T Sn A ¥ “FARM TOPICS The Pennsylvania State College School of Agriculture = Budgets Help Control] Costs— Draw up a farm-and-home budget and ‘then adhere to it to help con- trol of farm costs. Long range plans also help. Fill Concrete Blocks—TFilling con- - “crete blocks with sifted cinders in new construction will help keep the structure warmer and drier. Young Cows 'Excel—Cows pro- duced from artificial breeding, avai now in production, are doing better than expected, reports Joe |S. Tay- lor, dairy extension specialist of the Pennsylvania State College. One dairyman reports that his 2- year-old cows from artificial breed- ing are producing more milk than their mature dams. In 1946, 88,000 cows owned by 14,000 Pennsylvania dairymen were bred artificially. Plan Poultry Pasture— Ladino clover pasture, excellent for poultry, can be started this spring by seed- ing on winter grain or with oalts or spring barley, or with ryegrass as a nurse crop. Sods Improve Orchards—Early THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio AT ~~ i LE) if f eerie] 0) 3 \ CA EELS EWA A SY Toe I (4 D Sa BLS SI a L) LA RRS 98 LAT RR * “Your ad said ‘no experience’ anyone with less experience than I've had!” and I don’t think you’ll find STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters a MANAGE ™ PRIVATE > R | Prt Mola PenBards ° ule MeFoutlezs IN 3 spring - disking of permanent sods in orchards will ease fertilizer re- quirements by liberating plant food through decompesition of the vege- : table matter. Cheaper Than Bulls—The largest Pennsylvania dairy herd using arti- ficial breeding breeds all of fits 300 cows that way. The owner says it is cheaper ‘than keeping bulls. Lehman Class To Give “Sister Susie Swings It” “Sister Susie Swings Tt”,.a rollick- ing comedy, will be presented by members of the Friendship Class of Lehman Methodist Church in the Lehman High School auditorium Friday, May 2. Ice Cream, pie and coffee will be sold. 1. TIED ‘Now here's a warning for poultry folks, This is no time for cracking jokes, It’s time to start that AVI-TON plan, Just mix it in my growing bran.* Birds heavily infested with large roundworms and cecal worms can’t do their best. Control these worms with a systematic 3-day Aw-Ton treatment each month. Easily mixed wm mesh. USE A 3-DAY TREATMENT EACH MONTH Stapleton’s Drug Store LUZERNE, PENNA. Always rely on this great rub for CHEST COLDS to relieve coughs — aching muscles RUB ON Fine Memorials LARGE SELECTION Summit Hill Marble & Granite Co. Luzerne-Dallas Highway Ce “] see Hodson was turned down on a raise again!” i 8 5 % THirD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, AUTHOR OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, FIRST AMERICAN STATESMAN TO MAKE STATE AID TO EDUCATION A FUNDAMENTAL TENET OF A DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE, FOUNDER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, IN HIS DAY A FAMED DIPLOMAT, ARCHITECT, METEOROLOGIST AND HORTICULTURIST=-THOMAS JEFFERSON /S REVERED BY ALL FREEDOM-LOVING PEOPLE AS ONE OF THE GREATEST APOSTLES OF DEMOCRACY WHO EVER LIVED. HE Ll il IA , I | @N Bie UBERT MATHIEY — THOMAS JEFFERSON APRIL 13,1743 ~JULY 4, 1826 he God Who gave us Li gave us Liberty at the same tit 2 hYILIT 0 ATEN § HELE LEE GIT TO! A THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1947 Walter Smith Is Guest At Birthday Dinner Walter Smith was guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner Sun- day. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs, George Smith and Betty of Wilkes- Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith and Delores and Janet of Harveys’ Lake, Rev. and’ Mrs. Harry Smith and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wolfe and Dale of Rome; (Clifford Davis, Mrs, Naomi Lyons and Glen- da and Gloria Jean, Mrs. Smith, Kathryn and the guest of honor. Card Of Thanks Loren) Berlew and family wish to thank all those who sent cards and flowers or who assisted in any way during their recent bereavement. When Coughs Due To Colds Hit You Hard Try This Famous Canadian Cough Remedy for Fast Effective Action Spend 45 cents today at any drug store fi bottle of BUCKLEY'S CANADIOL ‘MIX: TURE—triple acting—to relieve coughing fast. Take a teaspoonful and hold it on the tongue a moment, then swallow slowly and feel oi Jowered, Buageat action spread roat, head and bronchial tubes. BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE acts promptly to help loosen up thick, sticky phlegm—soothe irritated throat membranes and ease hard coughing spells. N Most all Canada knows BUCKLEY’S—folks who live up North where a cough mixture has got to do a real job, keep BUCKLEY'S handy. So try it the very next time a cold results in a wracking, stubborn cough—find put for Yuossls how 550d 2nd giiseiive is is. or_coughs due to colds. Get Y’S CANADIOL MIXTURE — made in the U.S. A. — TODAY —at all drug . stores. | Easter Morning About a hundred people attended the Easter morning breakfast at East Dallas Methodist Church on Sunday following the Sunrise Ser- vice. * Mrs, Thomas Moore was guest soloist at the service. LEGAL In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 1294 Decem- ber Term, 1946. [Libel in Divorce a vinculo matrimonii, Grace Swine- hart v. Arthur Swinehart. To Art- hur 'Swinehart: Take notice" that an alias subpoena having been re- turned by the Sheriff of Luzerne County, that you cannit be found in Luzerne County, you are here- by notified and directed to appear before the said Court on Monday, April 21, 1947, at 10 AM., to answer the complaint filed in the above case. ROBERT SHERROICK, Sheriff WILLIAM A. VALENTINE Attorney 730 Miners National Bank Bldg. Wilkes-Barre, Penna. Notice is hereby given that Mar- tin ‘A. Brennan of Duryea Borough, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Guardian of Mary E. Kennedy; a weak-minded person, has filed in the Office of the Luzerne County Pro- thonotary his first and final account to No. 1014 October Term, 1944, and that the same will be presented to the Court for audit and confirma- tion on the 21st day of April, 1947, at ten o'clock A. M., and that 2 They'reere! and Three New Born Kittens | Two golds, cheerful as April daffodils and One “Tagger”, just like its Ma——all guaranteed to be insatiable ratters! For immediate delivery, just phone— pring HOWARD RISLEY’S BARNYARD DALLAS 300 or 396 unless cause be shown to the contrary the same will be con- firmed. PATRICK J. FLANNERY, Attorney SEALED BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the Controller of Luzerne County at his office at the Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Penna., until 10:00 AM., Tuesday, April 29th, '47, for furnishing Luzerne County with: Various materials for the main- tenance of Road and Bridges for the current fiscal year. Insurance of Voting machines. All in accordance with specifica- tions on file in the Office of the Purchasing Agent, ‘Court House An- nex Water Street, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check, Bank Cashiers check or Trust Company Treasurer's check in the amount set forth in the specifications made payable to the Treasurer of Luzerne County. Bid envelopes to be plainly mark- ed with the name of items or ar- ticle for which bid is intended. ROBERT H. STROH, Luzerne County Controller SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1947 AT 10:00 AM. By wvirtue of a writ of fi fa, No. 11, May Term, 1947, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue, to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House,in the City of Wilkes-Barre, County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, on Fri- day, April 25, 1947, at ten o'clock, in the aforenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the Defendants in and to the follow- ing described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All the right, ititle and interest in and to ‘that certain piece or PAGE SEVEN parcel of land, situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, County of Luzerne and State of Penn- sylvania, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Situate .in the first ward of the City of Wilkes-Barre, and being the Westerly half of Lot No. 157 on Miner, Kulp and Chase's map of North Wilkes- Barre, recorded in Luzerne County in Deed Book No. 164, page 1, being 22% feet in front or width on Chestnut street, and 130 feet in depth, and con- taining 2,925 square feet. Siezed and taken into execution at the suit of Ralph J. Johnston, At- torney, ‘Assignee, vs. Anthony Pu- laski and Nellie Pulaski, and will be sold by ROBERT SHERROCK, [Sheriff JOHNSTON & POPE, Attorneys COUGHS CHEST COLDS ACHES—PAINS Try Quay’s G. G. 5. Goose Grease Salve Penetrating Rub AT ALL GOOD STORES 50c SH caty fy howe p DENTAL pLaTES Kleenite ends messy, narmful orushing. Just put your plate or bridge in a glass of water, add a little Kleenite. Presto! Stains, dis- colorations and denture odors disappear. Your teeth sparkle like new. Ask your drug- ist today for Kleenite. Cr for generous ge Sample, write Kojene Products Corp.. Rochester 11, N. Y. KLEENITE the Brushless Way tic, and very reasonably priced. “As Near As The Telephone” ALFRED D. Funeral Director Our services are sympathe- understanding, reliable Phone Dallas 363-R-4 BRONSON WORK WASHERS Sales and Service REBENNACK & COVERT 265-267 WYOMING AVENUE, KINGSTON _DON€ BY SPECIALISTS. AN IF YOu DONT GET me RIGHT SIZE TELL ME ,ANGEL--- HOW DIC YOU LEARN TO BE SUCH A FINE ACTRESS? IN DRAM- ATIC SCHOOLS? oa I COULD HAND YOU THAT HOKUM,TOM-- BUT THE TRUTH ISN'T SO GLOSSY! TT CAME UP THE HARD WAY--TENT SHOWS «+ BLIRLESQUE «+ NIGHT CLUBS=-- PURRING SOMETIMES - -CLAWING SOME - TIMES «LEARNING FINALLY THAT ALL WOMEN AND MOST MEN ARE ENEMIES! «DO I SHOCK YOU, TUMMY ? 1 DIDN'T SUPPOS A FRIEND! BUT NO, NO! YOU MAKE ME FEEL . AWFULLY - -SORRY FOR YOU: GOSH: TOP OF THE WORLD - -YOU NEEDED IF L--AW! you'LL LAUGH AT ME IF I GO ON! E--SITTING ON IF YOU-+I MEAN: COME OVER TONIGHT AND TELL ME!+--L REALLY DO WANT ud TO HEAR IT! WELL «= I'LL SEE -- «=I OUGHT TO WORK TONIGHT! -- BUT MAYBE ----! J