bat AA RY ST AR mew Ign, a ATR NT A er Whi a a SS CT ae Z RHE Rn arg i ey 5 ¥ Ho thai A ari ha ST =. __THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1944 NE og : ____BAGE SEVEN i LEGA I : to make payment, and those having : Em = Try This for Sour = — : i J 5 i = claims or demands to present the NEED GLASSES? Play Wanted To Buy - | 4 . Letters Testamentary in the Es-|same without delay to the admin. | Bl LI ou S ; Vv acuum tate of Minnie Ellsworth Stroh, late | istrator cta, Dallas Township, or| Get them fitted properly. Get : Shuffleboard Old Goods, Household || of Kingston Township, Luzerne |to Donald S. Mills, Esq., 226 Second them quickly, see i N D i G E S T | {} N A Such As Oil Lamps, Corner | Cleaners County, Pa, having been granted National Bank Bldg, Wilkes-Barre ; Civboards. B nde ; i 2 i i ards, Beds to the undersigned, all persons in- |, Dr. ABE FINKELSTEIN Resulting from Constipation Jack and May s Inn 5 > 1S ’ # ’ Good iI All Makes i Ee : d feel x ureaus An orting Goods || é + yr oobted fo the sald estate are Ye DONALD S. MILLS, Attorney OPTOMETRIST bor ey hetaehy, with stomach | . siunkle Road Near Kunkle porting | All This: R> FF quested to make payment, and that rebels at food, tongue coated—bad on ; | You Get ig: ¥ ~ "those having claims to present the! Main St. Luzerne al, igo Oe ni . LEIDINGER’S 3. Bebacterize Base. same to: . it fast! Chicken Lunch % 3. Repack Motor, Dr. Adelaide Ellsworth West 2 : : EE Er wey 117 S. Washington St. 3. Bwmace gashon. Brosh Bprings A elaide SWor eston chen Salts in a glass > . ; : : 500 Pine Street Acid Indigestion aan Rey Buy Now Wilkes Barre, Penne, 7: Higuies All iio. sacncl 40 fasion, 3 ¥ double your money back Fhe scion of Kriaehen bn FROMETLY | omens oP Cp, ses painful, - hould begin to 2 or i eS ain Reutibate datiors umbally 3 Eres oor bright and refreshed again. HOW TO HOLD Now § 25 prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for ne Take only as directed Try Kruschen ' - A Wm. Brewster, Attorney symptomatic rolief—medzeines like thoso in Bell ans for 5 days-for you can regulate dose n- — F ALSE TEETH ONLY! 910 Second Nat. Bank Building Toe, Ee on feturn of bottle M . 1 to bring about that “easy” movement 5 Wilkes. Barre. Pa to us. 25c at all druggists. emoriais such 53 you have long’ desired. Su Plumbing MORE FIRMLY IN PLACE | Hla Nae Aa: 5 So | : iow Sure 245 million bottles sold in the Paintin Do. your false teeth annoy and : LARGE SELECTION past 100 Vears—it must ¥e good. > 9 embarrass by slipping, dropping or 3 7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that| [ps wo | : Electrical Work wabbling when you eat, laugh or |} & VEZ JUM CLEANERS i: FT oT Ha i = u | talk ? ust sprinkle a little FAS-! ERVICE loters of administration have been| ALISA NHN fi§ | Summit Hill Marble & | Carpentry TEETH on your plates. This alkaline | =u 0. ww ge. wit Bare ; ! g j $e | : non-aci powder olds false | B Hazle Street : granted in the Estate of Addie S. MAKES CHE BANDS ie Granite Co | Buy More War Savings Bonds GEORGE H STROUD teeth more firmly and more com-|| ( ors saret) Wilson, deceased, to Giles Wilson, —KEEPS ADOLF AWAKE & > : w fortaliy. Ne Funny, gooey, pasty] » thi i ; bedded edo ddd ad dd dd dent] ! Phone Dallas 465-R-1 aste or Ieeling. oes not sour Administrator CTA. All a ———— RO Luzerne-Dallas Highway © || And Stamps gS x 1 B Checks “plate odor” (denture| Buy More War Savings Bo indebted to said estate are required | weet Valley breath). Get FASTEETH today at g nds any drug store. And Stamps ol ; BE | STRICTLY BUSINESS ‘NAPPY by McFeatters By Irv Tirman fr Te IT's IN TH' BAG, )V'LOOK KINDA) WHO'S XJ H TH’ WINNAH AN’ 1 L WE wuz RoBBeD/! ) | i : PRESIDENTIAL OGLETHORP 770 NOIVISS, 7 NOVISS? ) INEW PRESIDENT. — - 7 i $ : ELECTIONS ARE || OU BOY! ¢/ A TUFFY! 3 1 AIN'T <4 Nop OGLETHORP ,, WE DEMAND A WHAT'RE &1 TAKING PLACE || A CINCH. pr 7k NOIVISS!! Q.GONKLE .. A RECOUNT! J | YOUSE GUYS AND WHILE [Prob 1) Art tortie > AL A TRYIN'T’ PULL! THE VOTES [47 _{ 5H-H! THEY'RE {17's JY 200! Bor 2a prt { ARE BEING GONNA ANNOUNCE > A “A HISS-5s m2 — || COUNTED WE TH’ RESULTS NOW/ FAKE! bor por il FIND THE GANG, ANXIOUSLY [|] - r 4 AWAITING THE ee & RESULTS, | | J OUTSIDE THE *JUNIOR I / A LEAGUE" m NN HEADQUARTERS. i, ( ra on MI | 7h 5 \// We Clk J NYRR SAB Wg . VW 7 XN ZZ ZZ J 5 ! T [Piey, as- OUR YOUNG FRIEND HERE MADE Pe. [IT SEEMS THAT THE VICTIM WAS SIGNED TO THE DON'T YOUNG THE MISTAKE OF WEARING A VP ae THE PARTNER OF YOUNG BENSON'S HOME OF RICH Fela! it's COSTUME THAT REVEALED on DAD... THE KID OWED A FORTUNE i MRS. LUNDYKE, ; VERY BAD MAN- THE UNMISTAKABLE MUSCULAR G IN GAMBLING DEBTS AND OLD > ] WITNESSES AN ( BENSON. 2 NERS TO LEAVE DEVELOPMENT ‘OF AN / [/ BENSON'S PARTNER ATTEMPTED | WITHOUT BEING EXPERIENCED ARCHER REFUSED TOLET HIM / MURDER WITH EXCUSED! BORROW THE MONEY | I HE i & Dale Me Zenllons ANARROW... A FROM THE FIRM FOR GUEST MISTAKENLY : ‘In appreciation of our war record, the government has ACCUSES MR. sent us a questionnaire that requires no information, LUNDYKE,WHO IS | no filling in, no return.” DRESSED AS ROB- IN HOOD WITH BOW ANDARROW.. WHILE RILEY 15 EX- | PLAINING THE UN- LIKELINESS OF THIS, ONE OF THE GUESTS x TRIES TO ESCAPE... Ey Tat “8+ V1 By GENE BYRNES rr NO I DIDN 3 oe 5 ARE YOU 55 mom! RE GoT L’ ? ALRBAD a LOCK-OAW 1 THOUGHT YOU WERE FROM EATIN GOI YO PLAY WITH apa \ DINWEAD ALL DAY! - inf AE 3 0 Bi oS 4 = 1 LSS c=ena- 719 "SSS dn, Q ues FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW!!! Bv Bob Dart aes . OS5T OF THE FAT INGERMAN TOILET SOAPS HAVE BEEN HOP PROPRIETORS IN MOST VILLAGES IN TANGANYIKA ARR ud | ©® er, (nr ’ © REPLACED BY CLAY WATER GLASS AND OTHER KEEP RIFLES HANDY TO PREPARE AGAINST STRAY SUCH MATERIALS JUNGLE BEASTS. : “Have the Last Dance with Him, Dear.” WE DON'T COMB “1 Didv’ BY JOVE | AREN'T YOU ONE IN... WE JES’ GOING TO COMB A PART IN MY HAIR? THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio EY) ou 0 == + FF HE VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT RAIL- WAY, IN AUSTRALIA, WHICH HAS ’ MEMBER OF NEW YORK'S SMART SET, BOASTS OF A A COLLECTION OF 800 TOOTHBRUSHES BELONGING 500,000 YEAR O TO VARIOUS | pousBLE/ CELEBRITIES ON EXHIBITION AT THE NEW YORK ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 15 THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A “PEKING” WOMAN OF THE YEAR 500, 000 B.C. WHOSE EXPRESSION AND FEATURES BEAR A STRIKING RESEMBLANCE TO THE *DWINE” GARBO!/ GAT at KITTEN INSPIRE D, GUISSEPPE D. SCARLATTI, AN ITALIAN COMPOSER (1685 - 175 7) WITH THE THEME OF HIS FAMOUS “CAT FUGUE” THE COMPOSER WROTE A FUGUE AROUND THE NOTES “G) ‘8, E FLAT, 7 sh . F SHARP, 'B” AND C SHARP, WHICH WERE “If 1 didn’t read these old love letters of Harry's over ACCIDENTAL Ly STRUCK WHEN THE 5 : i Se 3 once in a while, I couldn’t stand living with him!” KITTEN JUMPED ON THE PIANO ! corn tne Sem reso] i HAY 4 bd } Sot A Lal x x SUN SL lise SE