F I He rd San Ng TRE i i LL —_tt. ir — rs SE ASA a Ee eo as *~ IDETOWN Al Rinken, S 1/C has returned to his naval base in California after spending 7 days with his wife, and daughter, Janet. He has spent 8 months in the South Paciflc. Those who called at the Rinken home on Sunday were: Mrs. Helen Meek- er and son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore, Mrs. Clarence Rin- ken, and Miss Genevieve Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Jess¢ Boice and Patsy, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boice and Donna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Boice of Sugar Hollow. Mrs. George Goss entertained her brother-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goss, of Bethlehem, on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Kreidler entertained on Sunday, Mrs. Thelma Zychovicz, of Mass.; Mrs. Betty Dailey, Mrs. Rita Shuttd, of Miss; Miss Rita McAndrew, of Wilkes-Barre; and Mr. and Mrs. Butler Kreidler and family, of Loyalville. Mrs. Bruce Crispell, of Outlet, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Elmer Hoover. Sunday, the Hoovers en- tertained Mrs. Roxie Hessler, of Kingston, Elizabeth Parks, of Wil- kes-Barre, and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hoover and Patsy and Roxie in honor of Mrs. Hoover, who cele- brated her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rogers and children, Edna and David, spent the weekend with Mrs, Rogers’ mother, Mrs. Thomas Powell, in Nanticoke. Centermoreland The parents of Bernard Buckman who is a tail gunner, have received word he is wounded and has re- ceived the Purple Heart. Mrs. Viola Kovolick received word that her husband, John Kov- olick, who is in the infantry, was killed in Italy. Mrs. Kovolick was the former Viola Sickler. ¢ Word was received that Frank Silvinski has been wounded in action. Bob Schoonover was inducted in the Army on Monday and leaves for training on December 18. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kresge are rejoicing over the birth of a son, Mrs. Kresge was the former Doris Schoonover. Quite a few hunters from this! Porter. od Weds Oil Executive FIRST LADY OF THE STAGE, Ethel Barrymore, announced the mar- riage in New York of her daughter, Ethel Barrymore Colt. (above), to John R. Miglietta, wealthy Italian oil executive. The announcement was made from Hot Springs, Va., where the veteran stage actress is recuperating from a recent pneu- monia attack. (International) place were fortunate enough to get a deer. Wilma Thomas was recently em-! ployed by Sordoni at Forty Fort. Layiah Winters, of Newark, New Jersey, and Hazel Robbins and family visited their mother over the weekend. SHAVERTOWN Phar. M. James Campbell spent the weekend with his wife and mother on Ridge St. Buddy Williams spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams, of Shaver Ave. Seaman Warren Boyes is spend- ing a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Boyes of Terrace Drive. Seaman Jack Porter was home, over the week&d, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin | Let them do a Real job of Mil Have YOU tried our newly- improved DAIRY FEEDS? Here are a few of the changes that will warrant your trying them— Increased Percentage of Protein Improved Texture and Pal- atability Obtainable in Fancy Print Sax. k and Beef production for you! DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. Devens, Owner KUNKLE, PA. DALLAS, PA. Phone 337-R-49 Phone 200 BRAN THE OUTPOST | FROM CAMPS AT HOME i ~ (Continued from Page Two) last two weeks now. That is one thing that I always look forward to getting every week so that I can find out just what is happening around the Back Mountain section. | They have shipped out quite a few of the boys from out of our THE POST, FRIDAY, DECE Pleads for Shells | | ‘close and will be looking for this outfit. Some of them have gone to the Infantry and some of the others, i have gone to an MP outfit in Louis-! iana. There is no telling how many more of the fellows will be shipped out but I'm sure hoping that I'm not one on the list. i | Things are pretty dead around here and there isn’t any more news that I can tell you about, so I will weeks issue of the Post without fail. Sincerely, Pvt. Earl H. Williams Military Police Headquarters 611 Abercorn Street Savannah, Georgia @® It's good to hear from you once more, Earl. A couple of my friends who are spending the winter in Florida have written home for their] : overcoats. Hope they freeze before they get them.—Editor. Approves Library Mr. Risley: I should be ashamed of myself for not writing before but it seems as though I have a lot of time but never seem to get anything done. ONE OF 27 front line fighting men sent home by General Eisenhower to tour the ammunition plants as production boosters, Sgt. Richard Vanderbloemen, Depere, Wisc., tells Robert McCoy, a worker at the U. S. Steel’s shell plant, Oil City, Pa. how badly heavy shells are needed by his buddies to hatter down the German Westwall., (International) Have been receiving the Post and appreciate it but have been hoping to have something to write about besides thanks. Have been here in Daytona two years now and am ready to move. Guess I will be moving soon. Someone has to re- lieve those boys out there and as I have already had over two years shore duty, I will be eligable to be a relief for someone to come back. I just hope I can do as good of a job as he has done. I was home in September and actually intended to pay you a visit but Ken Davis was also home at the time and not seeing him in two years, well, we didn’t get much done but had a wonderful time. As my home is at the lake, my opinion on a Dallas library wouldn't be much, but a library helps any place. Dallas is big enough to war- rant one and it would benefit the lake as well, not mentioning all other nearby communities. I say, “Build the town up for a better life when we come home.” Hear you have had snow lately. Bet I am not the only one that wishes he could see some of it. Nothing here but routine and everyone knows what that is, and it’s time to be back to it. Wishing all a Merry Xmas. One of Uncle Sam’s Sailors, Donald Smith, MM 3/C Florida. @® It's not very often a sailor Reserve Your TRUCKSVILLE _—— COMFORT WITH ANTHRACITE COAL-O-MATIC STOKER NOW! Delivery Will Be Made Early In 1945 COAL-O-MATIC STOKER CO. Order For A PHONE 407 Car inspectors are the civilian top-sergeants who bring time-worn cars up to par. The aver- age car now is over eight years old. War-time wear—plus age—means that you must be more alert than ever to keep your car rolling. Car inspection will help you to do this. YOUR CAR MUST BE INSPECTED BY JANU- ARY 31, 1945. There will be no extension of this period. Get in early and have the job done. Waiting until the last days of this period may mean that you will be unable to drive your car because you lack the official inspec- tion sticker. TRANSPORTATION MUST NOT FAIL. It will not fail if you cooperate by getting your car inspected—and inspected early. Pennsylvania is counting on you. : CAR INSPECTI AN ECONOMIC REQUIREMENT PRECAUTION. YOUR STICKER! ~ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA arr Eny Sa mir aol lN spre gor a ——— rp id a IPP PETE rr — > > MBER 8, 1944 beats his letters home is it Don? It was nice to chat with you and your dad the other afternoon. Here's hoping you have a happy Christmas in your new location in California and that you'll send us your new address just as soon as you get located. You bet your boots we're going to have that library. and its going to take care of the whole Back Mountain country.—Editor. “Story of Christmas” To Be Given Sunday The cantata, “The Story of Christmas” by H. Alexander Mat-| thews will be presented by the! Senior Choir of Trucksville Meth- odist Church under the direction of Louie W. Ayre, Sunday Dec- ember 10 at 7:30 P. M. Soloists will be Ruth Turn Reyn- olds, Margaret Rhodes Anthoy, Fred Houghwout and Samuel Davis. Get Two Deer A number of local men were members of a party getting two deer at Culp Camp, Thornhurst, last week. One was a ten point and the other a four point. Local hunters were Herbert Major, Elmer Major, Eugene Gordon, Bill Eckert, George Casterlines Are Honored On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline of Idetown were guests at a sur- prise anniversary party Saturday evening. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malkemes, Barbara, Carol, Raymond, Jr., and Charles, Mrs. John VanCampen and Judy and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. James Casterline, Jimmy Lee, Nancy, Doris, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. William . breath). PAGE THREE FALSE TEETH THAT LOOSEN NEED NOT EMBARRASS Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment be- cause their plate dropped, slipped or wabbled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FAS- TEETH, the alkline (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks “plate odor” (denture Get FASTEETH at any Casterline, Jean and William, Jr. drae store. \ I 7 WITH WINTER FACING US ...we cannot help but seriously consider the financial protection of our home. [s your mortgage loan flexible? Is it adapted to your in- come? Is the, interest low in cost? Are you prepared against the possibility of another downward cycle? We offer a loan on a Definite Payment Plan...a loan, too, that wipes itself out in easy payments until, before you know it, you will have your home free and clear. The Kingston National Bank Bob Culp and son, and Edward Husted. A at Kingston Corners. 7 Sweet, Juicy FLORIDA McIntosh Apples 32" 10 0 Ve (Ld KEEP PRICES pow * Eat more Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Better Health — Vitamin-Rich — Large Assortment! Finest U. S. No. 1 Penna. Blue Label Potatoes Orang dozen 4 iB o -1b. bag 15:49: Onions 4 17c 3 v= 25 'Rutabaga Turnips Loam 38 No. 1 Yellow TODAY’S BREAD BUY! Try it Today! ENRICHED SUPREME BREAD High Milk Content— Enriched by large ce Addition of loaf Vitamins B1, B2, Niacin and Iron FRESH DAILY 45C0 Fancy Peanut BUTTER 2 5c ALLSWEET Oleo-Margarine we Bde 2 pts. per Ib. Maryland Golden SWEET Potatoes J" 23¢ MEAT VALUES . . . Tender, Juicy Beef! f Choice (AA Toe U. 8, Government is oi Ie a orarajing with. ihe Government in selling the grades of Beef that are available. A little longer and a little slower cooking will make the lower grades of Beef Be Se STEAK *36¢ Chuck Roast ©®23c Short RibBeef :19c Fresh Hamburg®*25c No points required for Utility Beef. The usual amount of points will be collected for all the other grades. SEA FOOD VALUES! Redfish Fillets 1b. 29¢ Haddock Fillets Ib. 36¢c Trout or Mackerel 156 Round and Sirloin STEAK Porterhouse Tops in Flavor Because It’s HEAT-FLO ROASTED asco COFFEE co ELI bags Save Coupons WIN-CREST 1-1b. eed L oaee 21 “CLAPP’S Strained Foods 3 °*%* 20c Clapp’s Chopped Foods 3 cans 25¢ Instant Oatmeal P** 13c Fancy Catfish hb. 20¢ Farmdale Pure Quality Evap.Milk 3 #.26- 10-o0z. Son 126 qt. bot. i1e gal. can $1.70 16-0z. pkg. i5¢ gal. 55¢ jug IVORY ; IVORY Hallmark Pre-Cooked Beans ZSCO Cider Vinegar Italian Cooking Oil Green Split Peas Repp-U-Tation Cider *;5* 32¢ : Clapp’s Cereal P+ 13c CAMAY Toilet Soap 3:20¢ Soap Flakes id 2. & Snow = DY 4:23 7: 19¢