8 ! : 8 { { i i i a ETRE IT EES me pc BIG SAVINGS ON YOUR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES As a special service to our subscribers, we are offering bargain prices on your newspaper and favorite magazines. You can get this paper either in combination with any one of these great popular magazines, or with the 5-Magazine Special below. Select the offer you like best . . . then fill in the coupon and send it to us. Please do it right away! Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both (U8 TTR LT [J] American Fruit Grower......$2.75 [J American Girl ................. . 3.50 [J American Home, 2 Yrs... 8.75 [J American Poultry Journal 2.65 [J Better Cooking & Homemaking 4.00 LEGAL IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY, NO. 374 MAY TERM, 1944. TO: THE COMMITTEE OF THE PROPRIETORS OF KINGSTON, AND ITS SUCCESSOR OR SUC- CESSORS. Take notice that on April 13th, 1944 Hess, Goldsmith & Co., Inc., presented a petition averring that it was the owner of certain land sit- uate in the Borough of Kingston, County of Luzerne, State of Penn- sylvania, which said land is a part of a larger tract of land described as follows: “A certain piece of land in Kingston aforesaid being lott No. 5 of the Third Division of said town, and one other piece [J Boy’s Life 4.10 [J Capper’s Farmer ............. 2.65 [J Child Life ......... - 3.75 [] Christian Herald ................ 3.50 [1 Coronet .........cooerevensssecsnrn 4.50 [] Country Gentleman, 5 Yrs.. 3.00 [J Etude Music Magazine...... 4.50 {J Farm Jml & ®rm’rs Wife 2.65 [J Flower Grower ..............c.n. 3.50 [J Forum-Column Review .... 3.75 [] Household Magazine ........ 2.6% { vCTHygEIa oo... iii 378 [Liberty i - 4.25 [] National Digest Monthly.. 400 [J Nature (10 Iss, 12 Mo.).... 4.00 [[] Open Road (12 Iss., 14 Mo.) 3.25 [] Outdoors (12 Iss, 14 Mo.) 3.25 [J Pathfinder 3.00 [1 Photoplay-Movie Mirror .. 350 [J] Popular Mechanics 4.95 [J Popular Science Monthly.. 490 [J Poultry Tribune ............. 2.65 [1 Reader’s Digest .......cccce.. 5.95 wenn 4.25 [1 Redbook Magazine [J Screenland .............. [J Silver Screen .... 3.50 [Sports Afield 8.95 - [J Successful Farming ............ 2.75 [J] True Story 3.95 [J] U. S. Camera Magazine...... 3.15 IZ Your Life ............. ~ 4.00 This Newspaper and 5 Great - Pathfinder 1:¥r, Magazines ff True Story 1Yr, Ail6forenly HB American Poultry S 75 % Farm Journal & 2 3 Farmer's Wife 1 Yr. ! Check magazines desired and send { coupon to this newspaper today! send me the magazine checked, or the § 5-Magazine Special, with a year’s sub- Household Mag. 1 Yr. Journal 1 Yr, LR ! Gentlemen: I enclose $.___________. Please scription to your newspaper. Name. I 1 1 1 | St.or R.F. D. ! Post Office le mm em em ff nn to ow od - PRECIOUS FATS “Diamonds are precious, so are used fats,” demonstrates Frances Creer, young Metropolitan Opera star, as she poses with the “Faust” jewels backstage during a rehears- al. Used household fat, our chief source of glycerine for munitions and medicinals, is so precious that ‘the OPA now offers extra ration points as well as cash for every pound turned over to the meat dealer. = ! THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio ' “Look Where You're Goin’, Sis! Do Ya Want T’run That Fat _ Bird Over?” of land in said town, being lott No. 6 in Third Division adjoin- ing the aforesaid lott.” That an unsatisfied mortgage up- on said premises remains of record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne County given by Daniel Hoyt to Benjamin Carpenter, Oliver Pettebone and William Trucks, a Committee of the Proprie- tors of Kingston, said mortgage be- ing in the amount of $670.00 with an annual rental of $40.00 for 6 years; said mortgage is dated April 3rd, 1800 and was acknowiedged on February 3rd, 1801 and recorded February 27th, 1801, in Mortgage Book 1, page 462. A period of 21 years has elapsed since the principal of said mort- gage became due and payable and | no payment has been made within said period of either principal or in- terest and the petition to the Court now prays for satisfaction of said mortgage. THE POST, MAY 5, 1944 known holder or holders of said mortgage if to be found in said county, and having known resi- dence, and if not, then to give pub- lic notice by advertisement requir- ing the Trustees for the Proprietors of Kingston, or any other successor or successors of the Committee of the Proprietors of Kingston, or any | holder or holders of said mortgage to appear in said Court on May 29th, 1944, to answer said petition and to show cause the proper decree should not be granted. DAVID VAUGHN, Sheriff. Bedford, Waller, Jones : & Darling, Counsel for Hess, Goldsmith & Co., Inc. 16-3t LEGAL NOTICE | Estate of Kate D. Baur, Late of the Borough of Dallas, Letters testamentary upon the Whereupon said court ordered |above named estate having been that notice of said facts be served granted to the undersigned, all per- by the Sheriff of Luzerne County |sons indebted to said estate are re- on the Trustees for the Proprietors quested to make payments, and of Kingston, or whoever may be the ! those having claims or demands to ‘i wn ts PAGE SEVEN 2 SE— present the same, without delay, to Robert Baur, 2020 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia 21, Pa. LAWRENCE B. JONES, NEIL CHRISMAN, Attorneys. 14-6t NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Dallas Township School Board for the delivery of 300 tons of Buck- wheat coal. Bids should be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “Bids For Coal” and presented to the Sec- retary prior to the meeting of the Board on Tuesday, May 2, at 8 p. m., in the High School Building. ALBERT JONES, Secretary, 14-3t LEGAL In Re: Change of Name of Samuel J. Barzilaski. In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 317 May Term, 1944. i. A petition has been filed in the | and time for hearing, at which time Prothonotary’s office praying for a | anyone objecting thereto may be change of name of the aforemen- tioned petitioner to Samuel J. Barr. The Court has fixed Monday, June 12, 1944, at 10:00 A. M. as the date present to be heard. P. J. FLANNERY, Attorney for Petitioner. 16-3t SAVE WASTE PAPER U.S. VICTORY WASTE PAPER NAPPY vr — — ” NOW LOOK BOYS'I'VE GOT A od ova Bf ves HAPPY IF YOURE }| | THESE BUILDINGS V] HEY FELLAS! ZA WHADAYA SAY, I /A LOT OF WORK TO DO,50 1 WON'T WANNA SEE J NOT BUSY, WHICH YOU | | ARE THE SOUND [ LOOK!THERE'S KID? WHADDAYA )/ 7 i BE ABLE TO SHOW YOU AROUND" BUT _ ME ‘BOUT 7 GENERALLY AREN'T, I . 1 STAGES! CHARLIE"! z7 - ? I'VE ARRANGED TO HAVE ONE OF THE SUMP'N WANT YOU TO SHOW 7 7 Bovs bo so! CHIEF! J. THESE BOYS AROUND ) / 7 THE STUDIO! ~ . ”~ y A > A ~) 0); 5 3 7)" : > 7 iw, nN | 1K VY 5 N NN bid @2 | will Nu TEEN Ja ! a | Corner RT Newspaper SN Ine ! 1 el SL N HILE THE CHIEF 15 QUESTIONING MORTON BEGGS, THE LOT OF BOOKS Y'GOT HERE, Wl AH HERE IT 15... NO WONDER! | MAC 1 ONCE BOUGHT THIS - HUSBAND FROM WHOM WINI TRENT WAS SEPARATED, DAN! HM-M.. STEINMETZ... LONG SHOT... ALLTHIS BOOK FROM A SALESMAN RILEY ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS SOME CHECKING UP TO ..DOSTIEVSKY...GOETHE... STILL..EVERY HIGHBROW 10 KEEP HIM FROM TALKING 5 DO AND LEAVES SUDDENLY WITH MCGRATH. FREUD...SANTAYANA.,.. ANGLES THE READIN'S ME BLUE IN THE FACE... SOUNDS LIKE A BUNCH J SAME...MIGHT GOTCHA WELL SIR L{F MY HUNCH Is WHY ARE WE GOIN'10 ) I'VE GOT 10 CATCHUP ON | OF FIFTH Be! TALKIN'TO J RIGHT, I'M THE LUCKIEST YOUR APARTMENT, ofl SOME READING, MAC | SOME coLumNisTs! Y'SELF! "SUCKER ALIVE...BUT NEVER DAN ?SOUNDS VERY IMPORTANT > WHATS ALL MIND THAT KINDA NUTS Vx] READING, “HY / THE DOUBLE- | NOW! COME, eG Yi 7 TAK ABOUT, JN, ON! x = JH KID? eS > 4 Spi oe = ¢ / \N/ = 2 £3 ¢ Lf } ; A ) a sia : ¥ Copyright Lincaln Yi Features, Inc \ MARY WORTH’S FAMILY I'LL GO RIGHT TO THE POINT, MRS. WORTH: YOUR FARM LIES WITHIN THE ZONE OF THE NEW POWDER FACTORY! THE GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE OVER YOUR LAND! NOT WITHOUT FAIR COMPENSATION , OF COLIRSE. +++ I'M AUTHORIZED TO PAY YOu $200 AN ACRE! “TAKE OVER?" wR Sony ' 'REG’LAR FELLERS 200! WHY, CALEB GRIBBLE ‘| OFFERED ME JUST HALF THAT! A NICE PROFIT! YES, THE MAYOR FOUND OUT WHAT L COULD PAY You! EXPECTED TO CLEAR I'LL TAKE YOUR OFFER ,BUT WHILE I'M STILL OWNER, THERE'S ONE. THING I WANT TO DO! HE NOW LOOK, MAC! 1 WANT You 10 GET hh TOGETHER ALL THE FLOWERS WIN! TRENT RECEIVED THE NIGHT HER PLAY OPENED AND HUSTLE THEM OVER 10 PROFESSOR FRIED'S— HERES THE ADRESS... WE RE COOKIN WITH GAS,B0Y/., AND I DON'T MEAN COOKIN’ GAS ! CALEB GRIBBLE, YOU WICKED OLD SCOUUNDREL +++GET OFF OF MY DID YOu “ELL MR. OOMLAUF AT I BROKE ns WINDER? WELL 1 DIDN'T! 1 ONEY YiREw, \ BUSTED IT? €0 | THE BALL : WHY WILLIE RILEY MY FauLT? so WILLIE RILEY - BECAUSE HIS MOTHER MAKES THE BEST COOKIES I EVER TASTED | AN HE ALWAYS LENDS ME HIS BICYCLE AN GISTER 'S HIS Gow! FACTS YOU NEVE Jo sou AND R.E.COLLINS ONCE MADE AN ODD BET.. STOLLER BET FIVE. DOLLARS THAT THE NEWLY-BUILT LOUISIANA STATE CAPITOL WOULD LAST SOO YEARS...COLLINS ACCEPTED THE CHALLANGE...THEY SUBMIT- Copyright **- ANCESTORS LEFT ME MONEY 2wHEE! Lincoln Newspaper ‘Features. Int RIGHT ' HERE'S A DOLLAR! THE INHERITANCE TAX 15 $2,084,496,049, < A O SUPPORT THE BELIEF THAT OWLS CAN SEE PRETTY WELL BY DAYLIGHT, THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE TELLS OF A HORNED OWL THAT SPOTTED A GROUND THAT'S MY DAUGHTER! ! SOME DAY I'M GONNA BE A A MILLIONAIRE ONG THE JUGOSLAVIAN GYPSIES WHERE WIVES ARE STILL BOUGHT, THE PRICE IS DETERMINED BY THE WEIGHT OF THE PROSPECTIVE BRIDE. EI SWZ,