Home Phone 161 Purely Personal Office Phone 300 Mrs. M. L. Yaple of Church street entertained this week Mr. and Mrs. Walter Quick of Union, N. J. Mrs. Arthur Culver of Machell avenue will spend the weekend at Elizabeth,” N. J., visiting her hus- band who is employed there. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Busch of Cen- ter Hill road moved to Syracuse, ~ N.Y, on Friday. Mrs. Daniel Richards and infant daughter, Judith Ann, returned from Nesbitt Hospital on Tuesday. Judith Ann is the Richards’ second child. Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple of Goss Manor entertained over the weekend Miss Jean Mack of Division street, ~ Kingston. ~ Mrs. Joseph McCaffrey and son of Danville are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver on Lake street. * * * Mrs. Charles Jones, of Claude street had as guest on bonday Mrs. . Milburne Rosser of New York City. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Brown of Leh- man will have as their guest this weekend their son, Harold, of Phila- delphia. i Rev. and Mrs. Frank Abbott of Lehman entertained last week their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and f Mrs. Frank P. Abbott and son, Rod- ney, of East Orange; N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevens of West Dallas had as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson of Ply- mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hallock of Lake street had as guests over the holiday weekend B. J. Hallock of Binghamton, N. Y., L. D. Hallock of Honesdale, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallock of Shavertown and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Ridgley Ryman of Trenton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith of Machell avenue have as guests their granddaughter, Jean Marie Smith, and friends, Jean Robbins and Mar- ion Lloyd of Kingston. * * * - PFC Sterling W. McMichael re- - turned Tuesday to Camp Livingston, La., after spending a 10-day fur- ~ lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William G. McMichael, Main street, ~ Shavertown. Private McMichael is with the 109th F. A. Bn. Mrs. Richard Owens of Dallas en- ~ tertained members of the Ball and : @ Chain Club at her home last Wed- \ nesday. Cards’ were played and ~ lunch served to Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmerer and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens. { Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spade were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Richard Owens. ; Word has been received that Rob- ert Garris has been promoted from ' corporal to sergeant. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garris of Shavertown. He is with the U. S. Engineers, c/o Postmaster New ~ York City. Hy ve } Miss Marguerite Douglas of Fern- brook is entertaining her niece, Miss Mary Ricketts of New York City. Mrs. Florence Phillips and son, Dick, of Norton avenue, spent Fri- day in Philadelphia on a business trip. Miss Marjorie Mekeel and Paul Walter have returned after spend- ing a week with Mr. Walter's sister at Washington, D. C. Miss Alice Davies, who is engaged "as counselor in a camp in New Eng- land, will spend the weekend with Davies on Parsonage street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elicker and daughter, Carol, of Pioneer avenue left this week to make their home at * 'Sommer’s Point, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain of Goss Manor entertained on Sun- day Miss Martha Zehner of Blooms- burg, Stanley Brown of Staten Is- land and Miss Beverly Noll of Le- _ highton. Miss Noll is a former com- mercial teacher at Dallas Borough High School. * * ® Miss Barbara Metz, Trucksville, is the guest of her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metz, Newark, N. J. George Trescott, Berwick, is visit- ing his brother, John Trescott, Ter- ‘race street, Fernbrook. Mr. and Mrs. William Vivian spent Sunday in Rome, Pa. Miss Dorothy Deemer has return- ed to her home in Hallstead. She has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hartman, Main road, Fern- “ brook, the past month. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, and family, of West Pittston, have moved into the house recently va- cated by the Brown family, on Poplar street. Mr. and Mrs, Olin DeWolfe and son, Robert, of Washington, D. C., ‘are the guests of Mr. DeWolfe's mother, Mrs. Amy DeWolfe of Mill street. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Brown of Lehman have as their guest the former's sister, Miss Eleanor Brown of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooper of Lehman had as guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Williams of Westfield, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Sidler of Leh- man, announce the birth of a son July 13 at Bloomsburg Hospital. This is the Sidler’s second child, Joan is 4 years old. * * * Mrs. Joseph Hand entertained members of her card club at her home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lundy and daughters of Pioneer avenue moved into their apartment on Main street last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alden M. Trafford of Saginaw avenue had as guests this week Mrs. Herbert G. Hold and George Churchill Hold of Caldwell, N. J. Yesterday Mrs. Trafford’s | parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Church- ill and Herbert, Jr., of Montclair, arrived to spend some time with the Traffords. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garinger of Harvey’s Lake had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Coray Ransom of Demunds road. Mrs. L. P. Taylor, who has been spending some time with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gordon of Norton avenue, left Tuesday morn- ing for her home in Atlanta, Ga. : * * * William Wagner was ill several days this week at his home in Fern- brook. Carolyn Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morris of Over- brook avenue, is recovering at her home from a dog bite. Carolyn had been playing with the little fellow .when he accidentally bit her lip. Word has been received from Her- bert Smith, son. of Burgess and Mrs. H. A. Smith of Machell avenue that he has been sent to Camp Lee, Va., and is with the Quartermaster’s Corp. Robert Roberts, who is employed at Middletown, spent the weekend with his family on Church street. Miss Jane Ayre, Dallas, and Elsie Ayre, Trucksville, are the guests of their cousin, Nancy Ayre, at York, Pa. ERR * xf = Miss Florence Hausch, camp di- rector at the Girl Scout Camp at Harvey's Lake, will leave on Friday for Winchester, Virginia, where she will be councilor at the Scout camp there. Miss Lois Avery, Alderson, will .| serve as life guard at Camp Burle, Forksville, Sullivan County, the next two weeks. Jean Hildebrant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant of East Dallas left Saturday to secure work in Newark. Jean -is making her home with Margaret Brace and Hel- en Lumley, also East Dallas girls. Miss Betty Yanek, who is em- ployed in Philadelphia, will arrive next week to spend her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Yanek of Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston, teachers at Lehman High School, will spend the weekend at Forrest Lake where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Austin Snyder. * * * Jean Schooley of Lake street is spending two weeks at the Girl Scout Camp at Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jolley of Noxen announce the birth of a nine pound daughter Wednesday, July 15. This is the Jolleys’ first child. Mrs. Jol- ley is the former Miss Elsie Wyant of Noxen. Mrs. Emma Ide of Lehman visit- ed Mrs. James Rogers of Idetown one day last week. Mrs. Rogers spent a day at her son’s, Russell Rogers, home in Idetown. Clarence Spencer is improving at his home in Idetown after his re- cent illness. Mrs. Clarence Smith and children of North Eaton have returned after spending a week with Mrs. Smith’s sister, Mrs. Francis McDonald, of Trenton, New Jersey. Mrs. McDon- ald is visiting her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers of Ide- town. \ x * * Arthur Montross, Emory Hadsel and Alfred Hadsel of Idetown were home over the weekend. All three are employed at Hazleton. Mrs. Atley Kocher and daughter, Gertrude, of Dallas called on Mrs. Alfred Hadsel Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crosby and son, Drew, of Williamsport, spent Sunday with Mrs. Crosby's mother, Mrs. E. R. Parrish of Idetown. Carol Crosby. returned with her parents after spending the week with Helen Welsh of Idetown and Drew stayed for the week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. David Ide. eighborhood Notes And Stanley Davieses To Be Hosts At Reception Wedding reception for Miss Eliz- abeth Yeager Davies and Fred Mec- Gown will be held at the home of the former’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davies, Parsonage street, Saturday afternoon. Miss Davies and Mr. McGown will be married in the Forty Fort Presby- terian Church at 2:30 Saturday aft- ernoon. Miss Alice Davies will be a member of the wedding party. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ryan and son, Richard, of Hoboken, N. J., re- turned to their home after spending two weeks at the home of the lat- ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. | Girvan, of Lake street. Mr. and Mrs. George Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice and Bobby of Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and children Floyd, Clara. Belle and Ida of Forty Fort had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wright of Lehman Sunday. Janet Wright of Lehman is spend- ing two weeks with Ida Rice of Forty Fort. Elwood C. Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood L. Terry of Forty Fort, has returned home after spending two weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. C. F, Terry of Idetown. Mrs. Ted Williams and sons, Ted, Monroe “and David, from Kingston have returned home after spending three weeks with Mrs. Susan Dodd of Idetown. Marilyn Williams, Loraine and Evalyn Keller, Peggy Dean and Elsie Jean Ide of Idetown are attending day camp at Wildwood. Harold Donnelly of Idetown is erecting a new porch on his home. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Van Blarcom of Shavertown have announced the pital July 11. Mrs. VanBlarcom is the former Miss Virginia Homer of Kingston. * * * Mrs. Morgan Rowlands is spend- ing some time in Bangon, Maine, where she was called by the death of her sister. Mrs. Mary Urbanavitch of Main road Trucksville, has as guest for a week her niece, Dolores Adam- chick, of Lehman. Bob Niemeyer, who is employed in Baltimore, is spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer, of Davenport street. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathias of Olyphant were guests of the Niemeyers. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Edward Jones, who are guests of the form- er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer on Davenport street, en- tertained on Sunday Staff Sergeant James Donavon of New Cumberland, Miss Jeanne Spahr of Harrisburg and PFC. and Mrs. Thedore Davis of Camp Ritchie, Md. Mrs. Eugene Lamoreaux of Leh- man is suffering from a fractured ankle which she injured when she slipped on the steps at the home of her daughter in Dallas. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Major of Leh- man had as guests Sunday the former’s mother, Mrs. Dora Major, and Miss Myrtle Major of Shaver- town. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton, Mrs. Fred Sutton and daughters Arlene and Phyllis, all of Idetown, called on Mrs. Walter Andrews of Shaver- town Tuesday. Mrs. Andrews’ daughter, Delphine, returned with Mrs. Fred Sutton to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver, Sr., and Mrs. Margaret Jennings of Idetown spent Sunday with the former's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver, Jr., of Kunkle. Walter Smith, employed in Mary- land, is visiting his family in Ide- town. Russell Dodd is spending two weeks with his wife in Idetown. Mr. Dodd is employed at Remington Arms Works in Bridgeport, Conn. * * * Mrs. Sherman Hoover of Ruggles is under observation at General Hos- pital in Wilkes-Barre. She is the mother of Mrs. Howard Boice of Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan and Patsy of Chase spent a few days with Mr. Swan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swan of Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wright and sons, Dale and Woody, of Forty Fort are spending a week’s vacation at the home of Mr. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright of Ide- town. Rebecca Wright of Idetown, is vis- Trucksville. Mrs. Zibbie Nevel has returned to her home in Idetown after re- ceiving treatment at the General Hospital. Harold Garinger, Jr., of Endicott, spent the week with Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Hadsel. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Randall and infant son, Billy, of Endicott, visited the Hadsels over the weekend. birth of a daughter in General Hos- : iting Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Case of J | number of friends. 3% teaspoon salt 34 teaspoon pepper For Garnish: 1 hard cooked egg, sliced 5 stuffed olives Serves 6-8. Miss Arline Moore Is Wed To Wilmer Evans Saturday Miss Arline Laura Moore, daugh- ter of Mrs: Jennie Moore and the late George Moore of East Dallas, became the bride of Wilmer Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Evans of Vernon, Saturday morning, July 11 at 10 a. m., in the Shavertown Methodist parsonage. Rev. Roswell W. Lyon, pastor, performed - the ceremony. There were no attend- ants. The bride was attractive in pow- der blue suit dress with white ac- 1 can condensed chicken soup 3 cups cooked veal, ground 2 teaspoons gelatine (softened in 2 tablespoons water) Strain the chicken soup and heat the broth. Mix the rice, chicken and celery from the soup with the cooked veal and put all through the food chopper, using the medium blade. os Dissolve the softened gelatin in the hot broth ‘and .then mix with ground meat mixture, salt and pepper. Arrange slices of hard cooked egg and stuffed olives in bottom of loaf pan (size 7 x 3% x 3 inches). Put meat mixture on garnish and place in the refrigerator until firm. Turn out on lettuce or greens. Local Jellied Supper Veal Loaf For A ‘Warm Night By DOROTHY GREIG cessories. Her shoulder bouquet was of pink roses. Mrs.. Evans is a graduate of Coughlin High School, Wilkes-Barre. She has been employed at Alfred |; Moore’s store in East Dallas. Mr. Evans just recently returned from Porto Rico where he operated pow- er shovels in construction work. Saturday night he left for Newport News, Va., where he expects to be employed for some time. Mrs. Evans will leave shortly to join him there. EE Rn TR TR Mrs. Edward Parrish, the form- er Ruth Maloney of Forty Fort, was guest of honor at a variety shower given by her mother-in-law, Mrs. E. R. Parrish, Tuesday evening at the Parrish home in Idetown. A buffet luncheon was served on a table decorated in pink and white with a centerpiece of sweetpeas. The bride received many lovely gifts for her future home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wright and son, Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shaver, Mrs. Edward Parrish Is Guest Of Honor At Variety Shower Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Rice, Mr and Mrs. Howard Reilly, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Alfred Hadsel and children, Carlton, Carol and Lynn, Mrs. E. H. Hadsel, Mrs. Charles Merithew, Marilyn Pettebone, Mrs. J. G. Had- sel and daughter, Martha, Mrs. R. B. Shaver, Bess Cooke, Mrs. Ken- neth Calkins and daughter, Judy, the hostess, Mrs. E. R. Parrish, the groom, Edward Parrish, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Edward Par- rish. Patricia Reynolds Is Bride Of George Mclean Wedding of Miss Patricia Rey- nolds, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Dorrance Reynolds of Goodleigh Farms, Dallas, and Ensign George Roberts McLean, son of Mrs. George R. McLean and the late George R. McLean of South Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre, took place Saturday lat 4 o'clock in‘St. Clement’s Episco- pal Church, Wilkes-Barre. Rev. Fred W. Trumbore performed the cere- mony. Miss Monica Reynolds, cousin of the bride, of Englewood, N. J., was maid of honor and Mrs. John B. Coffinberry of Larchmont and Mrs. C. Welles Belin of Waverly, sisters of thé bride, were bridesmaids. Alexan- der McLean was his brother’s best man. Ushers were William H. Snyder, Jr., of Philadelphia, Lt. Charles H. Miner, USN., M. J. Colton Hand, Wilkes-Barre, ‘and Edward Darling of Kingston. Mrs. McLean is a graduate of Wilkes-Barre Institute and has been associated with her father in busi- ness. Mr. McLean is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary, Lafayette Col- lege and University of Pennsylvania Law School. He is a member of Luzerne County Bar Association. Ensign McLean reported for ac- tive duty on Wednesday. Entertain At Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Case enter- tained at a picnic lunch July 4 a Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case, Donald and James Case, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kunkle, Paul Walter, Miss Marjorie Mekeel, Glenn Case, Miss’ Rebecca Wright, Miss Jane Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens. Mrs. Charles Jones Is Hostess To Card Club Mrs. Charles Jones of Claude street entertained members of her card club Friday evening. Prize winners were Lettie Culver, Edna McCarthy and Barbara Oliver. Others present were Lillian Kuehn, Betty Warhola, Alice ¥aple, Edna Whitesell, Hortense Ehaver, Marion Lee, Ruth Lewin and Mrs. Dan Sutch. Works At Martin Plant William Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll of Machell avenue started working at the Glen L. Martin Aircraft Company in Bal- timore last week. Bill is rooming with Bob Niemeyer at the William Niemeyer home. Ella Moore Class Meets At Dickinson Home Mrs. Jeanette Dickinson was hostess to members of the Ella Moore Sunday School Class of East Dallas Methodist Church Tuesday evening. Plans were made to buy | hymnals for the church and to have the piano tuned. The annual picnic of the group will take the form of a covered dish supper on the lawn of the church due to tire and gaso- line shortage. Mrs. Bessie Brace and Mrs. Regina Fowler will be ‘in charge of the entertainment. Pres- ent at Tuesday's meeting were Mrs. Ben Brace, Mrs. Nelson Moore, Miss Myra Carlin, Mrs. Alfred Moore, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Charles Weiss, Mrs. Paul Carlin, Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Ted Wilson, Mrs. Robert Fowler, Mrs. Winfield Brace, Mrs. Lucy Morgan, assistant host- ess, and the hostess. Mrs. Frank Jackson Hostess At Lovely Garden Party Mrs. Frank Jackson was hostess at a lovely garden party, sponsored by the W. S. C. S. of the Alderson Methodist Church at her home in Thursday. Party tables were attractive with lace cloths. and centerpieces of mixed garden flowers in sea shell contain- ers. Mrs. J. Rolland Crompton and Mrs. David R. Morgan received the guests and Mrs. O. R. Mullison and Mrs. Morgan poured. A splendid program consisted of accordian solos by Shirley Boston of Pike’s Creek, readings by Maralyn Morgan of Edwardsville, and read- ings by Mrs. Herbert Williams of Alderson last '| Trucksville. Guests: Edna L. Smith, Marguer- ite Smith, Mrs. Robert Jones, Hattie Jones, Jerry Wild, Mrs. James Mar- tin, Mary E. Morgan Mrs. Thomas Davis, Margaret Davis, Mrs. D. P. ‘{ Honeywell Mrs. Anna Richards, Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Miss Bessie Herriots, Ellen S. Clark Fidelia Clark, Ger- trude Dickover, Georgia Dickover, Mrs. O. R. Mullison, Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. Thomas Harwood, Mrs. Harry Allen, Mrs. James Lord, Mrs. George Armitage Mrs. Lee Zimmer- man, Mrs. Jessie Shupp, Mrs. War- ren Boston, Miss Lucy Wolfe, Miss Shirley Boston, Mrs. Ray Garinger, Mrs. Fred Swanson, Arnold Garin- ger, Anna Fitten, Mrs. Herbert Ferry, Mrs. Ralph Morgan, Mrs. Elizabeth Frances, Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mrs. Curtis Marsh, Mrs. G. Earl Smith, Maralyn Morgan, Doris Tripp, Lenora Carey, Marion Smith, Mrs. Phil Thomas Mrs. Daisy Crispell, Mrs. Arthur Kocher, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mrs. Leona Leinthall, Mrs. Warren Dennis, Mrs. Harry Ruth, Mrs. Otis Allen, Mrs. Irma Harris, Mrs. G. E. Davis, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Herbert Williams, Mrs. Harriet Rauch, Mrs. Peter Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogers, Mrs. Bernard Rogers, Mrs. George Ellsworth, Mrs. Nettie O'Malley, Mrs. Florence Bal- comb, Mrs. Ray Shultz, Mrs. Ruth Stevenson, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. J. Rolland Crompton, Mrs. Emma Wil- liams, Mrs. Margaret McKechnie, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Albert Armitage, Mrs. Elwood Conden, Mrs. Florence Conden, Jennie Lee Con- den, Frank Jackson and Rev. David Morgan. } Miss Anna Ryman Is Wed To James Carroll Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Anna Marie Ryman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ryman of Dallas and James .{ Allen Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carroll of Schenectady, N. Y. Rev. Christopher King perform- ed the ceremony in the rectory of St. Columbia’s Church, Schenectady, on July 13. Attendants were Mrs. George Moore of Wyoming, sister of the bride, and Gerald Carroll, brother of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hudak Give Surprise Party A surprise birthday party hon- oring Robert Zimmerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zimmerman of Wilkes-Barre, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hudak of Overbrook avenue on Sun- day. Robert celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary. Games were played and refreshments served. Present were: Mary Louise Rucis- chak, Betty Lopaski, Mary Ann Zimmerman, Joseph Lopaski, David ] Hudak, Michael Rubiscak, John Mrs. Carroll is a graduate of Dal- { Hudak, Alfred Hudak, Mr. and Mrs. las Township High School and | Eenneth Zimmerman of Wilkes- Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. She | Barre, Mr. and Mrs. John Lopaski is connected with Ellis Hospital in | of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schenectady. Mr. Carroll was grad- uated from Mt. Pleasant High School, and Union College, Sche- nectady. He is with General Elec- tric Company in Schenectady where the couple will make their home. Carl Carey Writes Mr, and Mrs. Leo Carey of Main | road, Trucksville, received a letter from their son, Carl, through the San Francisco postmaster this week. This is the first message the Careys have had from their son since Moth- er’s Day when he wired his mother. The letter had been written June 11. Word From Australia Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lamoreaux of Lehman received a nice letter from Alfred from Australia this week. The letter which was written May 28 was postmarked June 8, just five weeks ago. Al says they are being treated royally in Aus- tralia and there is nothing for his mother to worry about. He gets a great kick out of figuring his pay in English money and seeing the automobiles drive down the left side of the road. Rubiscak of Wilkes-Barre, the guest of honor and Mr. and Mrs. Hudak. Honor Son and Daughter Spending Leave At Home Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Benjamin of Noxen entertained at a family din- ner recently honoring their son and daughter who came home on leave after a year’s absence. Lt. May Ben- jamin ANC is stationed at Station - Hospital, Fort Eustis, Virginia; Lt. Clinton W. Benjamin just received his wings at Mather Field, Califor- nia. He came home by plane. At- tending the dinner were Wallace G. Whitaker, a very good friend of the family, and the following broth- ers and sisters: Selma, Stella, Nancy, Joseph, Robert, the guests of honor and the parents. iLouella Neely Tea Louella Neely Bible Class of Leh- man Methodist Church will hold their annual tea on the lawn of the church on Wednesday afternoon. . Friends are invited to attend. On Guard Again let us warn you to get your supplies of printing now before prices and paper increase THE POST PRINT SHOP. “More than a newspaper, a community institution’ A A >