. lunch served. Present were Mr. and ' Mrs. R. E. Wright, Janet and Ed- Agnew will be Mrs. Altheada Titus | Mrs. Dora Major Is Honored On Her Seventieth Birthday Miss Myrtle Major of fvertown entertained at a very ol birth- day party Monday night. in+héhor of her mother, Mrs. Dora Major, who celebrated her 70th birthday anniversary. A very special surprise at .the affair was the unexpected arrival of Mrs. Major's granddaugh- ter and new grand-son-in-law, Pri- vate and Mrs. Howard Johns who came in from Drew Field, Pampa, Fla. Games were played and a tasty win Wright, Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rice, Mrs. H. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rice, | Mrs:“Ella Major, Mrs. Marion Major, of Lehman; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ber- tram and daughters, Betty and Jan- ice of Chase; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Major, daughter Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams, Mrs. Russell Cease, Mrs. Gertrude Major of Shav- ertown; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pette- bone, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Major and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rice of: Forty Fort; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns of Tampa, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Whipp of Dallas, the guest of honor and hostess. Idetown S. S. And Official Boards Meet Idetown Sunday School Board and Official Board held their regular monthly meeting at the church house Tuesday evening. Present were: Mrs. E. R. Parrish, Mr. and ' Mrs. Roy Tryon, Mrs. Mattie Hadsel, Mrs. R. B. Shaver, Mrs. Dean Shav- er, Mrs. Ruth Ide, Mrs. Zelma Ag- new, Mrs. Ella Williams, Richard Parks, P. H. Parks, Reverend Frank K. Abbott, Miss Elizabeth Parks and Edward Parrish. \ Confidence Class The Confidence Class of the Ide- town Sunday School will meet at the home of Mrs. Claude Agnew, Tuesday evening. Assisting Mrs. and Mrs. Eleanor Cragle. Novena For All In U. S. Service A novena to our Lady of Victory for all persons engaged in the arm- ed service will be held Sunday night at 7:15 in St. Therese’s church, Shavertown. Prayers will be said for Catholics and non-Catholics alike and all non-Catholics are cor- dially invited to attend. Attend Lecture Rev. and Mrs. Austin L. Prynn attended the lecture by Edward Weeks, editor of Atlantic Monthly at the Century Club in Scranton on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Prynn is, a member of the Literature Commit- | tee of the Club which sponsored Mr. Week’s Scranton appearance. DALLAS CHURCH NOTES First Methodist Church Rev. Austin L. Prynn, minister. Mrs! Harold Rood, . organist-di- rector. Service for Sunday, October 11: 10 a. m.—The Church School. 11 a. m.—Morning Worship. Ser- mons by the minister. Subject, “Our Father God.” This will be the first in a series of Sunday morning ser- mons on the general theme, “Faith for Today.” The Junior sermon, “One Rotten Apple.” 7:30 p. m.—Evening Worship, The sermon will be the second in the series of sermons on the general theme, “Building and Furnishing a Christian Home.” The subject for this evening will be “Christian Liv- ing.” It will be illustrated by fur- nishing the living room in our model house. Monday—The Sunday School or- chestra rehearsal. Tuesday at 8—The Board of Ed- ucation will meet at the Church. Wednesday at 7:30—The fifth session of the Dallas District Lead- ership Training School. Thursday—the choir rehearsals. Chancel at 4. Junior at 7. Senior at 8 o'clock. Friday at 8—The J. A. Brickel Class. CONTACT for Service Men Corporal John R. Garbutt, son of, Mrs. John Garbutt of Center Hill road, received his wings recently as a reward for his part in the bat- tle of Midway. Corporal Garbutt is an engineer gunner stationed at Hickam Field, Hawaii. He has been in the Army Air Corps for two and a half years and at Hickam Field for two years. Private Foster D. Sutton of 57 Parrish street, has qualified as an expert rifleman on the range at the BIRTC at Fort McClellan, Alabama, shooting a score of 155 out of a possible 175. He is a member of Co. B., 12th Battalion. Private Sutton was inducted into the army August 15, and was sent to Fort McClellan to receive his basic training. Corporal Norman E. Oney, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oney of 20 Holly street, Trucksville, is one of 39 soldiers at Carlisle Bar- racks training for the football sea- son. The team will play with Army, college and professional teams. The next game on schedule is with In- diantown Gap Army team at In- diantown on Saturday, October 10. Private Emmet Hoover of Camp { Kilmer, New Jersey, visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoover of Outlet, Monday evening. Attention! Forward March! Keep marching forward, soldier. NSend in your addresses to the Script Club until we have reached our goal. No “Squads Right or Left,” but march straight forward. Private Jonathan W. Jones, son of Mrs. John Jones of Summit street, is now stationed at Lowry Field, Colorado. His full address is Barracks 604, 362nd Technical School Squadron, Lowry Field, Den- ver, Colorado. Added to our mailing list this week was the address of N. M. Ros- nick, U.S.S. P.C. 560, c-o Postmas- ter, New York, N. Y. Correction! Last week we gave Alvah Jones address as St. Peters- burg, Florida. The correct address is St. Petersburg, South Dakota. Our error. George Pritchard and Howard Perry of Shavertown and Bob Straw of Overbrook avenue, who left with a contingent of soldiers August 25, have been sent to Fort Sheridan, Illinois, to join the 406th Division. The 406th Division is a new section of Coast Artillery made up entirely of boys from Pennsylvania. Corporal William Baker, who is stationed at Mitchell Field, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. Czech Ace TOP SCORE for Czech flyers and one of the highest in all the R.A.F. is held by Flight Lieutenant Karel Kuttelwascher, who has downed 22 German planes, mostly as a night fighter. Kuttelwascher, formerly a Czech army pilot and a member of the French Air Force, has been awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses. Here he is shown at home with the British girl he married. EN : 3 x THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, | Chicken Pie Sup ~. Traditional per Still Is - as Harvest Fete HEN the crops are in and the frost lies lightly on the stubble the harvest supper appears again on the American scene. Though the menu for this hearty feast may change in different parts of the country, nearly always it features that glorious, soul-satisfying dish- crisp, golden-crusted chicken pie. For a new version with a nut-like taste use bran in the crust accord- ing to the directions that follow: All-Bran Chicken Pie 14-3 pound Y, teaspoon salt chicken Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups chicken 1 tablespoons stock butter or 1 recipe All-Bran chicken fat Biscuits Cut chicken in pieces; place in kettle in about 1 quart of salted water, cover tightly and simmer until tender (1%-3 hours). Remove meat from bones’ in as large! pieces as possible; arrange in 2-quart c2ezx.-role. Melt butter or fat, stir and Mrs. William Baker of Lehman avenue. Private Allen G. Kittle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kittle of Sweet Valley, is still at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, but is now in Station Camp, Headquarters Detachment. in flour and seasonings, and when well blended, add chicken stock slowly, stirring constantly over low heat until mixture thickens and boils. Add more salt to sauce if necessary. Pour over chicken in casserole. Cover with All-Bran Biscuits and bake in: moderately hot oven (425% F.) about 20 minutes —-or until biscuits are done. Yield: 6 servings. All-Bran Biscuits % cup All-Bran 3 teaspoons bak- % cup milk ing powder 13% cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 14 cup shortening Soak All-Bran in milk. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Cut in shortening until mixture is: like coarse cormmeal. Add soaked All-Bran; stir until dough follows fork around bowl. Turn onto floured board, knead lightly a ‘few seconds; roll or pat to l%-inch thickness and cut with floured cutter. Yield: 12 biscuits eo inches S, ingiameter). A/C Warren Hicks, former em- ployee of the Dallas Post, is now stationed at Americus, Georgia. His complete address is A/C Warren Hicks, Graham Aviation Company, Americus, Georgia. You don’t get your paper! 11942 Maybe your address is wrong! Send in your correct address on a postcard to be sure it’s right. Private Glenn Ehret of Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ehret of Lehman. Priv- ate Ehret, stationed with the spec- ial vehicle repair, is going to school at Aberdeen, learning to be a me- chaniec. George T. Gable, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gable of Chase, has en- listed in the U. S. Army Air Force as an aviation cadet candidate. He is a graduate of Kingston Township High School and is employed as top lineman for Sordoni Construction Company of Forty Fort. * * * Kepner Advanced San Juan, Puerto, Rico, Sept. 30. Fighter Command headquarters here announced today the recent promo- tion of Paul Edward Kepner, 23, to the rank of Technical Sergeant in the Army Air Forces. In 1937 Technical Sergeant Kep- ner graduated from Dallas Voca- tional High School, Dallas, Pa. On January. 7 the following year he volunteered for service in the armed forces, and two years later he graduated from Air Corps Technical School, Chanute Field, Illinois. On February 1, 1940, he was trans- ferred to his present unit. His hobby is radio, and his favorite sports are baseball, softball and swimming. Technical Sergeant Paul Edward Kepner, who is now stationed at an unnamed base somewhere in the Caribbean, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kepner, of Dallas, Pa. * * * Would you like to see your name jn this column? Send in any soldier, sailor or marine news you can find. We wel- come it with open arms. Martha. Idetown W.S.C.S. Idetown W.S.C.S. will meet Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux at 2 o'clock. Hostesses: Mrs. Lottie Spencer, Mrs. Rose An- derson, Mrs. Helen Smith. Mrs. Rose Ide and Mrs. Alice Frazier. Parents Plan Festive Event Township PTA Will Have Hallowe'en Party Dallas Township Parent-Teacher Association will hold an old-fash- ioned Hallowe'en party and dance in the school auditorium on Friday night, October 30. I addition to square and round dances there will be a floor show and any number of booths. Miss Doris Vercoe of Miss Mary Jackson and the High School faculty will direct the floor show and Miss Martha Russ will have charge of decorating. Miss Jackson is general chairman. The entire township has been di- vided into districts with a member of the ticket committee in charge of each area. Members of this commit- tee are: Mrs. Fred Hughey, Mrs. Fred Lamoreaux and Mrs. Russell Case, Fernbrook; Mrs. Floyd Cham- berlain, Goss Manor; Mrs. Clinton Ide, Huntsville; Mrs. Bert Jones, Pioneer avenue; Mrs. Fred Dodson and Mrs. Walter Elston, Kunkle; Mrs. Claire Winters, Claude street; Mrs. Fred Kiefer, Shrine View; Mrs. Arthur Newman, DeMunds Road; Mesdames Fowler, Moore, Bevan, Star Route and Mrs. Higgins, Alder- gon. Trucksville Buxiliary Regular’ monthly meeting of Trucksville Fire Auxiliary will be held Monday evening, October 12, at 8 o'clock in the Hose House. Dallas Band Parents Band Parents of Dallas Borough High School will meet in the high school to elect officers Tuesday eve- ning at 6:30. Card Of Thanks Mrs. James Ritchie, Jean and Jessie wish to thank all those who helped during their recent bereave- ment, also those who sent flowers and loaned cars. YP 7-20-42 TA Weekly Newspapers, VSuburban—Non Rural) 4 cols. . Octo Saturday Dallas Borough High School Grounds ber 10th at Junk helps ing men . . . ZN { Pe tanks, ships for our fight- make guns, i 118.==44 ins, £0 4057 Ad 35 Bring in anything made of metal or rubber .... Tinrow YOUR scrap into the fight! 12 gas masks. grenades. One old radiator will provide scrap steel needed for seven- teen .30 calibre rifles. One old lawn mower will : help make six 3-inch shells.