The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 04, 1944, Image 4

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Neighborhood N pies And News Of
Ee +
y y § 3
Local Church Doings
Purely Personal
Office Phone 300
Mrs. Sarah Moss of Dallas Star
Route has as guests her daughters,
Mrs. George Wallace Leech and
Judy and Mrs. Herbert and Richard
of Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkendall and
children have moved from the Kir-
kendall summer home on Terrace
street to their home in Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tretheway and
family of Forty Fort will occupy
the cottage for the balance of the
Lieutenant Colonel Smith who is
stationed in Alabama is spending
several days with his family at
Huntsville. Mrs. Smith and infant
son have returned from Nesbitt
Dick Phillips who spent a ten-day
furlough with his family on Norton
avenue returned to Bainbridge, Md.
Saturday morning.
Arthur Parrish who has been
stationed at Brooklyn with the U.
S. Navy spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Parrish of Parrish street.
T. A. Williammee of Lehman
avenue spent several days this
week visiting his mother at Morris,
Pa. ? :
* = %
Mrs. Robert Bodycomb: of Main
street is spending sometime with
her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Calkins of Flushing,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W Risley of
Huntsville road has as guests over
the weekend Mrs. George Bachman
of Camden, N. J. and Miss Alice
Keeler of Tunkhannock. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shaver and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaver have
returned after spending sometime
at a cottage along the River.
Miss Judith Saville, directoress of
nurses at Palmerton Hospital and
Miss Margaret McRoberts of Balti-
more, Md., spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Simms. Miss
Saville and Miss McRoberts were
classmates of Mrs. Simms at John
Hopkins Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis MacDonald
and son, Jackie, of Trenton, N. J.
and Mrs. James Rogers were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rog-
ers at Meeker. The Rogers and
Mrs. Edna Karschner entertained at
dinner Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. William Aton and Miss Caro-
lyn Aton of Binghamton, N. Y. and
Lieut. Allison Aton who is stationed
in Texas.
* * *
Lieutenant Frank Matukitis vis-
ited his father, Joe Matukities at
East Dallas, over the weekend.
Frank was enroute from Columbus,
Ohio to Florida where he will serve
as an instructor. Mrs. Matukitis
will remain here until he gets set-
Bob Pickett who is serving in the
U. S. Army Air Corps is expected
home this weekend to visit his wife
at East Dallas. \
Barby Cheney who has been sicks
for eleven weeks with rheumatic
fever is greatly improved and able
to be out again. Barby and her
mother, Mrs. Philip Cheney are liv-
ing with the latter's mother, Mrs. |
Ray Isaacs in Shavertown for the
duration. Mr. Isaacs is employed:
at Middletown Air Depot. He spent
last weekend with his family.
Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert of Goss
Manor spent several days this week
visiting friends in Meshoppen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Hadsel of
Huntsville Road has as dinner
guests last Thursday evening, Mrs.
Hattie Page of Scranton, and Mrs.
Donald Page of Waycross, Georgia.
Sgt. Donald Page is stationed some-
where in France.
“Four Jills In AJeep”
Carole Landis, Kay Francis
Martha Ray
Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra
“Footlight Glamour”
Betty Singleton, Arthur Lake
“City Of Missing Girls"
H. B. Warner
“The Uninvited”
Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey
Gail Russell
Mrs. Milford Shaver entertained
members of her bridge club at her
home at Goss Manor last evening.
Fred Kiefer of Shrineview spent
several days this week on a busi-
ness trip to New York City. The
Kiefers were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Nic Cortiglio on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spencer of
Demunds road entertained recently
Mrs. Nancy Wickwire and Collins of
Cortland, N. Y.
Mrs. Edna Karschner of Meeker
visited friends in West Pittston on
Mrs. Edward Jones who has been
spending several weeks visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nie-
meyer of Davenport street joined
her husband in Chicago last Thurs-
day. Mrs. T. H. Thomas, Edith and
Charles returned to their home in
Linthicum, Md. after visiting the
Niemeyers. Marjorie Elkins re-
turned with them.
s ® &
Robert Moore has returned to
camp in Arizona after spending a
ten-day furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of
Franklin street.
Mrs. Joseph Laux and daughter,
Mary, of Overbrook avenue are
spending sometime visiting her
sister, Mrs. Floyd Olson in Phila-
Philip Spencer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Spencer of Demunds
road is spending a week with his
uncles, George and Marshall Spenc-
er of Rummerfield, Pa.
Henry Peterson who has been ill
at his home on Norton avenue was
able to return to business this
week. :
Mrs. Florence Watkins of Wil-
liamsport has been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry B. Allen at Harvey's
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dungey of
Forty Fort spent the weekend as
guests of the fomer’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Dungey of Lake
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Doll are
spending the week with the form-
er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Doll of Norton avenue and the
latter’s parents, Rev. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Paul of Plymouth.
T. A. Williammee, Raymond
Kuhnert and Howard Hendricks at-
tended the annual principals and
superintendents conference held at
State College for three days last
Gloria Thomas of Linthicum, Md.
is spending a week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. William Niemeyer of Daven-
port street.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berth and
Dean and Sharon of Kearney, N. J.
spent their vacations with Mrs.
Berth’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Chesney of W. Dallas.
Cpl. Robert Sabol, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Sayre of Pike's
Creek, has been honorably dis-
charged from the army. Cpl. Sabol
enlisted in 1942.
Ensign and Mrs. George Nichols
visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogow-
ski on Saturday at their home at
Pike’s Creek.
Mrs. Bert Bryant and Mrs. Alfred
Rogowski of Pike's Creek accomp-
anied the former’s daughter, Mrs.
John Mesick back to Syracuse and
spent the weekend with her.
* * *
Betty Naugle and Albert Agnew
who are employed in Trenton, N. J.
spent the weekend at their homes
at Pike's Creek.
Virginia Wilson who has been
spending the last two months visit-
ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Wilson of Franklin street
will return to her home in Charles-
ton, W. Va., today. She will be
accompanied by ‘her aunt Gertrude.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver DeWolfe and
son, Robert, are spending two
| weeks visiting Mrs. Amy DeWolfe.
Chief and Mrs. Walter Covert
celebrated their 50th wedding an-
niversary last Sunday, July 30. .
Pfc. Walter Covert and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Atlee Kocher spent
last weekend in Delaware visiting
the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs.
John Covert. Pfc. Covert returns
to Camp Dix today after spending a
ten-day furlough with his wife and
parents, Chief and Mrs. Walter
Covert of Parrish street.
Miss Bette Jones of Davenport
street has accepted a position with
Harris Hardware in Kingston.
Bulford Reunion
Descendants of the late John J.
and Rachael Bulford will hold their
annual reunion at Norris Grove on
the road between Huntsville and
Hillside, Sunday, August 20th. All
friends and relatives are invited.
Elstons Entertain
At Picnic Supper
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elston of
Kunkle road entertained at a pic-
nic supper Sunday honoring Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Gelden of Reading.
The Geldens have been occupying
the Mowry home for the past
month. Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
John Yaple, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Whitney and David, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Kiefer, the guests of honor
and the host and hostess.
Birthday Supper
Mrs. Roy Garinger of Idetown en-
tertained at a birthday supper
honoring her daughter Mrs. Norma
Taylor recently. Present were: Mrs.
George Seretes, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Taylor, Carol and Shirley Tay-
lor, Ray Garinger, the guest of
honor and the hostess.
Morgan Wilcoxes Are
Hosts At Picnic Supper
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wilcox en-
tertained at a picnic supper honor-
ing Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynch of
Harrisburg, their house guests,
Saturday evening. Present ere:
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Dungey, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Dungey, Mr. and Mrs. Zel
Garinger, Miss Mabell Place, Mr.
and Mrs, Harry Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Shiber; Mrs. Florence Watkins
of Williamsport; the guests of hon-
or and the host and hostess.
Has Fourth Birthday
Young Billie Niemeyer was guest
of honor at a party to celebrate his
4th birthday anniversary at the
home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mr.s A. C. Verfaillie of Huntsville
road. Present were: Ralph, Beat-
rice, Gladys, David Ell of Shaver-
town; Gail Jenkins, Beth Ann
Jones, Robin Turner, Tommie Tur-
ner, Billie and Bobbie Niemeyer.
Earl Lozier Is Guest
On Ninth Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lozier enter-
tained at a birthday party honoring
their son, Earl, who celebrated his
ninth birthday anniversary recent-
ly. He received many gifts. Present
were: Shirley, Ada, Joyce, Carl
Gordon, Joyce Martin, Ida Martin,
Wayne King, Jerry Boone, Edward
March, Wayne, Janis, Betty, Shel-
‘don Hoover, Grandma Lozier, S.
Barnes, Ruthie, Alice and Marion
Lozier, the guest of honor and the
host and hostess.
Entertains At Bridge
Mrs. Cedric Griffith entertained
members of her bridge club Friday
evening. Present were: Mrs. How-
ard Appleton, Mrs. Martin Porter,
Mrs. Willard Durbin, Mrs. Burdette
Crane, Mrs. Howard Ide, Mrs. Paul
Eckert and Mrs. Ziba Howell.
Home For Weekend
Fred Anstett who is stationed at
Fort Jackson, S. C. spent the week-
end visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Anstett of Idetown.
Guests at the Anstett home over
the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Anstett, Fred Schobert, Jean
Betty and Janice Anstett, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Redmond, Violet, Arth-
ur, Florence Woodring, Frank and
Ralph Joy, Ralph Redmond, Mrs.
Louise Redmond and Viola, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Pahler, George and
Martha Pahler.
Mrs. Charles Wertman
Entertains Kunkle Club
Mrs. Charles Wertman entertain-
ed the Silver Leaf Club at her home
on Tuesday evening. Assisting her
were: Mrs. Russell Miers and Mrs.
Daniel Meeker. Meeting was open-
ed by the president Mrs. Fred Dod-
son. Devotions were led by Mrs.
Allen Brace. Lunch was served to
the following: Mesdames Harold
Smith, Ralph Ashburner, William
Weaver, Ralph Hess, Ralph Elston,
Florence Klimick, Frank Hess, Fred
Dodson, Victor Rydd, LeRoy Hess,
Harold Hess, James Traver, William
Brace, Charles Brace, Allen Brace,
Anna Weaver, Oliver Ellsworth,
Miss Gertrude Smith and the host-
Lawn Birthday Party
Nancy May Elston was guest of
honor at a lawn party on her ninth
birthday anniversary, Thursday.
Present were: Mrs. Fred Riley, Mary
Ann Brown, Mrs. O. L. Harvey of
Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Splitt,
Mrs. Norman Franklin, Kathleen
Franklin of Jackson, Mrs. Clarence
Myers, Mrs. Frank Wyrsch, Shirley
Jean Wyrsch, Harold Elston, Mrs.
Clarence Elston. i
| Mrs. Mulcahy,
“Table tops are too precious these days to risk marring them with hot
dishes. A most attractive and colorful solution is a set of hand-|
crocheted place mats. They are easy pick-up work for warm weather,
and your friends will love a set as a gift. Fast color cotton in two
contrasting shades makes the mats. Be careful to choose colors that
blend with your china and linen. Direction sheet for “Crocheted Place;
Mats” may be obtained by sending a' stamped, self-addressed envelope
to the Needlework Department of this paper, specifying design No. 2716.
Friendship Class: of Trucksville
Methodist Church entertained hus-
bands and families’ at their an-
nual picnic at Norris Glen recently.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Johnson, Ruth and Harry Johnson,
Mrs. Franklin Hemenway, Carol
and Patty Hemenway, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Croom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pritch-
ard, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams,
Mary Joan, Carol, Thomas Williams
Jr., Blanche Atherholt, Emily Fish-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Lansford Norris,
Bobby and Billy Norris, Mr. and
Husbands And Families, Guests
At Friendship Class Picnic
[. Laing Coolbaugh, Mr. and Mrs.
John Southwell, John Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. William Lohmann, Jane and
Robbin, Mr. and Mrs. Voight Long,
William and Wayne, Mrs. Stanley
Cashmark, John Cashmark, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Williams, Arnold
Jr., Rev. George Roberts, Carl, Mr.
and Mrs. William Robbins, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Stookey, Marjorie,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett,
Carol and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Har-
rison and Lorraine. “
Thomas Mulcahys Are
Ifiosts At Wiener Roast
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulcahy
entertained at a wiener roast at
their cottage, “Hill-Top”, Alderson,
last Wednesday . evening. Enter-
tainment consisted of group singing
led by Mrs. Mulcahy and readings?
“A Thunderstorm”, by Dave Deat-
er (Dave gave this same reading
in school forty years ago); ‘Mrs.
Murphy Visits the Dentist” by
Letha Jones of Fernbrook; ‘Orphan
Annie” by Mrs. Mulcahy. Mrs.
Margaret Nuld and family of Ash-
ley had entertained the group at
supper at the Mulcahy home be-
fore the wiener roast.
Present were: Mrs. Henrietta
Deater, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones,
Ruby and Letha Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. David Deater, Mrs. Charles
Rau, Elsie and Conrad Higgins, Mrs.
Margaret Nuld, George Williams,
David Nuld, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Rozychi, Mary, James and Joseph
Callaghan, Floyd VanHorn, Margar-
et Nametko, David McGowan, Mrs.
Mulcahy, mother of the host, and
the host and hostess.
Mrs. Henrietta Deater, mother of
age , 76, and Mrs.
Mulcahy, mother of Mr. Mulcahy,
age 84, were the two liveliests per-
sons present.
Picnic At Elston’s
The following folks enjoyed a pic-
nic at Elston’s Grove on Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hess, Janet
Hess; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elston,
Jerry, Eleanor, Helen, and Lena
Elston; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Elston;
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide, Jane, Don-
nie, Dale and Karl Ide; Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Elston, Estella and
Wayne Elston; Mrs. Stella Isaacs;
Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Dodson; Jay Elston;
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and
Billie Thorzas.
Alderson Church Note
A trio made up of Mrs. Ralph
Morgan, Mrs. George Tripp and Mrs.
John Whithey will present special
musical selections at Alderson
Methodist Church at the Sunday
William Niemeyer 3rd
Given Farewell Party
William Niemeyer 3rd was guest
of honor at a farewell supper held
at the summer home of his aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Kaiser, Harvey's Lake last’ Tuesday.
Bill left for New Cumberland to
serve in the U. S. Army on Thurs-
day. Present at the party were:
Mrs. T. H. Thomas, Gloria, Edith,
Charles of Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Ed-
ward Jones, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.
Clement Niemeyer, Mr. and Mrs.
William Niemeyer, Wilkes-Barre;
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Verfaillie, Roy
and Donald Verfaillie, Anna Mae
Wilson, Harold Niemeyer, Beth Ann
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Nie-
meyer 2nd, Marjorie Elkins, Mr.
and Mrs. William Niemeyer 3rd.,
Billie and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs.
Kaiser, Tony, Eleanor, Mary and
Clayton Reunion Is
Held At Idetown Home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clayton of
Idetown entertained members of
the Clayton family at their Reunion
on Sunday. Games were played and
prizes awarded. Present: Mr. and
Mrs. O. G. Mahon of Mill City; Mr.
Clarence Clayton, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Clayton, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Clayton, Mrs. Ted R. Munsy,
Lionell Bulford, Phyllis Sutton and
the host and hostess.
83-35 E. JACKSON ST.
morning service.
Phone 25368 @® Wilkes-Barre, Pa,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wesley of
Loyalville recently entertained at a
birthday party honoring their son,
Walter, who will leave for service
with the U. S. Navy this week.
Walter was graduated from Lake
Township High School in June with
a record of twelve year’s perfect
attendance. Guests at the party
were: Mary Porter, Mildred Porter,
Betty Calkins and Beatrice Darrel
of Shavertown; Mary Delaney, Bina
Garrity, Bertha Kern, Myron Wil-
Walter Wesley, Honored Guest
AtBirthday-Farewell Party
liams, Junior Smith and Lt. Thom-
as Garrity of Harvey's Lake; Walter
Bronson of Ruggles; Glen Rogers,
Ellis Hoover, Warren Hoover and
Doris Rossman of Outlet; Audrey
Boone and Bud Cornell of Pike's
Creek; Burton Gordon, Adam Ste-
fanowick, Anthony Shiner, Lawr-
ence Steltz, Dorne Wesley, Marjor-
ie Shiner, Virginia Brown and Avis
Kocher of Loyalville; the guest of
honor and the host and hostess.
Entertains W. S.C. S.
Mrs. Edith King of Meeker en-
tertained members of the W.S.C.S.
at her home Wednesday afternoon.
Present were: Mesdames Viola
Hoover, Lillian Hildebrant, Alberta
Foss, Florence Davenport, Mattie
Sites, Edna Karschner, Dorothy
Steele, Elva Drabick, Helene Van-
Buskirk, Elma Robinson, Mae King,
Warren Kimble; Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Pilling; Misses Letha Wolfe,
Effie Williams; Dale Hoover, Judith
Steele and Russell Steele Jr.
I have several good buyers
who are interested in buying a
property. Can handle any pro-
perty from ~Shavertown to
Harvey's Lake, also Huntsville.
Bpecial call for one to twenty-
five acre plots. If you have a
property for sale and wish quick
action please contact.
E.]. Rainey
305 Bennett Building
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
A Safe Deposit Boi in eur Fire-and-Thets-Proof
Vaults Protects valuables at fess thea fa a day.
First Floor == Street Level «— No Stairs
Partial Protection Is
False Economy!
Do you have complete prop-
erty fire insuranee protec-
tion? Why pay for only half
protection when you ' can
‘have it all? The cost is small!
Check your policy today—
tomorrow may be too late.
For complete information
Ernest Gay
Dallas RFD 3
Centermoreland 62-R-3
Farm Bureau Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Home Office — Columbus, O.
= A Modern Service -
Moderate In Cost
....Is Available in the Dallas Area on the
Same Day-and-Night Basis as in Wilkes-Barre
and the Same Moderate Costs Apply.
Telephone Wilkes-Barre 3-0400.
64 North Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Automatic Heat At Its Best
Summer Hot Water Attachment
Coal-0-Matic Stoker Company
Trucksville, Pa.
and Mrs. F. H. Clayton and Karen !
1 of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
Dallas | 407
Prepare For Action. . .
Pullets will soon be ready for the firing line.
Egatine or Tasty Laying Food, and Conditiotine
will fortify them for the long grind ahead.
Phone 387-R-5
A. C. Devens, Owner ‘
Phone: 200