° THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 wborhood Notes And ews Of Local Church Affairs Purely Personal Home Phone 161 ! Office Phone 300 Mrs. Machell Hildebrant will en- tertain at tea at her home on Lake street Saturday afternoon honoring Mrs. David Davis of Kingston, a re- cent bride. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hil- debrant were former classmates at West Chester State Teachers’ Col- lege. * * * Mrs. George K. Swartz and chil- dren, Nancy and George Jr., of . Main street, have returned from Maryland where they visited Dr. Swartz over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davies of Parsonage street spent the week- end at Wesleyan University where they were guests of their son, James, a Junior at the University. They witnessed the Williams-Wes- leyan football game on Saturday. * * * Mrs. James Oliver. Jr., of Lake street, was hostess at a party at her home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hauck of De- munds’ Road returned Monday from ‘Harrisonburg, Va., where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Losey. * * ok Mrs. Byron Starr has been -ill at her home at Goss Manor. Harold Hauck, Dr. Charles Ashley, James Oliver and Harry Weaver left Thursday for Canada on a hunting trip. : Mrs. J. H. Hauck will be hostess ‘to members of her card club at her home on Demunds Road, Tuesday. * * * Gertrude Wilson of Franklin street is spending the week at Charleston, West Virginia as guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson. Mr. Wil- son is controller for Frankenberger’s Men’s Clothing Store. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will accompany their sister home to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Wilson. Private Allen Ockenhouse will re- turn to his post at Fort Sam Hous- ton, Texas, Saturday evening No- “vember 15. days with Mrs. Bis * * * Mrs. Almon Rood was hostess to members of the Ruggles W. S. C. S. at her home Wednesday. ‘Miss Doris Roberts of Harrisburg spent the week-end visiting her par- "ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Roberts of Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Machell Hildebrant of Lake street entertained over last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas of Shickshinny. > * * * Albert Parrish of Hyattsville, Md., ‘spent the week-end with his family on Parrish street. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Harrison of Parrish street, are entertaining the former’s mother of Wilkes-Barre for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Main Road, observed their twenty-second wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Mrs. Ford Johnson, Trucksville, is ill at her home. * * x Miss Phyllis Lyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Lyne, Trucksville, has accepted a position with the Western Electric in Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin have returned to their home in| Bethlehem after spending a few | Conklin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver, Main street, Trucksville. * * * Mr. and Mrs. William Compton, Demunds Road, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Albee and children, Ronald and Arnott, Jr., of Ashley, last week-end. Miss Charlotte Mintzer, Main street, Dallas, has returned from a week’s visit in Westmoreland City. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor of Center Hill road announce the birth of a daughter at Nesbitt Hospital, Friday, November 7. This is the Taylor's second child and second daughter. s s = Mrs. Walter B. Risley of Lake street had as guests last week War- ren Risley of Buffalo and Mrs, Berk- ley Lyman of Tunkhannock. © Mrs. Bruce Shaver is ill at her home in Idetown. Mrs. C, J. Major and son, Russell of Lehman will leave this morning, Friday, for Newport, R. I, where they will be guests of the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Roberts. Mrs. Frank Harvey who has been a patient at General Hospital for the past ten days returned to her home on Cemetery street Saturday. She is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yeisley of Overbrook avenue spent Sunday at Towanda visiting their daughter and son-in-law.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van- Campen and family. * * * Harriet Stem of Philadelphia is spending her vacation with her father, Jacob Stem at Alderson, * * & Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph and children, John, David, and Jane of Norton avenue, attended the funeral of Mrs. Joseph’s sister, Mrs. Mattie Goode at Jonestown last Thu rsday. Mrs. Goode was Mrs. Joseph’s last sister. Burial was at Raburn Ceme- tery near Shickshinny, * x , x Alfred Davis of Aberdeen Prov- ing Grounds, Maryland, spent the week end visiting his parents, Mr. an Mrs. William Davis of Park street. James Harfman, of New Castle, Maryland, is spending this week at his home on Terrace street. * * * Misses Ethel and Alice Vivian, of Trucksville, will spend this week end in New York City. Mrs. Robert Jackson, the former Miss ‘Grace McGuire, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McGuire, Center street, Shaver- town. . * * * Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Powell, of Elmira, returned to their home on Monday afternoon after spending several days with Mrs. Powell’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Evans, Center Street, Shavertown. * * * Miss Marion Courtright and Miss Lucy Courtright, Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, will leave on Saturday to spend several days in New York. ® * * Miss Pauline Kozemchak, daugh- ter of Mrs. Rose Kozemchak, Hunts- ville, is in training at the Retreat Hospital School for nurses. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tinsley, Miss Velma Haring and Wilbur Davis, all of Dallas, spent last week-end in New York City. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Condon and daughter, Jennie Lee, and Miss Mar- tha Kunkle, all former residents of Kunkle but now of Budd Lake, New Jersey, Visited in Eunkle last week end, ‘ Cow ER A Touis “Evans has returned to Flushing, Long Island, after spend- ing several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Evans, Center street, Shavértown. Robert Ray, "Middletown, Pa., will spend this week end with his par- ents, Mr, and M rs. Herbert Ray, of Shavertown. Miss Geraldine Shields, Alderson, a member of the 1941 graduating class of Dallas Township, has accep- ted a position in Harrisburg. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George Metz will move from their farm in Carverton to their home in Trucksville this week. Their daughter, Miss Nancy, of Schnectady, New York, visited them last week end. Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols who have made their home in the Laz- arus house on Machell avenue since last spring will move to Plymouth on December 1. The condition of Wesley Daddow who suffered a second stroke about two weeks ago is considerably im- proved. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nulton of Kun- kle were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R ussell Honeywell of Lake Street on Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Niemeyer and children, Joan and Fred, and Miss Mary Cullen and Clement Niemeyer were Sunday g uests of Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer of Daven- port street. * * * Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer and children, Bill and Bob, of Bal- timore, spent the week end as the guests of Mr. and M rs. Augustus Verfaille, Mr, Niemeyer returned on Tuesday but his family are remain- ing until the week end. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harvey re- turned to Tampa, Florida, after spending ten days visiting the for- mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harvey on Cemetery street. The ‘couple were recently married. Miss Marion Eipper Marries |" Private Allen Ockenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eipper of Dal- las announce the marriage of their daughter, Marion, to Private Allen Ockenhouse of Fort Sam Houston, Texas, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ockenhouse of Shavertown. The ceremony was performed in the Ell- wood Avenue Methodist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, Friday even- ing, November:7 at 8 o'clock. Rev. Gordon G. Jones officiated. Attend- “ents ‘were ‘Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brow; own, former residents of Dallas. The bride wore a street length dress of soldier blue with matching S accessories, Her corsage was of white pompoms and baby breath. Mrs. Brown chose royal blue with matching accessories and corsage of pink pompoms. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown in Balti- more, Md. Mrs. Ockenhouse is a graduate: of Dallas Borough High School. Mr. Ockenhouse attended Kingston Township High School and is sta- tioned at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, with the United States Army. Miss Bettie Ide/ To Wed Saturday Will Marry Roy Covey At Lehman Parsonage Miss Bettie Josephine Ide, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ide of Idetown will become the bride of Roy A. Covey, son of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Covey of Carverton Saturday, November 15, in the parsonage of the Lehman Methodist Church. Rev. Frank Abbott will perform the cere- mony. Attendants will be Honey Bullock of Kingston and Charles Knarr of Carverton. The bride will wear a street length dress of soldier blue crepe with brown accessories. Miss Bullock has chosen powder blue crepe with black accessories. Miss Ide is a graduate of Lehman High School. Mr. Covey was gradu- ated from Kingston Township High School and is engaged in farming at Carverton. The couple will make their home at Carverton. Nelson Garingers Give Party For Newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Garinger of Alderson entertained at a party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harris, who were recently - married, on Thursday evening. The couple were presented with a lovely bed-room lamp set. Present were: Mrs, Erma Harris, Mrs. Edith Shoemaker, Mrs. Nellie Higgins, Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. Mildred Garinger, Miss Lina Garinger, Mrs. Liva Delaney, Mrs. Alma Davis, Mrs. Lillian Dula, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harris, Mrs. Anna Getzman, Neiland Garinger, Herbert Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Garinger. Honored At Shower A surprise shower, honoring Pri- vate and Mrs. Allen Ockenhouse, recently married, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bel- les, Germantown, Philadelphia, Sat- urday evening, November 8. There were thirty guests and the couple received many beautiful gifts. Lillian Ward Engaged To Sgt. Richard Huddy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ward of Alderson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian, to Sgt. Richard Huddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Huddy, Kingston. Miss Ward is a graduate of Dallas Township High School, class of ’41. Sgt. Huddy is a member of the fac- ulty of Clarkson College, Pots Dam, New York. The wedding will take place on December 23rd. Young Folks Enjoy Party At Sawyer Home Dolly Sawyer entertained at her home on Church street at a party for Alfred Davis Saturday evening. Present were: Romaine Harvey, Edith Nafus, Nora Brown, Laura Mae Gallows, Betty VanHorn, Jane Coolbaugh, Jane Joseph, Rose Mary Ford, = Elinor Gravish, Janet Gar- inger, Gertrude Moore, Joe Hughes, Carl Roberts, Tommy Carcuff, Al Davis, John Jewell, Melvin Morris, Jim Roberts, Bob Brown, Leighton Cairl, Mike Chersin, Claude Warren, Herbert Jones and the hostess. Charlotte Roberts Is Hostess At Shower Miss Charlotte Roberts was host- ess at a lovely shower honoring Mrs. John Gaughan Jr., recent bride, at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. N, Garinger, Ma- chell avenue, Saturday afternoon. Guests, all members of the class of 1939 of Dallas Borough High School, were: Audrey O’Kane, Lewistown; Veronica Wallo, Washington, D. C.; Della Mission, Mary Templin, Thel- ma Gregory, Mrs. Gerald Snyder, Jane LeGrand, Mrs. Wilson Gar- inger, Dallas; Doris Roberts, Harris- burg. Miss Bettie Ide Is Honored at Shower Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ide enter- tained at a variety shower honoring their daughter Bettie, at the home of Mrs. Edith Ide of Idetown on Saturday, November 8. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spencer and daughter, Nancy, Mr. and Mrs, Al- bert Ide and Patsy and Dana, Mrs. Raymond Spencer, Edith and Har- old, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide and daughter, Grace, Mrs. Gleason Goss, Arline Ide, Stella Ide, Ruth Worth- ington Elizabeth Gilroy, Albert Adleman, Mrs, Edith Ide, Dorothy Ide, Bradley Ide, Rolland Ide, Bettie Ide and Roy Covey. Entertain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxwell of Kingston, former residents of Dal- las, entertained a number of local ‘people at their home Sunday even- ing. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ashley, Dallas; Mr, and Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Vernon; and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eck of Shaver- town... ¢ ! N Woman’ s Club Chairman - Mrs. Oswald Griffiths who will be chairman of the Decorating Committee of the Dallas Junior Woman’s Glee Club Concert to be held in the Dallas Borough High School, Wednesday evening. Julia Matukitis To The marriage of Miss Julia Matu kitis, daughter of Joseph Matukitis, East Dallas, and Robert Pickett, son of Mrs. Mary Pickett Ballantine, will take place this morning at 9:30 in the rectory of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Wilkes-Barre, Rev. J. Mili- auskas ‘will perform the ceremony. The bride will wear a dark brown street length dress, brown accessor- ies and a corsage of fall flowers. Her sister, Miss Ann Matukitis, will be bridesmaid #nd will be.attirediin a blue dress’ and black accessories. Frank Matukitis will be the groom’s attendant. - Miss Matukitis is a graduate of Dallas Township School, class of Become Bride Of Robert Pickett This Morning 40. Mr. Pickett is a graduate of the same school and attended Buck- nell Junior College. Both are em- ployed at Barnard Aviation Equip- ment Company. The couple will go to New York City for their honeymoon. Last Friday evening Mrs. Ted Wil- son, East Dallas, entertained at a personal shower for Miss Matukitis. Pink and white Chrysanthemums made up the table decorations. The guest of honor received many pret- ty gifts. Guests were: Misses Ida Schoonover, Marion Hildebrant, Jane Case, Mildred Sanford, Elva Knecht, Wilma Estock, Jean Miller, Ann Matukitis and Marilyn Wilson. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Ross, daugh- ter of Ira Ross, East Dallas, and Ernest Gay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay of Orange, Saturday, at noon, at the parsonage of the Dallas Methodist Church. Rev. Freeman, performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by Mrs. Arthur Gay, Mrs. M. Baird and Miss Ada Ross. Francis pastor, Women of The Rotary Sew at Yeisley Home Women of the Rotary met at the home of Mrs. Warren Yeisley, of Overbrook avenue, yesterday to make layettes for needy Back Mountain m others, A covered dish luncheon wag served. Present were: Mrs. Paul Warriner, Mrs. John Nic- holson, Mrs. A. C. Dick, Mrs. Earl Monk, Mrs. A, N. Garinger, Mrs. R. A. Williams, Mrs W. L. Yeisley, | Mrs. W. T. Lanyon, Mrs. L. L. Rich- ardson, Mrs. R. S. Roberts, Mrs .M. J. Brown, Mrs. D. R. Richards, Mrs. Robert Bodycomb and M rs. Warren Taylor, Louise Roushey, Guest Of Honor At Shower Miss Louise Roushey, who will leave to become Girl Scout Director in the Bloomsburg district on De- cember 1st, was guest of honor at a handkerchief shower on Saturday afternoon. Hostesses were Misses Mary and Mildred Porter, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Porter, Shaver avenue, Shavertown. evening. Guests included Mr. | Miss Ruth Ross Ts Married (. To Mr. Ernest Gay Of Orange The bride was attired in blue and wore a corsage of white pom poms and baby’s breath. She was a mem- ber of the 1940 graduating class of Dallas Township and has been em- ployed at Endicott, N. Y. Mr. Gay graduated from Wyoming High School. Upon their return from a wedding trip through the New England States, Mr. and Mrs. Gay will re- side at Orange. Wilsons Entertain Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson, of Shavertown, entertained on Monday and Mrs. Fred Handley, Mrs. George Belles, Mrs. George Shaver, Mrs. Benjamin Muchler, Miss Verna La- moreaux, Mrs. Lewis Stritzinger, Mrs. Henry Randall, Miss Betty Stritzinger and Malcom Wilson. Mrs. Raymond Garinger was host- ess to members of the Alderson W. S. C. S. at her home Monday eve- ning. Mrs, James Lord asisted her. A patriotic program was presented under the direction of Miss Florence Hauch and Girl Scouts of Troop 65. Taking part were: Mary Delaney, Elaine Avery, Wilma Zifchak, Doris Rossman, Audrey Kocher, Dorothy Jones. Plans for a bazaar to be held December 3 were discused. Present at the meeting were: Mrs, Nelson Garinger, Mrs. Howard Higgins, Mrs. Herman Garinger, Mrs. Albert Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Hostess At Alderson Ladies Meeting Armitage, Mrs. Florence Condon, Mrs. Nelson Harris, Mrs. Lee Zim- merman, Mrs. Marion Avery, Mrs. George Armitage, Mrs. Peter De- laney, Mrs. Joseph Rauch, Mrs. Hattie Rauch, Mrs. Asenoth Davis, Mrs, Albert Rogers, Mrs. Harry Al- len Sr., Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. Ada Garinger, Miss Lina Garinger, Mrs. Herbert Davis, Mrs. James Lord, Mrs. Donald Smith, Mrs. James Garey, Mrs. Guy Scouten, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rossman, Her- bert Davis Jr., Harold Scouten, Ar- nold Garinger and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger. Leaves For Philippines Walter “Cease” Wilson, recently promoted to private first class in the United States Army Air Corps, is on his way to a new station in ‘the Philippines after being stationed for some time in Savannah, Georgia. About two weeks ago “Cease” en- trained with 2,500 other air corps cadets for California but their ulti- jane destination now turns out to be the Philippines. Quilting Party Ladies of the East Dallas Method- ist Church held an all-day quilting party and covered dish luncheon Tuesday. Present were: Mrs. Emma Eggleston, Mrs. Nelson Moore, Mrs. Winfield Brace, Mrs. Bert Brace, Mrs. Florence Swank, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Harry Martin, Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Ralph Weaver, Mrs. Miles Lamoreaux, Mrs. John Hildebrant, and Mrs. Alfred M oore. Attend Convention A number of local women at- tended the Wilkes Barre District W. S. C. S. Convention at Plymouth last Thursday. Seventy six different churches were represented at the meeting. Dallas women attending: Mrs. William Niemeyer, Mrs. Wesley Himmler, Mrs. Albert Parrish, Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mrs. Laura Patter- son, Mrs. Morris Johnson, M rs. Francis Freeman, Mrs. Sterling Ma- chell, Mrs. Eugene Fiske and Mrs. Machell Hildebrant. { ; Kingston Git] Mefries George Scovell, Lehman Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Doris E. Lit- tle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Little of Kingston and George L. Scovell, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scovell of Lehman Sunday af- ternoon at Forty Fort Methodist Church. Rev. Joseph R. Pennell per- formed the ceremony. Attendants were Miss T. Jean Little of Lynn, Mass., Mrs. Robert Myers, both sis- ters of the bride, and Robert My- ers, brother-in-law. A Mrs. Scovell is a graduate of Kingston High School and Wilkes- Barre Business College. Mr. Scovell was graduated from Lehman High School and is employed at Brews- ter Aeronautical Corporation in Newark, N. J. Nominating Committee Named by Church Class A nominating ¢ ommittee compos- ed of Mrs, Zelma Agnew, Mrs, David Ide and Mrs, Ella Williams was named at the meeting of the Con- fidence Class of Idetown Methodist Church held in the church house on Tuesday evening. Others present: Mrs. Doris Spencer, M rs. Helen Kreidler, M rs. Esther Donnelly, Mrs. Marion Tryon, Miss Erma Stacey, Mrs. Charlotte Calkins, Mrs. Elea- nor Ingram, Mrs. Lillian Cave, Mrs. Louise Rogers, Mrs. Beatrice Hadsel, Mrs. Agnes Lansberry, Mrs. Hazle Kreidler, Mrs. Anne Shaver, Mrs. Edna Calkins, Mrs. Hope Ide, Miss Elizabeth Cook and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Parks. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Saturday, November 15, 1941 Starts At 10 A. M. Entire Household Furniture and Contents of the Home of Dr. George K. Swartz at 47 Main Street, Dallas All merchandise will go to the highest bidders. Terms of sale are cash and final. FRANK J. SHEPARD, Auctioneer. Guests were Margaret Colvert, Cora | Mae Rood, Grace Laux, Marie Cal- kins, Jane Widdall, Naomi Hons, Myrtle Grey and Shirley Brown. Entertains At Lunch Mrs, Charles Detrick, Glen View Terrace, entertained at luncheon on Monday. Cards were played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Russell Case and Mrs. John Garrahan. Other guests were Mrs. Lewis Stritzinger, Mrs. James Harfman, Mrs. William Vivian, Mrs. John A. Based and Mrs. Chester Hartman; Pomeroy’s Toyland is Santa’s Headquarters for Christmas . . dreds and hundreds of brand new toys for good lit tle girls and boys . . and buy your toys on Pomeroy’s Easy Payment plans. POMEROY’S TOYLAND Opens Saturday...Nov. 15th. . and he'll be here Saturday with hun- Santa— will be in toyland Thursday and he certainly wants to see all his little friends Saturday . . . now to have your mother or father bring you to Pomeroy’s Toyland. Mrs. Santa— will also be here this year . . to greet all Santa’s little friends. Ride The Live Ponies Just imagine real live ponies to take you for a long ride . . pony you like best and for a nominal amount of money you get a ride. Toyland, Third Floor . be sure to visit the Toyland so plan she’ll be in Toyland . pick out the Lay-Bway A Gift A Day! Come in and make your selection, and buy them on Pomeroy’s Easy Payment Plans . |. one arranged to suit your individual budget. Rey RG Pod EN Bais oo aa