The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 29, 1944, Image 4

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: —— Ey SER
ER rr EY
' D.C. Her mother Mrs. L. A. Taylor
Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local
Church Doings
Purely Personal
Office Phone 300 ; a |
Samuel Eggleston of Alderson is
a patient at General Hospital where
he submitted to an operation on
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman of
Machell avenue spent the weekend |
at Stone Harbor.
Pfc. Walter Covert of Camp Dix,
N. J., spent the weekend with his
wife, Mrs. Arline Covert of Daven-
port street and his parents, Chief
and Mrs. Walter Covert of Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker of
Lehman avenue celebrated their
wedding anniversary on Wednes-
Raymond Grey of Buffalo, N. Y.,
spent the weekend at Harvey's
Lake visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Grey. Mrs. Grey and
children, Donald, Linda, and How-
ard, who have been visiting Mrs.
Grey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
field Jackson returned home with
him Monday.
* * *
Mrs. Ralph Frantz has returned
from General Hospital where she
submitted to an operation, to her
home in Huntsville.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Arthur Blewitt
of Fernbrook entertained last week
Mrs. Willard J. Hall of Sayre and
Tampa, and Mrs. Jane Perry of
Mr. and Mrs. William Vivian
spent the weekend in Collingswood,
N. J., where they were guests of
the latter's sister.
Pvt. Joseph Casey spent the
weekend at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Casey,
of Glenview Terrace, Shavertown.
Pvt. Casey is stationed at Farming-
dale, L. I y
Pvt. Allen Sanford spent be?
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Sanford, of Pioneer ave-
nue. Pvt. Sanford has been sta-
tioned at Camp Stewart, Ga.
Word has been received that Cpl.
Donald E. Davis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Davis of Lehigh street,
Shavertown, has arrived in Aus-
tralia. y
* *
Fireman 1/C and Mrs, Velton
Bean and son, Randall, of Perth
Amboy, N. J. spent the weekend
with relatives in Ceasetown.
Hildreth Fritz, who is employed
at Retreat, spent the weekend with
her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Fritz at Idetown. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eggleston of
Vernon spent Wednesday at the
Bloomsburg Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cadugan of
Idetown entertained over the week-
end Mr. and Mrs. William Cadugan
and Carol and Billy, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Cadugan and Mr. and Mrs.
George Schoen, all of Scranton.
Mrs. Evan Jones, who has been
spending the summer at her sum-
mer home on Terrace street, re-
turned to Wilkes-Barre this week
for the winter.
Miss Lucille Taylor has returned
to her home in Atlanta, Ga., after
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Gordon, of Norton ave-
nue and her sister in Washington,
will return home today.
S/Sgt. James J. Knecht, who is
stationed at Camp Campbell, Ky.,
is spending some time with his
wife and infant baby, Mary Alice.
Miss Delores Beline of Chase
spent last weekend visiting friends
in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver of
Machell avenue spent last week va-
cationing at Forkston.
Mary Hoffman Marries
Capt. H. Lawfence Lee
Announcement has been made. of
the marriage/of Miss Mary-E. Hoff |
man, of E] Paso, Texas, “and Coptaingd
H. L. Lee Janwdty, 1944. Mrs. Lee|
is laboratory technician at Long
Sanitorium in El Paso, where she
met her husband. Capt. Lee left
for overseas in February and is!
serving somewhere in France.
Have New, Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owen who
live at the Coray B. Ransom home!
at Demunds, announce the birth of,
a daughter, Esther Jean, Septemberd
20. The couple have two other
children, Milton and Elsie Ann.
Mrs. Niles White Is
Hostess At Shower
Mrs. Paul Leonard was guest of,
honor at a farewell handkerchief
shower given by Mrs. Niles White
at her home on Baldwin street
Monday evening. The Leonards left
this week to make their home in
Pittsburgh. Present were: Mrs. L.
L. Richardson, Mrs. Robert Body-
comb, Mrs. Raymond Elston, Mrs.
Ross Lewin, Mrs. Milford Shaver, |
Mrs. Arthur Culver, the guest of |
honor and the hostess.
Mrs. Jane Stroud Has
Ninety-Second Birthday
ane Stroud celebrated her
| Harvest Supper, the date to be an-
| next month will be Mr. and Mrs.
| Sayman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Farr,
B. A. Class of the Methodist Sun-
| day School held their annual clam
| bake and meeting in the Methodist
Church. Paul Gross, president, pre-
sided. It was decided to have a
nounced later, also to send a
Christmas box to members who are
in the Armed Forces. William
Evans reported the painting of the
outside of the church is completed.
Serving committee announced for
William Evans, Miss Laura Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison.
Serving committee was Mr. and
Mrs. Granville Carey, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Elston, Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Learn.
Trucksville People
Enjoy Clam Supper
A number of Trucksville people
enjoyed a clam supper and dance
in the TFiremen’s Hall Saturday
evening. They were: Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Grover
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McGuire, Mr.
and ‘Mrs. Thomaos Reese, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifton Zimmerman, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Croom, Mr. and Mrs.
Voight Long, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Finney, Mr. and Mrs. William
Clewell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson, Mrs.
Arthur Williams, Miss Lila Parry,
| Doris Finney, Barbara Metz, Claire]
{ McGuire, Barbara Gilbert, Jack]
Kitchen, Layton Fish, Oran Jenkins |
Byron Ide, Marvin Stadt and Don-
ald Naylor.
It's A Girl
92 birthday anniversary at her
her many happy returns and scores |
Mr. and Mrs.
of Main Street celebrated their |
52nd wedding anniversary Tuesday,
September 26
several days this week visiting his,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph.
Schmerer, of Huntsville road.
Mr. and Mrs. Coray B. Ransom,
of Demunds had as guests Sunday,
Mrs. Hugh W. Ransom, Bainbridge, !
Md., and her mother, Mrs. Henry,
H. Banta, Luzerne; Mr. and Mrs. |
Willis Ransom, Ashland; Mrs. Shel-
don Strunk, Kingston.
Pvt. Lawrence Drabick, who is)
stationed at Fort Monmouth, spent
the weekend as guest of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dra-
bick, of Meeker.
* * *
Peynton Lee, who is stationed at
Bainbridge, Md., spent the weekend |
with his family on Machell avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonard and
terday to make their home in Pitts-
burgh where Mr. Leonard has been
Lee Culver left Monday with his
grandmother, Mrs. Florence Culver,
to spend several weeks at Cape
some damage in the recent hurri-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Root of
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Root of Meshoppen and his
sister P.F.C. Iva L. Root who was
accompanied by Cpl. Louise Gibby
also of the WAAC. Miss Root and
Miss Gibby are stationed at Fort
Meade, Md.
Bnd the Angels Sing
Betty Hutton Dorothy Lamour
Fred MacMurray
Saturday Matinee
What a Woman
Rosalind Russell
Brian Aherne
- Hey, Rookie
Larry Parks Ann Miller
Bermuda Mystery
Charles Butterworth
Be Wise!
For Complete
o Life
° “Automobile
Ernest Gay
Dallas RFD 3
Centermoreland 62-R-3
Farm Bureau Mutual
Automobile Insurance Co.
Farm Bureau Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Farm Bureau Life Ins. Cn.
Home Office — Columbus, O.
family of Franklin street left yes-!
Cod. The Culver cottage received,
Outlet entertained on Sunday the!
Mr. and Mrs. John Dungey of
e on Franklin street September | Kingston have announced the birth
Old friends dropped in to wish)
of an eight pound baby girl; Carol
Adele, at General Hospital Friday,
of Back. Mountain‘ neighbors ta September 22. This is the Dungey’s
membered her with cards and gifts.| first child. Mrs. Dungey is the for-
mer Miss Dana Pace of Kingston
and Mr. Dungey is the son of Mr.
Fayette S. Biery| and Mrs. Arthur Dungey of Lake
street. Both mother and baby are
doing micely.
Huntsville Class Enjoy Their
Annual Clam Bake at Church
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perrego, |
Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, Mr.
and Mrs. Alden Wagner, Mr. and,
Mrs. Fred Egen, Mrs. Frank Wyrsch,
Shirley Jean Wyrsch, Nancy May
Elston, J. Alfred Rogers, Mrs. Sarah
S. Rogers, Miss Mildred Bertram,
Mrs. Willard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. |
Earl Balliett, Marvin Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Malvin Wagner, Miss]
Laura Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James
Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer, Mr.
and Mrs, Paul Smith, Mr. and Mrs. |
Clarence Elston, Mr. and Mrs. G.!
A. Learn, Mr. and Mrs. Granville
Mrs. John Richards,
Honored At Dinner
Mrs. John Richards, the former
Kathleen Bogart of Dallas, was
guest of honor at a dinner given by
a group of Lazarus store employees
at Rooney's restaurant recently.
She was presented with a lovely
gift. Present were: Mrs. Dorothy
Mesh, Bianco Russo, Mary Kluska,
Helen McAdara, Frances Brenner,
Mary Korch, Martha Maxwell, Betty
Flynn, Celeste Metz, Dorothy Mc-
Carthy, Florence Hall, Gladys
| Smith, Ethel Naveen and Marlin
| Bki.
Service Mothers Make
Plans For Card Party
Service Mothers’ Club of Trucks-
ville will conduct a’ card party at;
the Kingston Township High School
Auditorium on Friday evening, Oc-
tober 6. The purpose of this affair
is to raise funds for the Christmas
Christmas time.
The committee in charge of this
affair are: Mrs. H. A. Shappelle,
chairman; Mesdames Alfred James,
Leland Guyette, Herbert Williams,
Harry Owens, Wilford Parsons,
Cedric Griffiths, Herbert Jenkins,
Albert Blase, William Rhodes, Wil-
bur Nichols.
Seaman David Schmerer spent ER TE NE NE,
Are your Fall pullets ready?
. Will they carry through a heavy laying period?
Perhaps they need Conditiontine!
B. C. Devens, Owner
Phone 337-R-49
Phone 200
by CHOOL days are here again, with
studying to be done at home.
nings will mean more reading for all the
family. Now is the time to check your
lighting carefully .". . to be sure that it
is sufficient, properly placed, and without
glare, so that precious eyes will not be
Longer eve-
East Dallas Folks
Enjoy Farmer Dance
A Farmer Dance was held at the
i farm recently. Music was furnished
| by Mr.
Hill. Supper was served to: Miss
Betty Edwards of Endicott, Mrs.
John Jurish of Inkerman, Mary,
[Dyvaond Brothers on the
Shale and son .of Bunker
| Ethel, Rose and Caroline Stover of
| Lockville; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dy-
| mond, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dymond,
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson, Mr.
Jue Mrs. John Sholtis, Mr. and
{Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
| Arthelr Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Mic-
| hael Kozik, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
! Friskie, Mrs. Ted Wilson, Ira Ross,
Frank Howell, Glen Howell, Fred
Howell, Daniel Kozik of East Dallas.
Moderate In Cost
Funer al Service
A Modern Service
..Is Available in the Dallas Area on the
Same Day-and-Night Basis as in Wilkes-Barre
and the Same Moderate Costs Apply.
Telephone Wilkes-Barre 3-0400.
64 North Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Buy U. 5. War Bonds and Stamps
"7 Delicious ious MacIntosh
3 vw 21c
U. S. No. 1 Fresh Dug
full peck
Maryland Golden SWEET
Potatoes 3 »-
*Bring your own
shopping bag or basket
Check over the following food values
and see if you don’t save en everything
you buy at the Acme.
Wot Ptimad To Foi Rogue
boxes to be sent to the boys at! Save your vegetable points by using more Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
\ A
Snow White
Solid Heads Danish
\Cabbage " 3,
Yellow Cooking
Onions. 3 ™ (3c
Beet Short Ribs
Long Bologna
Fresh Killed Stewing
“Switt’'s Premium”
6-0z. bot. 25¢
“an 56
6-0z. bot. i dc
1%-0z. pkg. ide
4-0z. pkg. 24¢c
Three-in-One Oil
Sunbrite Cleanser
Windex Cleaner
ASCO Tea Balls
Tender Leaf Tea
wm. 47€ | penn Wax Beans an ({¢
mw 49c || V-8 Cocktail 18-02. can {Bg
Farmdale Tomato Puree can (fg
Kippered Herring can {Bg
w. 33¢ || Libby’s Sausage tor. can (3g
Perch Fillets
~ Cod Fillets
pke. 23¢c
2 med. pkgs. 19c
Lux Toilet
Lux Flakes |
Gold Dust
Fairy Soap
Swan Soap
Swan Soap
Skinless Franks 15. 35¢C Del Maiz Whole Kernel
Meat Loaves w 33C C Ty
Fresh Tender orm - 1¢ c
Ground Pork 4SC0 Tomato Soup 3° 23¢
Deviled Ham S02. oon {8s
B ee £ L i ver gotd Seat Elbow Macaroni ™ r= {0c
Ib. 25¢ n2le Marrowfat Beans fic
DEPT ASCO Grape Juice pint {Qg
IN OUR FISH DEPI. Gulden’s Mustard jar {3g
Dressed Whiting » 15¢ || Cow Brand Soda I. pkg. Tg
48-0z. pkg. 23¢
12-0z. gl. {2c
1b. pkg. Te
Gotd Seat’ Quick Dats
Hom-de-Lite Mint Jelly
Princess Starch
n. 20C
». 31¢
~ Easy/to make with milk
Use your own flavers
2 med. pkgs. 19¢
3 20c
1 e
med, & c
“Each Taohifet
ee 11c
3. 20¢
Strained 3 cans 20c TEES
Chopped can 9c 4 yy FE Jas
Oatmeal 8-0z. pkg. 13c Sali “2%
Cereal 8-0z. pkg. 13c my 12
hod 4
% #