The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 04, 1942, Image 4

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TT Notes et News Of Local (
wirch Doings
Purely Personal
Home Phone 161
Office Phone 300
Mrs. Albert Lewis of Lakeside Drive
and her mother, Mrs. Katie Lewis
of General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre,
returned Saturday- after spending
‘a week at Hoboken as guests of Mr..
and Mrs. Bernard Ryan.
© Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz of
Huntsville had as guests at a family
dinner Sunday, their daughters and
sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Covert of Wilmington, Delaware,
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Piatt of
Dallas. Mrs. Covert will remain in
Dallas for the winter and resume
her teaching at Forty Fort.
Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Piatt of Hunts-
ville have as guest Mrs. Millie Elston
of Newport, Delaware. Mrs. Elston
had dinner with the Ralph Frantzes
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Celeste Prutzman, who has
been confined to her bed, is gradu-
ally improving after a serious ill-
ness and is able to be around in a
wheel chair now.
* * *
Mrs. Joseph -Bertram of Hunts-
ville is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital
where she is under observation.
Mrs. Carlo Lacorte of Ashley was
guest of honor at a shower given
by members of the Huntsville Chris-
tian Church last evening. Last
Thursday afternoon Mrs. LaCorte’s
sisters-in-law, Mrs. Andrew LaCorte
and Miss Nellie LaCorte, entertain-
ed at a variety shower in her
honor. Mrs. LaCorte is the former
Miss Charlotte Roberts of Main
Dr- and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb of
Main street spent Monday in Phila-
delphia. The Bodycomb’s are all
settled in their new home on Main
street. They recently purchased the
Dr. Swartz house.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts of
Main street had as guest for the
past week the latter's sister, Miss
Addie Elston.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp of
Huntsville, entertained over the
weekend their daughter, Dorothy,
of Middletown, and Lieutenant Irv-
“ing Klann.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk of Pine
Crest avenue, had as guest for the
past week their niece, Eleanor
Meyers, of Scranton.
Mrs. James Garey returned to her
home at Harvey's Lake last week
_ after spending ten days with Mr
and Mrs. Z. A. Rosengrant at Water-
bury, Conn. Since Waterbury is
Mrs. Garey’s former home she had
a nice time visiting with old friends
and neighbors. Over the weekend
her husband and her father, J. E.
Rosengrant drove up for her.
Mr. and Mrs. William Williams
and Miss Jean Louise Williams of
Norton avenue, will attend the wed-
ding ‘of a nephew in New York City
this weekend.
* * *
Miss Alice Davies has returned
to her home on Baldwin street after
spending the summer at a camp in
Vermont as teacher. Alice will
leave shortly for Miss Fine’s School
at Princeton, where she is instruc-
Peter Clark, John Davies and Dick
LeGrand of Baldwin street are
spending the week camping in the
Poconos. Z
Mr- and Mrs. Robert D. Major,
who have been living at the G. L.
Howell Farm on Harris Hill road,
moved last Saturday to the Bethany
Homestead Farm at Bethany.
( * » *
Mrs. Benjamin Williams, Mrs.
Ward Davenport and Miss Lenore
Davies, who have been spending the
summer on Parsonage street, will
return to their home on North
Franklin street this week.
Mrs. Eugene Evans, who has been
spending sometime with her sister,
Mrs. George Ayre, of Lehman ave-
nue, returned to her home in
Bridgeport, Conn., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ayre and
family of York will spend the week
end as guests of Mrs. George Ayre
on Lehman avenue. The James
Ayres are former residents of Leh-
man avenue.
* * *
Mrs. Benjamin Williams and her
daughter, Mrs. Peter Clark will en-
tertain at a neighborhood tea at the
home of the former on Baldwin
street this afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Morris of Franklin
street celebrated her 78th birthday
anniversary last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Reynolds of
Pittsburgh and son, William, were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Conrad of Mt. Greenwood
road, Trucksville.
Miss Betsy Reynolds has cetimad
frond Pittsburgh to her home on
Johnson avenue, Trucksville-
Miss Ann Solansky of Washing-
ton, D. C., will arrive on Saturday
to spend her vacation at her home
in Jackson.
Mrs. Alden Trafford of Goss
Manor is entertaining her mother,
Mrs. Churchill of Mt. Holly, N. J.
Miss Maude Jones, who is em-
ployed in Philadelphia, spent the
weekend with her father, Richard
Jones, of Saginaw avenue.
Mrs. Joe McKenna and children,
Patsy, Joann, Mary Clair, Frank and
Eleanor, of Scranton, and Mrs: Wil-
lard Griffith and son, Dan, of Utica,
New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wright of Idetown. Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Boice of Mehoopany,
spent Saturday evening with the
* * *
Miss Ethel Wright of Idetown
will finish three years’ training this
Sunday at the Wilkes-Barre General
Hospital. Miss Wright has accepted
a position in a Jersey City Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams
are rejoicing over the birth of a
seven pound six ounce baby boy
last Monday in Buffalo. Mrs. Wil-
liams is the former Glady Gould of
Wilkes-Barre, the sister of Jay
Gould: The couple named the boy
Howard Jay after his father and
uncle. i
Mrs: Ross Lewin and children,
Barbara and Joan, of Center Hill
road, are spending a week with
Mrs. Lewin’s brother and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver of New-
town Square, Philadelphia.
* * *
William Carroll, Jr., who has been
employed at the Glen L. Martin
plant in Baltimore, has returned to
resume his studies at the Borough
High School for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown and |
daughter, Nancy Lee, of Baltimore,
spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
: Ralph Brown of Parrish street. Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore MacHenry of
Orange, and Jay ‘Gould of the
Brooklyn Naval Hospital, spent
Sunday with the Browns.
Mrs. William ‘Niemeyer returned
Sunday after a week's visit at
Harrisburg with hér daughter and
son-in-law, - Staff’ Sergeant and
Mrs. Edward Jones, ‘and her son and
daughter-in-law,” Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Niemeyer, Jr., at Baltimore.
While at Harrisburg Mrs. Niemeyer
had dinner with Howell Rees who is
stationed at New Cumberland and
eager to get settled at camp:
. * * =
Harold Niemeyer and Marjorie
Elston of Davenport street, are
spending the week at Harrisburg
visiting Staff Sergeant and ' Mrs.
Edward Jones.
Margaret Webster, who has been
spending the past month visiting
relatives in Maryland, has return-
ed to the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Webster of Trucks-
ville Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Dymond of
Hartford, Conn., will spend the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Dymond of Main street, Shaver-
town: William Dymond, who has
been in Hartford all summer, will
return with them.
x * *
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Sawyer of
Church street, celebrated their
twenty-second wedding anniver-
sary at a dinner with members of
their family and a few friends on
Saturday, August 22:
Miss Irene Breza and Miss Agatha
Kamor, who are ' employed in
Philadelphia, spent the weekend
with their families at Huntsville.
They had as their guests Third
Class Petty Officer Louis Laquatte
and First Class Petty Officer Floyd
Olsen. k
Harry Sutton, who is employed
at Daniel Field, Augusta, Ga., has
been made assistant foreman. At
present he is in Myrtle Beach, S. C,,
on a fifteen-day detached service.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wendel of
Alderson, had as weekend guests
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cease of Scran-
ton, Martha Wood of Wilkes-Barre,
and WilliamiJohnson of Hazelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Nelson of
Alderson, entertained their mother,
Mrs. Martha Nelson of Kingston last
Mrs. E. R. Parrish returned to
Idetown Saturday after a week's
visit with her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crosby
of Williamsport. Mr. and Mrs:
Crosby and the children spent the
weekend with Mrs. Parrish.
J. G. Hadsel and Paul Parrish
were home over the weekend. Both
are employed in the Annapolis ship-
yards. Mr. and Mrs. John Cadugan
are visiting Mrs. J. G. Hadsel.
Mrs. Oscar Swan received birth-
day greetings by cablegram from
her son, Private George Swan, who
is stationed in Ireland, August 19:
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lincoln of
Philadelphia, spent a week with
relatives in Idetown.
Mrs. Thomas Robinson,
Hostess At Picnic
Mrs. Thomas Robinson entertain-
ed at an all-day picnic honoring
her mother, Mrs. Margaret Hilde-
brant, at her home at West Dallas
on Wednesday. Luncheon and din-
ner were served and cards enjoyed
in the evening. Present were:
Mrs. D. P. Honeywell, Mrs: Oscar
Roth, Mrs. Eleanor Wilson, Mrs.
Paul Shaver, Mrs. Mary Shaver,
Mrs. Emma Shaver, Mrs. Mariet
Wardan, Mrs. Morgan Wilcox, Mrs.
William Lynch, ‘Mrs. Grace Griffith,
Mrs. Fred Gordon, Mrs. Florence
| Phillips, Mrs. James Gansel, Mrs.
Eva Hofmeister, Mrs. Hildebrant
and Mrs. Robinson. ’
Entertains Club
Miss Ruth Him of Mill street en-
tertained her club recently. Those
present were: Mrs. Joseph Hand,
Mrs. Samuel Ashley, Mrs. Ord
Trumbouer of Dallas, Mrs. Alva
Eggleston of Vernon, Mrs. Guy Lein-
thall of Pittston, Mrs. Fred Eck of
i Mrs. Allan Sanford Is
Hostess At Luncheon
. Mrs: “Allan W- Sanford of Pion-
eer ‘avenue, entertained, honoring
her mother, Mrs. Emma Senigo of
New York City, at a luncheon on
Wednesday. Guests were Mrs. Ga-
land Stillman, Mrs. Andrew Over-
brook, Jr., Mrs. Gordon Williams
and Mrs. William Henderson of
Forty Fort, Mrs. Lang of Wilkes-
Barre, and Mrs. Donald Stillman of
Have New Son
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hessler,
Fernbrook road, Fernbrook, an-
nounce the birth of a nine and one-
half pound son, Harold Reese, at
home, on Wednesday, August 26.
Mrs. Hessler is the former Miss
Hannah Reese, Wilkes-Barre. Mr-
Hessler is connected with the
Hessler Laundry Company.
“Mr. and Mrs. William Evans and
grandson, Sheldon McAvoy, have
| returned from Schenectady, N. Y.,
where they were the guests of her
son, Donald Evans. Mrs. McAvoy,
daughter Lois, and Matt Evans
drove up to bring them back last
Miss Ruth Him has rotrned to
her teaching position in Wellsboro
High School.
x * »
Pepper Stanishefski of Swoyer-
ville is spending a few days with.
his aunt, Mrs. Florence Rusiloski.
Casper Salanskys killed a seven
rattle rattlesnake while working at
Mountain Springs recently:
Mr. and Mrs. J. Filipowski had
as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Benny Rusiloski and Mrs.
Michael (Mary Silic) Filipowski.
John Solansky and brother ,Tib,
bagged their limit in woodchucks
recently. They got a coal black
| groundhog; one of the first seen in
this section.
Miss Jean Hildebrant of Harris-
burg spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hilde-
brant of East Dallas, Jean has a
position in the office of the Depart-
ment of Labor and Industry and
lives in an apartment with Geral-
dine Shields.
* * *
Mrs. Barney Boyle of Hillside,
left over the weekend for New York
where. she, will help her daughters
break up ‘their homes and store
their furniture for the duration.
Niel MacIntyre, husband of the one
daughter is already in the service
and Edward Mullen, husband of the
other, will enter this week: Both
girls will return to the home of
their parents until the war is over.
Mrs. Clarence Smith and children
of North Eaton, returned home after
spending ten days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers of Ide-
Fred Sutton of Idetown, has re-
ceived a position with the I. B. M.
at Endicott, N. Y.
Carol Jean Taylor celebrated her
first birthday with a family dinner.
at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. Roy Garinger of Idetown. A
large, pink and white birthday cake
with one candle was the main at-
traction of the meal
x *
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover and
Roxie of Idetown, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ide at
Birdsboro, Pa. They also visited
Miss Phebe Krewson at Chettenham.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ide returned
with them on Monday.
Mrs. Albert Parrish of Parrish
street, spent from Friday until
Tuesday in Washington, D. C., visit-
ing her husband who is employed
Dr- and Mrs. G. L. Howell of
Trucksville, will spend the weekend
at Kunkletown visiting their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Davenport.
good on tall, short, thin or plump.
They knew what they wanted, this candid crowd featured in. the
September’ issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine. A plaid cotton with
the “torso” look. A cotton-corduroy suit with a separate dickey em-
broidered ‘“Me”, and a cotton-corduroy jumper with rayon shirt that’s
The wedding of Miss Alice New-
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Newman of East Dallas, and
Fred Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Bittenbender, take
place at 2 o’clock Sunday after-
noon, September 6, in Dallas Metho-
dist Church. Rev. Austin L. Prynn
will perform the ceremony. The
bride will be given in marriage by
her father.
Miss Alice Newman Selects
Members Of Her Wedding Party
Maid of honor will be Miss Dor-
othy Fahringer of Wilkes-Barre, and
bridesmaids will be Claudia Cooke
and Clara Fahringer. Forrest Stev-
ens of Detroit, will be best man and
ushers will be George Bittenbender
of Huntsville, and Edwin Roth and
Bertram Roberts of Dallas.
A reception for members of the
families and friends will be held at
the Newman home following the
Ruth Gould Becomes
Daughter Of Uncle Sam
The Goulds are well represented
in the armed forces now, Ruth be-
ing the latest addition to Uncle
Sam’s family. Acgraduate of Wilkes-
Barre General Hospital, she re-
cently joined the Army Nursing
Corps, making ‘two for the Army
and one for the Navy. Albert, a
Corporal in the Army Air Corps, is
now stationed on the Pacific Coast.
Jay, a hospital apprentice in Brook-.
lyn Navy Hospital, joined in June
Miss Jane Case entertained at a
linen shower at her home on Glen-
view Terrace, Thursday, honoring
Miss Velma Haring, of Dallas, who
will be married to Wilbur Davis,
also of Dallas, in September. Miss
Haring received lovely gifts.
Guests were Misses Mildred San-
ford, Avis Wesley, Dorothy Dorn,
Pauline Shaver, Mrs. Howard Tin-
sley, Mrs. Paul LaBar, the guest of
honor and the hostess.
Miss Velma Haring. Bride-Elect,
Is Guest Of Honor At Showers
Miss Haring was again ‘‘shower-
ed” on Saturday evening when Mrs.
Howard Tinsley entertained at her
home on Lehman avenue. Guests at
this party were Miss Edith Maltman,
Philadelphia; Mrs. Gladys Schoon-
over, Centermoreland; Mrs. Richard
Johns, Forty Fort; Mrs. Samuel
Ashley, Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs.
Elmer Haring, Mrs. Tinsley and Miss
Haring, Dallas.
Miss Mary Still Has
Cousins’ Birthday Party
Miss Mary Still of Fernbrook en-
tertained her cousins at a birthday
dinner on Tuesday. A huge birth-
day cake and American flags formed
an attractive centerpiece and bou-
quets of asters, gladiolii and snap-
dragons were, effectively used
throughout thts house. Present
et Kunkle, Mrs.”’Corey Miers, Mrs:
Ann Richards, Mrs. Joseph Shoe-
maker of -KunKkle; Mrs. Sherman
Wardan and Mrs Edward Hallock of
Shavertown; Mrs. Fred VanCampen
of Wyoming; Mrs. Guy E. Woolbert
of Forty Fort; Mrs. Wilbur G. Nich-
ols of Trucksville and the hostess.
Have New Son
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Marley of
Rice street, have announced the
birth of a seven pound son at
Nesbitt Hospital,; Wednesday, Sep-
tember 2. This is the Marley’s first
child. Mrs. Marley is the former
Miss Mildred Ide, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Ide, Both mother
and baby are doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess of
Shavertown, announce the birth of
a son, Clinton George, Sunday, Aug-
ust 31. Mrs. Hess is the former
Louise Brace of East Dallas.
Mrs. Margaret’ Hildebrant, who is
the guest of her ‘daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. dnd ‘Mrs. Thomas Robin-
son, at West Dallas, had as guests
Saturday = Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
| Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Thomas and Wilbur, Jr., of Vaughn
street, Kingston.
x * -
William Howell, who has been
attending University of Pennsyl-
vania summer session, will spend
the week of September 13 with his
parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Howell
of Harris Hill road, Trucksville.
Louise Dodson was guest of hon-
or at a surprise birthday party at
her home in Fernbrook on Wednes-
Mrs. D. P. Honeywell and son,
Jack, of Church ‘street, were ‘dinner
guests of Mrs. Amanda Herdman ‘on
Miss Althea Landon, who is a
registered nurse at Mineola Hospi-
tal, in New York, spent Monday
with her father, George Landon at
Mrs. Cragg Herdman, who has
been a patient at Nesbitt Hospital,
has returned to her home in Kunkle.
* * *
Winifred and Virginia Stompler
have returned to their home in
Langhorne/ after spending some
time with their sister and brother-
in-law, MJ. and Mrs. Ray Henney
at Kunkle.
Mrs. Margaret, Hildebrant enter-
tained at luncheon Tuesday, Mrs.
Lena Tiius, Mrs. Jessie Cranston
and daughter, Jean, of Wilkes-
Barre, 4nd Mrs. Albert Nelson of
Mt. Greenwood.
were Mrs. Jane Mann, “Miss Margar- |-
Hostess At Bridge
Mrs. Peter Clark entertained a
few friends and neighbors at a des-
ert party and bridge at her home
on Baldwin street last Thursday.
Guests were Mrs. Murray Scureman,
Miss Jean Louise Williams, Mrs.
Machell Hildebrant, Mrs. George
Ayre, Mrs. Homer Moyer and Mrs.
Henry Peterson.
after graduation’ and was awarded
the Red Cross: Emblem for ful-
filling his duties in the hospital.
All in all, theyre a very patriotic
York School Teacher Is
Bride Of Lt. Ward Yorks
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Harriet Cather-
ine Spangler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward L. Spangler of York,
and Lt. Ward S. Yorks of Norfolk,
Va., son of Mr., and Mrs: Harold
J. Yorks of Trucksville. Ceremony
was performed at the Union Luth-
eran. Church; York, at 6 o'clock
last. Wednesday=evening. Rev. Carl
R. Simon officiated.
Mrs. Yorks "ds: a graduate of
Millersville State Teachers’ College
and is employed as teacher in the
public schools at York. Mr. Yorks
was graduated from Kingston Town-
ship High Schdol “and Millersville
State Teachers’ College. Before en-
tering the service he taught in the
public’ schools ‘bt Red Lon,
|Mrs. Charles Snyder Is
Hostess To Lehman WSCS
Mrs. Charles Snyder was hostess
to members of the W.S.C.S.
Lehman Methodist Church at a cov-
ered dish luncheon last Wednes-
day. Present were: Mrs, Harry
Howell, Mrs: A. B. Simms, Mrs.
William Major, Mrs. Mary Covert,
Mrs. Oliver Whitesell, Mrs. James
Simpson, Mrs. William Trethaway,
Mrs. Leonard Ide, Mrs. Russell Ide,
Mrs. A. T. Riley, Mrs. Wilbur Hoov-
er, Mrs. William Carichner, Mrs.
H. AI'Brown, Mrs. A: M. Major, Mrs.
R. E. Wright, Miss Judith Simms,
Janet Wright, Mary and Irene
Snyder, ‘Nancy Hoover and the
Dallas Woman's Club
The Dallas Woman’s Club’ will
hold their regular September meet--
ing at the Shavertown Hose House,
Wednesday evening, with covered
dish supper at 6:30.
Young Tommy Evans Has
Fourth Birthday Party
Young Tommy Evans celebrated
his 4th birthday anniversary with
a -family luncheon at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Evans of Goss Manor on Monday.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. William
Bowen, Rachell Bowen of Ransom;
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Matthews and
Bonnie Matthews of Plains; Mrs.
George Lancaster and Mary Carol
and Roy of Williamsport; Miss Mar-
garet Crues of Pasadena, California;
Clare Ann and Tommy Evans and
Mr. and Mrs. Evans.
z ui
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