The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 17, 1944, Image 4

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'N eighborhood Notes And News OF Local Church Doings
Mayer of Lake street.
. after spending several days with
Purely Personal
Office Phone 300
S/Sgt. and Mrs. H. D. Reed, Mrs.
Williams, and Mrs. Dilce, from
Waymart, Pa., were guests of the
Carlton Reeds of Huntsville road,
Dallas recently.
Joyce and Norma Reed and Betty
Warriner of Huntsville road, Dallas,
were guests at a birthday dinner
held in honor of Barbara Miers of
Forty Fort recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer
of Davenport street had as guest
on Monday George Price, who
trained with their son, Bob, before
he left for the Pacific. © George has
been stationed at Jacksonville, Fla.,
and expects to leave for overseas
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schlingmann
and son of Lehman avenue moved
to the Walnut Park Plaza in Phila-
delphia Monday where Mr. Schling-
mann manages the hotel.
Mrs. H. H. Zeiser of Huntsville,
road left Thursday to spend a week
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Scott and
family of Easton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huey of
Lehigh street, Shavertown, spent
last week at Collingwood, N. J. vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hitchner.
Graydon Mayer has completed
his boot training at Sampson, N.
Y., and is spending a furlough with|-
hh parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
* - *
Cpl. and Mrs. Allen G. Kittle of
Hattiesburg, Miss., are spending a
fifteen-day furlough with the for-
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kittle of Sweet Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Niles White of Bald-
win street had as guests over the
weekend Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Schuler
of Tunkhannock.
A/C and Mrs. William Snyder of
Maxwell Field, Ala., have returned
Robert Walp, who was recently
confined to a hospital in Italy, is
able to be back on duty now.
Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer |
of Davenport street have as guest|
their daughter, Mrs. Edward Jones!
of Chicago. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. |
Robert Mathias were guests of the!
Niemeyers. |
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Root of}
Outlet spent Sunday at Meshoppen
visiting the former’s mother, Mrs.
Fred Root.
Pvt. Warren Hoover has returned!
to Keesler Field, Miss., after spend-'
ing a five-day leave with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoover,
of Harvey's Lake. Warren was!
called here by the death of his|
grandmother, Mrs. Firman Sorber. |
Rev. and Mrs. Emory Greenfield|
of Wilkes-Barre were recent visit-|
ors of Mrs. W. B. Risley of Lehman
avenue. >
Mr. and Mrs. John Dungey who!
have been staying with the form. |
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Dungey of Lake street since the]
birth of the baby have moved to!
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson have
received word that their son, S 2/C|
Nelson Wilson has arrived sid
in England.
has received word that her brother, !
Sgt. Frank Stayzah has been
wounded in action in the Pacific,
area. Sgt. Stayzah is a former
resident of this area. A brother,
Lt. Joseph Stayzah is also over-
Mrs. James Rowe Is
Surprised On Birthday
Mrs. James Rowe of Harris Hill
road, Trucksville,
surprise party on her 56th birth-
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
Harry Snyder of Claude street.
Aviation Cadet John Davies, son!
of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davies of
Church street, is stationed at
Grimes Hall, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oberst of
Harvey's Lake had as weekend
guests Mrs. William Hillard and
William, Jr., and Larry and David
of Chester, former residents of Har-
vey’s Lake, Mrs. Wilson Honeywell
of Shavertown and Miss Audrey
Kocher of Dallas. Sunday guests
at the Oberst home were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kuhl Jr, and Donna
of Binghamton, Mrs. Dorman Koch-
er and Betty, Ronald and Hazel of
Shavertown, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Whitesell and Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Whitesell and Shirley of Hunlock
Creek, Mrs. Dean Kocher and Mrs.
Clifford Boothe and Shirley of Loy-
alville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Wagner and Gerald and Bonnie.
* * *
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Sutton of
Binghamton, N. Y., spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sut-
ton of Pinecrest avenue.
The Senior Class of Dallas Bor-
ough High School will present the
three-act comedy, “They Gave Him
a Co-Ed,” on Friday, Nov. 17, at
8:00 p. m.
Mrs. William Monk and son, Wil-
liam, Jr., of Kingston are spending
several days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Monk of Pinecrest avenue.
Marvin Carkhuff, F 2/C, spent
Sunday at his home in Dallas. He
is stationed at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Mary DeWolfe of Lehigh
street visited Mary and Edna Hefft
of Haddonfield, N. J., last week.
“Double Indemnity”
Barbara Stanwyck
Fred MacMurray
Saturday Matinee, 2 P. M.
“Between Two Worlds”
John Garfield, Paul Henreid,
Eleanor Parker
Sidney Greenstreet
“Cowboy Canteen”
Jane Frazee, Charles Starrett
‘Ladies of Washington’
Trudy Marshall, Anthony Quinn
{day anniversary Saturday evening,
| November 11. She received a num-
ber of lovely gifts. Present were:
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Symons,
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Perrigo, Don-
na and Billie, Edwin Hay, Mrs. ig
James, Miss Gertrude James,
and Mrs. Russell Miller, Mrs. TL
Williams, Miss Lucretia Hoffman, |
Russell Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene]
Zimmerman, Pauline Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Zimmerman,
Mrs. Harold Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. |
and Mrs. Spencer Holmgren a di
children, Spencie and Elloise.
Celebrates 76th Year
Mrs. Elizabeth Miller of Noxen
entertained \a few friends at dinner
Saturday evening to celebrate her
76th birthday anniversary. They |:
were Mrs. Mary Crosby Mrs. Gert-
rude Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth
Engleman. :
Alice Ide Celebrates
Birthday Anniversary
Alice Ide, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Ide of Huntsville, en-
tertained ten of her school friends
sary recently. Present: Joanne
Sidler, Patricia Ide, Beverly Major,
Esther Ide, Sally Ide, Joann Twad-
dle, Sandra Ragno, Emma Taylor,
Nancy Williams, Eleanor Ide and
Entertains At Cards
Miss Stella Shook entertained
members of her card club at her
home in Noxen Friday evening.
Prizes. were won by Beulah Van-
Campen and Margaret Brender. A
birthday cake was cut in honor of
Mrs. Elizabeth Miller who celebrat-
ed her 76th birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Lansford Norris
Is Hostess At Cards
Mrs, Lansford Norris of Chase
road entertained members of her
card club at her home on Tuesday.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Laing
Coolbaugh and Mrs. Howard Ide.
Others present were: Mrs. Thomas
Williams, Mrs. Ernest Smith, Mrs.
Leonard Ide, Mrs. Lynn Ashworth,
Mrs. Allen Johnson and the hostess.
Field Trial
The Luzerne-Wyoming
Coon Club will hold a Field Trial
Sunday, November 19, at John
Clark’s farm, Lake Winola, Pa.
Field trial to start at 12 o'clock,
Mrs. Andrew Stash of Fernbrook|
was feted at a
Wayne Hoffman, Mrs. George Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMichael, |
Roxie and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs.
George Stuttler, George, Mr. and]
James Rowe, Sherman Covey, Mr. Fyacyutive Committee
on her seventh birthday anniver-!
Design ks the bouquet says Alyn Wayne, stylist of the
Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association, who uses several types
of chrysanthemums with roses and giant pansies in the same
arrangement while a cluster of bright orange love apples from
the Arizona desért lends a brilliant color note.
Birdie Brunnemer Frye Is ¢ Z,
Bride Of William Robinson, Jr.
West Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are now
on a wedding trip through Georgia
and Florida.
Mr. Robinson, a graduate of Wyo-
ming Seminary and Williams Col-
lege, left the Dallas area several
years ago and was for a time south-
ern representative of the J. B. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Brunnemer
of Gastonia, N. C., announce the
| marriage of their daughter, Birdie
| Brunnemer Frye, to William B. Rob-
inson, Jr. son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Robinson of Dallas and
! Mr. Robinson, who is associated
| with the Virginia Packing Company
of Port Royal, Virginia, is the| Biscuit Company, until he became
| brother of James B. Robinson of| associated with the Virgina Pack-
!Idetown and Thomas B. Robinson of! i ing Company.
Miss Eleanor Warrell, Engaged
To Private John MacCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warrell of
| Jackson Township announce the
engagement of their daughter, Elea-
nor, to Pvt. John MacCulloch, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Darle Moore of
| Jackson street, - Dallas.
Miss Warrell is employed at the|for further treatment.
‘R. A. Rifkin Company in Wilkes- No date has been set for the
Barre. Mr. MacCullough recently! wedding.
{ 7
Lehman WL
Plan Membership Drive
Lehman Parent-Teacher Associa-
tion will open their membership
drive this coming month. A prize
will be awarded to the homeroom
returned from overseas duty where |
he participated in the invasion of
France and received serious leg in-
juries. After spending a fifteen-day
report to a hospital in Atlantic City
Meets At Sutton Home
Mrs. Edgar Sutton was hostess to
members of the Executive Commit-
tee of Dallas Girl Scout Council on
Monday evening, November 6,
when plans were made for the
year’s activities. Mrs. Stanley Dav-
igs, training chairman, reported
| that thirteen leaders had complet-
ed their training course and that
a course for Brownie leaders will
begin November 20 and one for
leaders and committee women on
who enrolls the most new members.
Plans are being made for establish-
ment of a recreation center in the
near future.
.|and Miss Mable Oney of Maryland,
furlough with his family he will,
bringing in the largest number of |
new members, also to the individual!
, | Trucksville Centennial Committees
fl Enjoy Friendship Supper Party
Members of the various commit- Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
tees of the Trucksville Methodist’ Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Church Centennial Celebration en-| | Ayre and Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
joyed a fellowship supper and party Long, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carle,
at the Church Friday evening. Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fish, Mr. and
Cedric Griffith and Thomas Ayre Mrs. Sam Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J.
were in charge of arrangements. |H. DeWitt, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hem-
Mr. Ayre made a lively toastmaster.| enway, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Ben-
Remarks were given by William! nett, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis, Mr.
Clewell, Norman Stookey and J. 0 fand Mrs. Cedric Griffith, Mr. and
Lewis. ‘Ralph Hazeltine, author of| Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine, Mr. and Mrs.
“A History of Trucksville Metho-| Morris Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
dist Church,” and Mrs. B. Aubrey|Ide, Mrs. H. N. Christman, Mrs.
Ayre, church organist, were pre-| George Reynolds, Jr. Mrs. B. Aub-
sented with gifts as tokens of ap-|rey Ayre, Mrs. W. R. Lohman, Miss
preciation. Jane Lohman, Rev. George Robert
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|and H. E. Owens.
liam Clewell, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Mrs. Chester Strzelcyzk and
Annabelle Crispell who are em-
ployed at Binghamton, N.Y. spent
the weekend with their parents.
Mrs. Rex Vosberg and son, Rex
Mrs. Ernest Fritz and Mrs. Mar-
garet Jennings were dinnet guests,
of Mrs. Joshua Ferry; of Dallas, on
Miss Roxie Hoover spent the
visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs.| week end at Dallas with Miss Ethel
Elwood Oney for a few days re- Culp.
cently. | :
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ide i P.O. 2/c Donald Kreidler, who is
family attended the funeral of their Stationed at Atlantic City spent the
brother-in-law Harry Hoyt at End- week end at the home of his par-
icott N. Y. the 3rd of November.’ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kreidler.
Mr. Hoyt was formerly of Outlet. |
He ‘sold his old home last year to
Mr. Newell Wood. He has resided the weekend in Schenectady, Ny.
at Endicott for a number of years.! Mrs. William Jonathan, of Phila-,
His funeral was held from Allen’s delphia, is spending sometime with
funeral home at Endicott and pep mother, Mrs. Jane Jonathon. i
burial was at Vestal Hills. He i
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis spent!
leaves his wife and one daughter, nd
Louise, now Mrs. George Butz of ALDERSON |
Adams Ave., Endicott, N. Y. i
Mrs. Clifford Crispell, and Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Keener and daugh-
Lawrence Cornell are visiting Pfc.! (ter, Patsy, spent the weekend at
the home of Mrs. Keener’s Sister!
: Carolyn, in Tunkhannock.
Lawrence Cornell at a base in
Georgia for a couple of weeks. :
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Kitchen and, Alfred Keener has gone to Mun-'
daughters Sara, and Nellie of Ches-! icy Valley to run a saw for Sordoni
ter spent the weekend at their, Construction Co. for a few days.!
home here. Mr. Kitchen attended Miss Naomi Higgins, Cadet
the 28th annual reunion of E Bat- Nurse, spent Thursday at her
tery Association, 109th F.A.A.EF. home. Miss Ruby Jones had din-
at the Armory, Kingston, on Arm- ner with her. !
istice night with his World War 1! All the friends of the Cowan!
buddies. A memorial was held for family are glad to hear that their,
all deceased members of the bat- | two children, Joan and Jimmy, are
tery. : | improving at the Homeopathic Hos-
Daniel Smith of Camp Burwood, ! pital. © They had a relapse and had
|La., is home for a short time. He 'to be taken back a week ago.
was called home by illness of his| Mrs. Joseph Davison is spend-
wife. ling sometime with her daughter,
The W.S.C.S. of Ruggles met at Mrs. Florence Hester at Chester.|
Mrs. Verne Kitchen’s Armistice! Mrs. El wood Conden has gone
aight. to South Carolina to spend a few
days with her husband there. Mr.
and Mrs. Basil Lord, of Dallas, are,
And Stamps staying with Mrs. Florence Conden|
Su More War Savings Bonds| to assist with caring for the Wl
2 | dren. i
TO All Organizations
The Dallas Junior Women’s Club
is undertaking as a welfare project
a Social Activity Bureau. Plan of
Social Activity Bureau shall be to
help all Churches, Schools and Civic
Organizations secure .a suitable
date for all activities wherein the
public are to attend.
It is our idea to form a calendar
of all approaching social functions
so that one event will not clash
with another. This calendar to
be controlled by a committee of
Welfare workers. of the Dallas Jun-
ior Women’s Club.
We shall be most grateful to re-
ceive your opinion in this matter,
as we must have all organizations
in full cooperation with us before
starting out on a project of this
type. !
Your prompt reply will be great-
ly appreciated.
Please mail all correspondence
M. Margaret O’Boyle
R. D. 2
Dallas, Penna.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Harris and
family spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Harris. Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Nulton also spent
Sunday at the Harris home.
Miss Lois Avery is spending a
15-day medical furlough at her
Foster Smith is ill at her
You're Invited
to stop at
Nancy Carol
Gift Shop
Main Highway just before
entering Luzerne
Chenille FLOWERS
A complete line of gift,
bridge and party merchan-
Mrs. Edward Tinklepaugh-
ed to prep
torists urg
Ne now for cold weather {
t AAA. He emphasised Bs
ps | land” of OF 5° EE that a rie ot To 0 2
tht pa 5 futbies hel) cold weath
TS Sith I) ci 0 BILE
to government, eet
According £00,000 cars Yi 8
Junior Club Women
crafts some time later. :
Mrs. Alfred Scureman of Carver-
ton, program chairman, reported
that the social activities held by
the leaders and the Scouts were
Over a hundred Girl Scouts at-
tended ‘Scouts’ Own” held at the
Shavertown Methodist Church.
Open War Bond Drive
Dallas Junior Woman's Club will
open their Sixth War Bond drive
on Monday with a quota of $8,000.
Club members will be on hand in
the lobbies of the Himmler and
Shaver Theatres every Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday nights to
Mrs. Nelson Shaver, chairman of' makes sales. Mrs. James Oliver,
Community Service, reported that| Jr. is chairman and Miss Shirley
the Senior Service Scouts were as- | Sanders, co-chairman.
sisting with hospital work at Kirby,
Health Center. The Dallas Town- Service Mothers
The regular
ship Troop ‘are helping the Dallas’ meeting of the
Ration Board. | Trucksville Service Mothers and
Troops will make cuddly toys, fa-| Wives will be held at the Fire Hall
| vors for hospital trays, collect cards, on Monday evening, November 20,
| and magazines for U. S. O,, and! at 8 p. m. All mothers and wives:
contribute 50 cents somard the, are asked to be present. The peo-
child’s library in the various hos-| ple of Trucksville who have girls
pitals. jand boys in service in this country
Dallas Intermediate Troop will: or who have left this country since
gets the correct addresses before
Sixth War Loan.
An International Rally will be| } Deeper of ford the mefling of
held the latter part of April, plans;
to be made at the council meeting
held at the Dallas Methodist Church
iin December.
Named To Honor Society
Rhoda Eddinger, of Dallas, was
voted into membership in the Mag-
net Senior Honor Society, it has
been announced by Miss Margaret
C. Osgood, assistant dean of stu-
. dents at Temple University.
Following the business meeting, |- Miss Eddinger is president of
tea was served to the following:| Astron Honor Society, the Business
Mrs. Stanley Davies, Mrs. Harris| Equcation Club, and of Kappa Delta
Haycox, Mrs. Nelson Shaver, Dallas; Epsilon. She is corresponding sec-
Mrs. Russell Case, Fernbrook; Mrs.|yetary of Student Commission, is
George Metz of Trucksville; Mrs.|, member of the Gregg Club, and
Alfred Scureman of Carverton, and Boosters.
Mrs. Russell Houser and Mrs. Mar-| Magnet was founded in 1925 to
tin Porter of Shavertown. ‘recognize scholarship and leader-
ship among women students.
A troop committee conference
will be held the last Wednesday in
November at a place to be an-
nounced later.
make a scrap book of clippings on| October 15, will see that the club !
A combination
of winterizing services
SUT L077 C1 FU [438