THE POST, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1944 | IDETOWN TN, Walter Kitchen, of Idetown, Amos J iionen and Marjorie, of Alderson, spent Friday in Oneonta, N. Y. Mrs. Eliza Gillman, of Philadel- ia, is home caring for her mother, Mrs. W. H. Nevel, who is ill. : Friends and neighbors of Mrs. . | Nelson Rogers were sorry to hear 4 of the death of her father, Thomas Powell, of Nanticoke. .. George Casterline has returned aome after a week's vacation with ~ his daughter, Mrs. Claude Lapp, ol Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boice had as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Denald Boice and Donna, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Floyd Hoover and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hadsel had a family dinner at their home on Sunday in honor of Emory Hadsel’s birthday. Mrs. Lewis Raebuck, of Philadel- phia, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boice on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Krieger had as guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Krieger, of Forty Fort, Mr. the former Susan Jennings, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Jen- nings, early residents of Sweet Val- ley. The second death was that of Robert N. DeRemer, 69, who passed away at his home in Elmhurst, Pa., after a lingering illness. Mr. De- Remer resided here for many years. His widow is the former Gussie Frantz, daughter of the late Eugene and Elizabeth Frantz, former resi- dents of Sweet Valley. Mrs. Paul Parsons and daughter, Loraine, and father-in-law, Ernest Parsons, of Kingston, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole and family on Sunday. Rev. Ira Button received a letter ffom Pvt. Floyd Hontz, who is in Yuma, Ariz. Pvt. Hontz is in the hospital with an infected arm. A letter was received by Rev. Button from Pvt. Orville Cragle, stating that he was in Fort Eustis, Va. Mrs. Lewis Button spent Tuesday in Sweet Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Paris Callendar and son, Freddie, former residents of Sweet Valley, have bought a home parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Ralph Els- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith enter- tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miers and sons, Calvin and Jerry. Mrs. Gideon Miller celebrated her birthday anniversary by entertain- ing Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. William Brace, Mrs. Al- bert Kunkle, Mrs. Florence Condon, Mrs. Margaret Ellesworth and Mable’ Miller. Mrs. Claude Wardan spent Fri- day with Mrs. Floyd Pope, of Sha- vertown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston enter- tained at dinner Sunday, Estella Elston, Arlington, Va.; Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodson, Wayne and Gene Elston. Mrs. Ralph Ashburner entertained at a surprise birthday party for her husband, Tuesday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William Weav- er, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elston and Jay Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dod- son and Nelson Ashburner. PROPOSED BUDGET Father Of Three ‘Young Sons Dies ' Hamilton Clemow, Jr., | Will Be Buried Today Hamilton Clemow, Jr., father of three sons under the age of five, passed away Wednesday morning at - his home, following a lingering ill- ‘ness. He was thirty-two years old. | Born in Plymouth to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Clemow, Sr., he came with i the family to Shavertown twenty- one years ago. His wife, the former Mary Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, of East Dallas, and he have been married ten years. ‘and have three sons, Richard, 5, George, 4, and Donald, 18 months. Before his illness, Mr. Clemow | was foreman at the Hess-Goldsmith Silk Mill, in Kingston. He was a member of the Shavertown Luth- eran Church and a charter member of the Lutheran League. Surviving, besides his wife and Father Of Two Sons In Service Succumbs year old father of two sons in the service, died at his home at De- munds Corners, Thursday morning, at 2:30, following a lingering illness, due to complications. son, Warren, is stationed in Mis- sissippi, and another, eighteen-year- old Buddy, left this week for New Cumberland. past ten years, he was a member of the Methodist Church in that com- munity. former Edith Sorber, of Kingston, are the two sons in service, five other children, Carl, of Plains; Mrs. Ralph Murdock, of Forty Fort; Mrs. Donald, 14, and Dean and Dale, 13- year-old twins, at home. He also leaves three sisters, five grandchil- dren, and his eighty-four-year-old father, ‘at Hazleton. By d’Alessio Warren E. Daubert, fifty-three His oldest A resident of Demunds for the Surviving, besides his wife, the and Sonny Adams, of Kingston; ll ee and moved to Berwick. Yand Mrs. Harry Rabert, of Johnson children, are his parents, two broth- Funeral] services will be held Sat- Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget showing contem- plated receipts and expenditures by the Borough of Dallas for the fiscal year 1944 has been prepared by the Borough Council and may be inspected by any persons interested upon request made to the secretary of the Council. "City. Mrs. Emory Hadsel, Mrs. Corey Mead, Mrs. Elmer Hoover and Mrs. ‘Hattie Smith spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Brown, of Dallas. Miss Becky Wright, of Kingston, spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. SWEET VALLEY Two former residents of Sweet ~~ Valley died recently. The death of Mrs. Susan Rogers, 75, occurred at the home of her son, Jesse Rogers, of Lehman Heights. Deceased was KUNKLE S. 2/C Robert Ashburner, of Sampson, N. Y., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashburner. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elston entertained at dinner Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Wintersteen and son, Bobby, of Harvey's Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodson. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller have received word from their son, Pvt. Robert Miller, that he has arrived safely somewhere in Africa. Miss Estella Elston, of Arlington, Va., spent the weekend with her James Besecker, Secretary. - BACK UP = YOUR BOY Buy an Additional Bond Today . lhree words worth 50% of his salary! But Colleary’s answer to any question about War Bonds is a three-word statement which covers the matter as completely as Hie Be EUGENE COLLEARY is short on words —but he’s lo-o-ng on action! A machinist at Brewster Aeronautical Cor- poration, his vital job might be considered a book: ; : quite a contribution to America’s war effort. “I’m an American,” he says. And that’s c But not by Colleary! He wanted to do that! something big. FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELEL: Are you lending ALL you can? i So Eugene Colleary signed ove. vne-half ‘of his salary to the purchase of War Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan! You might expect a man who’s | putting 509%, of his salary into the war to crow about it—to tell (at some length) exactly what, how, and why he figured his 50% would help to win the war. — Weren’t there a few dollars in your last pay envelope that could have gone into War Bonds—but didn’t? Get out your pencil right now, and see if you can’t boost the percentage you're putting aside for Uncle Sam—and yourself! YOUVE DONE YOUR BIT §-—NOW DO YOUR BEST! | THROUGH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN sess mmm §00ST YOUR BOND BUYING - This advertisement is sponsored by the following Back Mountain citizen s and business firms who believe that its message is highly important to the furtherance of the all-out war effort in their home community. MRS. ALAN KISTLER, JR. SORDONI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY D. L. EDWARDS COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE SHERMAN R. SCHOOLEY, M. D. COMPANY ROBERT CURRIE SILVER LEAF CLUB OF KUNKLE JOSEPH MacVEIGH HARRY W. RUGGLES, JR.,, = HENRY PETERSON DALLAS TOWNSHIP PARENT-TEACHER JACK HISLOP ASSOCIATION “JUD” H. HAUCK DALLAS WOMAN'S CLUB HAROLD PAYNE HERBERT A. LUNDY STANLEY MOORE HAROLD E. FLACK DON WILKINSON W. O. WASHBURN ~ L. L. RICHARDSON HARRY OHLMAN WALTER ELSTON T. NEWELL WOOD FRED M. KIRKENDALL PETER D. CLARK SHELDON EVANS W. B. JETER F. GORDON MATHERS HOWARD W. RISLEY ~~. DALLAS HARDWARE & SUPPLY F. BUDD SCHOOLEY, M.D. . HARVEY'S LAKE LIGHT COMPANY DR. ROBERT BODYCOMB (Your name will be gladly added to this list if you approve of this weekly series of messages.) : : 51 34 Te . ers, Donald, of Shavertown, and Thomas, with the U. S. Army, at Fort Dix, N. J., and one sister, Mrs. Franklin Marrow, of Boundbrook, N. J. Private funeral services will be held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home, in charge of Rev. Felix Zaffiro, of Shavertown Methodist Church. Interment will be in Cedar Crest Cemetery. o you feel “left out of it”? RE YOU missing the chance to share in this war—miss- ing an experience you'd value all your life? Right now, in the WAC, you could be doing a vital Army job. You could be getting valuable training, meeting new people, see- ing new places while serving your country. More Wacs are needed at once. Get full details about eligibility, training, pay, the jobs Wacs do, how they live. Go to the nearest |U- S. Army Recruiting Station. | (Your local post office will give you the address.) Or write: The Adju- | tant General, Room 4415, Munitions ! Building, Washington, D. C. Do it | today! FALSE TEETH THAT LOOSEN NEED NOT EMBARRASS Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wab- bled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FAS- TEETH, the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks “plate odor” (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Radio dervice Phone 25868 ® Wilkes-Barre, Pa. DRIVE UP HERE! Come to specialists for Radio Service. Have your Radio put in tip-top shape—while ordinary ‘‘ex- perts” still would be tinkering it! We have the instruments, replace- ment parts and experience for quick, satisfactory service. Our business is to save money, and time, for you! RUDOLPRS’ Electric Service 88-85 E. Jackson Street Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron- chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi- cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per- urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, with Rev. William Watson, of Demunds Methodist Church,” in charge. “H-m-m ... . no matter WHICH one of you I hire, he'll NEVER get well!” = 1 mitting rest and sleep, or you are tc have your money back. (Adv.) v wi oe pe —— : : Wow) An assortment you will appreciate. you money. Eat more fresh fruits and extra vitamins and ~inerals. Nearby Eat More Eggs! Silver Seal Grade B EGGS TL Every egg guaranteed. Gold Seal “Dated” Eggs «x 49¢ Dependable for every purpose. Cartons dated for your protection. Best Pure Lard 233 2 Brown points per pound 7 Fras Fr LDbgeleb tos Prices that will save Celery Fancy Florida vegetables for POINTS large bunch large bunches Large Juicy Florida Oranges --29¢ SOLID DANISH CABBAGE LARGE GRAPEFRU'T NEW TEXAS BEETS FANCY YELLOW TURNIPS Use R-S-T Brown Stamps—Spend Your Points Wisely! Ready-To-Eat (Whole) HAMS Shank Half G ots) ®3T¢ | Ib. (7 pts.) 38- Butt Half 7 r= 10c Tangerines:- 19¢ Fancy New Texas Carrots 2 19 3 ro 20¢ 2 Bunches [He © EY) — = —p Ra 2 = gil Lb. Be Lb. 2p Smoked Hams Smoked Picnics Pork Shoulders Pork Loins Tendered 1b. Shank End (3 pts. 1b. Tendered Epis) Fresh 1b. Picnic (2 pts.) Fresh 1b. Rib End (4 pts.) oS * Pan Style Sausage 1-366 " Genter Cut Pork Chops ®- 31¢ 8 Slices Smoked Hams I 49¢ 5 Lean Smoked Bacon > fie -39¢ ° Fancy Stewing Chickens SEA FOODS—NO POINTS Fancy Large Butferfish Large Boston Mackerel Fancy Large 2B FRESH DAILY’ Why pay 8-0z. can 10e 2-1b. bag 19¢ 4sco Baking Powder Farmdale Dog Meal Old Dutch Cleanser Shrimp - 37 ; A 30% Saving For You A quality loaf, made of the purest in- gredients by master bakers in our own bakery. Enriched Supreme Bread Enriched by addition of Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin and Iron. more? large loaves 2 American Tollet Tissue Hand Scrub Brushes HERSHEY ‘Toilet Soap 4 25¢ Naphtha Soap FELS cake Sc 1c 25¢ NEEDED! 1b. i5¢ 1b. ie 2 rolls i ie each. Bc > 2 cans 1 5c Sweetheart Toilet Soap