The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 05, 1943, Image 5

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    Dallas Ladies” Society
To Meet On Thursday
‘Monthly meeting of Dallas W. S.
C. S. will be held in the Primary
room of the Church at 2 o'clock
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John
Durbin, president, will be in charge
of the business session. Mrs. Austin
L. Prynn will lead devotions and
speak on the subject, “Go ye into
all the world”. Program committee
consisting of Mrs. William Baker,
Mrs. Winifred Thomas and Mrs. Z.
E. Garinger have selected “Mexico”
as the theme for the day. The work
of the Church in Mexico, also work
for the Mexicans in United States,
will be discussed. A program of
Mexican music will furnish an ap- |
propriate setting for the program.
There will be an exhibit of articles
from Mexico. All women of the
church are invited.
Church, Rev.
First Methodist
Austin L. Prynn, Minister. Mrs.
Harold Rood, Organist-Director.
The Church School at 10 A. M.
Morning Worship at 11:00. The Ser-
vice of Dedication. The Sacrament
of the Lord’s Supper will be ad-
ministered. The pastor will give
the Communion Meditation on ‘Set
Aside”. Members of the congrega-
tion are asked to bring the Service
Dedication Sheets to this Service as
they are part of our Week of Ded-
ication Program. Methodist Youth
Fellowship at 6:30 P. M. Evening
Worship at 7:30. This will be the
closing Service in our Observance of
the Methodist Week of Dedication.
The minister will preach on the sub-
ject, “I Will Draw All Men”. There
will be a Bible Quiz. The theme
will be “Bible Characters with Jobs”.
The Board of Education will meet at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ma-
chell Hildebrant on Tuesday even-
ing at 7:30 P. M.
The first in a series of Mid-Week
Lenten Services will be held in the
Church School Room on Wednesday
evening, at 7:30 P. M. The minister
will speak on the subject, “Clearing
the Way.” This is to be the first
in a series of addresses on the gen-
eral theme, “Living Under Tension.”
The regular meeting of the W. S.
C. S. at the Church at 2 P. M. on
Thursday afternoon. The W. S. C. S.
will join in the Dallas District ob-
servance of the World's Day of
Prayer at the Methodist Church at
Trucksville on Friday afternoon at
2:30. The Business Women .and
Teachers and all women who are
unable to attend the afternoon
meeting of the Women’s: Society
are invited to attend a meeting for
the purpose of organizing a branch
of the Wesleyan Service Guild. The
meeting will be held at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Fleming on Main
Street on Friday evening at 8:00
Greatest One-Day Sale of the Entire Season!
This year POMEROY DAY will come as a surprise to thousands who thought we wouldn't have one! You've
been told of scarcities in hundreds of items, of outright discontinuance of manufacturing in many, many
more. Because Pomeroy's is a member of one of the nation’s largest buying organizations, and because we've
planned so many months for this event, you'll find us ready once more to save you money on the things you
need and must have—merchandise in every case of real POMEROY QUALITY and all-around WORTH !
Use Charge Account, Coupon Book, Deferred Payment Plan or Cash!
Fire Auxiliary Ladies
Hold Annual Banquet
About fifty members and guests
attended the annual banquet of
Henry M. Laing Auxiliary at Colon-
ial Inn Tuesday evening. The pro-
gram was opened with the salute
to the flag and singing of the Star
Spangled Banner. Mrs. Russell Case
gave the address of welcome. Mrs.
John Durbin reviewed the history
of the Auxiliary, and Mrs. John H.
Hildebrant acted as toastmaster.
Entertainment was furnished by
Mrs. Maude Eipper, who gave news
flashes, Barbara Phillips, cornet solo,
Mrs. Thomas Robinson, vocal solo,
| and Lucille Disque, readings.
Men's Bible Class
| Bible Class of Meeker Church at a
| party at his home Thursday evening.
| Present were: Rev. Walter Forred,
Wayne King, Roy King, David Dec-
ker, Harry Smith, Walter Wolfe,
| Walter Harris, Lloyd Rogers, James
| Davenport and the host.
Dedication Offering
To Be Used Many Ways
The Week of Dedication Offering
to be received in all Methodist
churches on this Sunday, March 7, is
to be used in meeting emergencies
thrust upon the Church on account
of the war. Emergencies in foreign
lands multiply daily.. The Board of
Foreign Missions has been called
aries from occupied territory, re-
equip them, and place them in other
fields of service. This has required
an extra expenditure of approxi-
mately $200,000 and the end is not
yet. The distress in war-stricken
lands increases daily, and the Meth-
odist Church hastens to extend her
ministry of compassion to those who
War conditions demand new min-
istries on the home front. We have
a service to perform in and around
army camps. Churches must be
| established and our work main-
[tained in scores of industrial cen-
ters sprung up in every part of the
land. Chaplains are in need of
equipment, and literature to make
their ministry effective among our
men in the services.
The income from the Day of Dedi-
cation offering, which it is hoped
will amount to $2,000,000 from all
of Methodism, will be divided on
the basis of percentages fixed by the
General Commission on World Ser-
vice and Finance.
Thank You
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kresge of
Parrish street wish to thank neigh-
bors, friends and school children
who assisted them in their recent
bereavement and those who sent
upon to move hundreds of mission- |
Russell Steele entertained Men's |
Your Dollars help
Bill brady...
H.o, Bill Brady, way out there. ..
I guess the mailman must be mad at us because he
hasn’t brought a letter since the day you went away.
And if he doesn’t ring the doorbell soon, I think my
heart will break.
There isn’t much to tell, tonight, except—since all my
letters seem to go astray, I’ve found another way to
say ‘I love you.’
Last night I joined the Red Cross.
I’m not anybody there. Just one more woman—
cutting dressings, rolling bandages, packing Red Cross
kits—hoping the men we love will never need them,
but hoping more that they aren’t past the need.
I’ll be a Staff Assistant before long, Bill. In a very
military uniform. I can hearyou chuckle, my darling.
I don’t mind the extra hours. To me, time isn’t
measured by the ticking of a clock —it lags or races
with the beating of my heart. So time at work is
short, because I know that you would have me very
busy. I can hear you say “Chin up, and get on with
the job.”
Good night, Bill Brady. Out there . . . somewhere.
* Ww *
The Red Cross is “shoulder-to-shoulder with our fighting
men _from training camp to the front lines.
All over the world, wherever it can reach, it is carrying
relief supplies, clothing and medicines to war victims.
In this second year of War, the needs increase. You can
help with time and money. March is the War Fund month.
Give more this year.
make possible the
Printed As A Community Service By :
\ Customers Who Want To Avoid Crowds, May