PAGE SIX THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1945 Dallas Girl Wins ODB Cash Award Township Graduate Cited For Suggestion Lottie L. Brzyski of Dallas was among the seven employees of the War Department office of Depend- ency Benefits to win cash awards for suggestions on methods of im- proving the operations of the huge war agency which administers fam- ily allowances and allotments-of- pay for the Army. She is a typist in the Information and Public Re- Davis Prepares Bases For B-29s Now Stationed At Field In Marianas TWENTY-FIRST BOMBER COM- MAND HEADQUARTERS, GUAM— (Delayed)—Staff Sergeant Clifford H. Davis, Dallas, is one of hundreds of enlisted men at a huge Super- fortress base in the Marianas whose diligent efforts have made it pos- sible for the giant B-29 bombers of Major General Curtis E. LeMay’s 21st Bomber Command to strike regularly at the heart of Japan's war industry. . Sergeant Davis is an airplane mechanic in a combat unit com- manded by Brigadier General lations Branch. : Miss Brzyski received $10 for her suggestion to prepare in ad- vance copies of basic information to be associated with spot news re- leases to newspapers in towns visit- ed by OBD officers. This suggestion saves many hours of typing plus boxes of carbon paper each month. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Brzyski of Dallas, Miss Brzyski has two sisters living at home. They are Margaret and Louise Ann. Lottie Brzyski gradu- ated from Dallas Township High School in 1940, and ‘later took a commercial course at St. Mary's. She came with the ODB in April, 1944, and was assigned to the In- formation and Public Relations Branch. Idetown Roll Is Near Completion Dedication Date To Be Set Shortly A dedication date will be. set shortly for the beautiful stone honor roll which has been erected at Idetown. As soon as weather permits, grading, sodding and land- scaping will be completed and sev- eral more names will be cut on the liaestone memorial. At a meeting of ‘the Idetown Men’s Bible Class last Friday night at the home of Robert D. Renshaw, William Casterline ,treasurer of the Honor Roll fund, $368.70 of $409.75 collected has been expended to date. A balance of $41.05 remains in the treasury. The committee urged that all cit- izens who can help in the final work of putting the memorial in shape for dedication contact Bruce Williams, chairman. If there are any further names to be added to the roll these, too, should be re- ported to Mr. Williams. Rummage Sale Ladies’ Air Society of Huntsville Christian Church will held a rum- mage sale at 189 Main street, Lu- | [3 Doors will | zerne, April 10 and 11, be open at 9 o'clock. Donations can be sent to Mrs. Ralph Frantz or Mrs. H. Herbert Major. Buy More War Savings Bonds And Stamps Emmett O'Donnell, Jr., who led the first B-29 striking force from Saipan to bomb Tokyo's aviation industry on November 24, 1944. “The work of Sergeant Davis and his fellow soldiers is directly re- sponsible for the success of the B-29s in bombing Japan’s war in- dustries,” General O'Donnell said in congratulating them. “These men realize their responsibilities in the pre-mission tasks of insuring the maximum chance for safe re- turn of the air crews. “Without the spirit of teamwork which has been exhibited by every man, our pioneering job, which is only beginning, could not have been a success. They have given their services fully and in com- plete disregard for personal com- forts and pleasures in lieu of hard work and long hours.” An additional tribute has been paid Sergeant Davis and the others for their toil in constructing their B-29 bases. They arrived last Aug- ust and September and, since avi- ation engineers were busy with the high priority task of airstrip building, they constructed homes for themselves and for the aerial combat crews who arrived later. Sergeant Davis’ mother, Mrs. Esther B. Davis, lives on R.D. 1, Dallas. He was graduated from the Lehman High School and entered reported that! the Army in November, 1942. A : bought Dr. Salsbury’s \& 2 REN-O-SAL, the new drinking water \ | £8 medicine. I'm giving it to my baby i | © chicks for its tonic benefits and if cecal R | 88 occidiosis does appear in my Flock, | E3 | 2 4 imply increase the REN-O- | 8 ) SAL dosage. Ask the [8 Dr. Salsbury dealer about this new, double-duty £3 STAPLETON'S | Next to the | Luzerne Post Office READY-MIXED CONCRETE Speeds work —saves money — helps farmers get ® Prompt delivery. ® Concrete delivered to any job which is accessible to our trucks. ® “Mix” accurately propor= ~ GOON quality work tioned for your job. ® Full strength, reliability and uniformity in every load. ® Let us quote you on this economical way to build. CERTIFIED CONCRETE “TRANSITMIXT” 278 Union Street, Luzerne, Pa. Phone Kingston 7-3177 Another Travelling Churchill... Rk YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF BRITAIN'S PRIME MINISTER, Junior Commander Mary Churchill of the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, sailed from England recently to serve with a mixed anti-aircraft battery in Belgium. Aboard the ship which took them across the channel she drops in to say goodnight to the girls of her battery. Expresses Appreciation Gladys Schoonover Love wishes to express her appreciation to all Play those who cooperated so. well in bringing the Red Cross drive in Shuffleboard Franklin Township over the top. At 3 Jack and May's Inn Evangelistic Services Kunkle Road Near Kunkle Chicken Lunch Every Saturday Night Evangelistic services will be held tonight, Friday and again Sunday at Free Methodist Church on Mill street. If you enjoy simple gospel truths and good singing you will enjoy these meetings. ‘We now offer farmers in this territory: a new Sinclair product, developed to prevent rusting of Army equipment. It's Sinclair RUST-O-LENE B. Applied by painting, or spraying in diluted form, RUST-O-LENE B covers metal with a tough film that resists cracking, peeling, slipping or being washed away, yet is easily removed with kerosene or gasoline. One application keeps metal parts from rusting for many months, even when they're out- side. And when put on surfaces already rusted, RUST-O-LENE B prevents further rusting for a long period. You can apply it to wet surfaces, too. Available in 100-1b. drums and 25-Ib. pails. Ordet SINCLAIR RUST-O-LENE B NOW. James L. Lenahan, Agent Schuyler Avenue, Kingston, Pa. Easter dinner with Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dy- mond, at West Pittston. ‘ Grace Evans, Dallas, has been spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Evans. Easter callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snyder were Doris Perry, Mrs. Grover Stock and Mrs. Kenneth Baldwin, Shavertown, Mrs. Don Grose and son Kenneth, Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton, Harding. ORANGE Mrs. Ira Frantz spent Easter with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ace, Kingston. Miss Jean Newcomer has return- ed to her home in Lancaster after visiting her brother, Clarence New- comer, and family. Miss Doris Perry, student nurse at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Zarno and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nolan and Nellie had dinner ‘with the Ben Eaton family on Easter. Mrs. Nora Dymond entertained Among those who attended the Sunrise Service at the Memorial Shrine on Easter morning were Mr. and Mrs. William Perrego, Mr. Richards and family, Mrs. Althea Dymond, Mrs. Perry Coolbaugh, at Sunday dinner her sister, Fanny Berlew, and aunt, Fanny Gordon, of Scranton, and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton of Harding. : Mrs. Marie Pomeroy of Toms Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder, Fran- cis Sabol and mother, Mrs, Nora Dymond and Lee, and Miss Mar- garet Snyder. After the service Mr. and Mrs. Telephone Kingston 7-5213 i River, N. J., is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder: had Robert Snyder and Mrs. Marie Pomeroy had breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughey at Fern- brook. ——— Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Hahn Love, Mehoopany, called on Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell Saturday evening. On Tuesday evening the Bells all had supper with Mrs. Ira Bell's father, Mr. Baldwin, at Tunkhannock. Ira Bell is on an eleven-day furlough from his training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station. CARVERTON Rev. Wheaton P. Webb and Mr. George Batey, Plymouth,” were breakfast guests of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert Rev. Webb was the the Service. on Easter. guest speaker at Memorial - Shrine Sunrise Forrest Costine and Jack Scoble Jr. guests of Louis Johnson, a class- , spent the Easter vacation as mate at Wyoming: High School, at the home of his parents in Phila- delphia. Open Late Friday and Saturday Nights! Ricker Finer Texture Try it today! You'll like its finer, firmer texture, and richer flavor. Ideal for toasting. Always fresh. Enriched SUPREME BREAD Enriched By Addition of Vitamins Bl, B2, Niacin and Iron Rob Ford Cherry Preserves Ib. jar 95g Hom-de-Lite Mint Jelly 12-02. glass [9g Hom-de-Lite Crabapple Jelly ~~ *-o= sl» |G¢ Fancy Citrus Marmalade 2b. jar {Be Delicious Honey Butter 12-0z. pkg. 3Q¢ Glenwood Homelike : large Apple Butter - 1 6- Delicious—Pure . . . No Points Made of the finest, tree-ripened apples. Spiced just right. FRESH BAKED CAKES AND PASTRIES! Chocolate Layer CAKE each 49c¢ iced Pound ~ 49¢ Cake Cinnamon ROLLS pkg. 19c Parker House Rolls ws 186 Enjoy America’s Great Prize Winning Butter! BUTTER iy. Cream Ad Sweet EO\STERED Standard Quality Ripe Tomatoes No. 2 29 cans Acme Corn Hurlock Peas Cut Asparagus No.2 can String Beans No. 2 can Cooked Spinach No. 2 can Sliced Beets 16-ou glass 12¢ €lam Juice 20c God Sea Macaroni oie. 10c No. 2 can 14¢ No. 2 can 14¢ 18¢ 11c 12¢ enn Gobd Seal Spaghetti us ‘3c Green Split Peas Ib. 15¢ ‘Gulden Mustard jar 13c Stuffed Olives 7%-0z. jar 38c Gorton Codfish 5-0z. pkg. 16¢ Swift's Prem 12-0z. can 32¢ Magic Sauce bot. 10¢c Salad Oil 6-oz. bot. 15¢ Sterling Salt 2-1b. pkg. 6c 48 1-1b. print Still the same high quality—24 Red points per pound. Selected Perk Presits and Vegetallod Extra Large Florida # Oranges dozen Yellow Onion Sets Crisp Red Radishes New Spring Spinach 2 Ibs. 19¢ Ib. 25¢ Ige,. L c Fancy Quality No. 1 Yellow Apples T5 to Z5 and A2 to P2 Red Stamps Now Valid! If you do not find the cut of meat you desire when you visit Jour Jouoy Acme Meat Department, it is because our shipments are limited. Tender Sirloin Steak Porterhouse Steak Standing Ribs Beef Lean Chuck Roast Fresh Hamburg Lean Boiling Beef Genuine Grade “A” Legs Lamb Ib. c Ib. 42¢ 28¢ - 26¢ . 28¢ -19¢ .39e 1b. Loia Chops Ib. 55¢ | Neck Lamb 1b. 20¢ Rib Chops Ib. 42¢ | Breast Lamb Ib. 20¢ Shoulder Chops ». 39c | Shoulder Roast 1h. 99¢ Onions 3 Ibs. 25¢ 4a iw. | De beh. Crisp New Cevrots vi. 15@ COLD CUTS! QUALITY SEA FOODS! Long Bologna ib. 33¢ Ring Bologna Ib. 33¢ Meat Loaves Ib. 33¢ Meaty Scranple ™ {5¢ Bologna Yn, "39% Fancy Long Cut Sour Kraut ib. 1 Qc Large Boston Mackerel wn. 1% COD FILLETS ib. 35e¢ SUNBRITE CLEANSER, 3 cans f4c WILBURT NO RUB WAX, pt. can 39¢ R A '] i 0 L ! Chef Boyardee 1-1b jar 14¢ = Scrub Brushes each ]2¢ | Fenn Bad Motor Ink =o bottle 10e Shoe Laces pair 5¢ nil as $1.95 n Black Mazda Lamps each 10c 1009 Pure Penna. * KEEP ON BUYING WAR BONDS—HOLD THEM * 1 a $d J v