The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 06, 1942, Image 4

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Home Phone 161
Purely Personal
Office Phone 300
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yeisley of
rbrook avenue have had as their
guest their son-in-law, Earl Van
Campen of Towanda. Earl is work-
g at the Hazard Wire Rope works
nd will move his family from To-
da as soon as they can find a
. and Mrs, Harry Allen of Al-
derson spent Monday evening visit-
‘Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wilcox of
e street.
Amos Kitchen of Alderson has as
guest for several days his daugh-
Mrs. A. K. Harvey of Scranton.
jorie McHale, student at Tem-
e University, spent the week-end
ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
mes S. McHale of Cliffside avenue,
LJ *
Allen Houghwout who is employ-
t the Bethlehem Steel Works
nt last week-end with his par-
nts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hough-
out of Trucksville.
‘Sam Eggleston of Harvey's Lake
eft Monday for Orlando, Florida,
here he will spend the next two
onths. Mr. Eggleston is 83 years
ld and just as spry and excited
t the trip as though he were
He travelled by bus.
r. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler ‘of
ake street will leave today to spend
month in Orlando and St. Peters-
surg, Florida. While they are gone
‘Mr, and Mrs. Alva Eggleston and
! Robert, of Vernon, will stay
e Himmler home.
38 3 * * *
Mrs. H. H. Zeiser entertained at
family dinner at her home on
Huntsville Road honoring Mr. and
M s. Harry Smith of Kingston, new-
ly weds, Friday evening.
iss Fay Whipp of Philadelphia
s the guest of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Whipp for several days last week.
Mrs. Jay Llewellyn is able to be
t again after being confined to
ner home a Goss Manor with an
ured leg.
Frances Breslin has been ill at the
ome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Breslin of Druid Hills.
Sam Eggleston of Harvey's Lake
tertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
yde Eggleston and Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Eggleston and son, Robert of
* 0%
Mrs. William Shoemaker of Har-
is Hill Road celebrated her birth-
day anniversary on Sunday. She had
anned to entertain members of her
amily at a birthday dinner but the
oads were so bad they couldn‘t get
ip the hills.
Joe Elicker of Pioneer avenue
t the past week in Washington
C., on a business trip.
Walter Lewin of Fernbrook cele-
barted his birthday anniversary on
Wednesday and his brother Ross,
lebrated his on Thursday ‘of this
Mr. and Mrs. S, W. Hildebrant of
East Dallas and their daughter, Mrs.
8 rry Harter left for Miami, Flor-
ida, yesterday to spend several
* ’
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of East
allas entertained last week-end Mr.
‘and Mts. Peter Wilson of New Mil-
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sutton of
Lehman have announced the birth
of a son, This is the Sutton’s first
Billy Simms, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Simms of Lehman has re-
turned from Nesbitt Hospital where
he recently submitted to an appen-
dicitis operation.
Mrs. C. J. Major who has been ill
at her home in Lehman is able to
be around the house again.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Dungey of
Lake street were dinner guests of
~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis in Wilkes-
Barre on Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Jones of Claude
street will entertain members of her
card club next Thursday.
Mrs. George Turn who has been
ill at her home in Trucksville for
the past couple months is much
Mrs, William Wilson entertained
members of her card club at her
home on Franklin street, Wednes-
Jimmie McCaffrey, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph McCaffrey of Danville,
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Oliver of Claude street.
Jimmie’s mother was taking care
of Mrs. James Oliver during her
ly to Newark, N. J. Mr. Franklin
Emma Ruth Shaver To
Wed William Broad
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaver of
83 Pioneer avenue, Shavertown, an-
nounce the approaching marriage of
their daughter, Emma Ruth, to Wil-
liam J. Broad, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter J. Broad of Green street, Ed-
wardsville. The ceremony will be
performed in the Shavertown Meth-
odist Church, Saturday, February 14
at 9 a. m. Rev. Roswell Lyons will
officiate. Miss Shaver is a graduate
of Kingston Township High School.
Mrs. Peyton Lee is able to be out
again after a recent illness.
Dean Garreau spent several days
this week in Harrisburg on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risley of
Huntsville Road will have as week-
end guests the latter's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh-
ton Scott and son, Leighton Jr., of
* “x x
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver of
Center Hill Road entertained Satur-
day evening Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Starr, Rev, and Mrs. William Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin. The
Browns who have been transferred
to a charge in Plains have been the
guests of the Lewins.
Mrs. Arthur Franklin and family
of Elizabeth street will move short-
has been working in Newark for
some time.
Mrs, James Oliver Sr., who has
been a patient at General Hospital
for the past few weeks returned to
her home on Lake street much im-
proved on Wednesday.
Mrs. Walter Shaver has been ill
at her home on Pioneer avenue.
* * *
Mrs. Lewis Shaver has been ill
at her home in Huntsville this week.
Mrs. Arthur L. Turner of Hanover
street, will leave today for Fort
Bragg, N. C., where she will attend
the wedding of her son, Lt. Chaun-
cey W. Turner and Miss Catherine
Smith tomorrow, Saturday. The
Turners are former residents of Dal-
las and Chauncey has a good many
friends in the Back Mt. Area who
wish him happiness.
Miss Dorothy Deemer and Arthur
Reese, who have been the guests of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Reese, Fernbrook, have re-
turned to their homes in Hallstead.
* * * <
Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt, Car-
verton, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Pace at Morristown, }
New Jersey.
Thomas Batey, son of Mr. and
Mrs, John A. Batey, Franklin street,
Shavertown, is working as Ordin-
ance Inspector in the Glenn L. Mar-
tin. Airplane Corporation at Balti-
more, Maryland.
Mrs. James C. Wheeler, Vonder-
heid avenue, Trucksville, is a pa-
tient at the Nanticoke State Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metz have
returned from Philadelphia and for
the present are making their home
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Metz, Trucksville.
* * *
Miss Irene Breza, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, John Breza, Huntsville, is
in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Lewis Evans, Center street,
Shavertown, had as luncheon guests
on Friday, Mrs. Ziba Howell, Mrs.
Herbert Ray, Mrs. Frank Garris,
Mrs. Guy Downer, Mrs. Howard Ide,
Mrs. Walter Cook and Mrs. Paul
Mrs. Richard Seymour and chil-
dren, Richard, David and Margaret,
who have been the guests of the
former’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Fitz-
gerald, Fernbrook, the past several
months, have returned to their
home in Philadelphia.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stritzinger
and daughter, Miss Betty, of East
Dallas, attended the farewell ser-
vices for Captain and Mrs. Riley of
the Salvation Army, at the citadel
in Wilkes-Barre on Monday eve-
Eloise Hunt Completes
Pre-Clinical Training
Eloise Hunt, Spring street, was
one of a class of 17 beginning stu-
dents who completed their pre-clin-
ical period at Nesbitt Hospital and
received their caps at the exercises
Saturday evening. Eloise was grad-
uated from the Dallas Borough High
School in the class of 1941 and en-
tered the school of training in Sep-
tem, Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. San-
del Hunt attended the exercises.
Mrs. Harry Smith Is
Hostess On Birthday
Mrs. Harry Smith celebrated her
birthday anniversary with a few
friends at her home on Cliffside
avenue, Trucksville, Saturday eve-
ning. Among those present were
Mr. and Mrs. James S. McHale, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Post and Mr. and
Mrs, Smith.
Frances Huey Marries
Sgt. George Honeywell
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Frances E.
Huey of Claude street and Staff Sgt.
George M. Honeywell, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Orvel Cole of Bedford
street, Forty Fort. The ceremoney
was performed at Epiphany Church,
Forestville, Md., on December 27 by
Rev. Gerald Catlin.
Mrs. Honeywell is a graduate of
Dallas Township High School and
is employed at Hazard Wire Rope
Company, Sgt. Honeywell is a grad-
uate of Forty Fort High School and
is stationed at Washington with the
United States Army. g
Entertains At Lunch
Mrs. George Metz entertained at
luncheon at her home, Rice street,
Trucksville, on Monday afternoon.
Cards were played and prizes award-
ed to Mrs. James Harfman and Mrs.
Metz. Present were Mrs. Russell
Case, Mrs. Chester Hartman, Mrs.
William Vivian, Mrs. John Garra-
han, Mrs. James Harfman, Mrs.
Lewis Stritzinger and Mrs. John A.
Batey. :
Mrs. Bruce Wiliams
To Lead Idetown Scouts
Mrs. Bruce Williams has taken
over the leadership of the Idetown
Girl Scout Troop and announces
that meeting will be held Wednes-
day evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock in-
stead of Monday after school. Mrs.
Wilbur Manning resigned as leader
before the last meeting, Scouts have
started working for their clothing
badges. ?
Pledged To Fraternity
Hobart C. Jeter of Center Hill
Road, a member of the freshman
class at Dickinson College at Car-
lisle has been pledged a member of
the Dickinson Chapter of Phi Kappa
Psi, national social fraternity. Ho-
bart is the son of Mr, and Mrs.
John Jeter.
Mrs. Lucy Altemus Is
Guest On 86th Birthday
Mrs. Lucy Altemus was guest of
honor at a family dinner held at
her home in Alderson Sunday, when
she celebarted her 86th birthday an-
niversary. Guests, children, grand-
children and great grandchildren
were: Mrs. Estella Enders, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Gaines and daughters, Glen-
na and Martha, Mrs. Ruth A. Fet-
terman, Mr: and Mrs, Frank Gre-
vera, Jane, Charles, Donald and
Jerry Fetterman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Dodson, Evelyn and Iola Jean Dod-
Entertains Friends
At Knitting Party
Mrs. Robert Hislop entertained
the following at a sewing and knit-
ting bee Friday evening: Mrs. Ho-
mer Moyer, Mrs. Harold Rood, Mrs.
George Ayre, Mrs. Machel Hilde-
brant, Mrs. Lulu Beisel, Mrs. Laura
Patterson, Mrs. Ralph Rood, Mrs. J.
C. Fleming, Mrs. Wesley Moore,
Judy Ayre, Mrs, Thomas Moore and
Mrs. Wesley Oliver.
ning. The guests of honor have been
transferred. to Schenectady, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin
have returned to their home in
Bethlehem after visiting the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Shav-
er, Trucksville. Mrs. Shaver return-
Two Sons Of Alan
Announcement of the engage-
ment of two of the three sons of
Mr and Mrs. Alan Kistler of Har-
vey’s Lake was made this week. Bill
who is better known to people out
this way since he lived at home,
will marry Miss Jane. Gail Bishop,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Bishop of South Main street, Wilkes-
Barre, and Jimmie is betrothed to
Hazel West, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John West of Brooklyn, N. Y.
No date has been set for either wed-
Miss Bishop is a gra
duate of Mey-
~ Both In Service, Are Engaged
ed with them for a visit.
ers High School. Bill who was grad-
uated from Coughlin High School
was employed at the Times-Leader
before he entered the U, S. Army.
He is now a Private First Ciass at
Camp Holabird, Baltimore.
Miss West is a graduate of Brook-
lyn School of Industrial Arts and is
employed by the Squibbs Drug and
Perfume Supply Company of New
York. Jimmie was graduated from
Coughlin High School and worked
for the New York Sun before en-
listing. He is at present taking an
advanced course in radio at Fort
Judy Ayre Receives
Sandals From Panama
Judy Ayre is very proud of the
sandals her Daddy sent her from
January 21. They are made of shiny
alligator hide and look as taocugh
they might be a little cold for this
weather. They are simply two heavy,
flat pieces of leather cut to foot
shape and fastened with interwecven
j strips of hide to hold them on the
feet, Judy will enjoy them this sum-
Her father, George Ayre, former
member of the Dallas Borough
School board, is in the Canal Zone
where he is serving as an electrical
engmeer with the department of
| canal service.
Attend Funeral
Many people from this section at-
tend the funeral of Rev. Samuel D.
Knecht of Shamokin, on Monday af-
ternoon. Rev, Knecht was a former
pastor of the Glenview Primitive
Methodist Church, Fernbrook, and
Knox, Ky.
Panama for her ninth birthday on
Deviled shrimp, served in individ-
ual clam shell dishes or in one con-
genial casserole, is one dish for
which you won't have to “shell out”
very much! Canned shrimp are the
answer to both economy and good
eating, and two cans of shrimp, all
ready to use without tedious cook-
ing, shelling or cleaning, will serve
six generously, and the low cost will
surprise you. So will the simplicity
of this recipe:
Deviled Shrimp
2 cups canned shrimp (2 No. 1
4 tablespoons butter
Dash cayenne pepper
1 cup milk )
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Canned Shrimp Make Canny Casserole!
Fiend Noes fin Nee OF Luce)
Vivid Spring Hats Are Aid
2 tablespoons flour
14 teaspoon salt
1% teaspoon dry mustard.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup soft bread crumbs
2 tablespoons melted butter
Shred shrimp, saving two or
three whole shrimp to garnish each
serving. Melt butter, blend in flour,
salt, mustard and cayenne pepper.
Add milk, stirring constantly, and
cook until thickened. Add parsley,
lemon juice, and shrimp. Place in
individual baking dishes of casse-
roles, Springle with bread crumbs
which have been mixed with the
melted butter. Bake in a moderate
oven (375 degrees F.) about 15
minutes, or until the crumbs are
brown. Makes 6 servings.
A marriage of local intergbt will
be that of Miss Hilda Wechy daugh=
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wech of
Mt. Top and George Hofmeister, son
of Mr .and Mrs, George Hofmeister
of Nuangola, formerly of Dallas
Township. Ceremony will be per-
formed in the First Reformed
Church of Wilkes-Barre this eve-
ning, February 6, at 6 o'clock. Rev.
Homer Skyles May will officiate. At-
tendants will be Mrs. William Lan-
cio, of Nuangola, sister of the bride-
groom and Walter Wech, Mt, Top,
brother of the bride.
Miss Wech will wear a dusty pink
Miss Hilda Wech Will Marry
George Hofmeister This Evening
shoulder bouquet will be of pink
wool suit with navy accessories. Her
rose buds and sweet peas. Mrs. Lan-
cio has chosen green wool with gold
accessories and pink rose buds,
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion for members of the immediate
family will be held at the home of
the bride. After a trip to New York
City the couple will make their home
at Mt. Top.
Miss Wech is a graduate of Fair-
view School. Mr. Hofmeister was
graduated from Dallas Township
High School and is employed by the
American Chain and Cable Company
in Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Frantz enter-
tained at a turkey dinner at their
home in Chase on January 23 in
honor of Mrs. Frantz who celebrat-
ed her 76th birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Frantz invited 13 guests for 13,
she says, is her lucky number. All
13 could not come, but a good time
was had by all anyway. Present
Mrs. S. P. Frantz! elebrates
Her Seventy-Sixth Birthday
To Coyrage And
Hats on—for keeping heads high
and steps firm!
What is it about a new hat that
bolsters morale and keeps courage
high? Often it’s the color, or com-
bination of colors, complementing
or contrasting with face and eye
coloring, which cause other eyes to
admire the woman in the becoming
hat. . 0
Color is the keynote of the new
spring hats. “Color for courage” is
the theme. To avoid drabness of
looks and feelings, women will wear
lovely, colorful hats, and a cos-
tume without a hat will not be con-
sidered complete.
Psychological Effect
The psychological effect of a be-
coming hat upon a woman's spirit
is more than imagination. It's a
woman's hat which comes closest
to her face, and therefore is most
closely associated with her person-
ality. A worn-out faded hat be-
speaks a drab personality, whereas
a bright, new hat bespeaks courage
and vividness of personality.
Stringy, wind-torn hair and no hat,
tells the story of careless groom-
ing and lack of personal pride,
whereas hair carefully held in place
by a flattering hat tells the story
of careful grooming and a well-or-
dered manner of living.
Influences Others
Not only does a pretty new hat
have a salutary effect upon the
wearer—it also has a tonic influence
upon those around her. It's like
looking at a beautiful painting, to
gaze upon a woman smartly groom-
ed and wearing a hat which frames
her face and brings out the color of
her complexion or her eyes.
Now that “heads high and steps
firm” is the national watchword, it
behooves the women of the country
to keep up their appearance—not
ote Of Newest Hats
age War On Drabness
to let down and be careless about
grooming or looks. More than ever,
they must dress with pride—not
lavishly, but with careful attention
to details. Wearing becoming hats
is one way to keep the well-groom-
ed look.
Deb Likes Hats
Even the prettiest girl is prettier J
when she wears a lovely hat. Beau-
tiful Glamour Debutante Betty Cor-
don, one of the busiest of the New
York debs, with war work and
“dates” taking up most of her time,
says she loves hats. The blue-bon-
net blue of this adorable bonnet by
Sally Victor, matches the blue of
Betty’ seyes. :
Board Members Meet
With Mrs. Charles Lee
Mrs. Charles Wheaton Lee was
hostess to members of the Executive
Board of the Dallas Woman’s Club
at her home on Lake street, Tues-
day evening. Present were Mrs.
Charles Whitesell, Mrs. Harold Shi-
ber, Mrs. W. H. Derlof, Mrs. Fred
Eck, Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mrs.
Charles W. Lee “and Mrs Herbert
Lundy. "
Pi Mu Society
Doris McCarthy will be hostess to
members of the Pi Mu Society at her
home on Lehman avenue Saturday.
Ann Emery will be in charge of the
meeting and Jane Case of the pro-
| Mrs. Raymond Elston, .
Hostess To War Workers
Mrs. Raymond Elston was hostess
to Bundles for Blue Jackets group
at her home in Kunkle Monday. At-
tending were Mrs. Machell Hilde-
brant, Mrs. Peter Clark, Mrs. Thom-
as Robinson, Mrs, Henty Peterson,
Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain and Mrs.
Elston. ’ {
Demunds Ladies Make *
Plans For Parcel Post
Mrs. David Bevan is chairman of
the Parcel Post which will be held
by ladies of tHe Demunds Methodist
Church Wednesday evening, Febru-
ary 18. She will be assisted by Mrs.
Warren Daubert, Mrs. Celia Lape
and Mrs. Giles Wilson. :
were: Mr. and Mrs. Alec Neely of |
Idetown, W, R. Neely of Lehman,
Mrs. Bessie Neely Hawke of Bear
Creek, Mrs, Mildred Neely Welch,
of Idetown, Mrs. Helen Neely Terry,
Mrs. Harry Allen of Alderson, Mr.
and Mrs. Malvin Wagner and
daughter Mildred, of Chase. Mrs.
Wagner felt especially like celebrat-
ing for it was her birthday too.
Himmlers Surprised
At Farewell Party
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler
were surprised at a farewell party
at their home on Lake street, Wed-
nesday evening. The Himmlers will
leave for Florida today. Present
were Mr, and Mrs. John Montross,
Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Mrs. N. F.
Montross Sr., Luzerne; Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Smith, Mrs. May Lavis, Mrs.
Anna Garrahan, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Morgan, Miss Florence Himmler of
Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. N. Mont-
ross Jr., ‘of Tunkhannock; Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Eggleston of Vernon and
Mr. and Mrs, James Oliver of Dallas.
Surprised On Birthday
Friends of Mrs. Esther Layaou, of
Plymouth, surprised her on her 75th
birthday anniversary on Saturday
evening. Mrs. Layaou received pret-
ty gifts, Local people attending were
Mrs. Earl Layaou, Annjane and Es-
ther Layaou, Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Craig, Mrs. Ord Trumbower, Mr. and
| Mrs, Lewis Stritzinger, Mrs. Corey
Crispell, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs.
George Shaver,
Local Women, Prominent
In Mozart Club Recital
Mrs. W, H. J. McIntyre of Pioneer
avenue is chairman of the annual
public ensemble recital which will
be given in the Margaret Memorial
Chapel in Kingston by the Mozart
Club Monday evening. Compositions
of Beethoven, Grieg, and Strauss ar-
ranged for two pianos will be play-
ed by Ruth Dorothy Williams and
Lillian Rood Oliver, by Mrs. Gay-
lord Smith and Mrs. McIntyre, and
by Mrs. Lloyd George and Mrs.
Wayne Gordon.
Mozart chorus will sing a cantata,
“The Legend of Granada,” with two
piano arrangement played by Mrs.
the family has a host of friends here.
Charles Miller 4nd Delane Monie.
Church Societies Meet
With Mrs. Ralph Frantz
Mrs. Ralph Frantz was hostess to
members of the Ladies Aid and Mis-
sionary Society of the Huntsville
Christian Church at her home in
Huntsville Wednesday afternoon.
Meeting day for the group was
changed from the first Wednesday
of the month to the second Wednes-
day. Next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Herbert Major.
Present were: Mrs. Harvey Moss,
Mrs. Joseph Bertram, Mrs. Ben
Frantz, Mrs. Bertha Jenkins, Mrs.
Frances Culp, Mrs. Milton Culp, Mrs.
Nesbitt Garinger, Mrs. Jack Roberts,
Mrs. Celeste Prutzman, Mrs. Herbert
Major and Mrs. Frantz.
xk ok
Monday and Tuesday
Charles McCarthy—Edgar Bergen
¥X Xx X
Wednesday and Thursday
Jack Oakie—Linda Darnell
Walter Brennan
x Xx Xx
Friday and Saturday
Robert Taylor—Lana Turner
in lone di ln lieben ties inl ieclineclion
magic substitute for soap
Hands are the most expressive, why not the most
beautiful part of the body? Elizabeth Arden
creamy Hand Lotion, used always after washing,
insures white, smooth hands. With each bottle
of Hand Lotion you receive a gift of Filmofoam . . :
Hand Lotion and gift of Filmofoam
(for a limited time only), 1.00 and 1.75 srices pius tases
scented with Blue Grass.
i 4
i |
a RNP is