The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 02, 1942, Image 4

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    spending the
man, spent Saturday
Neighborhood Notes And News
Of Led ©
hurch Doings
Home Phone 161
Marjorie Howell, daughter of Mrs.
Ziba Howell of Shavertown, has en-
rolled in. the freshman class at
Bucknell University. Marjorie was
graduated from Kingston Township
High School in June. The Howells
have returned to their home after
summer at North
Miss Helen Kolofsky of Harvey's
Lake spent a week recently with
friends’ in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Major of Leh-
~ man had as guests Wednesday eve-
ning Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore
of East Dallas, Mrs. David Roberts,
Mrs. Robert Glahn and son, Billy, of
Kingston, and Miss Laura Glahn of
Forty Fort.
Mrs. Eugene Lamoreaux of Leh-
man, who fractured her ankle
eleven weeks ago, is getting along
nicely now.
* * *
Clifford Howell, son of Mrs. Ziba
_ Howell of Shavertown, who was in-
ducted in the service in May, was
~ put in the reserve corps and re-
turned to his position in the Tex-
tile Canvas Company in New Jersey
on September 15.
Miss Lois Yaple and Mrs. Francis
Lewis and daughter, Betty, of Leh-
in Wilkes-
Barre as guest of Miss Belle Ruckel.
Mrs. Ida Nulton has returned to
her home in Forty Fort after spend-
ing two weeks visiting relatives in
* * *®
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson of
Lehman, entertained at a family
dinner honoring their son, Ralph,
who was on furlough last Sunday.
All members of the family were
present except Howard, who is also
in the service and couldn't get
away, Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Fine and family of Wilkes-
Barre, Mr. and Mrs. William
‘Thompson and son, Billy, of Forty
Fort; Mr. and Mrs. Richard John-
son and son, Dick, of Luzerne; Mr.
‘and Mrs. Jerry Richards and Jerry,
Jr. of Kunkle, and Ralph.
* * *
Mrs. Edgar F. Atkinson, who has
been staying with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Brace of East Dallas
since her marriage, will leave the
first of the month for Camp Edward,
Mass., to be with her husband.
The W. Arthur Blewitts, who have
been spending their vacation as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall
of Tampa, Florida, at their summer
‘home, “Dun Workin” at Green
Landing on the Chemung River,
have returned to their home, the
White House at Fernbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sutch of Goss
Manor spent the weekend in New
York City.
~ Mr. and Mrs. James Huston, Mr.
‘and Mrs. L. L. Richardson, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Dr. and
Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Sutch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond Elston attended the Blooms-
burg Fair on Wednesday.
*® * ®
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens, Miss
Marjorie Mekeel and Paul Walter
spent a day last week with Corporal
Charles R. Mekeel at Camp Dix,
N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gordon of
Norton avenue, entertained for sev-
eral days last week Mr. and Mrs.
James Pfeifer of Warwick, N. Y.
Mrs. A. L. Turner of Hanover
street, Wilkes-Barre, spent Wednes-
day with friends in Dallas.
Mrs. Morgan Ruch of East Dallas
has returned to Reading for a
week’s stay with Mrs. Jessie Burns
and Mrs. Mame Rozelle who- have
been visiting her at her home in
East Dallas for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case and sons,
Donald and Jimmie, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Case
of Trucksville.
Purely Personal
Office Phone 300
Mrs. Bessie Casterlin of Man-
chester, Conn., is visiting her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Giles Wilson.
Mrs. Kenneth Rice has returned
from Nesbitt Hospital to her home
in Lehman and is getting along
Mrs. Alfred Metzger and children
of Schenectady, N. Y., spent the
weekend with the former's father
and mother-in-law, Mr. and | Mrs.
Henry Metzger of Shavertown. Don-
ald Metzger, who is stationed at
New Cumberland, also spent the
weekend at home.
=» x -
Mrs. W. B. Risley of Lake street,
will spend the weekend at Nich-
olson with her granddaughter,
Priscilla Boston, while Mr. and Mrs.
Boston go to New York City to
celebrate their wedding anniver-
Miss Mildred Kitchen of Noxen,
R. D., has enrolled in the freshman,
class at College Misericordia. Mil-
dred is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen and a gradu-
ate of Dallas Township High School,
class of 1942. She will study music.
Mrs. J. C. Fleming of Main street,
and Mrs. Claire Nye will entertain
at a shower honoring Janet Smith
of Forty Fort, at Hotel Sterling
Tuesday, October 6. Janet will
marry Richard Conklin of Scranton
on October 24.
Mrs. William Schmoll has return-
ed to her home at Ketchem Corners
after spending some time with her
daughter, Mrs. Donald Clemow, in
* * *
Miss Dorothy Culp, who has been
employed at Middletown, is ill with
grip at her home in Huntsville. Last
week she submitted to an emerg-
ency operation for appendicitis at
General Hospital. Dorothy is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Alice Austin of Newark, N. J.,
spent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Austin of Dal-
Mrs. John Miller of East Dallas is
a patient at General Hospital where
she had her leg amputated.
Miss Irene Brace, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Brace of East Dallas,
left Tuesday for Newark where she
has accepted a position in the Pres-
byterian Hospital. Irene graduated
recently from Nesbitt - Hospital
School for Nurses.
-* * =
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodson of
Muhlenburg were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Lewis of Lehman Wed-
nesday evening. Mr. Dodson is a
former teacher of Lehman High
School. He is now employed as rural
mail carrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams and
daughters, Marilyn and Nancy, of
Idetown, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crosby of Wil-
Dolly Wallo of New Jersey, was
the weekend guest of Helen Welsh
of Idetown.
Mrs. Harriet Morris is ill at her
home in Idetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cragle and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Hadsel and family of Idetown, visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cragle of
Ceasetown Sunday. Harold Cragle
received a position in the A.S. &
F. in Berwick this week.
* * *
Mrs. Charles Hawk and son, Don-
ald, who left for the army Wednes-
day, spent last Friday with Mr. and
Msr. A. A. Neeley of Idetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moyer and
children, Richard and Eleanor, of
Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Baer of Outlet, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Booth of Chambersburg
over the weekend.
Idetown Soldiers
Are Given
Rousing Send-Off By Neighbors
Cecil Sutton and Elwood Renshaw,
two Idetown boys who left Tuesday
for the armed forces, were given
a hearty send-off Saturday evening
at a farewell party given by friends
and neighbors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Casterline.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Conden, Harold Spencer, Ed-
die Fetsko, Arline Sutton, Howard
Boice, Jr., Lester Hoover, Cather-
ine Gossart, Mildred Garinger,
Charles Casterline, William Caster-
line, Bud Davis, Tommy Donnelly,
Mrs. Cecil Sutton, the guests of
honor and the host and hostess.
Sunday night a drop-in party was
given for Cecil by his relatives and
friends at his home. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide and
children, Donald, Carl, Dale and
Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton
and daughter Shirley, Mrs. Fannie
Sutton, Anthony Matalanige, Mr.
and Mrs. James Casterline, Tommy
Donnelly, Harold Spencer, Eddie
Fetsko, Mr. and Mrs. Walter An-
drews and daughter Delphine,
Helynn Wydra, Frank Grossen and
daughters, Josephine, Mary and
Amelia, Frances Hoover and the
Sutton family. A
Monday night the Suttons had as
guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Ide,
Ethel, Jean, Dick, Harold, Bruce and
Glenn, Mr. D. Lutes Ide, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Andrews and Delphine,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boice and Lily
Jane, Jesse Boice, Floyd Hoover,
Elmer Hoover, Danny Brown, Jose-
phine Crossen and Mr. and Mrs.
James Casterline.
Both boys received many lovely
gifts and the good wishes of all.
Mrs. Edgar Atkinson,
Guest At Supper Shower
Mrs. Edgar F. Atkinson was guest
of honor at a supper shower at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Brace of East Dallas, Monday
evening. She received a number of
lovely gifts. Present were: Mrs.
Byron Harlos and Mrs. Arthur Kline
of Kingston; Mrs. Edward Wilkin-
son of West Nanticoke; Mrs. Asher
Rimple of Forty Fort; Miss Rohanna
Shoemaker of Kunkle; Mrs. Anna
trude Wilson and Miss Margaret
Czulegar of Dallas, Mrs. Ben Brace,
Irene Brace and the guest of honor.
Entertains Card Club
Mrs. Henry Peterson entertained
members of her bridge club at her
home on Norton avenue Monday
evening. Prizes were won by Mrs.
J. H. Hauck and Mrs. Florence
Phillips. Others present were Mrs.
Paul Warrinner, Mrs. M. J. Brown,
Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. Cora Finn,
Mrs. John Nicholson and Mrs. Pet-
Mrs. Harry Martin Is
Surprise Party Guest
“Mrs. Harry Martin of East Dallas
was guest of honor at a surprise
party at her home last Tuesday.
Present were: Mrs. Leslie Stanton,
Mrs. Alfred Moore, Mrs. Scott New-
berry, Mrs. Maude Wesley, Mrs.
Joseph Patrick, Mrs. Betchler, Mrs.
S. A. Mensch, Mrs. Russell, Mrs.
Walter Gerlach, Mrs. John Hilde-
brant, Miss Agnes Sidorek, Mrs.
John Lumley and Mrs. Virgie
Have New Son
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mattingly
of San Diego, Cal., have announced
the birth of a son, Charles, Jr. Mr.
Mattingly is the son of Mrs. John
Nicholson of Demunds road and
works out of San Diego with Con-
solidated Aircraft. Tuesday morning
Mrs. Nicholson received this tele-
gram: Matt Jr. born at 6:30. All
Guy Leinthalls Are
Hosts At Supper Party
Rev. and Mrs. Guy Leinthall en-
tertained at supper at their cottage
at Harvey's Lake a number of local
friends Saturday evening. The
Leinthalls are former residents of
Dallas and Harvey's Lake. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Maxwell, Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Ashley, Mrs. Joseph Hand, Mrs.
William Brickel, Mrs. Ord Trumbow-
er and Jackie Eck. ’
Entertain For Bride
Members of her Sunday School
class entertained honoring Mrs. Ed-
gar F. Atkinson, recent bride, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Brace of East Dallas Friday.
Mrs. Atkinson was presented with a
lovely rose spread. Present were:
Mrs. Jennie Moore, Mrs. Alfred
Moore, Mrs. Leslie Stanton, Mrs.
Edna Lange, Mrs. Arline Evans, Mrs.
John Hildebrant, Mrs. Ralph Weav-
er, Mrs. Bessie Brace, Mrs. Ben
Brace, Beatrice, Marion and Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cragle,
formerly of Idetown, have moved to
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and
daughters, Patsy and Janet, of :
North Eaton, Mrs. Russell Frisby
and children, Flora Mae, Sarah Jane
and Mary Ellen, and Mrs. Sarah
Smith of Rome, Pennsylvania, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers of Meek-
er, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Rogers of Idetown.
Miss Evelyn Bennett of Philadel-
phia is spending several days as
guest of Mrs. Alva Eggleston of
* x 0%
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elicker and
daughter, Carol of Somers Point,
spent several days this week visiting
Mrs. Norman Smith and family of
Mrs. William .Brickel and twin
children will leave tomorrow for
Wilmington, Del., where they will
join Mr. Brickel to make their home.
Mr. Brickel is teaching in the
Friends School there.
Maralyn Shaver, who has been
ill at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Milford Shaver of Center
Hill road, has recovered.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz of
Huntsville, entertained at a family
dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Schmoll and Wayne of Dallas, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Covert, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank L. Howey and Mr. and
Mrs. Dana Boyle of Waverly.
William Conyngham, Jr., of Hunts-
ville road, Trucksville, left this week
for Notre Dame University where he
will take an officers’ training course.
Canzani of East Dallas; Miss Ger-.
and cotton washable tailored skirt.
The October issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine features this square-
necked green wool-jersey jumper. Worn with it is a long-sleeved wool
It’s useful as a country costume.
Judith Ann Robe
Bride Of Robert
Mrs. Lucius Peebles Robertson of
Petersburg, Virginia, has ahnounce
the marriage of her daughter~Jud-
ith Ann, to Lieutenant Robert
James Parks, son of P, H. Parks
and the late Anna Einswieler Parks
of Idetown, on Saturday, Septem- |
ber 26. The couple were married
at the home of the bride by Rev-
erend W. M. Thompson of the
Petersburg First Babtist Church.
They were attended by a friend of
the bride, Miss, Peggy Talley, and
rtson Becomes
James Parks
room's brother, Richard Parks.
he bridesmaids were Robbie Pugh
and Donald Holden.
Mrs. Parks is a graduate of Vir-
ginia Intermont College of Bristol,
Virginia. Mr. Parks is a graduate of
Lehman High School, Wilkes-Barre
Business College and attended
Wharton Extension School of the
University of Pennsylvania.
The couple will make their home
in Voorheesville, New York, where
Lieutenant Parks is stationed.
Private Edvard Natus
Is Honored At Party
Private Edward Nafus returned to
Camp Somerset, Maryland, last
Wednesday after spending a ten-day
furlough at his home in East Dallas.
Monday evening a party was given
for him at his home. Guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson, Lynn
Johnson, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Johnson of Lehman; Mrs.
Charles Gensel, Betty Gensel, Mrs.
Everett Nafus, Mrs. Wesley Lamor-
eaux, Bobby and Allan Lamoreaux,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levitt, Arline
and Artie Levitt, Ralph Perrigo of
Trucksville;, Mr. and Mrs. G. J.
Wright of Noxen; Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Coolbaugh, Arline and Leon
Coolbaugh, Marion Chamberlain,
Katherine Pease, Frank Sick, Endi-
cott, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. George
Shupp, Doris, Harold and Freddie
Shupp, Louis and Elmer Weaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nafus, Sr,
Edith, Barbara, Marvin Nafus of
East Dallas. 3
Private Nafus received a number
of useful gifts.
Mrs. Hadsel Honored By
Relatives On Birthday
Mrs. Genevieve Hadsel of Idetown
was guest of honor at a birthday
dinner given at her home by rela-
tives on Sunday. The center of at-
traction of the meal was a large
pink and white birthday cake. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. John
Cadugan, Mr. and Mrs. William
Cadugan and children, Carol and
Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cadu-
gan and daughter, Lois, Mr. and
Mrs. George Schoen of Scranton,
Mrs. Della Parrish, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Parrish, Elizabeth Cooke,
Martha Hadstl and the guest of
Mrs. Ted Wilson Is
Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Winfield Brace of East Dal-
las, entertained at luncheon Thurs-
day honoring Mrs. Ted Wilson of
East Dallas who celebrated her birth-
day anniversary. Present were: Mrs.
Ralph Whipp, Mrs. Blanche Swank,
Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Rozella
Carlin, Mrs. Ted Wilson, Mrs. Giles
Ruth Bible Class
The Ruth Bible Class of the Ide- |
town Sunday School will have an |
all-day meeting today (Friday) at, |
the home of Mrs. Della Parrish.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Cundiff have
announced the birth of a daughter,
Donna Dea, Monday, September 28,
at the home of Miss Beatrice Cor-
nell. This is the Cundiff’s second
child, the first being a boy. Mrs.
Cundiff is the former Miss Geraldine
$ * *
Mrs. Charles Jones of Claude
street left Wednesday to spend the
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Royal Love at Mehoopany.
Mrs. John Quaill of Church street
will be hostess to members of the
Dallas W.S.C.S. Tuesday
o'clock. ok
Walter Covert, who is employed
in Wilmington, Del., spent the week
end with his wife in Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Post, Sam
| Silverman and Catherine Roberts of
Trucksville spent Saturday evening
at Montgomery as guests of Jim Mec-
Hale who is employed there.
* "” *
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McCarthy
of Wellington avenue have announc-
ed the birth of a son at the
General Hospital Wednesday, Sep-
tember 30. This is the McCarthy’s
fourth son. They will call - him
Lynn Kirk McCarthy.
Mrs. Florence Phillips
Is Card Club Hostess
Mrs. Florence Phillips entertained
members of her bridge club at her
home on Norton avenue Tuesday
evening. Present were Mrs. Herbert
Lundy, Mrs. Harvey McCarthy, Mrs.
Peynton Lee, Mrs. Charles Jones,
Mrs. John Yaple, Mrs. Milford
Shaver, Mrs. Arthur Culver, Miss
Gertrude Wilson and the hostess.
“Fritz” Chamberlain
Enrolls At Lehigh
Francis Chamberlain, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter E. Chamberlain of
Huntsville, has entered Lehigh
Ways and Means Committee of the | University as a freshman. Francis,
at 2 |
or “Fritz” as he was known to all
his friends, graduated from Lehman
High School in June. He was one
of the star athletes at Lehman,
playing 'Varsity basketball, football
and baseball. Like the great “Fritz”
Kreisler, he is a talented fiddle play-
er. Lehigh is fortunate to have him
P. T. A. Executives
las Borough Parents-Teachers Asso-
ciation officers and committees will
be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. W. Templin Monday
An executive meeting of the Dal-
Leadership Training School
Completes First Half Of Course
Dallas District Leadership Train-
ing School held the third of their
six meetings in Dallas Methodist
Church Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Rev. Roswell Lyon is president of
the Board of Administration of the
school and Miss Elma Major is dean.
Miss Mildred Major serves as regis-
trar and treasurer.
Four courses are being given and
all well attended. “Prophets and
Their Messages’ under Rev. Herbert
E. Frankfort has-as pupils Mrs. Ray-
lmond Kuhnert, Mrs. H. Austin
Prynn, Mrs. J. Lloyd Drake, Mrs.
Oscar Dymond and Mary Templin;
“Methods of Education Regarding
the Alcohol Problem” taught by
Rev. Clayton Hoag, enrolled, Miss
Bertha Sutliff, Mrs. C. B. Henry,
Mrs. Herbert Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. James Evans, Mrs. Eckley
Kocher; ‘Recreational Leadership,”
teacher, Rev. Roswell Lyon, pupils,
Naomi Hons, Clara Culp, Louise
Dodson, Marion Bronson, Mary El-
len Clark, Mrs. Herbert Bronson,
Mrs. James Mericle and Mrs. Wal-
ter Covert; “Helping Leaders Im-
prove Their Work,” Rev. H. Austin
Prynn, pupils, Mrs. James Knecht,
Lewis LeGrand, Mrs. Jennie Brown,
Mrs. George Dodson, Mrs. James
Baker, Mrs. Edward Stair, Mrs. John
Durbin, Mrs. Paul LaBar, Mrs. C. J.
LaBar and Mrs. Lavern Race, Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Eddinger.
Mr. And Mrs. S.
Celebrate Golden
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Biery of Main
street, celebrated their fiftieth wed-
ding anniversary Saturday. Sym-
bolic of the golden anniversary was
a bouquet of yellow chrysanthe-
mums given to the couple by their
| neighbors. Several lovely gifts and
numerous cards were received by
the Bierys. Neighbors and friends
dropped in during the day, includ-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Timothy LaBar,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mintzer, Mrs.
S. P. Roushey, Mrs. Al Misson, Mrs.
Al Wied, Mr. Ralph Brickel, Mr. and
Mrs. John Williams of Dallas, Otto
Biery of Alderson, Mrs. Oscar Swan
S. Biery
and children, Preston and Edith,
and Miss Ruth Worthington of Ide-
town. .
Mr. Biery, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Biery of Hellertown,
and Mrs. Biery, the former Arminda
Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Freeman of Hunlock’s Creek,
were married on a Monday evening,
September 26, 1892 in the Protes-
tant Church parsonage at Shick-
shinny by Reverend Samuel Mec-
Mr. Biery, who will be seventy-
four years old on Tuesday, has been
employed by Ralph Bricke] for the
past thirty-eight years.
Hospital Auxiliary
Shavertown Branch of the Nesbitt
Hospital auxiliary will meet at the
home of Mrs. John Henninger at
! Druid Hills, Shavertown. this after-
noon at 2 o'clock. Officers will do
the serving.
Scout Council Supper
Dallas District Girl Scout Council
will hold their first supper meeting
of the season in the Dallas Metho-
Woman's Club Members
All prospective members for the
Dallas Woman's Club must submit
their cards to Miss Mary Jackson,
Noxen, by October 14, club meet-
ing date. No applications will be
considered after that date.
World-Wide Communion
Rev. Franklin Payne, pastor, has
announced that World-Wide Com-
munion will be observed at Hunts-
J| dist Church at 6:30, Monday, Octo- | ville Christian Church Sunday
ber 12. | morning.
Zn “NS
The pause that refreshes after a hard
day of drilling—a letter from a girl in
the Script Club. No charge! Just fill in
the Script Club Blank and send it to The
Script Club, c/o The Dallas Post!
2 7