—— TRUCKSVILLE—— Alpha Dymond has purchased the A. C. Kelly property on West Main street and moved his family there on Monday. One hundred and fifty young peo- ple of the Wilkes-Barre District, some from as far away as Dimock in Susquehanna County, attended the annual convention of the Meth- odist Youth Fellowship in the Meth- odist Church on Friday evening, last. Homer Carle of Houston, Texas, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Carle of Harris Hill Road. He came and re- turned by air. Ed * * The Christian Comrades Class of the Methodist Church held a bowl- ing party in Wilkes-Barre on Mon- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woolbert have moved into the apartment vacated by Mr. Willard Garey, The following Misericordia girls are doing their practice teaching at Kingston Township High School: Misses Mary Garrity, Mary Helen Beline, Cynthia Poad, and Mary Sessons, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owens vis- ited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William, Jones over the week- end. * * # Mrs. Leslie Williams of Sayre vis- ited her mother, Mrs. Peter Staub of Carverton Road, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. William Parry of Camden, N. J., were in town on Monday attending the funeral of Mrs. Edythe Soriano. Miss Margaret Sutliff of Carver- ton Road is confined to her home by illness. Mrs. William Hansen of Holly street, is ill. —— SHAVERTOWN—— First Class Seaman Odell Hanson while on shore leave from his ship, U. S. S. Long Island, telephoned his family Sunday morning from Wash- ington, D. C. He visited his sister who is employed in civil service at the Capital. Mrs. Bertha Reimiller and chil- dren, Arthur, Lillian and Paul have moved back to Edwardsville. They had occupied the Laux apartment on Pioneer avenue since June. * * * Mr. and Mrs, John Engler enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. William Lauch- ner and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lauch- ner of Wilkes-Barre at a family din- ner on Monday night. Mrs. Lewis Banta of Philadelphia is spending a week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Updyke on Pioneer avenue. The J. Y. Y. Class of the Metho- dist Church met Friday evening with Mrs. George Hess. Present were: Mesdames Walter Cook, Bea- trice Lewis, Hilda Hughes, Romayne Stark, Beatrice Chapple, Virginia Major and Louise Hess. Mrs. Omar Michaels, Jr, has re- turned to her home in Shawnee-on- the-Delaware after visiting several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson. Lewis Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans, Center street, Shaver- town, who enlisted in the United States Air Corps, left on Wednes- day for New Cumberland, Pa. From there he expects to go to Shelby Field, Mississippi. Mrs. Robert Bachman of Pitts- burgh is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Morris of Davis street. Miss Margaret Ann Morgan of Main street is recovering after a recent illness. * * * Bernard Wilson enlisted in the U. S. Marines and will leave Thurs- day for San Diego, Calif., where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards an- nounce the birth of a daughter on January 21. Mrs. Edwards is the for- mer Miss Virginia McGuire. Mrs. Beatrice Lewis and Mrs. Mil- dred Cheney entertained at a show- er Monday evening in honor of Miss Emma Ruth Shaver. Present were: Dora Gaughan, Bertha Roberts, Grace Bachman, Marie Walp, Vir- ginia Major, Nell Marrow, Eleanor Brown, Kathlyn Lewis, Marjorie Me- keel, Helen Polisky, and Helen Kirk- endall. Shavertown Berean Class Enjoys Members of the Berean Class of the Shavertown Methodist Sunday School were delightfully entertained at a patriotic party at the home of Mrs. Isaac Brace, Shavertown on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Howard Pat- ton, . Boyd Bertram and Mys. Edward Kocker were assistant host- esses. Guests were Mrs. Beulah Calkins, Mrs. Russell Cease, Mrs. Oscar Dy- mond, Mrs. Boyd Bertram, Mrs. Isaac Brace, Mrs. Maggie Ellsworth, Mrs, John Engler, Mrs. William Fer- rell, Mrs. Asa Garey, Mrs. Helen Heale, Mrs. C. B. Henry, Mrs. Wil- Patriotic Party At Brace Home liam Hunt, Mrs. Jane Isaacs, Mrs. Eckley Kocker, Mrs. Edward Kocker, Mrs. Dora Major, Mrs. Albert Ma- Miller, Mrs. William Ockenhouse, Mrs. Howard Patton, Mrs. Genevieve Price, Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman, Mrs. Edward Roberts, Mrs. Walter Sha- ver, Mrs. John Stevenson, Mrs. Bert Stitzer, Miss Bessie Stroh, Mrs. Louise Van Norman, Mrs, Samuel J. Woolbert, Mrs. Ralph Whipp, Mrs. Laura Henson, Mrs. Mildred Dar- row, Mrs. Louise Hatmaker, Miss Wilma Hunt, Miss Kathryn Brace, Mrs. Clyde Brace and Mrs. W. J. Williams. Schedule Of Events At White Church On The Hill “Race Relations Sunday” will be observed at the White Church on The Hill at the evening service at 7:30 Sunday. This service, in which special attention is given to the relations, has been an annual ob- servance of the Methodist Church for many years. At the Sunday morning service at 10:30 the pastor will continue the series of sermons on “The Life of Christ” with a ser- mon on “Jesus Chooses His Apost- les.” : The regular monthly official board meeting will be held at the church on Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Church school officers and teach- ers of all departments will unite in a supper meeting at the church on Tuesday evening at 6:30. Rev. Ros- well Lyon, pastor of the Shaver- town Methodist Church will be the speaker and Mrs. Cedric Griffith will conduct the worship service. The last meeting of the “Seven Weeks Prayer” will be held at the church on Thursday evening at 7:30. Major Smith's Soldiers Defeat Seminary Team A basketball team made up of well-trained soldiers from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and coached by Major Norman Smith of Lehman, defeated Wyoming Semi- nary’s team at the Seminary last Friday evening, with the score of 55 to 39. Major Smith who has been in charge of morale work at the camp is former instructor and coach at the Seminary and brought his soldiers up to play his old team. Russell Muchler Is Host To S. S. Class Russell Muchler entertained mem- bers of the Blue Ribbon Class of the Glenview Primitive Methodist Sun- day School at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Much- ler, East Dallas. Officers elected were, president, Miss Shirley Thom- as; vice president, King Cragle; sec- retary, Miss Betty Jane Trimble; treasurer, Miss Verna Lamoreaux. Refreshments were served to Mar- garet Shields, Nellie Stritzinger, Shirley Thomas, Virginia Shields, Miss Lamoreaux, Richard Case, King Cragle, Melvin Compton and Rus- sell Muchler. Mrs. Edward Sowers Is Hostess To Ladies’ Aid Mrs. Edward Sowers. entertained the members of the Glenview Prim- itive Methodist Ladies Aid at her home, Fernbrook Road, on Friday evening, Miss Verna Lamoreaux, president, presided. Mrs. Henry Randall and Mrs, Lewis Stritzinger will arrange for a Washington tea on February 20th. Present were: Mrs. John Monroe, Mrs. Benjamin Muchler, Mrs. Henry Randall, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, Mrs, Lewis Stritzinger, Miss Verna Lamoreaux, Mrs. Earl Layaou, Mrs. Grant Alt and Mrs. Corey Crispell. Ella Moore Class Mrs. Blanche Swank of Trucksville will be hostess to members of the Ella Moore Class of East Dallas Methodist Church, Tuesday evening. She will be assisted by Mrs. Charles Moore and Miss Myra Carlin. | Trucksville Ladies Will Pack Boxes For Boys In Members of the Trucksville Meth- odist Church are planning to pack “Joy boxes” and send one to each of the boys from Trucksville who are in the service of our country. There are between thirty-two and thirty-five such boys. For anyone desiring to contribute one or more of these articles there will be a committee in the vestiblue of the church next Sunday, Febru- ary 8th, at both morning and eve- Service ning services, to receive the dona- tions, or the contributions may be left at the home of any of the com- mittee members, who are Mrs. How- ard Ide, chairman, Mrs. Henry Strausser, Mrs. George Bonning, Mrs. Warren Taylor and Mrs, Walter Fish, Children of the Primary and Junior departments of the Sunday School may bring their articles on Sunday and give them to the teacher. jor, Mrs. William Morgan, Mrs. Bert y THE POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1942. Good Posture Vital To Health Red Cross Party Draws Big Crowd Prizes Are Donated By Mr. And Mrs. Arbor Red Cross card party sponsored by the Shavertown unit at the hose house Wednesday afternoon was well attended. Prizes which were do- nated by Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Arbor were won by Mrs. Donald Harris, Mrs, Walter Cook, Mrs. Donald Nel- son and Mrs. Al Antonaitis. Mrs. S. R. Schooley was chairman of the affair, Present were: Mrs. James Huston, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Thomas B. Robinson, Mrs, Floyd C. Chamber- lain, Mrs. Glenn Case, Mrs. William E. Connor, Mrs. W. Rodman Derr, Mrs. P. W. Liem, Mrs. Herbert Ray, Mrs. Paul Eckert, Mrs. A, G. Ed- dinger, Mrs. Frank Garris, Mrs. Z. R. Howell, Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Bernard Whitney, Mrs. A. C. Balti- more, Mrs, Charles W. Lee, Mrs. A. | C. Dick, Mrs. Fred Eck, Mrs. Sher- man Schooley. Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Kathryn Staub, Mrs. Carl Gabel. Mrs, Stadt, Mrs. | Thomas G. Reese, Mrs, Reynold Watkins, Mrs. Walter Steinhauer, Mrs. M. J. Borthwick, Mrs. P. S. Van Blarcom, Mrs. John M. Coon, Mrs. C, M. Laidler, Mrs. Donald Harris, Mrs. David ‘A. Jones, Mrs. Albert W. Shafer, Mrs. W. Lan- yon, Mrs. Thomas Wisieski, Mrs. John Stenger, Jr., Mrs. J, H. Gabel, Mrs. Margaret Yop. Mrs. Agnes Youngblood, Mrs. Stephen Sedler, Mrs. Jane Davis, Mrs. Joseph Rother, Mrs, Jacob Laux, Mrs. John Helfrick, Mrs. Ray Laux, Mrs. A. George Prater, Mrs. Joseph T. Regan, Mrs. Andrew Fischer, Mrs. Joseph P. Gibbons, Mrs. Guy Downer, Mrs. Burdett Crane, Mrs. J. A, Martin, Mrs. Wes- ley Steelman, Mrs. G. A. Learn, Mrs. C. S. Behee, Mrs. Howard Ap- pleton, Mrs. Willard Durbin, Mrs. Ted Poad, Mrs. Arthur Schrage, Mrs. Herbert Jenkins. Mrs. Ralph Whipp, Mrs. John Hil- debrant, Mrs. John Kennan, Mrs. Walter L. Fish, Mrs. Harry Post, Mrs. Cedric Griffith, Mrs. James McHale, Mrs. W, H. Derolf, Mrs. Joseph Bailey, Mrs. Harold Shiber, Mrs. E. V. Hartman, Mrs. Herbert Lundy, Mrs. George Metz, Mrs. War- ren Yeisely, Mrs. Robert A. Wil- liams, Mrs. F, W. Wolf, Mrs. Donald Nelson, Mrs. John T. Nichol, Mrs. Bess Grant, Mrs. Al Antonaitis, Mrs. W. H. Bonn, Mrs. H. Lohman. Marty Walsh Served Under Gen. MacArthur Marty Walsh, proprietor of Co- lonial Inn at Fernbrook, is one who follows the exploits of General Douglas MacArthur with a great deal of interest. Marty reads every biography and sketch of the life of the famous gen- eral he can lay his hands on, be- cause he served with the 161st In- fantry during the World War at Chateau-Thierry when it was part of the 42nd Division and MacArthur was a Colonel on the staff of the 42nd. Marty never saw MacArthur or heard of him then, but like every good American he is proud of him and even prouder that he once served under such a man. Marty doesn’t talk much about the World War—that’s over now and he likes to forget the little part he played, but it will be a long time before he forgets to sing the praises of MacArthur or point with pride to the General's pictures on his wall. ) All girls of the Junior High School at Port Washington, New York, be- long to the Charm Club, under the direction of Adele G. Columbia, The aim of the club is to teach young girls clean living habits as well as to make the most of their personal appearance. Commonest fault, the Charm Club has found, is poor posture. They turn thumbs down on the first picture at top, but clap hands when Lehman PTA Lehman Parents Teacher meeting will be held in the high school at 8 o'clock Monday evening. There will be no program but a short business meeting will be followed by minstrel practice for those who will have parts in that performance and social hour for others. } Sells Two Gueruseys Flory Tolino of Flicksville, Pa., re- cently purchased two registered Guernsey cows from Dorrance Reyn- olds, Dallas, Pa., to add to his local herd. Goodleigh Royal Princess 700149 and Goodleigh Elous’ Faith- ful 700148 are the names under which these animals are registered with The American Guernsey Cattle Club. larger scale. which means it’s a well. Doorbell ringing--- easy style S There’s nothing mysterious about the way advertising works. It’s like the salesmen who go from house to house looking for customers. Advertising does the same job on a It’s quicker—reaches more people— at a lower cost per call. In other words, it’s a time saver, money saver as THE DALLAS POST “More than a Newspaper—a Community Institution” \ the position is changed with back straightened, chest pulled up. They learn quickly that posture is im- portant for health as well as good looks. A good position for studying is likewise vital. Round shoulders and hollow chest result from per- sisting in the position at left below. The correct way at right—with feet on floor, back straight, bending for- ward from the waist—is less tiring and better looking. PAGE FIVE POULTRY SUPPLIES Buy on Sears Easy Payment Plan BROODER Now 1558 300 Chick Size Has non-clog draft with cleaner. 100% automatic, regulaved by two powerful thermostats! Burns hard coal, (anthracite), Easily operated. 48-inch canopy size for 300 six-week old chicks. Also in 450 and 500 chick size. 150 Chick Oil Burning Brooder Uniform heating, greater capacity, burns low- priced kerosene, Steel canopy, enclosed con- 95 trols; double water thermostat; holds 150 six- weeks chicks. Single wall chick 5Qq Healthy Stock Fountains .........._ 35¢ CHICKS Cone style chick Fountains ............ 4 5 Lively and Efficient Chick 15¢ healthy from care- Feeders ............ fully culled stocks, high standard for health, type and color. Let us take your order NOW —and save you money! : Sears Is Headquarters For Dairy Supplies! Put your dairy on a paying basis—get all your supplies from Sears—buy on our Easy Payment Plan! Dairy Pails . ....25¢c Bottle Caps, 500, 35¢ ‘“ ”» etd d Tube of approved style milk Ci ye ol ars su bottle caps. 500 per tube. Save! Filter Discs, 100 . 49c Milk Strainers... .59c Double wall vac- uum Fountains .. Reel top chick Feeders | Bd A Metal with copper mesh Straining discs in the six-inch screen. Special value at this size; approved type. A value! price! Take your Change, or Part of it in U. S. Defense Stamps On Sale in Every Department in Our Store! SEARS, ROEBUCK AND