PRE AN : pvp oven Tee . i A iw sn ‘Tw - ' Master Thomas Coleman of Rice street, who was operated on at the Nesbitt Hospital last week for ap- pendicitis returned to his home on Wednesday. The Firemen's Auxiliary is plan- ning a card party to be held at the Hose House on November 21st. This newly organized group of women are making a real effort to aid the fire company and deserve the sup- port of the community. Mrs. Neual Kester is ‘the president. Mrs. Thomas Jepson, formerly of Trucksville Gardens, is now a guest at the Aged Ladies Home in Wilkes Barre, and will be glad to see any of her friends there. Mrs. Harold Croom entertained her card club at her home on Cliff- side last Friday evening. Miss Phyllis Lyne of Harris Hill Road has secured employment in Newark, New Jersey. ~ Master Billy Myrick of Birch- grove, who has been ill for several weeks with an infection of the throat, returned to the hospital last week for a minor operation, and is now recovering satisfactorily. Warren Meacham a sophomore at Lehigh University spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meacham of Highland avenue, . Trucksville Gardens. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woolbert and infant daughter Jane Schooley have returned to their home in Blooms- burg. - Mrs. Woolbert is the former Miss Ruth Schooley. Mr. James Carr of Philadelphia, visited Miss Elsie Updyke of Mt. ,. Greenwood Road. Mrs. Harry Ritts, Jr., has returned to Wilmington, Delaware, after spending some time with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Still. Mr. Ritts is employed by the DuPont ‘Company. UCKSVILLE=——= 1 re A ——— 3 Louis Wilcox, of Chase Road, who has been ill for several weeks, was operated on at the Nesbitt Hospital on Wednesday morning. Leroy Thompson of Huntsville Road is ill with tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Croom en- tertained the Board of Education of the White Church on the Hill, at. their home on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hannah Smith of Oak street celebrated her 81st birthday on Tuesday. She was greeted by many friends. Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Hemenway of Huntsville Road spent Sunday with their son, Charles, at Ilion, N, Y. Mrs. Frank Hawke entertained her card club at her home on Wed- nesday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eddy and | daughter, Nancy Jane, are ocoupy- | ing the home on Oak street recent- | ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cease who have gone to Connecti- cut. Mr. Eddy was transferred to the Wilkes Barre office of the Bell Tele- phone Company from Harrisburg. Frank Mathers of Carverton Road | was called to Washington, D. C., onl Monday by the serious illness of his daughter, Ruth, who is a nurse ny that city. : ol Mrs.. Edward Mullen of Jersey City is visiting her sister Ruth Boyle of Hillside who has been ill with pneumonia for several days. Mrs. Bernard Whitney, Fernbrook Road, entertained the following on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones of Kingston; and Mr. and Mrs. James Goodwin of Trucksville. Tomorrow Mrs. Whitney will enter- tain her card club at a luncheon bridge. : : Philip Carle of Harris Hill has se- cured employment in Jersey City, i New Jersey. —=———SHAVERTOWN=—— ' Miss Virginia Miller has returned to her home in Elizabeth, N. J., after spending several days with her family on Center street. Mrs. John Gallagher, Main street is confined to her home by illness. She suffered a gall bladder attack | Friday morning. Russell Cease spent the week end at his home on Franklin street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans had as guests Sunday Miss Patsy Guyler of Wilkes Barre, Miss Annie Thomas of Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Evans of Scranton. Mr. and M rs. Fred Malkemes and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Woolbert will be members of a party going to Philadelphia Saturday to see the Pennsylvania-Army football game. Alfred Ringstrom, son of Mr. and ~ Mrs. Norman Ringstrom of Trucks- «ville has gone to Wilmington to take a position with the: Duponts. Private Robert Garris of Fort Bel- levoir, Virginia spent the week end as the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garris of East Center street, Shavertown. Mrs. Edward Hall and daughter Anne, of South Main Street, and Miss Marjorie Nichols of Warden Avenue, Trucksville spent the week end visiting the former's son, Ted Hall of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Mr. Hall is employed by the General Electric Company. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laycock of Scranton, former residents of Shav- ertown, have announced the birth of a daughter, their third, Monday morning, November 10. Mrs. Lay- cock is the former Edith Eustice. A request for more women to sew for the Red Cross in the Shavertown grade school every Wednesday has been made. This Wednesday the workers made children’s dresses and snow suits. Mrs. Guy R. Downer has return- ed from Passaic, N. J., where she attended the funeral services for her sister. Mrs. Ella Howlett, Miss Lena Mur- dock, Mrs, Oscar Dymond, Mrs. E. H. Williams and Mrs. A. G. Prater attended the W. S. C. S. convention in Plymouth Methodist Church on Tuesday. - Mr. Newton Ness ¢gand daughters, Betty and Ruth, attended the Penn. State vs. Syracuse game at Penn. State on Saturday. Mrs. Stanley Shewan will enter- tain her bridge club at her home tonight. Lois and Jeanne Malkemes, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Malkemes of Hillcrest Avenue are ill. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Diltz, Main Street spent Wednesday in Potts- ville. Miss Dorothy Hughes I Bride Of Robert Roye Announcement has been made of ' the marriage of Miss Dorothy Louise - Hughes, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hughes of Wilkes-Barre and Robert Dale Royer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Royer of Trucksville. Ceremony was perform- ed Thursday, October 23, by Rev. F. Waechter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Cushing of Kanka- kee, Ill. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hopkins, former res- idents of Wilkes-Barre, Robert was graduated from Kingston Township High School and is employed at the Kankakee Ord- nance Works at Wilmington, IIL The bride and groom and their at- tendants were all members of the 1941 class of Bucknell University. Calendar Of Events At St. Paul's Church “Playing Fair With God” will be the sermon subject at St. Pauls Lutheran Church at their 11 o'clock service Sunday morning. In the af- ternoon at 3 p. m. St. Paul's con- gregation will take part in the Union Lutheran Vesper Service be- ing conducted by Rev. Conrad Berg- endoff at the Irem Temple in Wilkes-Barre. Professor Raymond Kuhnert, supervising principal of Dallas Township Schools will speak at the Luther League devotional ser- vice at 7 o'clock. There will be no evening service. Meeting of the week: Monday 7:30, Luther League business and social meeting; Thurs- day 2:00, Altar Guild, 4:00 Confir- mation class. Cora Steele Becomes ‘Registered Nurse Miss Cora Steele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson of Main street, received word Thurs- day that she has successfully passed the State Board Examinations for registered nurses. Miss Steele is a graduate of the Dallas Borough High School, in the class of 1936, studied for two years at College Misericordia and took her nurse’s training at’ .. Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. LAt Westmoreland Club - Culp and Mrs. Ralph Frantz. ox Former Teacher Honored Miss Sara Pfahler, former girls basketball ¢ oach and teacher at Kingston Township High S chool, who recently accepted a p osition in Wilkes Barre City Schools was the guest of the Kingston Town- ship High School Faculty at a din- ner party on Monday evening Nov- ember 17, at the Westmoreland Club, South Franklin Street, Wilkes Barre. Those present were: Miss Sara Pfahler, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Martin, Mr. and M rs. John Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, Mr. Elwood Swingle, Mrs. Kenneth Woolbert, Misses Emily Lewis, Alice Hand, Esther Saxe, Althea Dymond, Pearl Averett Sophia Morris, Elea- nor and Hilda Staub. Kings Daughters Class Meet At Stark Home Kings Daughters Class of Shaver- town Methodist Church met at the home of Miss Jennie Stark Monday evening. Mrs. Edna Smith assisted Miss Stark. Mrs. Ruth Carr presided at the meeting and Mrs. Russell J. May led devotions, Others present were: Mrs. Charles Watkins, Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Howard Wool- bert, Mrs. James Mericle, Mrs. Blod- wyn Jones, Mrs. Lawrence Cool- baugh, Mrs. Alice Frantz, Mrs. Wil- liam Glahn, Mrs, Russell Greenwood, Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. Earl Lameroux and Mrs. Thomas Reese. Bible Classes Meet At Christian Church Members of the Adult Bible Class of Huntsville Christian Church met at the church Tuesday evening. Plans for a rummage sale to be held around December 1 in Luzerne were made. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Major, Mr. and Mrs, Nesbitt Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rob- erts, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mrs. Bertha Jenkins, Mrs. Frances era THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 Drama In The Courtroom - uo 5 Given plenty of pulchritudinous encouragement by his client, played by Joan Banks, the defense attorney, portrayed by Ted de Corsia, makes a stirring courtroom plea for acquittal in a scene from “Famous Jury Trials” heard Tuesday at 9:00 p. m., EST, over the NBC-Blue Network. Miss Edythe Pollock Entertains At Party For Louise Boushey Miss Edythe Pollock entertained Wednesday night for Miss Louise Roushey who will leave December 1 for Bloomsburg to assume new duties in Girl Scout work. Miss Roushey has done a splendid job both in her teaching and scout po- sitions and it is with genuine regret that parents and friends see her go. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Coolbaugh, Mrs. Martin Port- er, Miss Louise Hewitt, Miss Ruth Lameroux, Miss Bernice Spencer, Miss Bertha Sutliff, Miss Adeline Burgess, Miss Marion Young, Pro- fessor and Mrs. J. M. Martin, the guest of honor and the hostess. Miss Roushey was presented with a lovely brief case. Mrs. James Mericle Is Hostess to S. S. Class Mrs. James Mericle of Shavertown was hostess to members of the Ella Moore Class of East Dallas Method- ist Church at a supper meeting on Tuesday evening. Assisting her were Mrs. Stanley Moore, Mrs. Paul Car- lin, Mrs. Charles Weiss and Mrs. Jeanette Dickinson. Others present: Mrs. Ben Brace, Wilma Brace, Mrs. Arline Moore, Mrs. Howard Patton, Mrs. Ruth Bertram, Mrs. Winfield Brace, Mrs. Ted Wilson, Mrs. Rob- ert Fowler, Mrs. Fred Hughes, Mrs. Harry Martin, M rs. John Hilde- ‘brant and Mrs. Ralph Weaver. Youth Fellowship Class The Youth Fellowship Class of the Trucksville Methodist Church re- cently held a party. Prizes were awarded to the following people: Louise Gregory, Hazel Hughey, Elsie Updyke, Bessie Linaberry and Vir- ginia Cope. Games were played and refreshments were served. Township Teachers On Convention Program The following Kingston Township teachers will participate in the Northeastern Convention of the Pennsylvania State Educators As- sociation which will be held in Scranton on November 15 and 16: James A. Martin will be a speaker at the session of District Superin- tendents and Supervising Principals, which wil be held on Friday after- noon at Scranton Central High School, Miss Esther Saxe will at- tend as a member of the House of Delegates being a representative of the County Branch of the Pennsyl- vania State Educators Association. Miss Ruth Howell will be a speaker at the English Session on Saturday morning. Miss Hilda Staub president of the Library Group will preside at the Library Session which will meet on Saturday.. ; Mrs. Lester Hoover Is Hostess To Bible Class Mrs. Lester Hoover, Fernbrook, was hostess to members of the Dor- cas Bible Class of St. Paul’s Luther- an Church, Shavertown, Tuesday evening. Attending were: Mrs. Har- old Ash, Mrs. J. A. Batey, Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Harry Ell, Mrs. Ralph Franklin ,Mrs, Charles Gos- art Jr., Mrs. Kenneth Huey, Mrs. Jesse Kemberling, Mrs. Fred Malke- mes, Mrs. John Owens, Mrs. Richard Malkemes, Mrs. John Owens, Mrs. Richard Rudy, Mrs, W. E. Thomas and Mrs. Theodore Woolbert. Baked Ham Supper Brotherhood of St. Paul's Luth- eran Church will hold a baked ham supper Thursday evening, November 20, starting at 5:30. Reservations can be made by calling the parson- age. Red Cross Notice Any one needing additional yarn or any one who has completed ar- ticles for the Red Cross should get in touch with Mrs. Arthur Culver. Mrs. Oswald Griffiths would be glad to know names of people who are willing to lend machines for Red Cross. sewing. | Senior Play Cast The following cast has been se- lected for the Kingston Township Senior Play, “The Kid,” which will be presented in the auditorium of Kingston Township High School on December 19: Bud Williams, Wilma Hunt, Howard Deiter, Helen Staub, Sarah = Breslin, Austin Meacham, Russell Greenwood, Betty Ness and Doris Henning; REE TIME, TURKEY SUPPERS AND PRESCRIPTIONS DO SEEM TO RUN IN CYCLES A year ago on November 14 as he was preparing to take his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, to the turkey supper at Trucksville Methodist Church, Sheldon Ev- ans, Shavertown druggist .re- ceived a call to deliver a pre- scription to a home in Hunts- ville. This year, by a coinci- dence, on the same date, at the same time and under similar circumstances, Mr. Evans re- ceived a telephone call to de- liver a prescription to the same home in Huntsville. Time as well as turkey suppers and pre- scriptions seem to run in cycles Shell thinks. Next year on the first day of trout season we expect to find him fishing in the same stream, at the same hole, at the same PAGE FIVE Fast Dallas Ladies Complete Plans for Annual Turkey Dinner Plans have been completed by the women of the East Dallas Method- ist Church for their annual turkey dinner which will be held at the church Tuesday evening, November 18. Serving will start at 5:30 and continue until all are served. Menu: tomato juice, turkey and dressing, mashed p otatoes, sweet potato puffs, peas, carrots, creamed turnips, cabbage salad, celery and pickles, cranberry sauce, pumpkin and apple pie, r olls and coffee. Committee in charge: tickets and publicity, Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Ted Wilson, Mrs. Nelson Moore; decorations, Miss Myra-Carlin; dining r oom, Mrs. Winfield Brace, Mrs, Joseph Patrick, Mrs. Paul Carlin, M rs. Robert Fow- ler, Mrs. Charles Weiss, Mrs. Fred Hughey, Miss Arline Moore; kitchen, Mrs. Ben Brace, M rs. Jeanette Dick- inson, Mrs. Alfred Moore, M rs. Lawrence Swank, Mrs. Ralph Wea- ver, Mrs. Harry Martin and Mrs. Maude Wesley. Calendar of Events At White Church on Hill Guest Artists at the Music Serv- ice Sunday evening at the White Church on the Hill, Trucksville, will hour, trying to catch as big a trout as he caught this year. = ay Rev. Martha Santmier To Speak Here Tonight Rev. Martha Santmier, a return- ed missionary f rom Africa, will be guest speaker at a joint meeting of the Outlet, Trucksville and Dallas Missionary Societies of the Free Methodist Church in Dallas this evening, Friday, at 7:45. Rev, Sant- mier spent a good many years in Africa where she studied the needs of their dark skinned people. The ' public is cordially invited to come [and hear her recount her interest- ing experiences. She will bring with her a number of rare curios which she acquired in Africa. Rev. Sant- mier, now widowed, has charge of the Free Methodist Church at Mt. Top. Rev. Albert P, Reining is pastor of the local Free Methodist Church. All-Day Quilting Ladies of Huntsville Christian Church held an all-day quilting at the church Wednesday. Present were: Mrs. Joseph Bertram, Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mrs. Herbert Major, Mrs. Harvey Moss, Mrs. Frances Culp, Mrs. Charles Elston, Mrs. Ber- | tha Jenkins, Mrs. Ralph Frantz and Mrs. Stanley Culp. Auxiliary Card Party Ladies’ Auxiliary of Trucksville Fire Company will sponsor a card party Friday evening, November 21 in the Hose House. Players are asked to bring their own cards. There will be other games for those not playing cards. Proceeds will be used to make improvements to the equipment and hall. be Robert Henderson, Flutist, of Forty Fort and of the Dallas High School Faculty, and Robert Morgan, Organist of the First Baptist Church of Wilkes Barre. The public is in- vited to attend this service at 7:30 Sunday evening. The Morning Worship Service on Sunday w ill be the seventh of the Worship Crusade. The pastor will preach on the topic ‘Keeping Our Eyes on God.” The second Session of the Bible day evening at 7:30. The speaker will be Rev. Clarence Andrews of the Wyoming Methodist. Church and the topic will be “Why Read The Bible.” Everyone interested in the Bible is invited to attend. Local Church Women Entertain Old Ladies Women of the Old Ladies Home, Wilkes Barre, were pleasantly en- tertained on Tuesday evening at the home by members of the Glen View Sunday S chool Adult Bible Class, Fernbrook. Misses Shirley Thomas and Verna Lamoreaux gave readings, George Shaver played cornet selections and Melvin Compton clarinet selections. Miss Elizabeth Stritzinger and M rs. George Shaver sang. Rev. Daniel Davis made brief remarks. Others who contributed to the enjoyable evening were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mintzer, Mr. and Mrs. Tim LaBar, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handley, Mr. and M rs, William Compton, Mr. and M rs. Benjamin Muchler, Mrs. Esther Layaou, Mrs. Earl Lay- aou, Mrs. Henry Randall, M rs. Elizabeth Williams, Mrs . Corey Crispell, Mrs. John Monroe, Miss Charlotte Mintzer, John H. Lowe, Annjane and Esther Layaou. Conference will be held on Thurs- | SWEET VALLEY Lewis Button spent the week-end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Stewart at Stroudsburg. Mrs. Martha Bronson Tuesday at the parsonage. William Farver who was injured in an automobile accident last week continues to improve. He is still a patient in General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quoss of Connecticut spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quoss. Callers at the parsonage were: Mr. and Mrs. John Black, Bobby, Miss Gwendolyn Hoiser of West Pittston and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett of Laflin. Philip Stewart of Stroudsburg, grandson of Rev. and Mrs. Ira But- ton, is recovering from another slight attack of rheumatic fever. Mr. and Mrs. John Pall visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Witkowski on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Freas Morris an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Linda Fae, at the family home, on Thursday, October 30. Mrs, Morris is the former Miss Hilda Edwards. Mrs. Edith Long is recovering from an illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Loren Cragle. Sunday Service Sunday evening services of the: Christian Church will close the se- ries of revival services that have been in progress for the past two weeks. There will be an evangelistic message and also special music. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Long en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl White of Baltimore, Maryland, at. dinner Sunday in observance of both the Longs’ and the Whites’ 25th wed- ding anniversaries. Others at the dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy White and son, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long, Clara Bell and Hazel White, Doris, June, Dayton and Jay Long. Callers during the afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Irving White of Kingston; William Ferrey of Dallas spent and Norman White of Sweet Valley. Open Late Saturday Night Starting Saturday at BENESGH & SONS GOODBYE WILKES - BARRE SALE Our lease expires soon...and we've got to | GET OUT! Sacrificing EVERYTHING We have in our store! Get here early ...stay late! $150,000 in Furniture, Floor ~ Coverings, Stoves and Heaters... and More... * MUST GO REGARDLESS OF LOSS! Doors Open? A.M. Saturday ’