iss aime Hormod a student of > Marywood Seminary, Scranton, was e week-end guest of Bernadine taub of Carverton Road. Miss Bessie Linaberry, a senior at Kingston Township High School, is a pat nt at the Nesbitt Memorial 1 where she underwent an endectomy. Miss Nita Williams of Lehigh en is recovering following an ap- ~ pendectony. : ~~ Mrs. William C. O’Conner of New York City spent the week-end with her father, N. A. Staub of Carverton ~ Road. Miss Margaret Webster is ill at the home of her grandmother in ~ Wilkes-Barre, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Staub of Darby spent the week-end with the for- ~ mer’s father, John Staub of Carver- ton Road. : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans of ~ Carverton Road are parents of a son born last week. Irmal Baker of Newark, N. J., ‘spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baker of Mt. ~ Greenwood. ve The officers and teachers of the church school of the Methodist Church enjoyed a supper meeting on ~ Tuesday night. Rev. Guy A. Lein- ~ thall of St. Paul’s Methodist Church of Pittston, was the speaker. Basil Coleman of Rice street has been transferred to a territory near Philadelphia and will move there with his family soon. Private Sheldon Nichols of the J Third Cavalry of Ft. Myers, Va, = spent. the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Nichols on Warden avenue. ~ Paul Rhodes, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes of Rice street, is in TRUCKSVILLE— the Air Corps at Hickam Field in Hawaii. At this writing his parents have not yet heard from him since -| the Japanese attack on Sunday. Lincoln Hoover is ill with scariet fever at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ira Hoover on Maple street, Mrs. William Hansen of Holly street is slightly improved from her illness of last week. Louis Wilcox of Chase Road still shows only slight improvement af- ter an illness of over three months. Mr. and Mrs, G. Wilbur Nicholls, Wardan avenue, had as dinner guests Sunday, Mrs. Carrie Ells- worth, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ells- worth, and son, Donald, of Forty Fort and Sheldon Nicholls of Fort Meyer, Va. Private Nicholls is a member of the only cavalry reg- iment not to have suffered a casu- alty while on maneuvers in South Carolina. Maxwell Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Williams, Wyoming, lock of Wyoming took place Thurs- day night, December 4, is a former resident of Kingston Township. The Williams family moved from Davis street, Trucksville, to Wyoming a few years ago. Mr .and Mrs. Paul E. Gregory and children of Atlantic Highlands, N. J., spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Evans. Mrs. A. G. Groblewski, Wardan avenue, entertained at her home Tuesday evening a number of friends from Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. R. W. Grady and daughter, Carol, have returned to their home in San Diego, California, after visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones. whose marriage to Miss Parma Pol- | Mr. and Mrs. Barl Owens of Ber- wick spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Jones of Beech street, C.J. Hahn of Bath is the guest of ~ his sister, Mrs. C. H. Reed of Lawn street. Mr. Hahn attended the cere- monies at Irem Temple Wednesday evening, Kenneth Hanna, young son of Mr. and Mrs, William Hanna, Mt. Airy Road, is recovering from a slight in- jury suffered last Thursday while playing . with companions on the Shavertown School grounds. It was it at first that the youngster had broken his collar bone but x- SHAVERTOWN =——= ray pictures proved that was not the case. Howard Woolbert, local funeral director, has erected Christmas dec- orations on the lawn of his home again this year. The scene depicts the manger in Bethlehem with the Wise Men and Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Tommy Morrissey of Sayre spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gardner on Franklin street. Supervising Principal James A. Martin and family spent the week at Mr. Martin’s home where they were called by the death of his mother, Mrs. James A. Martin. John N. Staub of 115 Carverton Road , Trucksville, celebrated his/ 87th birthday Monday, December ‘8th. Mr. Staub was born in Wilked- Barre on December 8th, 1854, and since 1867 has been a resident of Trucksville. In 1879 he was married to Mary Heck of Wilkes-Barre, who died in ~ November 1929. On Sunday a family dinner was : = Staub Celebrates 87th my With Family Dinner Held i in his honor and the following | ¥ were present: John N. Staub, Mr. and Mrs. N., A, Staub, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Staub of DarbysPa?; Mrs, Wil- Ham’ © Conaer Now York City; |! Mi ilda, Betty, Helen and Ber- nadine Staub and Anne Harmon of Rego Park, Long Island, N. Y. Mr, Staub despite his 87 years enjoys good health and regularly attends St. Therese’s Church, Shav- ertown. - Mrs. Kenneth Huey Is Hostess At Dorcas Christmas Party Mrs. Kenneth Huey, Lehigh street, Shavertown, was hostess at a Christmas party at her home on Monday evening. Guests were the members of the Dorcas Class of the JLutheran Sunday School, Mrs. Huey conducted devotions and Mrs. Fred Malkemes presided at a short business meeting. A report was made on the baptismal font purchased by the class and pre- sented to the church last Sunday. A dollar bill was enclosed in a Christ- mas card and one was sent to each of the twelve boys connected with the church in the service of the United States. Several letters receiv- ed from the boys were read with much interest. Three new members were greeted; Mrs. Willard Cropp, Mrs. Obid Hontz and Mrs, John Graves. Gifts were exchanged. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Huey to Mrs. John A. Batey, teacher of the class, Mrs. Harold Ash, Mrs. John Clause, Mrs, Willard Cropp, Mrs. Fred Eck, Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Harry Ell, Mrs. Her- bert Frankfort, Mrs. Ralph Frank- lin, Mrs. Charles Gosart, Jr., Mrs. Obid Hontz, Mrs. Lester Hoover, Mrs. Jess Kemberling, Mrs. Fred Malkemes, Mrs. Raymond Malkemes, Mrs. James Owens, Mrs. Richard Rudy and Mrs, William E. Thomas. Woman Republicans Are Hostesses At Cards Woman's Republican Club of Dal- las Township entertained at a lovely card party at the home of Mrs. Ben- jamin Brace, East Dallas, on Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. William Vivian, Mrs, Lewis Stritzinger, Mrs. Arthur Newman, Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs. Earl Layaou, John Hildebrant, Fred Hughey and Ben Brace. Present were Mrs. Grant Alt, Mrs, Albert Kunkle, Mrs. Emma Miller, Mr, and Mrs. John E. Hildebrant, Mrs, Earl Layaou, Mrs, Julia Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughey, Mrs. William Vivian, Mrs. Anna Neyhard, Mrs. Chester Hartman, Mrs, Lewis Strit- ‘zinger, Mrs. John Monroe and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brace. Seventy Four Ladies Attend Auxiliary Party Seventy-four women of the Trucksville Fire Company Auxiliary attended the Christmas party and buffet luncheon on Monday evening. Mrs. Nuel Kester presided. The singing of carols was led by Mrs. Ray Finney, accompanied on the piano by Miss Blanche Atherholt. Mrs. Samuel Davis was named chair- man of a large Ways and Means Committee for January, February and March. A kitchen shower is planned for the January meeting. New silver and dishes, recently purchased by the auxiliary, made its first appearance on the buffet table, which was prettily decorated with a nm tree and many red can- es a ’ Calendar Of Events At St. Paul's Church ~ “Preparation for the Lord” will be the sermon subject at the 11 o'clock service at St. Paul's Luther- Coan Church, ‘Shavertown, Sunday. League at 7:00 and Vesper at 7:45 with sermon subject, alue of Doubt. ” Carols will Monde 7:30, Luther League; Thurs. day 4: 00, Confirmation Class; Fri- 7 day 8: 00, Senior Choir. Ladies’ Auxiliary Names ~ Officers For New Year Newly elected officers of.the La- dies” Auxiliary of St, Paul's Luth- eran Church of Shavertown for the 1942 year are: Mrs. J. A. Batey, president; Mrs. R. J. W. Templin, vice president; Mrs. Willard Lozo, secretary; Mrs, John Eck, treasurer; Mrs. Llewellyn Morgan, historian; - Mrs. Herbert Frankfort, missionary : secretary, Collision On Highway A slight collision occurred at 4:30 Tuesday in front of the Shavertown Post Office when a car turning out on the highway struck one coming Room Center street. Band Director's Relative Killed In Auto Accident Joseph D, Clouser, director of Leh- man High School Band, was called to West Chester last Saturday for the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. William E. Van Osten, 80, who was killed Tuesday by an automobile while crossing the street near her home. Mrs. Van Osten had lived with Mr, Clauser’s mother for a number of years. Catholic Church Buys Part Of Vaughn Estate Six acres of land in Kingston Bor- ough have been purchased by Most Rev. William J. Hafey to provide location for the erection of a new chapel to serve religious needs of Catholics in Forty Fort and upper Kingston. The property is part of the Vaughn Estate with a frontage of 444 feet on Wyoming avenue, 428 on Mercer avenue and 709 on Ben- nett street. Christmas Party A Christmas party will be held at the Lehman Methodist Church by the W, S. C. S. and the Louella Neeley Bible Class at 2 o’clock, De- cember 18. All ladies of the com- munity are invited. = Kunkle, Pa. Phone 337-R-49 FEED FOR EGG PRODUCTION— EGATINE and TASTY LAYING FOOD are two of the finest laying mashes on the market to- day. Boost your egg production and keep your hens lay- ing with one of these proven profitable feeds. DEVEN'S MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner Dallas, Pa. Phone 200 Lehman Entertainment The Christmas entertainment will start with Santa Claus arriving at 7:30 Christmas Eve at the Lehman Methodist Church, Calendar Of Events At The White Church On The Hill Rev. David Davis, pastor of the Fairdale Methodist Church, will be the guest preacher at the White Church on the Hill Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. At the Sunday morn- ing worship service the pastor will observe National Bible Sunday and preach on the topic “Enjoying the Bible.” On Tuesday evening the Friend- ship Class will meet at the church for their monthly business and social meeting. Thursday evening will be the last session of the Bible Conference with Rev. Guy A. Leinthall of Pittston speaking on the subject “The Mes- sage of the Book of Revelation For Our Day.” Woman's Club Board Meets At Isaacs Home Mrs. Howard Isaacs was hostess to members of the executive board of Dallas Junior Woman’s Club at her home in Trucksville Gardens, Tuesday. Present were: Mrs. Charles Whitesell, Mrs. Charles Wheaton Lee, Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mrs. Herbert Lundy, Mrs. William Derolf, Mrs, Harold Shiber, Mrs. Wesley Moore, Mrs. Fred Eck and the hostess. Christmas Party Silver Leaf Club of Kunkle will hold their annual Christmas party in the Grange Hall, Tuesday evening, December 16. § AAR a ¥Christmas Trees for sale Reserve Yours NOW! EVANS Drug Store MAIN Highway, SHAVERTOWN 5% Pi Mu Girls Honored Barre chapter in the Trucksville | Nancy Smith, Nancy Swartz, Doris Members of the local Pi Mu So- | Methodist Church, Friday evening. | McCarthy, Janet Post, Louise Hazel- ciety were guests of the Wilkes- | Present from here were Ann Emery, | tine and Mrs. Wesley Oliver, ington. eas 3838 National Average: 2 oy TEST) CERTIFIED ECONOT of normal driving; they trav- elled a combined distance equal to three times around the world; they met with all kinds of driving and weather conditions; they used ordi- nary standard fuel; they car- ried witnesses with them who swore out affidavits after wards. THE GRAND AVERAGE...The national average was 21.6 miles per gallon. The rest of the story concerns the superb behavior of every car—with Power-Flow Engines and All-Fluid Drive again dem- onstrate their superiority. TALK ABOUT PROOF OF PER- FORMANCE! Here’s an All- American record that takes some of the guesswork out ofeconomyandstampsDodge the champion in its class. It gives you an idea of what you may expect when you buy that new Dodge, the one you ought to buy today. 720 NEW DODGES—600 DIFFER- ENT CITIES —77,747 MILES (The Perfect Test that Gave the Whole Truth) Yes, on signal, they all went out on the same day; each covered one hundred miles IN THE THICK OF IT THEN AND NOW Dodge continues to absorb all of your defense assignments and 10 make delivery to your Gov- "ernment promptly on schedule ...When you decide to buy a new Dodge motorcar or truck, you actually assist in the maintenance of this vast and essential production system for National Defense. (Time payment terms) 1949 DODGE AL A010 JANE 9 i POWER FLOW ENGINES L. L. RICHARDSON 50 LAKE STREET, DALLAS, PA. Shopping Problems . . GIFTS Lucky Strike Phillip Morris and Marlboro Gift Chests $4.95 Prince Albert Velvet and Kentucky Club Half and Half RL RR A RR AY PATS 5 XS RRR RR CRE TE ETE IE TE TE TEES You'll Be Surprised How A Visit To Our Store Will Solve Your Xmas THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED BY ALL WHO RECEIVE THEM! LOOK AT THESE VALUES Wallets, 98c to $5.00 Cameras, 89c up Alarm Clocks, $1.19 Evening In Paris Sets, $1.00 up Max Factor Sets, $2.50 Compacts, $1.00 up Pipe and Tobacco Sets, 59¢ up Williams Men's Sets, 89c Colgate Men's Sets, 89¢ Wrist Watches, Pocket Watches, $1.19 9 Ib Assorted Chocolates 5 lb. Fruit and Nut Chocolates Gifts For Smokers... Camels, Luckies, Chesterfields, Old Gold and Phillip Morris Cigarettes $1.46 Gift Wrapped Cartons BERT’S CUT RATE STORE MAIN STREET © DALLAS Ee REAR CERRRRRR eRaRZ8 or and Save You MONEY TOO! $3.45 75¢ 1b. 3 + x : ? py —Next year you may not be able to get them for love or money! Yes, production is being curtailed and credit terms aren't what they used to be, but think it over thoroughly before you de- cide not to buy them for these reasons. This Christmas we have normal stocks of ranges, washers, refrigerators and many other appliances, so it’s a wise idea to give electrical gifts this Christmas when they are available. The electrical appliances you give this Christmas will render years of efficient and economical service during the critical times ahead, when all of us will have to get along with the appliances we now have or perhaps do without. If you are thinking about electrical gifts, we suggest that you make your choice now. LUZERNE COUNTY GAS and ELECTRIC CORP. Buy U. S. Defense Sismpgd And Bonds |