Purely Personal Office Phone 300 Mrs. Alan Kistler of Davenport street has received word that her husband, T/Sgt. Alan, who has been . serving in the Pacific for the past - couple of years is on his way home. Alan has a real thrill in store for “him for he has a fine young son whom he’s never seen. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Hend- ricks and children, Priscilla and Jack, of Lehman will spend next week at Lake Canandaigua. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yeisley of Overbrook avenue and some of the grandchildren will spend the holi- day at their summer home at Pease Eddy. Sgt. Beverly Noll, who has been a patient at Newton Baker General Hospital at Martinsburg, W. Va, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain over the week- end enroute for a vacation at Falls. Beverly is a former teahcer in the Dallas Borough High School. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ray Isaacs of Shav- ertown had as guest Tuesday the latter’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Leslie Williams of Sayre. » Mrs. Phil Cheney and daughter, Barby, who have been living in Kingston, will move into the Saw- yer apartment on Church street, ; Dallas, shortly. : Ray Shiber has been suffering from an infected hand, at his home on Center Hill road. ~ Mrs. Harry Ohlman of Machell avenue visited friends. at Jones- town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Covert have received word that their daughter Pfc. Romaine Chandler is a patient at Fort Story Hospital in Virginia. Mrs. Harold Rood of Lehman avenue left Sunday to spend a week ‘at ‘State College where she will attend a reading clinic. Priscilla Boston returned to her home at Nicholson after spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. ~ W. B. Risley. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkendall and children [Freddie and Doris, have moved into their summer home on Terrace street. ‘Mrs. William Cobleigh who has been spending the spring with her - daughter in Wilkes-Barre returned to her home in East Dallas recently. ~ Marilyn Wilson of + East Dallas had as weekend guest Jane Love of Hazleton. Jane and Marilyn were classmates at Dallas Township High School. y Robert Pickett will return to camp in Oklahoma Sunday after spending fifteen days with his wife in East Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grose of Ma- chell avenue have as guests their daughter Verna, and grand-daugh- ter from Jamestown, N.Y. Harry Grose who has been visiting his sister's family returned with them. Peynton Lee who is stationed at ; Sampson, N.Y. expects to spend the weekend with his family on Ma- chell avenue. Mrs. Lloyd Richards and Susanne of Elizabeth, N.J. are spending some time with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Woolbert of Center Hill road.’ Leslie Covert is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Covert of Parrish Heights. Leslie just com- pleted his boot training at Samp- son, N.Y. ttorney and Mrs. Leighton R. Scott and Leighton Jr. will spend the July 4th holiday with Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. H. H. Zeiser SHAVER T H EAT RE Shavertown . FRIDAY—SATURDAY “Winged Victory” with Lon McAllister, Jeanne a Crain, Army Air Forces : Saturday Matinee 2 P. M. News MONDAY—TUESDAY Double Feature : “Minstrel Man” with Gladys George, Benny Fields “Double Exposure” with Nancy Kelly, Philip Terry ; WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY “Practically Yours” with Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Gil Lamb Cartoon and Musical 1days with Miss Eloise Brown in Edith Marie Walters Engaged to D. A. Martin Mrs. Anna Walters of Lehman announces the engagement of her daughter Edith Marie, to Daniel A. Martin of New Britain, Conn. Mr. Martin, son of Thomas Mar- tin, was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army after twelve years service. Both he and Miss Walters are employed at the Cordin Screw Corporation. No date has been set for the wedding. Have New Son Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dymond of West Pittston announce the birth of a son, Robert Stephen Jr., at Nesbitt Memoria] Hospital on Mon- day, June 18. Mrs. Dymond is the former Jean Emmanuel of Orange. Mr. Dymond is in the Army, sta- tioned in Nevada; he was home to meet his new son. This is their first child. Joe Oberst Is Honored In Seventy First Year Joe Oberst celebrated his seventy first birthday anniversary at his home in Unityville Sunday June 17, at a dinner party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Oberst, Wayne and Russell Oberst of Conyngham, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oberst of Fern- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oberst and Carlin of Harvey's Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peterman of Unityville, Mrs. Emma Sarley of Dallas, Charles Atherholt of Wil- liamsport, Gordon Warner of Ben- ton, Willard Hutchins, Billy Tal- man, Yvonne Keen, Gelania Hut- chins and the guest ‘of honor of Unitywville. of Huntsville. road. Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanHorn of Lake street will move to their Harvey's ,Lake cottage the first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. John Durbin and family of Allentown are occupying the Durbin cottage at Harvey's Lake. Henry Lee, a student at Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology in Boston is spending ‘a vacation at his home on Machell avenue. Mrs. Rachel Wyckoff of Kingston has moved to her summer home on Center Hill road and would like to have all her old {friends and neighbors drop in to see her. Louis Harris of Carverton, who has been confined to a bed in Homeopathic Hospital for several weeks with a fractured vertebra, is able to walk a little now. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Coon of Carverton have returned from their visit in Chicago. Mary Stephens of Carverton had the thrill of seeing General Eisen- hower twice on her visit to New York last week. Rev. and Mrs. J. Roland Cromp- ton and daughter Patty, of King- ston, have moved to their cottage at Harvey's Lake. Sheldon Vosler has moved from New Jersey to Muhlenburg to help his father, Ed: Vosler. Ed has sixteen thousand tomato plants set out. Mrs. Eliza Gillman is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. E. Nevel at Ide- town before leaving for Ocean City for the summer. Miss Ann Richards of Pioneer avenue has opened her cottage at Harvey's Lake. Dr. and Mrs. William Lanyon and children have moved from Sha- vertown to Kingston. Miss Mary Kuchta, teacher in Lakewood, N.J., is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuchta at Harvey's Lake. Miss Mary Snyder of Jackson has returned after spending several Forty Fort. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder en- tertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Housel, Betty Housel and Electrician Mate 1/¢ Charles Housel of Highbridge, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Harrison, Mrs. Mary Covert of Kingston and S 2/c George E. Harrison of Sampson, N.Y. EM. 1/c Charles Housel just returned from the Pacific where he took part in four major battles. Velton Bean F 1/¢ U.S.C.G.R. of Staten Island, N.Y. and wife* and son of Perth Amboy, N.J. spent the weekend with relatives in Ceasetown. Miss Lois Marr of Hun- Qe FOUR FOR VICTORY — Four war-working sisters, Helen, Edith, Bernice, and Carrie Reed are shown “punching out” of" the Columbus, Ohio, Plant of The Timken Roller Bearing Com- pany, after a day of checking, inspecting, and assembling essen- tial tapered roller bearings for use in almost every type of mili- tary equipment. The girls, none of whom had ever before“been away from home, left their fath- er's 100-acre Woodsfield, Ohio farm more than a year ago to help win the war and bring their “close friends” in service home sooner, The attractive Reeds live together in an apartment, make practically all their own clothes, and when they feel the need of entertainment, “go out together.” Saft Sgt. Calvert At a very pretty wedding, Miss Estella Elston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston of Kunkle, be- came the bride of Staff Sgt. Calvert Birnstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Birnstock of York, in Kunkle Meth- odist Church Sunday June 24 at 3 o'clock. Rev. David Morgan per- formed & the ceremony before an altar banked with peonies and roses. Mrs. Fred Swanson played the wedding march and William, Thomas served as soloist. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was at- tractive in a white lace gown fash- ioned with tight bodice, sweet-heart neckline and sweeping train. Her finger-tip veil of illusion was caught with orange blossoms and she carried an arm bouquet of white roses and snapdragons. Mrs. Fred Dodson as matron of honor chose pink net and lace made with full skirt and high neckline. Her Colonial bouquet was of mixed gar- den flowers. Bridesmaids, Jane Miss Estella Elston Marries Birnstock ~~ Ide and Myra Birnstock selected baby-blue net similarly made and also carried Colonial bouquets of mixed flowers. Mrs. Elston, mother of the bride, wore blue and white printed crepe and. Mrs. Birnstock, mother of the bridegroom, gray print. Both wore corsages-of sweet- peas and painted daisies. William Felty of York was best man and ushers were Gomer Elston and Fred Dodson. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride and the-couple left for Fort Benning, Ga. where Staff Sgt. Birn- stock is stationed. Mrs. Birnstock is a graduate of Dallas Township High School. She has been employed in Washington, D.C. with the War Service and at Devens Milling Company. Staff Sgt. Birnstock was graduated from York High School and has just returned from serving overseas for two years. Lewis Ide was elected president and Charlotte Calkins vice presi- dent at the 29th, annual banquet of the Lehman Alumni Association held in the Lehman Methodist Church parlor Wednesday evening, June 13. Other officers chosen were Pauline Ehret, recording secretary; Janet Lamoreaux, corresponding secretary and Richard Stroud, treasurer. Richard Parks acted as leader and Marguerite Krashlevich as pianist. The business meeting was in charge of president, William Major. Louise Brown, chairman of the program committee, presented an interesting evening of entertain- ment: Magic tricks, James Angove; vocal duets, Christine Whiteman and Betty Swagger; readings, Ho- mer Middleton Sr.; trumpet solo, Ted Parks; talk, supervising: prin- cipal, Howard Hendricks. § Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ma- jor, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wright, Myrtle Major, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice, Ruth Elston, Phyllis Elston, Betty - Miller, Mrs. Robert Disque, H. Ammetta Keller, Ralph Harvey Jr., Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Glenn Brown, Dale Keller, Edwin Stolar- ick, Garwin Tough, Lila. Rae Parry, June Swan, Charles Fisk, Amelia Crossen, Ruth Disque, Janet Lam- song Lehman Alumni Elect Officers At Their 29th Annual Banquet oreaux, Mildred Disque, Betty Lewis, Mary ‘Crossen, Vera Rogers, Hedwig Cybulski, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Simms, C. Burton Major, Mar- tha Miers, Delilah Kistler, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Major, Michael Skopic. Peter Skopic, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Searfoss, Mrs. Howard Pettebone, Mr. and Mrs. George Stolarick, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Disque, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellsworth, William Major, Gilbert Tough, Theodore Parks, E. ( Louise Brown, Dorothy Major Turn- er, Michael Adams, Howard Post, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coolbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Sante Ragno, Mr. and Mrs. John Sidler, Seymour Gross- man, Mabel Belles, Geraldine Cun- diff, Emma Cornell, Anna Naugle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hendricks, Mr." and Mrs. Homer Middleton, Mary Sny- der, Mrs. George Rogers, Edna Drabick, Mrs. Howard Glenwright, Charlotte Glenwright, Mr. and Mrs. William Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Barrall, Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Miers, Mary Stolarick, Mrs. Ken- neth Hawke, Donald Miers, Glenn Miers, Ruth Culp, Theodore Cy- bulski, Joseph Rodriquez, Alice Rodriquez, Naomi Lyons, Ben Rood, Sutton, Edna Sutton Lewis, Hannah Culp and Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Harry George of Johnson City spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton of Outlet. Pfc. Iva Roote visited her brother and Mrs. Clarence Roote at Outlet recently. and sister-in-law, Mr. Iva is sationed at Camp Meade, Md. Mrs. James Garnett of Outlet is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. Viola are spending seven weeks at a Girl Rossman and Doris locks Creek is spending a few weeks with the Beans at Perth Amboy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and' aia Ua iL aa Scout Camp in Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuh] Jr. and Donna of Binghamton, N.Y. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oberst. at Harvey's Lake. Mrs. William Hillard and family, Wilma, Barbara, Dean, Billy, Larry and Donnie of Chester are being M. J. Kocher for a few weeks at Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oberst entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Meeker, Arlo Jr. Philip and Donnie Meeker of Binghamton. Over Seventy Girl Scouts Attend Wildwood Camp at Harvey's Lake Dallas District Girl Scout Day Camp at Wildwood, Harvey's Lake, comes to, a close this afternoon with a County Fair program and the crowning of ‘Miss Wildwood.” Seventy girls attended the camp both weeks, under the direction of Miss Jane Case and Mrs. Russell Case, registrar. A “Christmas in June” party and water carnival were the main ac- tivities during the first week. The Christmas party was complete with Santa Claus, Christmas songs and recitations and a tree, trimmed with bows and arrows, silver pine cones, glittering maple leaves and paper snow fakes. : A “Water Wedding” ended the cal k first week, with Nancy. Fahringer as Miss Mermaid and Nancy Carey as Mr. Fish. International Day was observed on Thursday of the second week Doings Music Instruction VOICE AND PIANO Professor J. Evans Rowlands Phone 236-R-13 with a progressive dinner and the traditional wishing party, when Vacuum Cleaners WE BUY, REPAIR ALL MAKES each camper floats a-lighted candle down the lake, making a wish. Countries represented at the dinner were: Holland and Mexico, Snow- | flake unit; China, Pine Cone unit; Russia, Maple Leaf unit; Ireland, Robin Hood unit; and United Sta- tes, the Staff.” | During the camps many Scouts | 288 So, Main St, SELL AND HINS Wilkes-Barre lmm— (Below Hazle Street) mmm’ passed the requirements for Pio- neer, Outdoor Cook, Campcraft and Swimmer badges. Dallas Rotary Women Meet at Hotel Prins Women of the Rotary enjoyed a dinner last Thursday evening at Hotel Prins in Tunkhannock. ‘Pres- ent were: Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, Mrs. John Corliss, Mrs. A. N. Gar- Buy More And Stamps War Savings Bonds inger, Mrs. Oswald Griffith, Mrs. Y y Peter Jurchak, Mrs. F. Bud A Schooley, Mrs. George Metz, Mrs. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT iH Earl Monk, Mrs. Harold Payne, Mrs. | RENTING Dan Fioharen mr L. Hire SELLING : r ) . - son, Mrs. Haro itman, Mrs. Les | APPRAISING lie Warhola, Mrs. Mrs. Warren Yeisley, Kingsley. Paul Warriner, Mrs. L. F. 83-6116 J]. W.Young Realtor Shirley Howell, Mary Kern, Betty | entertained by Mrs. Hillard’s father, | PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY MEALS NOW! Your nearby Acme is fairly stocked with the available foods to help make this holiday a successful one. in today—make your selections early and enjoy complete Preccts ana satisfaction. Come STORE HOURS! Open to 9 P. M. Friday and Saturday! Open Monday to 6 P. M. Open Tuesday to 7 P. M. CLOSED ALLDAY Wednesday, Independence Day! Fancy Solid Red Ripe Tomatoes nde New Cabbage Freestone Fancy No. 1 Peache S— 1b. Bec 2, os. 25¢c Ripe Watermelons * 4c Fancy Cherries Fancy Red Beets | Nearby GREEN Onions Picnic Items! qt. jar 25¢ jar 9c an Dill Pickles - Hamburg Spread Stuffed Olives 41% oz. bo! Durkee Dressing ar 27¢ Ritter Catsup bot. 18¢ 1 . Clam Broth 8-0z. ean ]5¢ arge 2 Corned Beef Hash = 2" 2l1c 261% oz. loaf Red Salmon No. % can 26¢ Handy Herring ean 15¢ Wilson’s Mor 1z-0z. ean 3c ce Heinz Mustard glass O¢ Velveeta Cheese *™ 4sc0 Slowly Cooked Beans 2% 1c § cans Instant Postum Ovaltine 8-0z. jar 35¢ Wesson Oil pinean 98 Orange Juice No. 2 can 19¢ Apple Juice qt. bot. 20c:.. Prune Juice at. (bot, Ye Peanut Snack 12-0z. jar 20c V. Lee Cake Cups ke. 10c Waxed Paper Ize. ke. 16g ERT ) © Ginger Bread Mix or Devil Food Mix ke. § 8c ASCO Richer Blend Save coupons on bags for valuable premiums 2-1b. loaf 71 Cc 4-0z. pkg. 24¢ It has the flavor appeal hot or iced because its HEAT-FLO ROASTED The roasting process that develops the delicious flavor oils of mountain. grown perfectly blended coffee beans without interference from under or overroasted paris. ’ | GOFEEE tare Crisp Red = §e You Ever Tasted Acme Super BREAD Enriched for greater food value Citrus Marmalade : Apple Butter deci Crab Apple Jelly Shredded Wheat 4SCO Pure Cider Vinegar 4sco White Vinegar Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Raviola Milk Bone Jr. and Tiny Bits Gold Medal Flour Penn Rad Motor Oil ee IVORY Toilet Soap 3 personal 3 bars 1dc Nabisco «24 2 for d7¢c i Ige. bch: Radishes3 Finest, Most Delicious Bread 1b. 3Q¢c ; = 10e DAILY = 10¢ Hee-3c Be 160 pkg. iic ‘gt. bot. i5¢ qt. bot. {2¢ bb. jar {fe ke. §2¢ 25-Ib. bag §$1,29 10-gt. can §{ Q% SUNBRITE Cleanser ; J cans ide