PAGE TWO “The Totem Pole” 220) Harrisburg, February 12—Throckmorton P, Twillingford, an ardent Democrat for lo these many years, threw his hat on the floor in utter disgust the other night as he listened to Grampaw Pettibone expound on the advantages of a third party. “Why there's nothing like it, Throck old boy,” Grampaw Pettibong : was saying with his gray hair a-® bristle. “Think of it - three candi- dates to choose from instead of just two. The more the merrier and the more like our democratic way of life. Wouldn't you rather choose from three different suits of clothes than just two? Surely you can see—"’ “Pettibone, I'm one of those old- line Democrats and I stand by the party line,” Throckmorton P. Twil- lingford cut in, his face red with emotion, “and I don’t have any hankering to see my party cut up this-away and that-away by any off-shoot trying to collect Demo- cratic votes. I won’t stand for it, I tell you, Pettibone.” “Well then sit down,” shouted irate Grampaw Pettibone. “I won’t sit down,” Twillingford retorted in a huff. There was a pause while they glowered at each other and then Grampaw Pettibone with a shrug, turned to his contemporary and said: “Now listen to me, Throck. I was down at Republican head- quarters yesterday chatting with a few of the gents that claim they run affairs in the GOP party in Pennsylvania. “They were chirping and glee- fully slapping each other on the back like a couple of school kids who just let the air out of the tires of the principal’s car. What were they glowing over? I'll tell you. “General Eisenhower has with- drawn from the possibilities of a Presidentiol candidate, and the chances are if he had run, the Re- publicans would have been in there throwing their weight behind him because they knew he was the best candidate so far. “But now the Republicans can go their merry way. and select their own gent to replace Harry. On top of that the fact that Henry Wal- lace had announced his candidacy for President meant that there was a good possibility he would make a bid for Democratic, votes in his third party support, having been a Democrat himself at one time. “Thus you can see where the gentry in GOP headquarters have a right to a little gloating. To them it all looks like easy and sweet sailing, which means they will have the patronage platter well under control in Pennsylvania. “What you Democrats need is a shot in both arms. Stop sitting down and hollering. Get on your feet and go into action.” : “Pettibone, I've heard about all—”’, Twillingford cut in with a shake of his finger. “Oh, stop blabbering and bend an ear for a minute,” Grampaw Pettibone roared, continuing: “As I was saying, if you'd stop yelling and do a little more work, your Democratic friends might get somewhere. Do you realize that two years ago during the last legis- lative election, there were more than 20 counties where you didn’t even have Democratic candidates for the State House of Representa- tives ? “Think that over and then do something about it. If you can’t even put up candidates, you might as well give up the idea of having a Democratic Party. If I were you and your Democratic friends, I'd do less talking and more construc- tive action!” Lehman Parents Hear Delet-Kanic On Alaska Joseph Delet-Kanic, president of Dallas Township Parent-Teacher As- sociation, was the guest speaker at the meeting of Lehman Parent- Teacher Association on Monday night. About 125 persons attended. The speaker gave an illuminating talk on Alaska where he was sta- tioned during the war. Other features of the program were a cornet solo by Richard Weid- ner; “Calliope Caper” by a group of girls playing song flutes; and a book report by Esther Ide, third grade pupil. The Letterman’s Club held a bake ‘sale in connection with the meeting and made a profit of $75. To Teach At Freeland Rev. Harry Rundell of Noxen Tab- ernacle will be the guest teacher at Youth For Christ Rally at Free- land Baptist Church next Wednes- day, Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. erry ILA FOR AMERICAN FARMS TONS POTASH (K,0) 900,000 ; Now—>- 800,000, 200,000 \ “wn fo r——y rn {400,000 { 300,000 4 ~