da "ty of Luzerne and State of Penn- Mrs. Anna Covert has returned to her home after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs, Francis Lewis. Mrs. Bruce Brown, Grace Ferry, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Francis Lewis were guests at the home of Miss Belle Ruckle, of Wilkes-Barre, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Sidler and family are spending a few days at Danville with Mr. Sidler’s parents. E. L. Truitt, of Philadelphia, has returned home after spending a week's vacation with Mr.~and Mrs. Francis Lewis. Miss Jean Howell has returned to Homeopathic Hospital, where she is in training, after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howell. Miss Myrna Stair spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Stair. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Treth- away recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. Trethaway, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Stewart, Mrs. Jackson and Miss Marion Stewart, of Forty Fort, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Killian and family, of Harveyville, Mr. and Mrs. Almon Wilkinson and E. Bonham, of Shickshinny. ! SHEFRIIF’S SALE On Friday, September 17, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. in Court Room No 1, Court House, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., by virtue of Fi. Fa. No. 91, October Term, 1943, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- zerne County, will be sold all that certain piece of land situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on ‘Worth Street at corner of land of George Gelfand, same being also a corner of Lot No. 41; thence North- westerly along said Gelfand land about 70 feet to a corner of land of Abner Davis; thence Northeasterly along said Davis land 40 feet to a corner in line of Lot No. 43, land of Annie Owens; thence Southeasterly along said Owens land 81.25 feet more or less to line of Worth Street; and thence Southwesterly along Worth Street 43.2 feet to the p'ace of beginning. Being part of Lot No. 42, Block No. 29, on plot of lots laid out by the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company. Excepting and -re- serving therefrom coal and other minerals. Improved with a two and one-half story frame double dwelling known as 13-15 Worth Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The present owner is William J. Davis. Dallas C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. Collins &' Collins, J Attorneys. SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, October 1, 1943, At 10 A. M. By virtue of writ of Third Pluries Fi Fa No. 118, October Term, 1943, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- rected there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue of the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the Ist day of October, 1943, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant, in and to the follow- ing described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:— All that certain lot of land in the Borough of Forty Fort in the Coun- sylvania, being lot numbered 58 on plot of the allotment called Marian Highland; as recorded in the Re- corder’s Office of Luzerne County in Map Book No. 1, Page 293, bounded and described as follows: to wit: BEGINNING at a corner in the Southwesterly side of Marian Place | in line between Lots Nos. 57 and! 58 on plot of lots hereinbefore re- ferred to; thence along line between Lots Nos. 57 and 58 South 61 de- grees 40 minutes West 120 feet to a corner in line between Lots Nos. 58 and 71 on plot of lots hereinbe- fore referred to; thence along fine! between Lots Nos. 58 and 71 South | 28 degrees 20 minutes East 40 feet to a corner in line between Lots Nos. 58 and 59 on plot of lots here- inbefore referred to; thence along line between Lots Nos. 58 and 59 North 61 degrees 40 minutes East 120 feet to a corner in the South- westerly line of Marian Place afore- said; thence along the same North 28 degrees 20 minutes West 40 feet to a corner, the place of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, however, coal and other minerals the same ass they have been ex- cepted and reserved in other deeds in the chain of title. BEING improved with a two story composition roof frame build- ing. Seized and taken into execution | at the suit of Ladies’ Pennsylvania Slovak Roman and Greek Catholic: Union vs. Henry V. Lewert, widow- er, and will be sold by : DALLAS C. SHOBERT, = ; : Sheriff. Peter P. Jurchak, Atty. Boddamation TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES RR SED re os S—i CN Po Re, BP I RT Ras dr ae, an | TRL ST AES yt ee ST TL TAT A FE 23 50a B IE PRRR NR STN WU SEAT PN 3 J I Tl Proclamation RECOGNIZING THE FACT th«t in carrying the war into enemy territory, we shall need greater amounts of money than any nation has ever asked from its citizens in all history, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, President of the United States of America, do officially proclaim that on Thursday, the ninth of September, 1943, the Third War Loan shall be launched. As Commander-in-Chief, I hereby invoke every citizen to give all possible aid and support to this Third War Loan drive, not only so that our financial goal may be reached, but to encourage and inspire those of our husbands and fathers and sons who are under fire on a dozen fronts all over the world. It is my earnest hope that every American will realize that in buying War Bonds in this Third War Loan he has an opportunity to express voluntarily and under the guidance of his conscience, the extent to which he will “back the attack.” The American people supported well the first and second War Loan drives and in fact did even more than was asked of them. Our need for money now is greater than ever, and will continue to grow until the very day that Victory is won; so we must ask far more sacrifice, far more cooperation than ever before. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington, this twenty-sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-three, and of the Independence of the [SEAL] ~~ United States of America the one hundred and sixty-eighth. By the President: CORDELL HULL =F ven Le forcing Secretary of State. 15 BILLION DOLLARS (NON-BANKING QUOTA) This advertisement sponsored by Five Back Mountain Defense Plants "Work and Serve Manufacturing Co. For Victory” J]. Laux & Sons’ || Post-O-Graf Machine Company x * ok ok Manufacturing Parts For = Torpedo Ship Nets, BE BE = = Radar Equipment, and Other. Vital War Work Coal-0-Matié Stoker Co; Shavertown, Pa. Trucksville, Pa. ~~ Trucksville, Pa. Howard Isaacs Machine Work Trucksville, Pa. Laux Foundry & Machine Shop Paul J. Laux, Owner Manufacturers of Brass Castings, General Machine and Tool Work | ~ Shavertown, Pa. Tel. 133-R-2