THE POST, AY, MAY 22, mp rua RR edtahood Notes And News Of ‘Home Phone 161 ~ Purely Personal + Office Phone 300 ‘Miss Anna Kutzner and her sis- ters of N. Franklin street, Wilkes- Barre, have rented the Ganglof house on Lake street for the sum- mer. Mrs. Harry Snyder of Claude street had as luncheon guests Tues- 4 Mr. and Mra. Frederick Drake of Easton, who have been spending thelr Serine vacation with the form- Drake of en avenue left on unday for Pittsburgh where Mr. royer Division located at Camp don, Augusta, Ga., is spending a day furlough with his parents, and Mrs, Corey Mead of Ide- ce June 1941. : : x k * Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Edwards of Davis street, Trucksville, will en- ertain a few friends before the ~ Woman’s Club dance tomorrow ening. ~ Miss Helen Williamson of Shaver- . town spent the week end in Bethle- ~ hem where she was the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williamson and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. s. Clemow and ~ son, Thomas, of Shavertown have returned from Bound Brook, N. J. where they spent several days visit- ing their daughter, Mrs. Franklin ~ Morrow. Major and Mrs. Norman Smith of Huntsville have announced the birth of an eight pound son, Norman Wade, at Nesbitt Hospital, Saturday, May 16. Mother and son are doing x * * and Mrs. Milton Culp of jille entertained over the 5 or i their daughter, Evelyn, a nurse in New York City. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lomas of ~ Goss Manor will entertain prior to the Woman's Club dance tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooper of Leh- man have as their guest the latter's mother, Mrs. E. H. Williams, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Marvel of i Wilkes-Barre have taken up their residence on Pioneer avenue. * * x Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bachman and infant son will move into the road shortly. Miss Gertrude Wilson of Frank- lin street entertained members of her bridge club last evening. Amos Kitchen caught two nice cat fish in Harvey's Lake on Monday. Mr. Kitchen is one of Isaac Walton's most ardent followers—and one of his most successful, too. * * x Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple of Goss Manor entertained over the week end Misses Jessica and Marie Trimble of Vaughn street, Kingston. Mrs. R. L. Shaver of Lake street entertained Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Shaver of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths of Machell avenue will entertain at a party before the Woman's Club dance tomorrow evening. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson of Lehman had as week-end guests ~ Mrs. Alfred Johnson and daughter, Regina and Mrs. Thomas Brown of Long Island, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. _ Richard Johnson of Luzerne and ‘Mrs. William Thompson of Forty Fort entertained Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Brown during their visit here. Mrs. Dora Major and her daugh- ter, Miss Myrtle, spent Wednesday with the C. J. Major family at Huntsville. Mrs. George Hofmeister of Nuan- gola entertained members of her card club at the home of her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Lancio of Claude street, on Wednesday. * * * Private Harry Rogers of Fort Meade, Maryland, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers of Idetown. Mrs. James Rogers of Idetown en- tertained Mrs. Clarence Smith and children, Patsy and Jimmie, Mrs. Donald Scott and son, Larry, of North Eaton, Mrs. Nelson Rogers and son Donald of Idetown, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Casterline of Fernbrook one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck of Main street will move next week to Or- chard street, Shavertown. - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hauck and children of Demunds road spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Losey at their summer home near Nichol- son. | Mus. Montayne house on Mt, Greenwood | Mt. Greenwood Kiwanis Club members enjoyed an outing at the cottage of Walter J. Lundy at Falls last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gittens and family of Yeager avenue moved to South Wilkes-Barre on Monday. Lulu Beisel will entertain members of her sewing club at her home on Main street this evening, friday. Amos Kitchen of Harveys’ Lake has as his guest for several days his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Leas of Washington, D. C. Mrs. James Rogers has been ill at her home in Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. John Frank who have been spending some time with relatives in Connecticut returned to their home on Claude street Tues- day. Kenneth Oliver who has been em- ployed in Philadelphia has returned to his home on Claude street. * % x Mrs. Marion O'Dell, Misses Velma Haring, Stella Misson, Irene Oney, Betty Bilbow and Jane Case will be, the week-end guests of Mrs. Clay- ton Powell, at Elmira, N. Y. Mrs. Powell is the former Miss Clara Mae Evans, of Shavertown, Ralph Eddinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Eddinger, East Dallas, will leave on Sunday for Pittsburgh, where he has accepted a position with the Kopper’s Manufacturing Company. Mrs. Paul Terry, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Detrick, Terrace street, Fernbrook, the past three weeks, will leave Monday for her home in San Fer- nando, California. Cards have been received by friends from Rev. and Mrs, Daniel Davis, who are now living in Rome, Iowa. Rev. Davis, who has been pastor for the past year at the Glenview Primitive Methodist Church, Fernbrook, was transferred to his new charge at the Annual Church Conference held in Youngs- town, Ohio. Mrs. Davis is the form- er Miss Charlotte Mintzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mintzer, Dal- las. * * * Mrs, Calvin Warner of Mt. Green- wood road is a patient at General Hospital where she submitted to an operation recently. Her condition is good. Mrs. Raymond Elston will be host- ess at a party at her home in Kun- kle this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elicker and daughter, Carol, of Pioneer avenue, spent several days this week in Harrisburg and Washington, D. C. Basil Coleman of Trucksville is a patient at Will ' Rogers Memorial Hospital at Saranac, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. James Stiles of Dav- enport street entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kilian of Shickshinny. Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer of Davenport ‘street had as week- end guests their son, Bob, of Balti- more, and their son-in-law, Sgt. Ed- ward Jones of New Cumberland. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover and daughter, Roxie, of Idetown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Leon Race of Kunkle. Mrs. Glen Spencer and daughter, Sharon, of Idetown visited Mrs. Alice Davis of West Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Moyer of Baltimore spent the week end with the Spen- cers. Mr. and Mrs, Willard Roberts of Plymouth and their children, Rich- ard and Margaret Jane, called on Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver of Idetown Sunday. Mrs. George Smith and daughter, Betty, of Forty Fort, spent Mothers’ Day at the home of Mrs. Walter Smith of Idetown. Mrs. Warren Mekeel of Succas- sunna, New Jersey, visited her mother, Mrs. Ray Warner of Ide- town over the week end, Miss Dor- othy Warner is the guest of Miss : Dorris Nicholson of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Kriedler and family of West Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boice of Idetown Sunday. * % =» Mr. and Mrs. John Mattey of Plymouth called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pohala of Ietown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Ross, the proprietors of Harry Hill's Restau- rant at Harvey's Lake, have moved to Cool Cave Inn at Shickshinny. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cragle of Idetown announce the birth of a baby girl, Edna Lea Cragle, at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital on Thurs- day, May 14. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wright of Endicott spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wright of Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright spent Mothers’ Day at the home of their son, Mr. Randolph Wright at Lehman. Miss Elsie Sisco Weds Andrew Kozemchak Announcement hag/been made the marriage of Miés Elsie Si of Askam, daughter of * Anna Sisco, and Andr, Ko#€mchak, son of Mrs. Rose Ki chak of Over- brook avenue. The ceremony was performed in the Episcopal Church at Portland, Maine, Friday, May 8. Mrs. Kozemchak, who has been employed at the Duplin Silk Mill at Nanticoke, will make her home tem- porarily in Portland. I Andy is a gunner’s mate on the North Carolina. He is a seasoned Army and Navy man having spent 4 years in the Navy and 4 years in the Army previous to his last en- listment. While serving in the Army he spent 3 years in the Philippine Islands. | Arrives In Australia Word has been received that Dr. Talcott Wainwright, a member of the U. S. Medical Corps, has safely’ arrived in Australia. Dr. Wain~ wright is the second cousin of the famous General Wainwright of Corregidor. Mrs. Wainwright is the former Arvilla Randall and was a resident of Huntsville for several years. She has joined the Scranton nursing corps for the duration. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welch Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Henry “Welch of Davenport street celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a number of friends Saturday evening. | The couple received a number of i lovely gifts. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross, Mathew Wilson of Plains; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ram- sey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ramsey and daughter, Joyce, of Pocono; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krogalski and Beverly and Lane of Shades Glen; Mr. and Mrs. George Bowen and Mary Louise of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Welch and son, Billy. Attend Convention Mrs. Laverne Shiber of Davis street and Mrs. Helen Eggleston of Vernon will attend the state con- vention of Federated Woman's Clubs at Harrisburg on Wednesday. Mrs. Shiber will take the place of Mrs. Fred Eck, president, and Mrs. Eggle- ston is the delegate from the local club. Preston Swan, Guest Of Honor On Birthday Preston Swan was guest of honor at a birthday party at his home in Idetown Sunday evening. A beau- tifully decorated birthday cake was sent to him by his mother. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spencer, Nancy Spencer, Mr, and Mrs. Ken- neth Swan, Phyllis and Lenora Swan, Earl Swan, Patsy Swan, Ar- nold Swan, Ransom Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Swan and son, Ken- neth. Entertain At Family Dinner For Soldier Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Harris of Al- derson entertained at a family din- ner Thursday evening honoring their son, James, who left Saturday for camp at New Cumberland. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris and children, Robert, Dan and Richard, Miss Margaret Harris, Jakie Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Allen, Jr., the guest of honor and his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Boice of Dallas announce the birth of a baby daughter, Donna Edith, at the Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital on May 14. Mrs. Boice is the former Evelyn Sutton. Mrs. Sylvester of West Chester is visiting friends in Lehman and Ide- town. Mrs. Sylvester is the mother of Mr. Clouser, music instructor at Lehman Township High School. Miss Ethel Wright, a resident of Idetown and graduate of Lehman High School, graduated Thursday evening from the General Hospit- al’s School of Nursing. Miss Wright’ was one of six of the graduating class to be chosen for a six week period as visiting nurse. Mrs. Libbie Ide is still at the Gen- eral Hospital undergoing treatment. Mrs. Tom Davis of Idetown is visiting her daughter at Chambers- burg. Mrs. Irving Horwits and children of New York are staying for the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Morgan, of Idetown. Mrs, R. B. Shaver has returned to her home in Idetown from the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital where she underwent an operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis have moved from their former home in Idetown, and Mr. and Mrs. William Mann of Wilkes-Barre now occupy the house. Mrs. P. H. Parks is still ill at her home, Bedspreads Are Important in Crochet Contest A square a ‘day is the idea for this .)pealing bedspread. with serene, ladylike distinction. The large scale baroque filet design is fun to | do, and nimble fingers can make this work go like magic. crochet cotton is used to give it the sturdy wearing and washing qualities Mercerized which are part of its charm. Start now to crochet this exquisite spread | for entry in the Sixth Annual Nation-wide Crochet Contest, where bed- spreads occupy an important place in the final judgings. Crochet Champion and 43 “ranking crocheters” Directions for making this bedspread and prizes and national honors. A National will be selected for cash details of the Contest may be obtained by sending a stamped, self- addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper, specify- ing design No. 6055. Miss Jean Elizabeth Zimmerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. TU. Zimmerman of Lehman will become the bride of Donald Dougal Deans, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Deans of North Adams, Massachusetts Satur- day, May 23, in the Lehman Metho- dist Church. Rev. Frank Abbott, pastor, and Rev. Thomas Kline, of Wilkes-Barre, a fraternity brother of Mr. Dean, will officiate. Mrs. Al- bert Ide, sister of the bride, will play the wedding march. Miss Zimmerman will be given in marriage by her father. Attendants will be Murjal Zimmerman, sister Deans Saturday of the bride, and Jeanie Deans, sis- ter of the bridegroom. Mr. Dean’s father will act as best man and ushers, both members of his frater- nity at Dickinson College, will be Paul Neff and William Spiegel- holder. A reception at the home of the bride wil follow the ceremony. Miss Zimmerman is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary and Wilson Col- lege. She has been employed at Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation at Poughkeepsie, N."Y. Mr. Deans was graduated from New York Military Academy and attend- ed Dickinson College. Mrs. H. Lee Scott Entertains At Tea In Honor Of Mother Eighty-eight year old Margaret Marshall of Mt. Holly, N. J,, was guest of honor at a lovely tea given by her daughter, Mrs. H. Lee Scott of Center Hill road last Thursday afternoon. Among the guests were Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Davis, mother of Mrs. C. L. Albert of Pioneer ave- nue, 91 years old, Mrs. John Mericle of Lake street, 82 years old, and Mrs. Rachel Wycoff of Center Hill road, 93 years and 9 months old. Mrs. Marshall is a delightful Scotch lady who came here from Glasgow 53 years ago. She still re- tains a refreshing Scotch dialect and insisted on making the scones, a hot griddle biscuit, for the party. Other guests at the tea were: Mrs. Ray Shiber, Mrs. C. L. Albert, Mrs, Arthur Dungey, Mrs. Harry Scureman,-Mrs. Joseph Stearns, Mrs. Stanley Rinehimer, Mrs. H. H. Zeiser, Mrs. G. A. Kuehn, Dr. Sarah Wyckoff and Mrs, W. D. Dowd. Entertain At Shower For Jean Zimmerman Miss Louise Brown and Miss Dor- othy Major of Lehman entertained at the Brown home at a variety shower honoring Miss Jean Zimmer- man, bride elect, Monday afternoon. The party table was attractive with center piece of pink roses and lilies of the valley and pink tapers. Guests present were Mrs. H. Austin Snyder; Mrs. Albert Ide, Mrs. Leonard Adamchek, Mrs. Glen Johnson, Miss Vera Whitesell, Miss Grace Ide, the guest of honor and the hostesses. Mrs. Charles Jones Is Hostess At Luncheon Mrs. Charles Jones was hostess at a covered dish luncheon to mem- bers of the Ways and Means Com- mittee and officers of the Mary Durbin Class at her home on Claude street Wednesday. Present were Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mrs. L. Richardson, Mrs. John Durbin, Mrs. Dan Sutch, Mrs. Della Thompson, Mrs. Ross Lewin and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Washburn of Idetown spent last week in Wash- ington, D. C., and Baltimore, where they visited their daughters, Mrs. Murray « Gibson and Mrs. Clark Yeager and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown of Baltimore spent the week end visit- ing their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Brown of Parrish street and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MacHenry of Orange. Woman's Club Announces Garden Party Plans Mrs. Ross Lewin will be general chairman and Mrs. George Turn, Mrs. William Lanyon and Mrs. John Yaple co-chairmen of the garden parties which will be sponsored by members of the Dallas Woman's Club this summer, Because of gaso- line shortage, three parties will be held this year instead of the usual centralized one—one in Dallas at the Ross Lewin home, one at Shav- ertown at Mrs. Herbert Lundy’s and one in Trucksville at the home of Mrs. Clarence Adams. Woman's Club Dance Mrs. Edward Hartman is chairman of the Dallas Woman's Club dance which is being held at the Irem Temple Country Club tomorrow eve- ning, Saturday, May 23. Reserva- tions can be made with Miss Lea Richards or Mrs. Mert A. Swart- wood. Turn In Bond Books All Dallas Women’s Club mem- bers having war bond books are re- quested to turn in the books, stubs and money before 6 P. M. Saturday to any of the following: Mrs. Grace Lee, Mrs. Wilma Elston, Mrs. Adri- enne Nulton, “Mrs. Loretta Nelson, Mrs. Irma Miles, Mrs. Eleanor Jones, Mrs. LaVerne Shiber, Mrs. Nettie Adams, Mrs. Isabelle Derolf and Mrs. Alice Borthwick. Junior Prom Harold Roberts is general chair- man of the Junior Prom of Dallas Borough High School to be held this evening, Friday, at -9 o'clock. Local Church Doings ‘Former Lehman Teacher To Become At a family dinner on Sunday at her home, “Fair View,” Shippens- burg, R.D. 1, Mrs. William A. Fay- lor announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Lee Alverna Faylor, Beavertown, to Simon Rob- ert Finkenbinder, of Princeton, New Jersey. Miss Faylor is a former teacher at Lehman High School. Carrying out the idea of the pros- pective husband’s occupation, tiny bouquets in miniature milk bottles, labeled “Borden’s” had the message of “spilling the milk” cleverly con- vealed. A decorated ‘Elsie Borden” cow, I with flowers and candles, comprised the centerpiece. The bride-elect, the daughter of Mrs. Faylor and the late William A. Faylor, graduated from Shipp- ensburg high school, received her baccalaureate degree from Shipp- | Bride Of Princeton Man In Fall ensburg State Teachers’ College, and attended Bucknell Univer- sity. While in high school and col- lege, she was a varsity debater, and an active member of various drama- tic, journalistic and sports organiz- ations, as well as being high honor student. At present, she is teacher of Eng- lish and Latin, and coach of dra- matics and girls’ basketball, at Beaver Vocational high school. Mr. Finkenbinder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCune Fin- kenbinder, of Newburg, Pa. Since attending the Shippensburg school, he has been actively engaged in dairy farming. At present he has a position with Borden's Walker- Gordon Milk Laboratory Company, Plainsboro, N. J, " The wedding will be an autumn event. Mrs. Fred Drake, Guest § | Of Honor At Shower | Mrs. Fred Drake, the former Miss Alma Nelson, was guest of honor at a variety shower at the home of Mrs. Ralph Brown, on Saturday evening. The table was very attrac- tive with two large wedding cakes, white flowers and white candles in | crystal holders. Mrs. Drake received | beautiful gifts. Guests were Mrs. Grant Shaner, Mrs. Paul LaBar, Mrs. William Ayers, Mrs. Nelson Shaver, Mrs. Paul Shaver, Mrs. Sheldon Drake, Mrs. Warren Brown, Mrs, McHenry, | Mrs. Del Edwards, Mrs. Edwin Nel- | son, Mrs. Gensel, Jane Ayre, Jean , Cole, Arlene Ide, Elsie Ayre, Mary Thomas, Naomi Shaver, Lois An- trim and Pauline Shaver. Dallas Services Services for Sunday, May 24, at Dallas Methodist Church are as follows: The Church School at 10 A. M. Morning Worship at 11. Ser- mon by the minister. Subject, “A Living Memorial.” This is the Mem- orial Day Service. Evening Worship at 7:30. Sermon, “A New Use for Prayer.” Rev. Austin L. Prynn, pas- tor. Mrs. Oscar Roth, Hostess To Laing Auxiliary Members of the Dr. Laing Fire Auxiliary were pleasantly entertain- ed at the home of Mrs. Oscar Roth, Church street, on Tuesday evening. Plans were made for a picnic party in June. Committee has as members Mrs, R. J. W. Templin, Mrs. Stephen Sedler and Mrs. Marcus Ide. Fol- lowing the meeting cards were play- ed and small potted plants were given as prizes. The hostesses, Mrs. Thomas King- ston, Mrs. D. P. Honeywell and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, served lunch to Mrs. Nelson Shaver, Mrs. F. B. Schooley, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Fred Hughey, Mrs. Earl Monk, Mrs. Stephen Sedler, Mrs. Guy Dun- ham, Mrs. Arthur Newman, Mrs, R. J. Templin, Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Marcus Ide, Mrs, Thomas Kep- ner, Mrs. John Girvan, Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Knecht and Mrs. Edward VanCampen. Bake Sale The Confidence Class will hold a bake sale on May 29 at Cave's Store in Idetown. All home-baked goods will be sold. * kik hk x of American homes. Electricity makes easier—releases x oh Kok kK household American important Defense duties. * oA ok k kk MODERN ELECTRIC SERVICE Is Helping Me Do My Part Complete Electric Service, including Electric Cookery, means a lot nowadays in thousands Unheralded and unsung, it is contributing much to Victory. tasks faster, homemakers for Electric Ranges are cooking the nation’s food— helping keep the men of our war industries well fed, healthy, mentally alert. LUZERNE COUNTY GAS AND ELECTRIC CORP. Do Your Part For Victory . . . Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps Yok Yr odeiiie v