IDETOWN Mrs. Willard Griffiths and sons, Daniel and Richard, of Rome, N. Y. are spending a month with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Others who called during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Boice of Sugar Hollow, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright of Endicott, Marie Wright and Betsy Morgan of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers had as dinner guests on Saturday, Mr. and Mys. William Aston of Bing- hamton, N. Y. Carolina Aston of Endicott, Lt. Allan Aston of Big Springs, Texas, who graduated from Gunnery school last week. Charles Root and Everett Casterline of Ves- tal, N. Y., spent a few days with the Rogers last week. Helen Tryon, Cadet Nurse, re- turned to Nesbitt Hospital Wednes- day after spending her vacation with ‘her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tryon. They spent the weekend in New York City. The Rogers Reunion will be held at Garnet Grove, Outlet, on Sat- urday August 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blanchard of Kingston called Friday on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and Mr. and Mrs. John Cadugan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rinkin and Billie spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Rinkin. P. O. 2/C Donald Kreidler had an overnight liberty at his home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weir and Mrs. John Donalwue and Mollie of Kings- ton were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. James Casterline. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rogers, David and Edna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers of Vernon. They visited Mr. Rogers’ mother, Mrs. Thomas Powell of Nanticoke, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rice, Ronnie and Dennis of Vestal, N. Y., have returned after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reilly STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters EE Ax “l Got Insomnia, Officer.” “Well, You Go Home an’ Sleep It Off!” THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio le 3% THE POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1944 2 SAGE SEVEN and Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Rice of Lehman, Mrs. Earl Husted of Endicott spent a few days last week with Mrs. Walter Kitchen. Winnie Reese of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude Agnew. Other guests of the Agnews over the weekend were Betty Naugle of Trenton, Jean Brown of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Heck of Kingston, Albert nd Leslie Agnew of Princeton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Herbesxt Marley, Herbert, Jr. and Floyd, Mrs. Charles Rattigan and son Dale, Mrs. William Goss and Larry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shaver. Mrs. Francis Kreidler and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boice and Lily Jane attended the Smith Reunion at Wolfe Grove on Sunday. Howard Moore of Chester spent the weekend at his home. Lt. Robert Parks visited his fath- er, P. H. Parks, over the weekend. He was guest soloist at Idetown i Methodist Church Sunday morning. Elizabeth Parks of Wilkes-Barre also spent the weekend at the Parks home. Mrs. Ray Evans of Forty Fort was weekend guest of Mrs. F. H. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parkhurst, Jr. spent the weekend with their sons, Frank 3rd and John J. Parkhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kuschle, Mrs. Joseph Coughlin, and Miss Lou Montanye attended the Bible conference at Montrose last week- end. Mrs. George Seretis of East Or- ange, N. J., is spending some time with Mrs. Roy Garinger. Hazel Garinger, who is working at Pocano Manor, spent some time last week with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown, mis- sionaries from Trossville, Tenn., are visiting Mrs. Helen Husted. Mrs. Harvey Bottoms, Mary Louise and Jane of Luzerne were guests last week of Mrs. Alfred Hadsel. SWEET VALLEY Steven Lord and George Nichols are spending a furlough with their wives and families. Donald Wandel of Muhlenburg who is spending a furlough with his wife and family will return to his camp Wednesday. He attended the Christian Church Sunday night. Mr. and *Mrs. William Varner and Mr. and Mrs. John Shultz of Berwick spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hol- eomb. Mrs. Edith Long is spending a few days with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Loram Cragle. Mrs.. Edith Long and daughter, Mrs. Cragle, and Joan Cragle called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Klinetob Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Ira J. Button and grandchildren, Philip and Janet Stewart, have returned to their homes after spending a few days with their son, Lewis, who is sté- { tioned at Presque Isle, Maine. Mrs. Lewis Button and baby remained with her husband. The funeral of Lois Lamoreaux, the young daughter of Mrs. Luke Lamoreaux of Oak Dale, which was held Sunday afternoon was largely attended. W. C. T. U. will meet in the Christian Church Tuesday night August 8th. We hope all members will be present at this meeting. Sunday School picnic of Christian Church will be held at Harvey's Lake Saturday August 5th. RUGGLES Mr. and Mrs. Stupak, Miss Anna Bunsek and Sgt. Robert Herron of Avoca were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bunsek: Sunday. Mrs. Daniel Smith and family at- tended the Smith reunion at Wolfe’s Grove on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traver and on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kocher and daughter, Nadine, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kondrocki visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kocher at Noxen Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sorber and daughter, Guida, were supper guests of Mrs, Daniel Smith and family Sunday. Pvt. Lawrence Cornell who had been stationed in Texas has been transferred to Florida. LOYALVILLE Gloria Steltz has been spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. « Walter King. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ide are at- tending Patterson Grove Camp Meeting. Shirley Boothe has returned home after spending a week at Dimmock. Mrs. Clifford Boethe has been children motored to Endicott, N. Y. NAPPY pM i THAT voice l! AND THE LAMP IS L[T..... | | IGOR EXPLAINS WHAT Ae NEXT MORNING... -... A quickLy someone I! HAPPENED... BOUT TO LIGHT THE OIL ruooLPH! )icor..mysoy! ” MY BOY! THERE ARE NOT WORDS BOARD THE BOAT, LAMP! THANK HEAVEN ! _/..,AND WHEN MY CAPTORS ENOUGH TO THANK You! NAPPY AND THE YOU'RE SAFE! HEARD THAT U.S. FEDERAL - = BOGUSLAVIANS MEN WERE OPERATING NEAR HERE oe] hk SEE A SIGNAL ; THEY FLER, LEAVING ME CHAINED ! 1 FOUND 2% : FOR HELP..... on is ~ A PIECE OF BROKEN MIRROR AND SIGNALLED 7 ENTERING THE at A 2 9~IN WITH THE REFLECTION FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE! OLD HUT, PRIME ; 5 3 x z MINISTER RUDOLPH NE ve a) \\'Y NX AND NOW 15 ASTONISHED Gr = n 2 DENOwY TO HEAR A N& S Nh =o A YOULL FAMILIAR VOICE = = WN : J 7. WANT IN THE DARKNESS. | F——— = # = ’ FOREIRY = ~ % / % ; a ah Copyright Lincoln Newspaper Features. ZB DON'T TELL ME, WELL, THAT'S OUT! ) EITHER ILEY AND. CHIEF / YOU THINK HOW DID THE MUR- { THAT, (] THE CHIEF, THE RACK WAS DERER KNOW DALY OR.. AFTER DISCOVER WOULD PICK THE ING THAT DUKE RIGHT BALL ? DALY HAS BEEN MURDERED BY YOU FORGET THE OTHER ELECTROCUTION, BOWLERS USED THE {LOOK FOR THE CHALK , TOO! WEAPON, BUT {| ARE STUMPED.. | THEY QUESTION Wy ; THE OWNER OF Bs ; THE BOWLING A = EA ALLEY, SAM : RE a SYKES,WHOCAN| AZ \T" Sy CONTRIBUTE — J i NOTHING IN THE WAY OF CLUES. Copyrignt ¢ _. Lincoln Yewspaper Features, ince GT == —\ Ice Cream Knows No Sex THERE'S ONLY ONE THING TO DO, CHIEF /RE-ENACT THE CRIME ... THAT IS, AFTER I HAVE ANOTHER LOOK ‘employed at Sharon. By Irv : Tirmai | ou pov! vouser! 1 TELEGRAPHED THE FELLERS THAT 1 WAS COMIN’ HOME AN' JUST GOT THIS ANSWER!!! 7 § AT THE STIFF! £ COULD \ QE A LADY } WHILE THEY'RE GERV! ICE CREAM! MARRY MY DAUGHTER AND TL GET YOU A POSITION HIGH IN THE GOVERNMENT ! ] £9 GOT I N ITALY, IT 1S ILLEGAL FOR A OR TITLE. FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW ENRY WILLIAMSON, EMINENT BRITISH NATURALIST, DES- CRIBED, BEFORE A GATHERING OF FARMERS SEVERAL YEARS AGO, HOW HE MADE A SOUP | FROM DRIED GRASS AND HE WAS SO EXHILA- RATED BY THE PRODUCT THAT HE WROTE AND AN ACCOUNT OF HIS EXPERIENCES TO HER?2100K, MISTER WE'VE 70 HOLR ANY PUBLIC OFFICE, HONOUR ! N ENGUISH CLERGYMAN, REV. J.B. READE MADE AN IMPORTANT DIS- COVERY IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING... FOR THIS PURPOSE HE USED THE LONG WHITE KID GLOVES OF HIS WIFE - UNTIL SHE LEFT HIM. [Relcecd by Kopuone Poser, Toc SHEN : ei SSX RRR BENENA > LTHOUGH IT HAS SUFFERED FAMINE FOR CENTURIES, CHINA ORDINARILY IS ONE OF THE LARGEST WHEAT-GROWING NATIONS. & SE RRR axing ! OF 16 INCHES IN A YEAR..... HELLO, DEAR! DO YOU WANT 10 PAY YOUR DUES! INE OF THE ODDEST CLUBS IN THE WORLD WAS FORMED BY THE YOUNG WIVES OF SIOUX CITY, TA. — THE W.0.5.H (WIVES OF SPANKING HusganDs) [i \ +++ IT STARTED WHEN A GROUP OF WIVES WERE DISCUSSING OVER TEA THE BVARIOUS REASONS FOR DIVORCES AND ONE OF THEM SUGGESTED THAT WIVES [8 WHO LED THEIR HUSBANDS INTO DEBT AND DIVORCE “NEEDED A GOOD BB SPANKING “.."MHAT 'S WHAT T'D EXPECT MY HUSBAND T0 GIVE ME SHE SAID +.. THEY SOUGHT 10 CHANGE LAW SO THAT HUSBANDS, INSTEAD OF PAYING FINES, COULD SPANK WIVES CONVICTED OF A SMALL OFFENSE. DUES, NOTHING |! 1quir !! Copyright Lincoln Newspaper Featurts. Inc. NSA ANAND J RRR NANNING