ma Persona Home Phone 161 "Office Phone 300 Ms, C. J. Major has been sick at her home in Lehman with in- fluenza this week. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain of Goss Manor entertained over the ~ week-end Stanley Brown of Staten Island, N. Y.' © Mrs. Paul Warriner of Demunds Road was hostess to members of her bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Florence Phillips and Mrs, Henry Peterson. ~ Warren Taylor, faculty member of ~ Kingston Township High School, has been ill at his home on Orchard street, Trucksville. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Crane and family have purchased and moved in the Fred Anderson farm on Har- ris Hill, Trucksville, Ralph Hazeltine and Wesley Steel- “man of Trucksville brought back a fine 9-point deer from the Poconos near Honesdale last week. * * * Earl R. Cairl of Norristown spent the latter part of last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William ~ F. Cairl. While here Mr. Cairl spent some time deer hunting. He report- ed a noticeable lack of game in the - woods. Russell Honeywell of Lake street ; shot a nice 160-pound 7-prong buck during the recent big game season. * xk ~~ Mr. and Mrs. E. Baltzell are at the Vanderbilt Hotel in New York. Mrs. C. E. Banker and daughter of ‘Hays Corners spent several days this week in New York City. Burgess and Mrs. Herbert Smith ~ will entertain at a game dinner at their home on Norton avenue, Sat- urday evening, Bert says he’s not going to serve crows either. Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Ide of ~ Lehman are spending this week in ~ Philadelphia as guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr." and Mrs. Glenn Johnson, Mr. Ide is rep- resenting the Masonic Lodge of Dal- las at the annual staté convention. Mr. and Mrs. John Eck of Lehigh street, Shavertown, have been noti- fied of the birth of a son to their daughter and son-in-law, Attorneys Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Katon of Wash- ington, D. C. Mrs. Katon is the for- mer Dorothy Eck. ¥ ok * Mrs. Edmund Whitby and son and the former’s mother, Mrs. E. H, Wil- liams of Fernbrook left Wednesday to. make their home in Pottsville where Mr. Whitby has been employ- ed for the past two years, ~ Rev. Robert Sutton and Earl Whitney of Binghamton and Miss Elsie Oney of Kingston spent Sun- day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Sutton, Pinecrest avenue. Mrs, George Turn of Oak street, Trucksville, has been a patient in the Nesbitt Hospital where she has been submitting to treatment for the past week. ~ Members of the Entre Nous Bridge Club will met at Castle Inn for a ~ Christmas dinner meeting Tuesday evening. : ww Bob Fleming who has been. sta- tioned at Jacksonville, Florida, spent several days this week with ~ his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Fleming of Main street. . W. Arthur Blewett has been con- ~ fined to his home in Fernbrook with an infected eye. Mr, Blewett was | taking inventory at Harris Hard- ware when a piece of steel from some of the merchandise he was handling chipped off and became lodged in his eye. * * 3k Fails Mrs. Victor Cross and infant son, Robert Victor have returned from the hospital to their home on Ceme- tery street. Both are doing nicely. D. L. Edwards who recently sub- mitted to a goitre aperation at Gen- eral Hospital is recuperating satis- factorily at his home on Davis street, Trucksville, Mrs. Adda Garringer of Harvey's Lake had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Austin of Johnson City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metz of Carverton, have moved to Philadel- ~~ phia, Mrs. Metz is the former Miss Carol Newhart of Chase. _ Philip and Janet Stuart, Strouds- burg have been sick with the meas- les. Philip and Janet are children of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Stuart, for- mer residents of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz and Gerald had as dinner guests on Wed- nesday, Gentry Hurst of Georgia. Mr. Hurst and Gerald worked to- gether some ten years ago and had a nice time reminiscing. Anna Hudak, Eleanor Hardisky and, Betty Kreidler of the Dallas sec- tion will leave shortly for Newark, N. J., where they will be guests of Marie Hudak, who is employed there by the R. C. A. The three girls are members of the Junior Class of Dal- las Township High School. Mr. and Mrs, Fred M. Gordon of Norton avenue left this week to spend some time visiting the Taylors in Atlanta, Georgia. From there they will go on to St. Petersburg where they will spend the winter. Mrs. A. T. McClintock of ‘“Heath- er Brae”, Dallas, has moved to her home in Wilkes-Barre for the win- ter months. Mrs, Walter Coolbaugh entertain- ed members of the Jackson Metho- dist Church Ladies’ Aid at dinner Wednesday. Guests numbered twenty-eight. Paul Snyder, Main street, Trucks- ville, returned home from a hunting trip to Ricketts with an eight-point deer on Friday. Mrs. Bert Holcomb and Miss Phyllis Lyne, of Newark, N. J., have returned to their homes after visit- ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy- al Lyne of Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Updyke of Philadelphia, spent the week-end in Kunkle visiting relatives. Miss Jo- sephine Updyke returned with them to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Besteder, who have been the guests of Mrs. Besteder’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brace, East Dallas, have re- turned to Harrisburg. John H. Lowe, Fernbrook, Mel- bourne Carey and children, Nancy, Jessie and David, Claude street, Dal- las, have returned from a visit with Mrs. Ronald Hunting and family in Philadelphia. William Reese, Main street, Fern- brook, is seriously ill. Miss Antonio Kozemchak, Over- brook avenue, has returned from New York City where she was a guest of Miss Amanda Walsh, a for- mer teacher in Dallas Township School. nd Mrs. Edward Pace, and son, Nor- man, of Morristown, N. J., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Metz and Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Pace of Carverton. Lamoreauxs Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamoreaux, Main Road, East Dallas, are proud parents of a baby boy born in Nes- bitt Hospital] early on Tuesday morning. Mrs, Lamoreaux is the for- mer Miss Alverna Belles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Belles, The Lamoreauxs also have a daughter, Joy. Have New Daughter Mr. and Mrs, Richard Seymour, of Philadelphia, announce the birth of a daughter at the home of Mrs. Min- ‘nie Fitzgerald, Fernbrook, on Friday morning. Mrs. Seymour is the for- mer Miss Josephine Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour also have two sons, Richard and David. Mrs. Peter Gensel Is Hostess At Luncheon Mrs. Peter Gensel, Parrish street, entertained at luncheon at her home on Friday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Carl Deutsch, Mrs. Ralph Brown, Mrs. Edward Nelson, Mrs. Bertha Yarbrough, Mrs, Grant Sha- ner, Mrs. Albert H. Parrish, Mrs. Francis Freeman, Mrs. Marvin Scott, Mrs. Daniel Brown, Mrs. Dorey Rog- ers, Mrs, Paul Fiske, Mrs. Edith Fiske, Mrs. William Cairl, Mrs. A. C. Fiske, Miss Katherine Gensel, Miss Maryline Deutsch and Miss El- eanor Atkinson. Mrs. Celeste Prutzman Has Very Happy Eighty-Seventh Birthday Surrounded by old friends and pupils of the Bible Class she has taught for over fifty years, Mrs. Celeste Prutzman celebrated her 87th birthday anniversary at her home on Hillside Road, Huntsville, Tuesday. Though she went about her usual duties Tuesday morning, tidy- ing up and preparing lunch for her son, Ray and the hired man, Mrs. Prutzman set the afternoon and eve- ning aside for cozy chats and jolly reminiscing with neighbors and old friends. Two tremendous birthday cakes and baskets of fruit came with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver and Mrs. Ralph Frantz who dropped in to wish her “happy birthday” in the afternoon. Though she was a patient in the hospital last winter for almost two weeks and feared she .might never have another birthday, Mrs. Prutz- man says she feels better than ever that “I can’t see so 1 have Frank, my 11- year-old grandson; I tell him he's my eyes. And a fine little reader he is! Why he even helps me prepare my Bible lesson—but he can’t look up the references the way I used to.” The evening was spent with mem- bers of her Bible Class and their friends who came in a body to wish their beloved teacher many, many more birthdays. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ira VanNorton, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Learn, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Costenbauder, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weaver, Rev. and Mrs. Russell May, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mrs, C. S. Behee, Mrs. J. R. Bertram, Mrs A. R. Holcomb, Mrs. Stoechel, Mrs. Alverna Carey, Mrs. R. A. New- comb, Mrs. Edna Ray, Mrs, George Ide, Walter Harris, Alan Morgan, C. R. Hoffman, Mildred Wagner, Nor- ma Carey, Charles Carey, Glen Ray, Ray Prutzman, Frank Prutzman and the guest of honor. Marie Hudak Engaged To Bridgeport Man Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hudak of Dallas, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to Joseph Zula of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Marie is widely known throughout this area. She is a graduate of Dal- las Township High School in the class of 1937 and is employed in Newark, N. J.,, by the R. C. A. While in Dallas she was an active member of St. Therese’s Church where she was a member of the choir. Entertains At Lunch Mrs. Walter Cooke was hostess to the Young Matrons Club at a Christ- mas luncheon at her home, Ridge street, -Shavertown, on Thursday af- ternoon. Gifts were exchanged. Cards were played in the afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux, Mrs. Sterling Lamoreaux, Mrs, Rus- sell Schall, Mrs. Curtis Carr, Mrs. Thomas Reese, Mrs. Howard Hontz and Mrs. Thomas Moore. “Runt” Ruth Kocher | Passes Milestone (Contributed) “Aunt” Ruth Kocher of Noxen has reached her 78th milestone on the way through life. She passed her birthday anniversary quietly, but happily, Sunday, December 7th at the home of her nephew, Carl Auvil of Noxen. How wonderful to have a memory of life so well spent as hers, Many people in middle life have happy recollections. of her thoughtful kindnesses bestowed on them from her mother’s heart. While “Aunt” Ruth has never borne any children, she has nurtured many. When her brother, Elmer's wife died leaving thirteen children—most of them very young—‘“Aunt” Ruth took charge of the home. It is a monu- ment to her unselfish sacrifice that she has sent out into the world some of the finest citizens Wyoming County has produced—and not omly | just that family has tender memor- ies of her devotion, but all others who have come within her influ- ence. This influence has never waned. She is the beloved “Aunt” Ruth to all. Editor's Note: Aunt Ruth, do you remember that day you caught me in your cherry tree? Stewart Casterline’ never fails to mention it when he sees me. Ruth Evans Engaged To J. Hadley Lyne Mr. and Mrs. David Evans, Main street, Shavertown, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth K., of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Lyne, of Trucksville, The wedding will take place the latter part of this month. Miss Evans is employed in Harris- burg and Mr. Lyne in Miami, Fla. Mildred Palmer To Wed Man From Chicago Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Mildred Palmer of Bedr Creek; daughter of ‘Thomas Palmer of Trucksville and Kenneth Howells of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shad- rach Howells of Alberts. The wed- ding will take place Christmas day. Mr. Howells is a graduate of Cough- lin High School, Wilkes-Barre, Pierce Business School in Philadel- phia and is accountant with F. W. Woolworth and Company at Chicago where the couple will make their home. Attend Sordoni Dinner A large group of young folk from this section attended the first an- ‘nual dinner-dance of the Sordoni Social Society at Hotel Sterling last Saturday evening. They were Miss Elizabeth Bunney, Mrs. . Russell Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Ord Trum- bower, Misses Velma Haring, Stella Mission, Jane Case, Dorothy Har- mond, Irene Oney, Louise Malkemes, Jennie Major and Elsie Ayre, and James Ford, Howard Johns, William Cairl, Wilbur Davis, James McGroarty, Donald Davis, ‘Lewis Evans and Fred Williams. Mrs. Ernest Gay, Guest Of Honor At Party Mrs. Ernest Gay, the former Miss Ruth Ross of East Dallas, was guest of honor at a party at the home of Miss Alice Brace on Saturday even- ing. Mrs, Gay received an electric clock. Guests were Misses Marion Hilde- brant, Marilla Martin, Dorothy Bel- ‘les, Beatrice Hildebrant, Mitzi Car- "lin, Alice Brace, Jean Hildebrant, Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Bessie Brace. Florence Marrow Is Hostess To Society Florence Marrow was hostess to members of the Queen Esther So- ciety of the Trucksville Methodist Church, Monday evening. Joan Nichols was assistant hostess. Pres- ent were: Mrs. Harold Croom, Jean Croom, Josephine Nichols, Florence Marrow, Edith Anderson, Gregory, Janet Post, Alice Davis, Louise Hazeltine, Alice Sutton, El- len Sutton, Beatrice Dalley, and Marion Joyce Fox. to J. Hadley Lyne, son Betty Bilbow, | Members and friends of the Shav- ertown Methodist Church had a pleasant time greeting one another and inspecting the newly built par- sonage at the “open house” held on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Much credit for the success of the party is due to Mrs. Walter Cooke, who was chairman of the commit- tee. She was assisted by a large committee who worked at two hour intervals. The tea table had a floral ar- rangement in a large crystal bowl with tall red, green and white can- dles in matching candelabra. On either end of the table was a silver tea service. Those who poured were Mrs. George Learn, Mrs. Willard Durbin, Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. William Hunt, Mrs. Harry Major, Mrs. Ernest Keller, Mrs. Charles Nuss, Mrs. Granville Sowden and Mrs. Walter Shaver. Tn Of Members And F fonds Have Tea At Shavertown Parsonage Hosts and Hostesses included Rev. and Mrs. Russell May, Mrs. Earl Hontz, Mrs. Clyde Fowler, Mrs. A. Rogers, D, C. Smith, George Learn, Mrs. Walter Fletcher, Mrs. F. B. Arber, Miss Ruth Lamoreaux, Miss Pearl Averett, Mrs. C. B. Henry, Mrs. Howard Patton, Mrs, George Ide, Mrs. Stephen Johnson, Mrs, Peter Malkemes, Mrs. Howard Appleton, Mrs. George Dodson, Guy Downer, W. W. Boyes, Granville Sowden and Charles Nuss. The following women served in the kitchen: Mrs. Thomas Reese, Mrs, Rhos Williams, Mrs. Walter Steinhauer, Mrs. Howard Hontz, Mrs, William Morgan, Mrs. Isaac Brace, Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman, Mrs. Charles Watkins, Mrs. Curtis Carr, Mrs. Paul Eckhart, Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux, Mrs, Guy Downer, Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Miss Bessie Stroh and Mrs. Lena Murdoch. Huntsville Bible Classes Plan Christmas Party Men's and Woman's Bible Classes of Huntsville Christian Church made plans for a Christmas party to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts Saturday, December 20 at their regular meeting in the church Tuesday evening. At this time Pollyannas of the class will be revealed. Report on the rummage sale held in Luzerne. last week showed a net profit of $50.50. A special gift of $15 was voted to the Emily Flynn Church Home for Old Ladies in Marion, Indiana. Present were: Mr. and Mrs, A. N. Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Major, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston, Mrs. Ben Frantz, Mrs. Fran- ces Culp, and Mrs. Ralph Frantz. Christmas Gift Stationery and envelopes. \ MAIN ST. DALLAS USASERENES Eastern Star To Give Xmas Baskets To Needy Members of Dallas Chapter Order of the Eastern Star are requested to send donations for Christmas bas- kets to the home of Mrs. Ernest Johnson of . Shavertown, Mrs. Charles F. Lewis, Trucksville and Mrs. David Joseph, Dallas, before Monday, December 22, Baskets will be prepared and distributed from the home of Mrs, S. G. B, Arber, Ridge street, Shavertown, general chairman of the committee. Scout Christmas Party Committee women of Troop 9, Shavertown Girl Scouts, will enter- tain scouts at a Christmas party in Shavertown Methodist Church on Thursday, December 18. Mrs. Oscar Laing Ladies Auxiliary Plan Christmas Party The Ladies Auxiliary of Dr, Laing Fire Company will have a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Arthur Blewitt, Fernbrook, on Tuesday eve- ning. A Christmas program will be presented and Santa will pay a visit. Each member is asked to bring a 10c gift. Hostesses will be Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Claude Cooke, Mrs. Fred Hughey, Mrs. William Vivian and Mrs. Newberry. Sweet Valley — fie A special musical program wilh Mose Jones of Sugar Notch as guest soloist will be presented at the eve- ning service at Christian Church, Sweet Valley, Sunday at 7:30, IRR RRR RRR Rasa {Christmas Trees for sale 4 Reserve Yours NOW! EVANS Drug Store fan SIATY NY: Highway, SHAVERTOWN ORDER A CASE STEGMAIER’S GOLD MEDAL BEER Harvey's Lake Bottling Works = ee For Home Delivery Phone Harvey's Lake 3092 Or Phone Wilkes-Barre 2-817 tee Dymond is general chairman. Xmas Tree and Home Decorations Electric Candelabrum $1.20. Com- plete indoor and outdoor tree lighting sets from 39¢ Gift Wrapping Supplies A delightful selection of dainty, colorful Xmas wrappings, seals, twine, cards, etc. See our wide variety of gift boxes of personalized writing ‘papers’ Xmas Candy Barrels of fresh, brilliant hard candies and delicious chocolates for Christmas—from 20¢c 1b. Men’s and Ladies Accessories 1001 ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM | DALLAS 5-10 to DALLAS OWN and GIFT CENTER WHY GO TO TOWH... When You Can Buy The Same Fine Merchandise For Less Money From Your Year Around Neighbors Who Have Your Best Interests At Heart! cite Ze Avoid The Crowds Save Gasoline Shop In Dallas —is Bmerica's Finest Dolls The Famous “Horsman” Beauties Adorable dolls with flirting eyes . . sweet and lovable, and all dressed up to delight every little girl. We are proud to be able to offer such a big selection to choose from here in Dallas. ‘Baby Precious ‘Baby Darling” “Baby Dimples” $1.25, $1.29, $1.39 $2.25, $2.89 $3.98 What A Train! 0 A whiz of a streamlined mechan- ical train, spark shooting locomo- tive with bell and 10 pieces of track—$1.19. STORE | E. WILLIAMS, Manag er # I SS SS SS HA A RR A BR RR RR STEGER AR