so a THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1942 ‘ Thrifty Folk Look Fi irst On This Page For Bargains The TRAD ING POST For Sale— American Shamrock (osealis) 4 leaf clovers, color pink. Blooms all summer until frost. Good for bor- ders, hanging baskets, rock gardens, pot plants. Price of bulbs, 20c doz., 40c for 25, 50c¢ for 75, $1.40 per hun- dred. Dahlia: bulbs, Cut flowers, tulips, mixed colors, long stems, 35¢ doz. Mrs. George S. Sawyer, Church Street, Dallas, May15,22,30 Good Sound Work Horses and Mules. William DeReamer, War- den Farm, Dallas. 14-T¢ Wedding Announcements—En- graved Stationery — Highest qual- ity — See our samples and save money, The Dallas Post. Firewood and fire place logs, coal, ice, Phone Miller, Dallas 112-R-7. For Sale—Rental Leases, For Sale signs, No Trespassing signs, No Hunting signs, For Rent signs, ete. The Dallas Post. For Sale—Bungalow with lake view, furnished, improvements, Above Outlet. W. S. Kitchen, H-L 3206. May 15,22-2t Used Electric Refrigerators, recon- ditioned washing machines, parts and service all makes. 267 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, 7-4514. 27-tf Guaranteed rebuilt Ford V8 engines. 4000 mile guarantee. $7 month. Stull Brothers, Kingston, Pa, = 19tf Queen Beaver Range $15, excellent condition, needs only new bricks and cross pieces; Epworth organ $20. Mrs, C. W. Kunkle, Dallas R. D. 1. 20-1t 12-inch terra cotta pipe. F. M. Gor- don, 22 Norton Ave., Dallas. Tt For Rent— 8 room house, bath. All improve- ments. Inquire 80 Main Street. May 15,22,29 6 room house at Lehman. Inquire Mrs. Clara Mekeel, Lehman.. 1t For Rent or Sale—Large lake-front restaurant, equipped, living quar- ters. Near bridge. W. S. Kitchen, H-L 3206. May 15,22, 2t Every week of the year The Dallas Post tells you of the changes time has wrought in your community. Read The Dallas Post. Help Wanted— Couple between ages of 35 and 45. Woman to take care of house with ten children. Salary and full-rfhain- tenance. References. Write Box A, Dallas Post, 20-1t Kingston Township correspondent for this newspaper. Lots of fun. Little money. See us if you have a yen to write but don’t expect to make a living out of the newspaper business. An easy way to pick up Defense Stamp money. The Post. 20-3t Wanted— Wanted an elderly person or man and - wife to board. Pensioners taken. Call Dallas 421-R-14. 1t THRIFTY PEOPLE APPRECIATE THE POST CLASSIFIED ADS ‘Wanted To Buy— We buy ground pine and princess pine. Call Dallas 247, 14-5t Horsedrawn vehicles; sulkies, carry- alls, surrys, hacks, buggies. State condition, selling price and where vehicle may be seen. Address Box B care of The Dallas Post. 20-2¢ We buy white birch in pole lengths. Call Dallas 247. 14-tf Beef cattle, calves, fresh and com- ing fresh cows. Highest prices paid. I. Mellner, Kingston 72746. tf Miscellaneous— Dead Animals removed. Highest prices paid for dead or disabled horses, cows and mules. Phone, Laceyville ' 65. Bradford County Rendering Works. tf Well Drilling—For twenty-five years we have specialized in well drill- ing. No job too large or too small. Better water wells at lower cost. Tell your water troubles to Cress- well Drilling Company, Kingston. Phone 7-4815. 14-tf : Chicks For Sale— Baby Chicks—New Hampshire Reds, Rock Reds, 9c delivered. Breeders blood tested, finest breeders’ mash used. Joseph Davis and Son, Leraysville, Pa. tf Wayne started chicks. Wayne dairy and poultry feeds and insecticides. Zel Garinger, Dallas. tf POULTRYMEN! The quickest, slick- est way to shop for poultry sup- plies is at\this “one-stop” head- quarters. We carry a full line of chicks, Purina feeds and sanitation products. To reduce danger of dis- ease, put Chek-R-Tabs in the poul- try fountain. Trucksville Mill—Main Highway, Trucksville, Pa. Phone Dallas 58-R-2. Reupholstering— Make your fine old furniture new with its original wear and com- fort—Beautiful wide range of fab- rics. Low prices—Guaranteed work- manship. Write or Phone John Cur- tis, 7-5636—210 Lathrop street, Kingston. Guaranteed repairs on washers, cleaners, refrigerators, etc. Wil- \ liam Hanna, phone 107R9. tf All kinds of alive or dead stock re- moved free of charge, Call Dallas 433R9. Laskowski Rendering Works. We will refund phone calls. 23-26t For prompt removal of dead, old, disabled horses, sows, mules, phone Carl Crockett, Muhlenburg 19-R-4. Phone charges paid. 24tf Photographer & Supplies ACE HOFFMAN STUDIOS Portrait and Commercial PHOTOGRAPHERS Cameras and Photo Supplies 32 W. Market St., Wilkes-Barre Elect A Real Soldier GENERAL MARTIN John L. Lewis Plan’ to “Organize” Pra “. g 7 Lr 4 51 ay fi _ lis gl / RX on { Cl Vs aly? «ll os i. PANZ zo J) ol (R) DAIRY, A i £2 — ee N Ys He GA or > ZY 07 ws] The Dairy Farmers FBR. = = a a i == _ __ _ You trp tM ol ___ JIM... AND TLL Em! - ¥ ot = 2 | WP rennA, Wizgesy => SS — 3 Ti co WT Wi ie SS ie 1 R72 Sipe CE yf % Yn Ya J) I Wheel Alignment— MOTOR VEHICLE SERVICE BEAR SYSTEM Stop Shimmy. Save Tires Body and Fender Repairing Tony Washesky, prop. Dial 7-0073 251 Market (Cor. Second) Kingston SERVICE Rebennack & Covert Washer—Radios Refrigerators Sales and Service Call 7-4514 267 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, Pa. JOHN LEIDLINGER (“Red,” formerly with Frey Bros.) All Kinds Of LEATHER WORK REPAIRING Very Neatly Done. Harness, Collars and Horse Supplies Dog Supplies and LUGGAGE 117 SO, WASHINGTON ST., Dial 38-9459 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. THRIFTY PEOPLE APPRECIATE THE POST CLASSIFIED ADS ESTATE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters of administration have been granted to the undersigned upon the Estate of W. S. Kunkle, late of Dallas Township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same with- out delay to Philip Kunkle, Dallas RFD. 1. AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance of the Borough of Pringle Regulating’ the storage of explosives and providing the pen-' alty for the violation thereof. i Be it enacted and ordained by | the Burgess and Town Council of, the Borough of Pringle, Luzerne County , Pennsylvania, and it is enacted and ordained by authority. of ‘the same as follows: 1. That from and after the pas- sage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or store, or cause to be stored, within three hundred feet of any public highway or residence located in the Borough of Pringle, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, any nitro glycerine, dyna- mite, gun powder, gun cotton or other high explosive adopted for; blasting in any quantity whatso- ever. 2. Any person, firm or corpora- tion violating any of the provisions of this ordinance is subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars and in default of payment thereof, to imprisonment not exceeding forty-eight (48) hours. 3. Any ordinances or parts of or-, dinances inconsistent with the pro-) visions of the above ordinance be and the same are herewith repealed. Duly passed at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Bor- ough of Pringle, held Tuesday eve-" ning, May 5, 1942. ANTHONY DOMINICK, President of Council. LEO F. WOIDZCK, Secretary. fl Attest: NOW, 5th day of May 1942, I. hereby approve the above Ordin- ance, WILLIAM CONNOLLY, Wheel, Axle, Frame, Alignment. Electric and Acetylene Welding ‘| AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOR- MEEKER Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant visited their son, James and family at Greenfield on Sunday. Mrs. Edna Karschner spent the week end with friends in Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers spent the week end with friends in New York State. Mrs. John Austin of Roaring Brook, Mrs. George Weintz and Mrs. James Davenport spent last Thurs- day visiting Mrs. Lucy Altemus and Mrs. Estella Endler at Alderson. Miss Pauline Varner spent the week with relatives in New York. Mr. and Mrs. William Drabick entertained recently Mr. and Mrs. Fred Covert and granddaughter, [ Rita, of Lake Silkworth., Mrs, Clara Thompson and Hlen of Holland, N, Y., are spending sev- eral days visiting: Mr. and Mrs. James Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. William Drabick and ‘Edna, Mrs. Shirley Howell of Lehman spent Sunday at Hazleton. Renewal Of Sewing Project Rejected An offer ‘by a county’ WPA official to reopen the Dallas Sew- ing Project was rejected last week by Councilman Morgan D. Wilcox. “The suggestion was made for purely political reasons,” said Mr. Wilcox, “and the resumption of the project is impractical, since all the machinery has been removed.” ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Harry Casterline, No. 2312 of 1941, in the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County, Pa., by authority and decree of the Orphans’ Court entitled estate the folowing real estate will be offered at public Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on Wednesday, May 27, 1942, at 9:00 A. M., all the following real estate located in Lehman Town- ship, Luzerne County, Pa. BEGINNING at a corner on the South line of Cooke Street, it being a corner of lots Nos. 28 and 29 of Kitchen Heights; thence along the line dividing said lots South 27 de- grees 30 minutes East one hundred seventy-five (175) feet to a. corner of lots Nos. 28,29, 27 and 30; thence along lot No. 30 South 62 degrees 30 minutes West forty (40) feet to a corner of lots Nos. 30, 33, 34 and 29; thence along the line dividing lots Nos. 34 and 29 North 27 de- grees 30 minutes West one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet to a cor- ner of said lots on the South line of Cooke Street aforesaid; thence along Cooke Street North 62 degrees 30 minutes East forty (40) feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 29 on. Kitchen Heights. Improved with a frame dwelling house. TERMS OF SALE: One Hundred Dollars on day of sale and balance on confirmation of sale and deliver; of deed. The right is reserved to re- ject any and all bids. NELSON ROGERS, Administrator. DONALD S. MILLS, Esq., Attorney for Administrator, 226 Second National Bank Bldg., Wilkes-Barre, Penna. TAX ORDINANCE Ordinance No... OUGH OF PRINGLE, Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 1942. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACT- ED, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Council of the Bor- ough of Pringle, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: SECTION 1. That a tax be and the same is hereby levied on all property and occupations within the said Borough subject to taxation for Borough purposes for the fiscal year 1942, as follows: Tax rate for general Borough pur- poses, the sum of (15) mills on each dollar of assessed valuation; For debt purposes, the sum of Six (6) mills on each dollar of as- sessed valuation; Making a total tax rate for all Borough purposes of Twenty-one (21) mills. SECTION 2. That any ordinance, or part of ordinance, conflicting with this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed insofar as the same affects this ordinance. Adopted this 3rd day of February, A. D., 1942. Attest: ANTHONY DOMNICK, President of Council LEO F. WOIDZCK, Secretary of Council Approved this 3rd day of Febru- ary, A. D., 1942. of Luzerne County in the above | sale for payment of debts to the |: highest bidder in Orhpans’ Court |’ OPEN LATE Friday and Saturday Nights! ALL AMERICAN GOOD FOOD IS COR ERT] These and hundreds of other items equally outstanding in value are offered in your nearby Acme Super Market Tre oY eit Roasting Acme Quality Meats Are Always Dependable Sy 4 Beef or Lamb Liver Swift's Premium Bologna Lean Boiling Beef Fresh Cut Hamburg Sugar Cured m 27 c’ Any size piece. EE EE ERE Wilson & Co. Coney Island Frankfurters Swift's Premium Baked Meat Loat a Macaroni §8 Cheese Loat 4%» Pickle & Pimento Loaf Tender Crisp Green Beans , 10 2 pounds ior Fancy Cucumbers 2 “ 9 Large Grapefruit 3“ 19 Nearby: Green Onions *. YOUR CHOICE Fancy Red Radishes large ! Home Grown Rhubarb 3 buricnes i i % lbs. 4 ths. 1 6 Fancy New BT Large Florida Oranges Luscious GIF Freestome PEACHES Halves or 2 2: 2 % cans 35° Rob-Ford Sliced Beets 2. 19c Rob-Ford Carrots oi. 2 52 19c Gorton's Fibered Codfish rie, 2§c Gobd Seal Family Flour e ED ac Pilisbury’s Best Flour ng PD $1.0 Luscious Fruit Cocktail 2 on 25c Acme Whole Kernel Corn 2 7. 23c Farmdale Large Tender Peas 2 V.’ 27c Natural Grapefruit Juice R Sx3%c N. B. C. Shredded Wheat gic Hunt Club Dog Food he 39C Sweetheart Toilet Soap ber Lc Buy 8 bars at regular price, get other bar for le extra. Double Tip Old Dutch Cleanser 6::23° 213° CRISCO ::27°:3:7 1c can For delicious, digestible foods. 23¢ pkg Ji i OXYDOL _::65¢: P & GSOAP . 5--23¢ DUZ _ =:65°: w23° CAMAY SOAP 2--15¢ The soap of beautiful women. 23¢ CHIPSO Rich, fast-acting suds, safe for hands. Matches large boxes giant giant large pkg IVORY 350 w24¢ IVORY ":%. we 24C IVORY SOAP- 4:23; 3-29", Ta ay Prices In This Ad Effective to Close of Business Saturday, May 16, In Your Nearest Acme Super Market, large bars -— WILLIAM CONN OLLY, \ Burgess. Burgess. | 77% — 2