The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 01, 1946, Image 4

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hhorhood Notes And N ews Of Local Chur
ch Do
Purely Personal
Office Phone "300
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fink Sr. of
Shavertown entertained over the
weekend Mrs. William ‘O'Donnell of
Stamford, Conn. Mrs. O'Donnell is
the widow of Cliff Jr's tail gunner
who was killed while with another
crew over Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. James Durkin at-
tended ithe wedding of Mrs. Dur-
kins sister, Mary (Carol Edmondson
to Grier Youngman Boedker at
Trinity Lutheran (Church, Danville
on Saturday afternoon at four.
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Charles Beittinson,
New York City, visited Mrs. Bettin-
son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mil-
‘ton Culp, and family of Huntsville
over the weekend.
We had a nice card from Dan
Shaver this week from Miami. Said
the ‘temperature ranged from 70
to 75 degrees and he was getting
a good coat of tan. He'ssthorough-
ly enjoying the horse and dog races.
Bill Powell of Shrineview is
spending sometime at Miami, Fla.
Announcement has been made of
the birth of a son, James Murray,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Murray -of
Flushing, L. I, at (General Hospital,
Sunday, February 24. Mrs. Murray
is tthe former Betty May Tippett,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Tippett of Pioneer avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. [F. (Gordon Mathers
of Trucksville left on Friday to
spend three weeks at Miami, Fla.
George Budd of Druid Hills, iShav-
ertown, is spending sometime at
Mrs. W. O. Washburn jof N. River
street and West Dallas has been
critically ill at General Hospital.
All of her children and her sister,
Elizabeth from California have been
called home. Her friends and neigh-
bors in the Back Mountain area are
praying for her.
Clifford Fink Jr., is tthe proud
possesor of a new Hudson car. Cliff,
former lieutenant in the Air ‘Corps,
and his wife have been staying with
the Clifford Fink, iSrs., at Shaver-
town ever since his honorable dis-
Wayne Elston Seaman 1/C who
is stationed in Philadelphia spent
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Elston of Kunkle.
Wayne came home for the Father-
Son banquet.
Mrs. Frank Smith has been ill at
her home in Kunkle for several
A number of Kunkle ladies at-
tended the reorganization meeting
at Beaumont Cannery Monday eve-
ning. They were Mrs, Fred Dodson,
Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Ralph Elston,
Mrs. Jason Kunkle, Mrs. ©Olin
Kunkle and Mrs. Stella Isaacs. Mrs.
Alden Deats was chosen mew presi-
dent of the Cannery.
Mrs. Roy Schultz and Mrs. R. A.
Davis of Alderson were luncheon
guests of Mrs. Alan Kistler Sr., at
her home on Main Street, Wilkes-
Barre on Tuesday.
Miss Mary Jackson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson,
Beaumont, and Miss Betty Collett,
Kingston, spent the weekend in
‘Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Daniel Oakes Sr. and son,
Glenn of ‘Athens, spent the weekend
with the former's brother, Harvey
Kitchen of Tunkhannock R. D.
The Post had a nice visit with
Scott Newberry Tuesday morning
who walked all the way in from
beyond Fernbrook section to pay.
his subscription. He looked hale
and hearty with cheeks as red as
apples. Mr. Newberry is seventy-
“Her Highness and the
with June Allyson, Robert
Walker, Hedy Lamarr
“The Fighting
‘Willard Parker, Anita Louise
“The Cat and the
Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard
Mr .and Mrs. Howard Loza and |
| quils,
(and yellow tapers made an attrac-
! tive centerpiece.
| Frank Davies, Mrs. Robert Brown,
Shavertown. Mrs. Lozo celebrated !
daughter, Shirley of Harrison, N.
J., spent the weekend with Mrs.
Lozo’s mother, Mrs. Anna Lozo, of
her 85th birthday anniversary on
George Smith,
Jr., spent the
Mrs. George ‘Smith, of Alderson.
| John Reese,
i Mrs. Russell Case, Miss Anna Mae
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
| Ruth Drake,
Miss Pauline Shaver,
Honored At Shower
Miss Pauline Shaver, bride-elect,
was guest of honor ‘at a variety
shower given by Miss Jane Case
at her home at Glenview Terrace,
Shavertown, recently. Yellow jon-
surrounded by green pine,
Guests were Mrs.
Robert Ray, Miss Doris
Miss Alice Shaver, Mrs.
Mrs. Nelson Shaver,
Wilson, Miss Margaret O’Boyle, Miss
and Miss Margaret
Henry Lee, student at Massachu- | Brace.
setts Institute of Technology, Bos- |
ton, is spending ten days at his
home on Machell avenue. Henry
Have New Son
‘has just completed his sophomore |
Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Reinfurt
year. announce the birth of a son, Fred-
Mrs. Lester Evans of Midland | erick Lewis, at Nesbitt Hospital
Drive has recovered from a recent : Wednesday, February 27. The
Tommy and Bobby Richardson of |
Terrace street spent the weekend | William, aged seven.
visiting their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Richardson of Fleetville.
Mrs. Doyle Roberts of Davenport
street has as guests her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Roberts. Harold who has been
stationed in San [Francisco for the
past two years has received his
honorable discharge. They will
make their home with Mrs. Roberts
temporarily. Bob Roberts who is
stationed at Indiantown Gap also
visited his mother this week.
Mr. and Mrs: James York of Dav-
enpornt street had as guests for a
week their daughters, Mrs. Charles
Speck and son, Robert, and Mrs.
Edward Koenig and David of Brook-
lyn, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. George Orcutt of
Noxen are spending several months
in Florida. The Orcutts couldn't
get reservations so they're living
in a trailer.
C. E. Eipper who is employed in
Philadelphia spent the weekend
with his family on Demunds road.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and
son, Sherwood of Kingston were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Ed-
wards and family of Trucksville
over tthe weekend.
Paul Redmond who has been en-
joying ‘a furlough at his home in
Shavertown reported last Wednes-
day to (Camp Meade and expects
to leave for overseas duty shortly.
Paul has reenlisted.
Mrs. . Harry Ohlman has been ill
at her home on Machell avenue.
Mrs. Digby Baltzel of Huntsville
road has recovered from a recent
Miss Miriam Lathrop .was the
guest oft Dr. and Mrs. 'C. J. Flem-
ing over the weekend while the lib-
rary furnace was being repaired.
Mr. and Mrs. David Deater of
Harvey's Lake had as guests this
week their son and new daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Deater.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Smith
and the former’s mother, Mrs. W.
J. Smith moved from Gates street,
Wilkes-Barre to Mill street, Dallas,
Young Jimmy Kozemchak, son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Kozemchak of
Huntsville has been ill.
Pvt. Donald D. Smith of Fort Bel-
voir spent the weekend with his
wife at Kitchen’s Mountain View
Inn. Mrs. Smith is the former
Mildred Kitchen.
Mrs. Lee Zimmerman of Alderson
Reinfurts have two other children,
(Carolyn Mae, aged nine, and Donald
By strange
coincidence the joyful
young Fred was saddened by the
death of the Reverend’s grandmoth-
er, Mrs. Sarah K. Ellwanger ,of Port
Jervis, N. Y., at almost the same
hour. Mrs. Ellwanger, aged 88, is
a former resident of Wayne Coun-
ty, Pa.
Emory Kitchens, Guests
At Shower On Saturday
Mr .and Mrs. Sterling Kitchen,
Davenport street, entertained at a
shower for Mr. and = Mrs. Emory
Kitchen Saturday night. = Many
gifts were received by the couple.
Present were: Mr. and: Mrs.
Clarence Roote, Mr..and Mrs. Byron
Kitchen and son Jackie, Mrs. Wil-
bert Hoover wand granddaughter
Nancy Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Traver and children Billie, Patsie
and Marcia, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Loomis, Mr.
and Mrs. Verne Kitchen and daugh-
ters Sarah and Nellie, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kitchen, Mrs. Hazel Honey-
well, Anna Arbach, Mrs. Hilda
Hughes, -Mrs, Jeff ‘Wagner, Doris
Wandall, David Kitchen, Rosamond
Howell, Walter Kitchen, Elizabeth
Kitchen, Louis Kitchen, Mrs. Wil-
liam Globe, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
Kitchen and the guests of honor.
Entertain For Brother
Mr. and Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh
entertained in honor of the former's
brother and family, Larry Cool-
baugh of Palmyra, N. J., recently.
The Larry Coolbaughs have been
visiting friends and relatives here
for the past week. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Larry (Coolbaugh, Rod-
ney and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Merten
Coolbaugh, Laing and Merten, Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Smith, Jane and Joan
‘Coolbaugh, the host and hostess.
Have New Baby Boy
Mr. and Mrs. George Krout of
Columbus, Miss., announce the birth
of a son, George, Jr., Monday, Feb-
ruary 18. Mrs. Krout is the former
Miss Ruth Traver, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Traver of Main
street, Shavertown. The Krouts
have one other son, Lee. Mr, Krout
recently received his discharge from
service with the Air Corps and ex-
pects to return to his position in
Washington, D. C.
is a patient at General Hospital. !vey’s Lake returned Sunday after
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen of Tunk-
hannock R. D. who has’been a pat-
ient at ‘General Hospital for two
weeks, returned to her home at
Kitchen'’s Mountain View Inn and
is slowly improving.
Miss Florence ‘Ward who is doing
private duty at |General Hospital
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Ward of Alder-
Mrs. Ruth Kittle, who has been
| living in Hattiesburg, Miss., has re-
| turned to Sweet Valley R. D.
Ray Chisko, formerly of Dallas
R. D. 2, has moved to 34 Meyers
street, Edwardsville.
Miss Audrey Morris of Overbrook
avenue spent the weekend in Beth-
lehem where she attended the wed-
ding of her cousin, Miss Betty Var-
Mrs. William Morris of Overbrook
avenue has received word that her
son, Melvin, has been promoted to
staff sergeant. He is still stationed
in Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens had
as guests over the weekend Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Walter and son, Thomas,
of Berlin, Conn.
Charles Mekeel has been ill at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Richard
Owens of Davenport street.
Mrs. George Brown has returned
to her home at Carverton after be-
ing a patient at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, John Hanson and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dodd of Har-
spending several weeks in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Condoras are
expected to return shortly after
spending sometime in Florida.
Miss Elizabeth Kitchen, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Sterling Kitchen
of Davenport street, returned to
Philadelphia on Sunday after spend-
ing several months in General Hos-
pital and at her home. Elizabeth
is employed at Strawbridge and
Clothier’s. On her way home for
the holidays she had a serious auto-
mobile accident which hospitalized
Mrs. Harry Harter of Trucksville
and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
'W. Hildebrant of East Dallas are
spending several weeks in Miami,
Fla. They are registered at Hotel
Mrs. Katie Wilson was hostess at
an all-day quilting party for East
Dallas W. S. C. S. yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant
and Mrs. Charles Weiss of East Dal-
las spent Saturday in Philadelphia
where they visited Mr. Weiss who
is a hospital patient there.
The Alfred Rice family of Leh-
man have moved to their new farm
at Jersey Shore, Pa.
Severn B. Newberry of Dallas and
John Boyer of Harding spent last
Friday and Saturday in New York
City on business. Mrs. Newberry
birth of!
and son visited in Harding on Sat-|
sleeves and a ventilated back are features of this bright red
raincoat with sow’ wester hat to match worn by Lucille Wall,
of NBC’s “Lorenzo Jones” radio dramas. The fabric, derived
from coke, limestone, salt and water, is one of those miracles
we heard about all during the war years. It is washable, will
not stick, crack nor peel, has no odor and is, of course, waters:
proof. It’s called Koroseal. The poodle is made of it too.
Betty Marie Anderson Becomes
Bride Of Pic. Harry A. Gfross
Mrs. Ralph Kocher of Harvey's
Lake announces the marriage of her
niece, Betty Marie Anderson of
Philadelphia and Harveys’ Lake, to
Pfc. Harry A, Gross of Williamsport.
The ceremony took place in St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church, Williams-
port, on February 14.
Mrs. ‘Gross is a graduate of Lake-
ton High School and has been em-
ployed in Philadelphia for the past
three years. Pfc. Gross was gradu-
ated from Williamsport High School
and has been serving with the U.
S. Army for the past forty-two
months twenty-five of which were
spent in the European Theatre of
Operations. He has received his
honorable discharge and accepted a
position with the Spencer Foundry
in Williamsport where the couple
will make their home.
The Grosses returned to Wil-
liamsport Tuesday after spending a
week as guests at the Kocher home.
Miss Elizabeth Parrish Becomes
Bride Of Raymond A. T
Miss Elizabeth P. Parrish, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H., Par-
rish of Main street, became the
bride of Raymond A. Titus, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Titus of
95 River street, Forty Fort, at a
double ring ceremony in Forty Fort
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
February 24. Rev. Joseph Wiesley,
pastor, performed the ceremony be-
fore an altar banked with snap-
dragons and palms. Mrs. John
Lympany of Forty Fort presided at
the organ.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a gown of satin
with a sweetheart meckline, fitted
bodice, long sleeves, and a full net
skirt ending in a long train. Her
fingertip veil was caught with or-
ange blossoms and she carried a
bouquet of white gardenias and
.baby breath.
Miss Doris M. Titus, sister of the
bridegroom, was maid of honor. She
wore a gown of powder blue satin
with full net skirt and carried a
bouquet of daffodils and baby
breath. Her headdress was of blue
net and matching flowers. Brides-
maids were Miss Ruth Drake, who
was attired in a gown of yellow
satin and a full net skirt and car-
ried a bouquet of pink roses and
baby breath and Miss Jean Am-
bosie, who selected powder blue
satin with a full net skirt and car-
ried African daisies and baby
breath. Bridesmaids’ headdresses
were similar to the maid of honor’s.
Flower girls, both cousins of ithe
bride, were Nancy Hand, who wore
your friends when
order today.
Loveliest Messengers Of Good Clicer
Bright, gay flowers in a room make drab
thoughts fly out of the window. So cheer
happy, fragrant flowers whose very pres-
ence hastens recovery.
potted plants, beautiful flower arrange-
ments, or dainty buds, phone us your
Telephone Dallas 213
they are ill with
For gorgeous
Huntsville Methodist Church
Holds Quarterly Conference
"Last Quarterly Conference was
held” in the Methodist Church at
Huntsville recently. Rev. J. Rol-
land Crompton, D. D., Wilkes-Barre
District Superintendent, presided
and spoke on Evangelism.
Rev. George S. Snyder, pastor, re-
ported $800 had been spent on
church repairs since last April and
$241 paid on the “Crusade , for
Christ” fund.
J. Alfred Rogers was reelected
trustee for three years. Other trus-
tees are George A. Learn and Wil-
liam H. Evans. Rev. George Snyder
and officers of all church organiza-
tions gave reports.
Stewards elected were: George
Learn, Alfred Rogers, William Ev-
ans, Mrs. George Learn, Walter
Palmer, Mrs. Jane Wagner, Mrs.
Fred Weaver, Mrs. Clarence Elston,
Paul Gross, Ray Perrego, John Paul
ing, Miss Laura Smith, Mrs. Harry
Edwards, Alden Wagner, Mrs. Ray
Baby Daughter Born
Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler of
Spokane, Washington, announce the
birth of a seven and a half pound
baby girl. Mrs. Chandler is the
former Romaine Covert, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Covert of Leh-
man. This is the Covert's first
a canary yellow dress with square
neckline and puffed sleeves, and
Marion Lee Jenkins, similarly
dressed in pink. Both ‘carried bas-
kets of pink and white carnations.
Lewis Nino was best man and
ushers were Thomas Millington, Ed-
ward Kashuba and William Stone.
Committees elected: © Member-
ship, Mrs. iGeorge Learn, Alice New-
hart, Mrs. Jean Johnson; finance,
Alden Wagner, ‘Alfred Rogers, Mrs.
Harry Edwards; pastoral relations,
William Evans, J. Alfred Rogers,
Mrs. Ray Perrego; nominations, Rev.
Snyder, Mrs. Fred Weaver, Mrs.
Clarence Elston, Paul Gross; audit,
Mrs. George Learn, Walter Palmer;
records, Mrs. George Learn, Mrs.
George Lamoreaux; hospitals and
homes, Mrs.
James Harrison; church board of
education, the church school super-
intendent and teachers in the
church school; evangelism, William
Evans, Mrs. Celeste Tribler, Mrs.
Alden Wagner; visitation, Granville
Carey, Melvin Wagner, John Paul-
ing; music, Alfred Rogers, Mrs.
George Ide, Mrs. James Harrison,
the pastor; parsonage, the execu-
tive board of the W. S. C. S. with
the president as chairman; property,
the trustees.
A covered dish supper was served
to Dr. J. Rolland Crompton, Rev.
and Mrs. George S. Snyder, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira VanOrden, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Alden
Wagner, Alden, Jr., and Carol Wag-
ner, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pauling,
Jack Pauling, Mr. and Mrs. Theo-
dore Newcomb, Teddy
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Evans, Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Learn, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Randall, Mrs Earl Balliet,
Mrs. Frank H., Johnson, Mrs. Celeste
Tribler, Mrs. Malvin Wagner, Mrs.
Albert Cadwalder, Lois (Cadwalder,
Mrs. Sarah Rogers, Mrs. Clarence
Elston, Mrs. Harry Edwards, Mrs.
Fred Weaver, Frank Prutzman,
Donald Perrego, Ray Perrego, J. Al-
fred Rogers.
and your employees.
Government postal card
every month."
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These simple economical printed
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John Wagner, Mrs.
ae tr