ralph Anthony
of Trucksville.
Miss: Cairns is a' graduate of
Kingston Township High School and
Bradford Beauty Academy. Mr.
Gregory is also a graduate of Kings-
ton Township High School and
served with the U. S. Marines dur-
ing World War II. He is now em-
ployed at Orchard Farm Dairy.
The couple will reside with Miss
Cairns mother. ’
Dr. Doane Addresses
Young Adult Fellowship
Members of the Young Adult
Methodist Church Sunday evening
and heard an inspiring talk on
“Brotherhood” given by Dr. John
Christian Endeavor
To Be Hosts At Supper
Plans for the annual Fellowship
supper which will be held in‘ the
First Christian Church Hall at Sweet
Valley on Friday, February 20 at
7:00 P. M. were made at a business
meeting held in the Bible Protestant
Church Hall at Koonsville on Jan-
uary 30. The affair is sponsored
by the Sweet Valley Christian En-
deavor Union.
Officers elected to serve the Union
this year were president, Melville
Belles; vice president, Violet Gray;
secretary, Dayton Long; assistant
secretary, Mrs. Myrtle Martin, treas-
George Rice, George Shoemaker and
James Hutchison, County Agent and
Curtis Norbeck, assistant County
Agent. 2
urer, Mrs. Ellen Wagner; corre-
sponding secretary, Marie - Belles;
publicity = superintendent, Emlyn
Iverson, and pianist, - Mrs. Freda
The following were chosen as the
entertainment committee: Rev.
Harry C. Stiles, Mrs. Freda Baer,
Barbara Cragle, Mrs. Ellen Wagner,
Mrs. Mary Belles, William Sweet,
Gordon Baer, and Dayton Long.
W. C. T. U. Meeting
The Dallas District W. C. T. U.
will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed-
ward Stair on Tuesday, February
17 at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Herbert Riley will lead de-
votions. Mrs. Z. E. Garinger will
have charge of program featuring
the memorial of Francis E. Willard,
the founder of the W. C. T. U.
. A special collection will be taken
for the wheel chair fund. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
Directors Meet
Directors of Luzerne County Cow
Testing Association and Columbia-
Luzerne Cow Testing Association
met jointly Monday afternoon at
the office of P. J. Sampson, manager
of Retreat Farms.
Local directors sattending were:
Ralph Sands, Charles Hemenway
Pretty with
Embroidery can=add such
a gay, pretty touch to your
‘undies’ . . . and it's so easy
to do!
In just an evening you can;
embroider one simple moti
at the hem of your petticoat
or panties . . . at the neck-
line of your slip!
Do come in to look at the
delightful embroidery designs
in our latest Simplicity
Needlework Catalog, at our.
pattern counter! -
AL Soimpleci?y | igad
Transfer pattorns S000,
are only 15c! Nx
what you've been looking for
Doane. Dr. Doane spoke optimistic-
ally concerning the realization of
the ideals for which we fought
World War II. Games, group sing-/
ing, and refreshments followed.
Present were: Dr. Doane, Adria]
Jones and Allen Houghwout, co-|
chairmen of the meeting, Rev. and
Mrs. George Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
William Eicke, Marian Gregory,
Kathryn Stringham, and Burton
Next meeting will be held at the
Church February 27.
Teaching At Laketon
Margaret Lukasavage is doing
practice teaching in Home Econ-
omics at Lake Township Schools. A’
student at College Misericordia, she
is a graduate of Lehman Township
schools and formerly was a student
at Lake Schools.
Start the
with your cleaning
in 1948.
Call and Delivery Service
Telephone Harvey's Lake
Suits and coats picked up
on Thursday— delivered
for your big girl’s Valentine.
Because of the building shortage, I'm in small space; but
© that doesn’t mean that I can’t give you service, economical
prices, and some beautiful merchandise.
We've got some dandy 8-day, winding kitchen clocks, just
gold lockets for your best little girl . . .
and some dainty little
and diamonds, too,
Next door to the Bank
Dallas, Pa.
Saturday of the same week.
$2.65 to $5.98
SIGNATURE NYLONS - - $1.59 to $2.49
exclusive, but not expensive
Next to the Postoffice, Dallas