LEGAL By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. No. 25, May Term, 1944, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- zerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bid- ders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 28th day of April, 1944, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lots, pieces or paicels of land, viz:— Those four certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land situate in Butler Township, Luzerne County, Fenn- sylvania, bounded and des 1ibed as follows, to wit: THE FIRST THEREOF: Beginning at a post on the north side of the Old Woodring Road; thence along land. of Henry Beck north sixty- nine and one-half (69%) degrees east seven and eight-tenths (7 8/10) perches to a post and stone corner; thence along lands of Josepn P. Ob- erholzer north seventy-three and one-half (73%) degrees east three (3) perches and eight-tenths (8/10) to a stone; thence along land of Peter Wenner north twelve and three-quarters (12%) degrees west forty-one (41) perches to a small white oak; thence along land of An- drew Wenner south seventy-three and one-half (73%) degrees west twelve (12) perches to a post and stones, and thence south twelve and three-quarters (12%) degrees east forty-one and one-half (41%) perches along land of Conrad Lahr to the place of beginning. Containing three (3) acres and ten (10) perches, strict measure. THE SECOND THEREOF: Begin- ning at a stone corner, thence along lands of John Shepperly south six- ty-nine and one-half (69%) degrees west eight-tenths (7 8/10) perches to a post; thence along the middle of the Old Wood- ring Road south eighty-seven and seven and THE POST, APRIL 14, 1944 PAGE SEVEN one-half (87%) degrees east eight (8) perches to a post in said road; thence along lands of J. P. Ober- holtzer north seventeen (17) de- grees west three and two-tenths (3 2/10) perches to the place of beginning. Containing twelve and one-half (12%) perches, strict measure. THE THIRD THEREOF: Beginning at a white oak sapling, a corner of lands of John Shepperly and of Peter Wenner; thence by lands of Andrew Wenner north twelve and three-quarter (12%) degrees west | thirty-five and five-tenths (35 5/10) perches to a post and stone ne thence by lands of said Peter Wen- | ner south fifty and one-half (50%) degrees west thirteeen and four- tenths (13 4/10) perches to a post in line of Conrad Laur’s land; thence by same south twelve and three- quarters (12%) degrees thirty and three-tenths (30 3/10) perches to | a post; thence by lands of John Shepperly north seventy-three and one-half (73%) degrees east eleven | and nine-tenths (11 9/10) perches | to the place of beginning, Contaijn- ing two acres and seventy-two perches. THE FOURTH THEREOF: Begin- ning at a stone corner of lands of John Shepperly; thence by lands of the same north seventy-four and one-quarter (74%) degrees east and six-tenths (3 6/10) perches to a stone corner in a public road; thence on said road and by lands of the same north eighty-nine (89) de- grees west three and seven-tenths (3 7/10) perches to a stone corner; thence by lands of Shepperly north thirten and one-half (13%) de- grees west three and four-tenths (3 4/10) perches to the place of beginning. Containing = fourteen square perches, strict measure. Improved by having erected thereon a dwelling house and barn. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Blanche C. Stofflett vs. Christ A. Wenner and Florence Wenner, and will be sold by, DAVID C. VAUGHAN, Sheriff. JOHN LEIDLINGER “Red,” formerly with Frey Bros,) All kinds of LEATHER WORK REPAIRING very neatly done. Harness, Collars and Horse Supplies, Dog Supplies and Luggage. 117 SO. WASHINGTON ST, Dial 38-9459 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. | ADRIAN H. JONES, Attorney, Fine Memorials LARGE SELECTION Summit Hill Marble & Granite Co. Luzerne-Dallas Highway STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters + UNDERHILL et TESTING RANGE D2& 7 e loa loro — “Will you take a look at this one — it keeps shooting semicolons!” JUST HUMANS Riv ’ Re a Eo 7 CLAP TITIAN er Cl Cdr ORT BEGEG IA SEITE Arran qv LAY TASTES A NER a Pn wri ALE Ar SO am AS rea ol OP ANN 2 or “May T+ Andes, 23 “ye as Z NT. TIT DOL an “Wot’s on Y’mind, Mel2* “Ob, Just Spring? THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio “Wait a minute, wait a minute . . WITHOUT a hat?” . how do I look if You Suffer ‘PERIODIC’ FEMALE PAIN With Its Weak, Cranky, Nervous Feelings If at such times you, like s0 many women and girls suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, distress of “irreg- ularities”, periods of the blues — due | to functional monthly disturbances— Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It’s famous not only to help relieve monthly pain but also accompanying tired, weak, nervous feel- ings of this nature. This is because of its soothing effect on ONE OF WOMAN'S MOST IMPORTANT ORGANS. Taken regu- larly — Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such symp- toms. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S (550i: COMPOUND Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron- chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi- cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspecial processwith other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No mafter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bettle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per- mitting rest and sleep, or you are tc have your money back. (Adv.) HEADACHE? Eye strain is a contributing fac- tor. Have your eyes tested by Dr. Abe Finkelstein OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Luzerne THIS 16 THE STUDIO ( Cavuzonc YY THE STARS ] EAT HERE WHILE THEY AKE WORKING ON A sav VwHADDAYA 1] CALL THIS STUFF, OGLETHORP ? G SAID IT was § “PATEE DE < 7 A Fois Gras"! J FUNNY" IT TASTES ) THAT'S WHAT RN By A ARN SOME MORE OF THESE ¥/ RR \ NH vas A WARNING TO RILEY... AN ACRE FER THIS ‘ II” YEP! I'LL GIVE YE $100 | FARM, MRS. WORTH 1 YW . 8 LEY AND MCGRATH, SEARCHING BEGGS APARTMENT PR FOR SOME MISSING EVIDENCE, ARE INTERRUPTED BY A KNOCK ON THE DOCR... THE DOOR SLOWLY OPENS AND SUDDENLY A SHOT RINGS QUT AS MGRATH SHOUTS [| NO...Ju5T GRAZED me! b HOLD HIM... TLL SwWiTcH ON THe LIGHT! - MARY WORTH’S WELL--I HARDLY KNOW WHAT TO I SAY, MR.GRIBBLE ! scaczr! THAT'S THE FIRST TIME I'VE ever KNOWN You 10 Miss! 1 Never EXPECTED TO THING MAC FIND YOU HERE, rity! Lucky 1 HIT HIS GUN HAND WH ONE OF THESE BOOK- ENDS, DAN... COME 10 THINK OF IT.. WHAT'RE YOU DOIN' HERE, SCALZI? YOU SAY THEM TRAILER CAMPS OUGHTA BE MOVED OUTA BOOMVILLE ++ AN’ THAT'S JIST WHAT I'LL DO WITH THIS PLACE! I'LL COVER TH’ WHOLE. SHEBANG WITH MODERN HOUSES! TE Ib WASN'T? ENOUGH 10 pot SUCH A SMART § CLEAN JOB. EE WH 10. I FIGURED | ..ANDYOU ) VERY CLEVER, MR THOUGHT BEGGS MIG TRY To FRAME \ TOO BAD You'Re YOU..WELL, / T00..LATE... T16 BOX / h YOU SEE--T -. UH--0-0H 1 NEED 15 ALL THE A EVIDENCE \N 5 RILEV! 5UPRIGED TO HT ) FIND ME HERE, EH? A A THEN I'LL SELL IT TO You! I GOODNESS KNOWS IT'S THE LEAST f L CAN DO TO HELP THOSE DEFENSE WORKERS GET DECENT HOMES! 7 7 ok 7 SN Jimmie Wants To Play Hide and Go Seek 7 say WATERY! I'LL TAKE y CHICKEN HAMBOIGERS! JZ ZZ 7 zz N74 croqueTTE? WHADDAYA MEAN, CROAK YET 2° SAY... THIS STUFF AIN'T THAT BAD! Ky 7) TY } Sa By Richard 0EAD/.. OBVIOUSLY DRANK THE, Nh POISON FROM THIS BOTTLE... THAT'S J WHAT HE WAS TRVING TO TELL us | WELL Bovs, YOU HAVE JusT WITNESSED THE END OF A MAN WITH THE WRONG KIND OF MIND AND THE RIGHT KIND OF CON- Science! THe case 15 cLosep!! THIS PAPER'LL BIND TH’ BARGAIN! ++ +SIGN THERE! III] HII | 7 N\ © 57, / Se A ® B American News Features Inc HE ICED WEDDING CAKE OF TODAY WAS, IN DAYS OF YORE ,ARRAYED WITH BITTER ALMONDS, SYMBOLICAL OF THE FACT THAT JOY AND SORROW GO TOGETHER IN LIFE. J CERTAIN PARTS OF PERSIA GENTLEMEN STILL KISS THE SHOES OF A LADY UPON BEING INTRODUCED. L N THE ARCTIC THE AIR IS AG ~ =m / GEBM-T77T, By Bob Dart po