MAIN STREET. DALLAS Saturday Night. October 31st J Bands, Entertainment, Prizes Everybody is Invited===Join in the Fun PARADE FORMS at 7:30 (Lake and Center Hill Road) PRIZES AWARDED for Most Original, and Funniest Costumes, and Best Get-Up of two or snore persons. BLOCK PARTY—Games, Dancing, Novelty Numbers, Entertain- SPECIAL PRIZES ment on Main Street after Parade will be awarded for the best and most original Jack-"0- Lanterns placed on display in the booth in front of Oliver's Garage. All entries must be tagged with owner's name, age and school. No entry to be placed on display before 6 p. m. OLD and YOUNG Invited to take part, but prizes will be award- ed only to School Students ADMISSION ONE OR MORE OLD 2), y DOOR OR LOCK KEYS to aid Back Mountain Scrap for Victory Campaign HENRY PETERSON, General Chairman