RETEST RESET CS ~ LEGAL Notice is hereby given that Let- ters Testamentary on the estate of Mary N. Shoemaker have been granted to the undersigned. Al] persons indebted to said es- tate are requested to make payment and those having claims and de- mands to present the same without delay to the undersigned. Charles P. Shoemaker, 31 Elder Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., and William A. Valen- tine, Esq., 730 Miners’ National Bank Building, Wilkts-Barre, Pa., Co-Executors. 8-6t SEALED BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Schqol Directors of Dallas Borough School District up to 8 P. M. April 14, 1944, for the furnishing of the following supplies, equipment and services: General supplies, shop and home economics supplies, janitors’ supplies, science and physical education supplies, coal, and typewriter repairs, all for fiscal year beginning July 3, 1944. Copies of the requisitions and information for bidders may be obtained at the district office in the high school building or from the undersigned by mail. All bids, plainly marked,” must be in the hands of the secretary not later than the time shown. By Order of the Board. ; D. A. WATERS, Secretary and Purchasing Agent. x 11-3t NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Clyde M. Cooper, residing at Lehman, Luzerne County, Pa., and Gladys W. Cooper, residing at Lehman, Lu- zerne County, Pa., will file in the Office of the Secretary of the Com- monwealth, at Harrisburg, Pa., and the Office of the Prothonotary of Luzerne County on Wednesday, STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters AlR CONDITIONERS “Ah-choo!” i March 22nd, 1944, an application for conducting business under the assumed or fictitious name of: Fernbrook Dairy, the principal of- } fice of said business to be at Fern- brook, Luzerne County, Pa.; that they are the only persons owning and interested in said business. BEN R, JONES, JR., Attorney. 11-1t LEGAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Let- ters Testamentary on the estate of Mary N, Shoemaker have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said es- tate are requested to make pay- ment and those having claims and demands to present the same with- out delay to the undersigned. Charles P. Shoemaker, 31 Elder Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Wil- liam A. Valentine, Esq., 730 Min- ers’ National Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Co-Executors. 11-4¢ NAPPY EVERYBODY ON SET YY TAKE 4 Linco! DETECTI YOUR PLACES! OKAY CAMERA, - THE POST, MARCH 24, 1944 BUDGET NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of Dal- las Borough School District has prepared a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 3, 1944. This budget may be inspected at the District office in the high { school building and will be made available by posting in the same manner as audits are posted. Pub- lic hearing on the budget will be held in the high school building at 8 P. M. May 5, 1944, at which time the final budget will be adopt- ed. By order of the Board D. A. Waters, Sec. 11-3t EC FY TR NTT BN covers na imi 2c ZZ 3 oz bottle. A Remall recon EVANS’ DRUG STORE Shavertown JOHN LEIDLINGER “Red,” formerly with Frey Bros,) All kinds of LEATHER WORK REPAIRING very neatly done. Harness, Collars and Horse Supplies, Dog Supplies and Luggage. 117 SO. WASHINGTON ST, Dia] 3-9459 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Fine Memorials LARGE SELECTION Summit Hill Marble & Granite Co. Luzerne-Dallas Highway LOOK NAPPY! THEY'RE THIS ISA n TAKE? T W a YY TT 20 J 8 WN \ x 1 LiGHTs! ACTION ) QUIET, EVERBODY" | Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron- chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi- cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No mafter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bettle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per- mitting rest and sleep, or you are tc have your money back. (Adv.) A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-and-Theft-Proof Vaults Protects valuables at less than Ic a day. First Floor — Street Level — No Stairs “WYOMING CTT OT 38 TY PAGE SEVEN ee] DO YOU reel NERVOUS RESTLESS HIGH-STRUNG On “CERTAIN DAYS” Of The Month? Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, irri- table, fidgety, tired and “dragged out” —at such times? Then start at once—try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham'’s Compound is famous not only to help relieve monthly pain but also accom=- panying weak, tired, nervous feelings of this nature. Taken regularly — Pinkham's Com- pound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. For years thousands upon thousands of women and girls have reported benefits, Follow label directions. Well worth trying! LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S Cirouno Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps By Irv Tirman 21 ARE MAKIN? BE cosn'wiLL vA LISTEN } T' THAT RACKET THEM GU L WHA'D vA SAY? By Richard Lee JUST HU S F2] i B ! N. G 1 GENE CARR Geve ARE _ “You Panhandle With Your Son, Do You?” “He. Aint My Son. He's My Apprentice.” [THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio a eT d “Our plan KISSES for CHARITY] a | is a little different—you either pay a dollar or kiss her!” - Be ILEY, PURSUING HIS HUNCH AS TO THE MURDER OF WIN! TRENT, ASKS A BOTANIST FRIEND, PROFESSOR) FRIED, TO ANALYZE THE FLOWERS WINI TRENT RE- CEIVED ON THE NIGHT OF HER DEATH... THE PROFESSOR MAKES A STARTLING DISCOVERY... TIS 15 THE DATURA! THAT'S WHAT 1 IT'S ALMOST 100 DIF - FIGURED If FICULT 100 BELIEVE WOULD BE, PROFESSOR ! BILL,IT'S HIGH TIME SOMEBODY HAD A HEART| AW,CALEB GRIBBLE AIN'T GOT A HEART, er 1 TO HEART TALK WITH THE. MAYOR OF = BOOMVILLE! BUT WHAT IN i THE WORLD MADE YOU SUSPECT IT WAS A FLOWER THAT KILLED BEEN INNOCENT, Z= LY PLACED 13 £ Nee DS x He FAMILY | THERE'S NO MAN WHO CAN'T BE APPROACHED THE RIGHT WAY--AND CALEB WILL LISTEN WHEN I TELL HIM OF THE SUFFERING HE'S LETTING GO ONe«-! IN THIS BOOK , PROFESSOR, ARE THE HISTORIES OF THE MOST BAFFLING MURDER CASES ON RECORD...ONE OF THESE DEALS WITH A BRAZILIAN BUSINESS MAN, WHOSE TWO NEAREST RELATIVES WERE ACCUSED OF HIS MURDER UNTIL IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT THE DATURA HAD! OF COURSE ,MR .MCGRATH THE DATURA 1S A FLOWER THAT GROWS ONLY IN PARDON ME IF 1 SEEM INQUISITIVE... BUT WILL ONE OF YOU GUYS TELL TROPICAL COUNTRIES... ME JUST WHAT IN APPEARANCE , IT THIS DATURA 15? RESEMBLES THE COMMON TRUMPET FLOWER... \ ~ NM A. Lincoln Newspaper Featurs:s, {Copyright - inc.) NO . MY MIND 15 MADE UP! I'M GOING TO SEE HIM RIGHT NOW. !.. BEFORE 1 COOL OFF! BETTER STEER CLEAR O'THAT OLD BUZZARD! ...17%6 COLOR AND SCENT ARE EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE ...IT HAS RECENTLY BEEN DISCOVERED THAT THIS FLOWER WHEN PUT IN A CLOSED ROOM CAUSES PEOPLE TO FALL INTO A TRANCE WHICH DEVELOPS INTO A STUPOR FROM WHICH THEY NEVER AWAKEN... THERE, MY DEAR MCGRATH, 1S AN FX ARTFUL WEAPON! = YE WON'T HAVE TO STIR A STEP, MISSUS WORTH! HERE COMES TH'ORNERY OLD CUSS RIGHT UP TH' FRONT WALK ! “DALE By GENE BYRNES PUDDINHEAD DUFFY JUS’ WON THE PIE EATIN' CONTEST! HE ET FOURTEEN! TELL US ALL ABOUT IT PUDDINHEAD! "WHICH DID You LIKE ; GoY MME : To TELL YA! = & RG I HOPE I AINT LATE FOR gt gv FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW 11! * By Bob Dart MORE THAN AN INCH TALL ! Copyright 3 News HATCHED QUAIL ARE SCARCELY B Lincoln Newspaper Features, Inc. ys 7) J /N EGYPT, BECAUSE OF THE MIXED POPULATION, 4 SUB-TITLES APPEAR ON EVERY FILM..ARABIC, GREEK, FRENCH AND ITALIAN / TWICE THAT OF MOLTEN STEEL. J HE FILAMENT OF AN INCANDESCANT LAMP GIVES OFF LIGHT AT A TEMPERATURE