kt tor te endo 200 wha 2 ii Nechhohon] "Notes And News Of Loca Purely Personal Office Phone 300 Mrs. James Davies is able to be around again after being confined to her home on Center Hill road with grip. Lt. and Mrs. Karl Rohrbach were guests of the former's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kray- bill of Machell Avenue over ithe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. (Charles Jones of YOUNG JOHNNIE STEELE NEEDS MORE THAN HE HAS OF THE PATIENCE OF JOB Troubles never come singly, thinks seven-year-old Johnny Steele, son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Steele of Sweet Valley, who has been having a little Mehoopany spent Saturday as hard luck ever since Thanks- guests of Mrs. Arthur Culver of giving. First the flu, causing Machell avenue. Mrs. Jones at- complications, made it neces- tended the Ayre wedding at Trucks- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of Franklin street had as guests sev- eral days last week the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fine of ‘Alden. Mrs. Moore has recovered after a recent illness. Thomas Varker of Lake street spent several days last week in New York (City on a business trip. Betty Varker, student in pharmacy at Temple University, will spend the weekend with her parents. ° Burgess George Williams dis im- proving after a serious illness at his home on Franklin street. Bob Niemeyer, student at Lafay- ette College spent several days at the home of his parents, Mr. and ‘Mrs. William Niemeyer of Daven- port street this week. Mr. and Mrs, William Jenkins of Wilkes-Barre were Saturday guests at the Nie- meyer home. Alan Kistler of Davenport street spent Sunday in New York City where he attended the funeral of his grandfather, ‘Alan . Kistler. Grandfather Kistler formerly served in an executive capacity with the New York World and the New York Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Covert and children, Jo Ann, Robert and Gloria Jean, of Fernbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. [Charles Snyder of Lehman on _ Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ayre spent ) the weekend visiting friends and relatives in the Back Mountain area. The Ayres, former residents of Dallas, came here to attend the wedding of their niece. Mrs. H. H. Zeiser of Huntsville road and Mrs. W. B. Risley of Leh- man avenue will leave the middle of February to spend two months at St. Petersburg, Fla. at the Princess Martha register Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. (George Taylor have rented the Rood house at Harvey's Lake and will take possession in the spring. “Punchy’”’ Smith has returned to this home at Huntsville after being a patient at Nesbitt Hospital suf- fering with pneumonia. He is the son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Norman ‘Smith. Seaman 2/c Jack Lewis, who is stationed at Annapolis, Md., expects to spend the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Lewis of Pioneer avenue, ‘Shavertown. Mrs. Catherine Edwards, who has in = Schenectedy for the past year, has returned to the home of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr .and Mrs. Earl Layaou, of been living Fernbrook. Mrs. Jennie [Fitch has from Wyoming to 28 Park Place Kingston. James McHale of Cliffside avenue Trucksville, has resigned his posi- tion mear Rochester, N. Y., and ac- cepted one at the new Scranton- Avoca Airport. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elston © Huntsville spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zimmerman of Alderson. sary for him ito have his ears lanced three times. No fun in any young fellow’s language. Then he fell on a needle last Wednesday night, broke it off in his knee, and had ito be rushed to the hospital. The fragment was located along the bone under the tendons with the aid of a fleuroscope, eye end down and about an inch in length. An operation set- tled that—but kept Johnnie in the hospital for over a week where he proudly exhibited the piece of needle to his visiting | friends. He expects to be home this weekend; and his friends sin- cerely hope he'll start the new month with a heap of good luck. Have New Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald IC. Doll, 530 Park Avenue, Orange, New Jersey, announce the birth of a daughter, Cheryl Ruth, in Orange Memorial Hospital January 25, 1946. Mrs. Doll is the former Ruth E. Paul, daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Celestine Fabian Is Hostess To Card Club Miss Celestine Fabian of Trucks- ville entertained her card club last weekend at her home. A birthday dinner was held Saturday night for Jean Ashman, a club member. Pres- ent were: Jean Ashman, Jane Kress- ly, Grace Tudgay of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. H. V. Lyne, Esther Hilbert of Kingston; Josephine Condora of Pittston; and Mrs. Glenn Harman of Plymouth. Prizes were won by Mrs. Lyne and Josephine Condora. | Tommy Frantz Enjoys First Birthday Party Mrs. Basil Frantz, Tunkhannock, R.D. 2, entertained at a dinner party in honor of her son, Tommy who celebrated his first birthday anniversary January 25. Tommy's uncles, Seaman 1 / ¢ Loren Schoon- over and G. M. 3/C Bill Schoon- over both arrived home with dis- charges in time to help him cele- brate. His daddy was unable to be present because he is a Navy man and is stationed in Texas. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Draper ‘Schoonover and family, Mrs. Loren ‘Schoonover and Carol Lee, Mrs. Frantz and Dickie Frantz. Entertains At Bridge Mrs. J. H. Hauck entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Norton avenue last Mon- day evening. Present were Mrs. Henry Peterson, Mrs. Louise Col- well, Mrs. James Huston, Mrs. Paul Warriner, Mrs. Ray Evans, Mrs. M. J. Brown, Mrs. Harry Ohlman and the hostess. George Shaver, Guest At Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Lehman entertained at a birthday William F. Paul, Plymouth. Mr. Doll, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Doll, Dallas, is a faculty member of West Orange Senior High School and of Upsala College. Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Norman Franklin and Kathleen of Jackson had dinner Friday with the (Clar- They will moved ence Elston family at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Towend and baby daughter will take up their residence at 246 South River street, Wilkes-Barre, starting February 1. Frank says they plan to make their home in the Dallas area as soon as they can get hold of building materials. - He only recently re- ceived his honorable discharge from service with the U. S. Army. Mrs. James Rogers ‘has been ill at her home in Idetown for ithe past few weeks. Friends of the Paul Grosses have received cards saying they are thoroughly enjoying ithe sunshine and their daily game of golf. They recently moved from the Hotel to their own cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Garwin Smith and Garey and Bick spent Sunday as guests of Mr. Smith's aunt, Mrs. [Clara Smith of Danville. First Lt. Glenn Kitchen arrived in the valley Monday evening after spending ‘ten months in the Pacific. Glen had quite a picnic getting acquainted with his five months old daughter whom he had never seen before. They are making their home in Luzerne. Howard Monroe, Newark, N.J., former Noxen resident, has been honorably discharged from the Navy after two years service. He is the son of Mrs. Howard Monroe ¢|and his wife is the former Arline Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp of Huntsville. They have two children. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ‘Culp of ’ i SHAVER THEATRE FRIDAY-SATURDAY State Fair” IN TECHNICOLOR with Jeanne Crain, Dana Andrews,, Dick Haymes, Vivian Blaine Saturday Matinee 2 P.M.—News Shavertown MONDAY-TUESDAY “The House On 92nd St.” with William Eythe, Lloyd Nolan Signe Hasso CARTOON SPORTS REEL WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY DOUBLE FEATURE “Mr. Muggs Rides Again” with East Side Kids “The Lady Confesses” with Mary Beth Hughes Huntsville returned last week after ‘an extended visit with their son, Clifford and family in Greenwood, South Carolina. Capt. Don TL. Warmouth, Post Chaplain at Camp Campbell, Ky., has been joined by his wife and Warmouth’s grandmother, Mrs. 0. E. Nash, who have moved to nearby Clarksville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mauro and daughter Barbara, of Kingston, are visiting the former’s parents at Morristown, N.J. Mrs. Mauro is the former Esther Culp of Hunts- ville. Mr. Mauro received his honorable discharge from the Army early this month after serving in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ide and daughters, Judy, and Joan, are making their home in Philadelphia where Ed is employed. Ralph Rood is ill at his home on Lehman Avenue. James Oliver received his honor- able discharge from service with the U.S. Army this week and has returned to his home on Lake St. Friends were glad to receive cards and letters this week from Florida: sons, Richard and Robert and Mrs. dinner in honor of George Shaver Jr., of Trucksville, on Wednesday evening. Dinner was served to: George Shaver Jr., Mrs. George Shaver Sr., of Trucksville, Mrs. ‘Charles Conklin, Charles Jr., of Bethlehem, Mary, Charles and Irene Snyder and the host and hostess." Miss Elsie J.. Ayre Weds William Lewis \ Miss Elsie J. ‘Ayre, daughter of Mr. and\ Mrs. Thomas Ayre of Trucksvilly, became the bride of William Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. William. G. \Lewis of Plymouth, at the White Church on ithe Hill Sat- urday afternoon. Mrs. Louie W. Ayre presided, at ithe organ and Kenneth ‘G. Ayre was vocalist. Attendants were Miss Shirley Rees, Miss Jane Lewis and Harold Lewis. Sherman Harter and Lloyd Dixon Jr. served as ushers. Following the ceremony, a Te- ception for the wedding party and families was held at Irem Temple Country Club and the’ couple left for New York City. Mrs. Lewis is a graduate ‘of King- ston Township High School and has been employed by Lehigh Valley Coal Company. Mr. Lewis was graduated from Plymouth’ High School and Pennsylvania State ‘Col- lege. A former lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, he served for thirty months. He is now employed by the Pitts- burgh DuBois Meter Company at DuBois where ithe couple will make their home. Durbin Class Sponsors Valentine Box Social A Valentine Box Social” will be held Tuesday evening, February 12, at 6:30 in Dallas Methodist (Church as part of a project sponsored by the Durbin Sunday School Class to raise money to purchase new lights for the Church Sanctuary before next Christmas. Ladies will pack lunches that will be sold at auction. An appropriate Valentine program wil] be arranged. New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. T. Emerson Evans, Machell Avenue, announce (the birth of ia son, Thomas Emerson Jr., on Saturday at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Evans is the former Jean Elston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Charles Elston, Machell Ave- nue. g Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lapp saying that the former who has been ill is getting mlong micely. The. Lapps are staying ‘at Hollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gleason of Demunds have sold their home and expect to return to their old home at 802 Smith street, Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair of Kingston Township have purchased the house at Demunds. MRS. ALVIN Marriage of Miss Edith Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Spencer, of R.D. 1, Dallas, and Pvt. Alvin L. Shaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Shaffer, Mill Street, Dallas, took place Saturday eve- ning, January 12, at Lehman. Rev. Frank K. Abbott, pastor of the Ide- town Church, performed the cere- mony. Attendants were the brother and sister-in-law of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spencer. The bride wore a gold suit with black accessories. Her shoulder Married At Lehman \ ~ L. SHAFFER bouquet was honor, Mrs. Bruce Spencer, wore a navy suit with matching access- ories. Her corsage was of pink roses and sweet peas. Mrs. Shaffer is a graduate of Dallas Township High School and is employed by Titman’s Fairlawn store. Pvt. Shaffer attended Dallas Borough High School and recently returned from the European theater of operations. After a short fur- Fort Benning, Georgia. Bride Of Edward Miss ‘Ruth Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson of Chase, became the bride of Edward E. Jeffery, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jeffery of Wyoming, Wednesday, January 16. Rev. George Snyder performed the cere- mony in the parsonage of Courtdale Methodist (Church. There were no attendants. ‘The bride wore a Persian blue wool suit with black accessories. Following the ceremony the couple left for a short trip to New Miss Ruth Johnson Becomes E. Jeffery is a graduate of Kingston High*Seho6l and Wyoming Seminary. Mr. Jeffery was gradua- ted from Wyoming High School and just -received his honorable dis- charge after eight months service with the U.S. Army in Italy. He has returned to his old position with the Darte Estate in Wilkes- Barre. The couple will shortly move into their home at Chase. Lehman Class Meets At Verna Rogers’ Home Vera Whitesell’s Class was re- cently entertained at a party at the home of Vera Rogers. elected for the coming year: presi- dent, Arlene Wentzel; vice-presi- dent, . Priscilla Abbott; secretary, Mary Snyder; treasurer, Edith Sut- ton; publicity committee, Katherine Kocher and Vera Rogers; game committee, Mildred Wentzel. Games were played and music was furnished by the hostess. Polly- chosen. Present were: Edith Sutton, Katherine Kocher, Arlene Wentzel, Mary Snyder, Mil- the hostess. Dorothy Ferris Is Guest On Birthday A birthday party was held Jan- uary 22 at the home of Jestie ‘Schoonover honoring Dorothy Fer- ris. The evening was spent enjoy- ing musical selections and games. Present were: Sgt. Bernard Buch- man, Laird Frantz, Theron Dickin- son, David Voitek, Bernard Moticho, Alton Frantz, [Clarence Jackson, Tony and Russell DeAngelo, Louis Walters, Alta Weaver, Dorothy Ferris, Dolores Koscelansky, Alice and Emma Madison and Jestie Schoonover. Y / PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTING vii G APPRAISING J. W. Young Realtor 8-6116 Officers were | annas were revealed and new ones! Vera Whitesell, | dred Wentzel, Florabell Brown and Clothing Station Leketon High School has been designated as a collection point for the used clothing drive. Anyone wishing to give clothing is request- ed to leave it at the school if no student calls for it. Mrs. Carey Rood is chairman. | A \ House For Sale! i | | Si Could it happen to you? It well might in hard times . .. if you have the wrong type of mortgage on your home. You need a mortgage fitted to your income an inexpensive one . . . a flexible one, and one that pays itself off, until one day, much to your surprise and pleas- ure you find you do not have to make any more payments. The house is free and clear! 777 For mortgages that are flexible, inexpensive and self-liquidating . . . con- sult wi 74 % 2 YZ % EE THE KINGSTON NATIONAL BANK Kingston Corners Miss Ida T. Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis of Pioneer avenue, Shavertown, be- came the bride of Pfc. Paul Red- mond of [Shavertown in the Shaver- town Methodist Church Sunday, January 20 at 2:30 P.M. Rev. Felix Zaffiro performed the ceremony. Mrs. Wesley Oliver presided at tthe organ and Nancy Nichols was solo- ist. ‘Attendants were Freda Green and Donald Metzger. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father wore a gold colored wool suit with brown ac- cessories. Her shoulder bouquet was of pink rose buds. Miss Green selected aqua marine suit with black accessories and yellow pom- poms. Mrs. Lewis, mother of the Miss Ida T. Léwis Becomes Bride Of Pic. Paul Redmond bride, wore black crepe with white accessories and corsage of gar- denias. Following the ceremony a recep- tion for members of the immediate family and friends was held at the home of the bride. Mrs. Redmond is a graduate of Kingston Township High School and has been employed by Laux Manu- facturing Company. Pfc. Redmond was graduated from Lake Township High School and has been serving his country in Germany for the past forty months. He has rein- listed and will report to Indian- town Gap for reassignment the mid- dle of February. Temporarily the couple are mak- ing their home with the Lewises. — Harold C. Home for moderate rates. Provides the same efficient, modern service in the Dallas Area as in town . . . at the same 64 North Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Telephone Wilkes-Barre 3-0400 A MODERN SERVICE - Snowdon——— Funerals MODERATE IN COST lough, Pvt. Shaffer will return to In Your and save hours of wasted and your employees. Think of us when you PRINT “Printing companion of + ORDERLINESS Affairs Proper business forms can make the routine of operating your business much simpler A simple purchase order, for example, can help to keep your purchases straight. i Government postal card printed with your name and business address can facilitate correspondence and save hours of struggling with a typewriter every month. These simple economical printed forms get work done in a jiffy. have the craftsmen, the equipment, the materials and the “know-how” to do your next printing job | quickly and to your satisfaction. The DALLAS POST SHOP 1 is the # This line set in Stymie Medium, a sturdy typeface tuned to the times and modern business. daily effort on the part of you An inexpensive think of printing. We inseparable achievement” / modern Gs ps