hea iE i z - PC gy +A D J 0 5 Bo 7s ¥ w : : 2 Gl Sk V : | a SHERIFF SALE fy the. north side of Luzerne Street land, Pa., but situated in Foster] said the place of beginning. | alley or small street; thence south- | Reiss by Henry Reiss and his wife, ; I L : “ ; |and the east side of Park Street; | Township, Pa., and more particular- (2) All those two (2) pieces of wardly along said public alley a|by deed dated October 16, 1896 GOOD NEWS! ' Friday, September 7, 1945, ’ ? # dist fi Loz d n Deed Book No. 355 : 3 : i istance of fifty (50) feet to Luz-|recorded in Dee 00. o. 355, thence along a twelve (12) feet|ly described as follows: . land ‘situate in the Woodside Addi- 3 : at 10:00 A. M. : : ; : : erne Street a distance of one hun- | page 338. Improved with a two- | 0 ho eed a ¥ : y , Yise alley North four desrees thirty | = Beginning at a point on the north | tion to the Borough of Freeland in|dred thirty (130) feet to the place |story frame dwelling house, out- | = ; By virture of a writ of Fi Fa. No. | minutes (40 degrees 30 minutes) | side of Luzerne Street, said point Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, No. | of beginning, excepting therefrom | buildings, trees, etc. Seized and | Laxative Now-and-Then 39 July 1945, Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will issued out of the "be exposed to public sale by vendue East two hundred and fifty (250) feet to a point in the dividing line between Lots 22 and 23; thence along said dividing . line south fifty (250) feet to a point on the being the northwest corner of the intersection of Luzerne St. with Meehan St. (but designated on the Borough map as Juniper Street); along the south side of said ten foot 15 and 16 in Block 0 on the map or plan of the said Woodside Addition, as recorded in the office for the recording of deeds, in and for the the part of said lot 15 sold to Benjamin Turri et ux by Patrick Meehan by deed dated June 3, 1927 recorded on June 11, 1927 in Deed taken in execution at suit of Helen C. Hamilton vs. William H. Reiss Jr., only surviving heir of the Es- tate of William H. Reiss, deceased, When you feel sluggish, stomach upset, low in spirits and somewhat “no account” —because you need a good cleaning out, what you then should try is Kruschen— speedy saline laxative—which the know- ing Public the world over has bought to ET YOURSELF IN FOR RELIEF THAT KRU- laxative, just to the highest and best bidders, for ene en hy oe thence westwardly on joni’ glong Sar Samp = Map Book | Book 648 page 286. and will be sold by » the tune of over 245 MILLION bottles ; ; 89 degrees minutes) East onelLuzerne St. a distance of fifty feet| NO: One (1) page No. Fifty (50) | geizeq and taken into executi DAVID C. VAUGHAN, to date, og. ~. cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court hundred thirty (130) feet to alto a int: th h bounded and described as follows 27 J 1510: ofscanon Sherifs When you want relief you want it House, ¥in the City of Wilkes-Barre, EE h 9; 2 pons; taence nort wardly On ps ’| at the suit of First National Bank i PRONTO—you don’t want to wait for ’ Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on point, being the northeast corner|a line parallel with said Meehan | “O-Wit: in Freeland vs. Bridget Meehan Es-|H. MONROE HOUTZ hours (Kruschen acts usually within an ho Friday, September 7, 1945 at ten of Io thense So or St. a distance of one hundred| Beginning at a point on the east | tate, John J. Meehan, Executor and | Attorney. hour)esasid With kguschen there NE v Solock in the forenoon of the said gross thir igi es aren twenty-five (125) feet to a ten foot |side of Park St., rsaid point being John J. Meehan, and Josephine ‘| and recurrences. | day, all the right, title and interest minutes) West two hundred and|alley; thence eastwardly on and|the northeast corner of the said| Meehan, terre-tenants, and will be NOTICE So whenever you feel the need of a ET AE of the defendants in and to the (1) The surface of all that certain piece or lot of land situate in the Township of Foster and ad- jacent to the Borough of Freeland, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: thirty minutes (85 degrees 30min- utes) East one hundered forty-two (142) feet from the intersection of north side of Luzerne Street, being eighty-five degrees thirty minutes (85 degrees 30 minutes) west one hundred thirty (130) feet to the place of beginning. Containing .746 of an Acre more or less, and being Lots 23 to 32 inclusive in Block 0 lots 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in Block 0 on the map or plan of Woodside Addition to the Borough of Free- STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters “What's the matter—you guys been hearing peace rumors 3" By GENE CARR, {EXE HE QE Tan kw ne the Neighborhood [3] a S wn = = Oo = = 2 By d’Alessio said Meehan St. a distance of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to the north side of Luzerne St. afore- block at the intersection of Park and along said Park Street a dis- tance of Fifty (50) feet; thence eastwardly a distance of one, hun- dred thirty (130) feet to a public Soldier's Name. Application And Change Of Address Form Home Address Date of Entering Service .......... Occupation Before Service School Attended If married, wife's maiden name Soldier's Present Adaress Submitted by: Dallas Post. Telephone Number or Nearest Telephone No No Free Posts will be sent to any soldier unless this coupon is completely filled out, properly signed by sender and filed at the sold by ADRIAN H. JONES, Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, September 7, 1945, 10 AM. vania, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale Friday, September 7, 1945, at 10:00 o'clock AM. in Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., property of late William H. Reiss, deceased, situate in City of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., having a frontage of 25 feet on North Grant Street and a depth of 190 feet, being the. North of Northeasterly half of Lot No. 21 in Block 3, as laid out-on Plot of the late A. C. Laning and being a part of the same land conveyed to William H. Notice is hereby given that Stan- in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to No. 926 Octo- ber Term, 1945, praying therein for change of Surname from Stan- ley Mitarnowski and Margaret Nit- arnowski, to Stanley Martin and where all persons interested may appear. E. F. McGOVERN, Attorney. Hoover Reunion The 34th Annual Reunion of the Hoover family will be held at Le- high Valley Park, Harvey's Lake, Saturday, August 18. It will be an all-day picnic and visitors will be welcome. vv vv SKATING Free Parking to Skaters VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV YY VY VY VY VY YY YY YY YYY Roller Skating Every Tues. Thurs. Fri. Sun. evenings Mon. Wed. Fri. Sun. afternoons 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 { 4 4 4 Lake View Skating Pal- ace (formerly the dance hall) Sandy Beach HARVEY'S LAKE ] b 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 New floor, new skates, new music nights Follow the Crowd New Management Doris Shonk Ruger M. LaRose THE QUIC SCHEN SALTS CAN BRING YOU. i following described lots, pieces, or ET Se al a ibis Haw ta) Street with Luzerne Street, and DAVID C. VAUGHAN, ley Mitarnowski and Margaret Nit-| Notics how much more alert~more active i parcels of land, viz; th 1 a 5 Th © the west side of Meehan St, | thence extending northwardly on Sheriff | \ weki have filed their Petition | you feel after your first experience with ence along sal street no thence southwardly on and along Kruschen Sits. There are a lot of sur- prising things we could tell you about Kruschen Salts but we will let you find them out for yourself. You can obtain KRUSCHEN SALTS from any drug store on the maker's as- surance of double your money back if not actually overjoyed with the pleasing re- sults. Caution—use only as directed. Reg- 3 3 igs : By virtue of a writ of levari fac-| i The heari ulate the dose to suit your own require- nt Si in Woodside Addition to the : Margaret Martin. e hearing on | mummies 8 Unb FREE POSTS FOR SOLDIERS |= on bin tami mus dor, mo pon vy) SESS side of Luzerne Street, said point issued out of the Court of Common | Court on Monday, October 8, 1945, - being south eighty-five degrees EXCEPTING, however, parts of Pleas of Luzerne County, Pennsyl-|at ten o'clock A. M. when and Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back ‘When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat- ing gas, sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ans Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25¢c at all druggists. Women in your 40s FL £5 5 A Do these symptoms Betray your Age? Do you—like s0 many women be= tween the ages of 38 and 62—suffer from hot flashes, nervous tension, hritability, are a bit blue at times— due to the functional “middle-age” period peculiar to women? Then start at once—try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to Dt 2 ; Name |. of lu naluio Special prices for parties di ly such Sympioms, Ini great Le MTT : medicine HELPS NATURE, Taken regu- PREBme wpe Address... oli neon LE and private afternoons and TE Da ED Jones egainst such “middle-age” distress. For almost a century—thousands upon thousands of women have re- ported benefits. Also grand stomachig tonic, Follow label directions. Lydia & FPinkhamss VEGETABLE COMPOUND MARY WORTH’S FAMILY MISS CONNIE «+ YOUR! | SO! TOM KANE. THINKS HE Y=JHAS WON,DOES HE 7GETTING THOSE ANGRY TRAILER CAMPERS TO SIGN PETITIONS \ RECALLING UNCLE CALEB FROM OFFICE ¢ GOOD CITIZENS WILL BUT HE'LL SEE! MY UNCLE HAS NOTHING TO FEAR! HE'LL NEVER RESIGN! AND, IF HE FACES A SPECIAL ELECTION, WELL , THE. MAKE HIM MAYOR AGAIN! BUTeee I'M TRYING TO Uee LK TELL YO! SIMPLY LISTEN! MILLIE! WHAT'S THAT NOISE? L THOUGHT WE WERE ALONE -- -! UNCLE CALEB! WHAT ARE YOU AM I GOOD WITH THE ON THE ICE FIGURE EV ON ONE Ad, OVE y ICE SKATESE M2 1 CAN WRITE MY NAME 1 RS, MAKE THE PITCHERS GUT, GKATE BACKWA BARREL NG (8) American News Features. Inc. Borns ASES OF BIGAMY AMONGST WOMEN ARE RARE ,BUT THE By Bob Dart ODDEST OF THESE 15 THAT OF A WOMAN COMMERCIAL TRAVELER IN HUNGARY WHO, IN 1937, WAS ARRESTED FOR HAVING S1X HUSBANDS... HER SECRET WAS UNEARTHED WHEN THE POLICE HAD GONE THRU HER TRUNKS 10 DISCOVER HER IDENTITY AFTER AN ACCIDENT... ALL SIX HUSBANDS CAME 10 CLAIM HER AND NONE WOULD GIVE IN... THE COUR{ SOLVED THE PROBLEM TRY 1! CHISEL IN ON MY REPUTATION, EA 1S VERY OFTEN DYED TO GINEIT A GOOD COLOR .... THIS FRAUD CAN EASILY BE DETECTED BY PLACING SOME DRY LEAVES BETWEEN THE FOLDS OF A PIECE OF WHITE CLOTH AND RUBBING TOGETHER “in fact Pm SO tired, Doctor, I read myself to sleep with Es a short, short story!” rd 4 ; : ¥ § X