FARM TOPICS Timely Reminders From The Pennsylvania (State College School of Agriculture = BS Kill Weeds Quickly—Unless the farmer wants to spend years fighting weeds, he should kill all new weeds as soon a they appear. Large patches of weeds in some fields are evidence of what happens where a few weeds, which could have been pulled, were allowed to go to seed. Check the Binder—A few minutes spent in checking over the binder now may save hours after it goes into the field. Cleaning the tying apparatus, and giving all moving parts a thorough | reliable guides to the amount of feed PR aon Can Save Berry Patch—An intensive cultural program can be used to pre- pare the strawberry patch for a second crop next year. Extension Circular 290, available at county agents’ offices, gives full information on strawberry growing. Pick Quality Peas—Watch the peas carefully and pick them when at just the right stage for high edible quality. Cut Lodged Wheat—To prevent smothering of clover and alfalfa seed- ings, lodged wheat should be cut for hay or silage. Prune Roses Sparingly—Removal of dead blooms is enough pruning for everblooming climbing roses. Keep Production Records—Assert- ing that ‘‘the quality and quantity of milk each cow produces are the only STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters vs y X 8 Ae TE Cw — Se Ee 0 7: / x “We Servant mnt the Eizhy € Bixby Quiz Program to bring you a special bulletin—‘Help, Police, Murder’!” By d’Alessio THESE WOMEN! “Now don’t take it so hard, Dear. After all, nine out of ten babies say ‘Daddy’ first!” _ Em o or \ { 100TH ANNIVERSARY ~ ON JULY I, 1847, THE FIRST U.S. POSTAGE STAMP WAS ISSUED, INTRODUCING A NEW CONVENIENCE AND ORDER IN THE DISPATCH AND RECEIPT OF MAIL. Tobay, MORE THAN 20 BILLION POSTAGE STAMPS ARE ISSUED BY OUR GOVERNMENT EACH YEAR. NOTWITHSTANDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF OTHER MEANS OF COMMUNICATION, OUR POSTAL SERVICE — FAST, DEPENDABLE, LOW IN COST ~ IS THE : GREATEST carRER OF MESSAGES. w THE WORLD. required,” C. R. Gearhart, extension dairy specialist of the Pennsylvania State College, urges keeping produc- tion records to determine ration needs for economical production. Overfeed- ing is wasteful, and sndsrieatiog is poor economy. Keep Up with Tractor—Since trac- tors, like any other machine in hard use, may need occasional overhauling, make periodic check-ups to spot any possible trouble before it develops. Train Eye and Hand—Instruction provided by the Agricultural Extension Service for farm boys and girls learn- ing to judge livestock ‘‘trains the eye and the hand” to pick out the prize- winning qualities in the animals. Cut Peonies Lightly—When cutting peony blooms, leave some of the foli- age on the base of the stalk, and cut only a few blooms from each plant to keep them in vigorous condition. Spray Cows with DDT—One appli- cation of DDT spray, made from one- half pound of 50 per cent wettable powder to 25 gallons of water, will pro- tect cows from flies for 2 to 3 weeks. Pennsylvania 4-H boys and girls, “all roads will meet” at the Pennsylvania State College August 11 for the an- nual 4-H Club Week. 0.E.S. Garden Party Dallas Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will hold a garden-card party at 2 PM, July 15, at the home of Mrs. Clara Troxell, 158 Main street, Shavertown. Members and friends are cordially invited to attend. _THE POST, FF 4-H Club Week—For some 1,000 | IDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nuss and family are enjoying a motor trip through the southern states. Mr. and Mrs. George Neely of | Syracuse, N.Y., spent the weekend with Mrs. Alice Elston, Mrs. Hilda Anderson is spending her vacation at her home in Lehman. She is employed at the Nesbitt Mem- orial Hospital. Bill Simms, who has spent the past couple weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Har- vey G. Bland in Newport News has returned home. Burton Bland re- turned with him to spend the summer with his grandmother, Mrs. Ella Major. Mr. and Mrs. Phelbert Johns and children Sally and Ernest of Ebens- burg, Pa., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Major. W. R. Neely, who has been visit ing his daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Terry in Berwick, has returned home. Plane Disrupts Lines An unidentified seaplane disrupted Commonwealth Telephone Company service when it destroyed river crossing cables while taking off the Susque- hanna River above Harding on Sunday near the Luzerne Wyoming County line. Morton Connelly Reliable Auto Parts New.-and Used Parts For All Makes Of Cars. Here's Something that will Please You! We now have in stock Mortar Cement Portiand Cement White House Paint Make your clothes closets moth and vermin proof. We have an ample supply of Cedar Closet Lining Do away with moth balls and moth sprays forever. Look What's Here PLYWOOD We have it in the following thicknesses: 14, 34, 14, 24 and %4. When you think of building think of SHAVERTOWN Builders’ Supply Co. @® Accessories @ Phone 7-9363 445 UNION STREET Luzerne Penna. \E 27, 1947 Centermoreland Mrs. Jean Agnew spent the week at her home. Mrs. Jesta Schoonover has been ill with sore throat. Mrs. Bernice Ellsworth and two sons of Akron, Ohio, are spending a vacation with her parents and friends here. Mrs. Hazle Robbins and sons visit- ed her mother Tuesday. Brisbin Kelley of Binghamton, N. Y., spent the weekend with her par- ents. LARGE SELECTION Summit Hill Marble & Granite Co. Luzerne-Dallas Highway KEN Gl f acuums & Washers [ES MAYTAG WASHERS Sales and Service REBENNACK & COVERT |Has Broken Knee Henry E. Hess of Mountain Top, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. PF. Hess of Demunds; is in General Hos pital with a broken knee, the result of an accident last Friday at" Wyoming at Conyngham and North Pennsyl- vania avenue, Wilkes-Barre, where he is . chief engineer. Mr. Hess is married to the former Dorothy Ransom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coray B. Ransom of Demunds. PAGE SEVEN Cold Storage and Ice Companys plant” COUGHS CHEST COLDS ACHES—PAINS Try Quay’s G. G. 5. Goose Grease Salve Penetrating Rub AT ALL GOOD STORES 50¢ by 12,500,000 persons. above picture. pr During the past few years, the non-farm population increased The farm population decreased by 5,000,000. A difference of 17,500,000. A comparison of that difference can best be expressed by the It can also be expressed this way: who grows the best and does it most economically will profit no matter what happens in the next few years. Be sure you have the best feeds for your stock. feeding problems we will be glad to advise you. Buys From The farmer If you have TRUCKSVILLE TRUCKSVILLE MILL STANLEY MOORE, Prop. PURINA CHOWS and FEEDS PENNA. gnict Low Ie Rate HOT WATER EL ECTRICALLY Liberal Wiring Allowance Phone Dallas 42 294 LUZERNE COUNTY GAS AND ELECTRIC CORP. They March In Anyway American News Features, Inc, Fens "MARY WORTH’S FAMILY WELL, MRS.WORTH- I MIGHT SAY THAT MY FUTURE JUST WALKED ouT AND SLAMMED THE DOOR! 5 Ki é& ! | T + AR 2 Ji 18 1 Y BT =) a “4g 5 You DO LOVE TOM, DON'T YOU, [700 MUCH TO SEE HIM WRECK HIS CAREER FOR ANGEL VARDEN!-++SELL HIS PAPER AND TAKE A WRITING JOB IN HOLLYWOOD! 1S HE CRAZY? WHY DON'T YOu GO TO HIM, CHILD? REASON NO, MRS. WORTH- - I'D BETTER TALK TO THE CULPRIT, ’