The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 31, 1941, Image 3

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    " ney Breslin,
rp ———
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Goeringer and
family of Center street, Shavertown,
have moved into their winter resi-
dence on North Main street, Wilkes-
Miss Claire June Malkemes of
Goeringer avenue, Shavertown, en-
tertained the following people at a
Wiener Roast, at her home on Sat-
urday night: Mary Lou Durbin,
Edith Adams, Lois Goeringer, Mary-
lyn Malkemes, Sarah Breslin, Whit-
Helen Staub, George
Budd, Bud Williams, Howard Dieter,
Bud Sanford, Willard Durbin, Louis
Meacham, Austin Meacham, and the
Miss Florence Crump, daughter of
Mrs. Florence Tremayne Crump re-
turned from General Hospital Tues-
day after submitting to an appendi-
citis operation.
School children of the township
were dismissed from classes Tues-
day morning long enough to see the
U. S. S. Wilkes-Barre. The float
which is a replica of the battle
cruiser was used in connection with
the welfare drive.
Mrs. Albert Drasher, Franklin
street, returned Wednesday from
Shamokin where she appeared in a
song recital Tuesday evening. Mrs.
Drasher is soloist at Kingston Pres-
byterian Church.
Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Wardan,
Main street, entertained at dinner
Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Kunkle, newlyweds, and Mr. and
Mrs. George Bronson who celebrated
their 10th wedding anniversary.
This was Mrs. Bronson’s first visit
to her home since her accident at
Sweet Valley in April.
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Herbert and
infant son of Kingston and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred VanCampen and daugh-
ter, Mary of Wyoming were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steven John-
son, Spring street on Sunday.
Mrs. Dormer Woolbert of Sha-
ver avenue, is slowly improving
from injuries to her leg received
several weeks ago. The cast has
been removed.
Allan Gray, Center street, is
spending a few days at his home.
He is employed in Alexandria, Va.
Miss Ruth Traver, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Traver, Main
street, is improving in General Hos-
pital where she has been receiving
treatment since the middle of Au-
gust. >
Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Schooley, Cen-
ter street, celebrated their 15th wed-
ding anniversary Thursday, October
23. The Schooley’s have one child,
Mary Elizabeth, a student in the
third grade.
Miss Caroline Nitz of Mt. Airy
Road spent the week-end with rel-
atives in Nanticoke.
The Float of the U. S. S. Wilkes-
Barre was at the Kingston Township
High School on October 28 adver-
tising the U. S. O. and the Welfare
Drive. The following seniors were
picked to represent the admiral and
two sailors: Doris Henning, Jennie
Hill and Iva Jeanne Graybill.
Miss Caroline Nitz recently enter-
tained the Misses Bernardine Prush-
ko and Elva Rainier.
Mrs. N. A. Staub and the Misses
Helen and Bernadine Staub spent
Sunday in New York State. They
went through the Glen at Watkins
The Wiener Roasts of the King-
ston Township High School were
held on October 27, each class had
their own separate party. The sen-
iors held theirs at Manzoni’s Farm,
in Chase; the juniors at Farmer's
Inn and the freshman at Carle's
Farm, -
There will not be a dance at St.
‘ Therese’s Church on Friday night
because of Hallowe'en. The next
dance will be November 7.
Mr. Howard Isaacs of Trucksville
Gardens attended the Susequehan-
na game on Saturday.
The Girl Scouts of Kingston
Township High School held a pro-
gram in the school on October 27
in connection with Girl Scout Week.
The Scout promise was led by the
Trucksville Troop. The Carverton
Troop led the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag and the Shavertown
Troop gave a short play.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hawke has re-
turned to Philadelphia after spend-
ing several days as guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hawke.
Mrs. C. N. Edwards and Mrs.
Robert Hall of Oregon were guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. James.
Mrs. Edwards who is Mrs. James’
mother, will celebrate her 80th
birthday anniversary next February.
She and Mrs. Hall made the trip
by motor in six days.
. Mrs. Albert Williams, Elm Ter-
race, entertained at cards Wednes-
day afternoon. Guests were Mrs.
William Clewell, Mrs. Leslie Webs-
ter, Mrs. Eugene Considine, Mrs.
Ray Greenwood, Mrs. Dale Zimmer-
man, Mrs, Frank Hawke and Mrs.
A. S. James.
Clarence Myers has leased the
Sgarlet garage in the rear of the
apartment on Main street and is us-
ing it as a warehouse for produce,
Trucksville White
Church On The Hill
A church filled with worshipers
is the usual thing these Sundays at
the White Church on the Hill as jt
enters the fifth week of the “Quest
‘For Worshipers.” This is a special
campaign of education in worship
being carried on by forty-three
churches in the Wyoming Valley
Sunday morning at 10:30 the pastor
will preach on “Reality in Worship.”
At the 7:30 service the series of
sermons on popular fallacies will be
‘brought to a conclusion by a ser-
mon on “You Can’t Change Human
Members of the W. S. C. S. are
invited to attend the meeting of the
Evening Guild to be held at the
church Monday evening, November
3rd, at 8:00 p. m. The speaker will
be Miss Pearl Averett of Shaver-
Everyone in the church is work-
ing hard selling tickets and prepar-
ing for the Ninth Annual Turkey
Supper to be held Wednesday, No-
vember 12th.
Rummage Sale
Ladies of St. Paul's Lutheran
Church will hold a rummage sale
in Luzerne, November 13, 14, 15.
Any one having articles to contrib-
ute can leave them at the church or
call the parsonage, Dallas 105.
Ruff Children Appear
In Educational
Friends and neighbors of Rev.
and Mrs. G. Elson Ruff, formerly of
Shavertown, enjoyed the moving
pictures of the United Lutheran
Publication House shown at the
meeting of the St. Paul's Brother-
hood Monday evening, The Ruff’s
two children took the character
parts in the movie which was an
educational description of the prep-
aration of Lutheran publications.
Rev. Ruff is employed in the edi-
torial department of the Publication
Leadership School
D. C. Smith was re-elected presi-
dent of the District Sabbath School
board of executives at the final
meeting of the school in Shavertown
this week. Fifty-two students who
have attended the leadership classes
during the past six weeks received
awards. Mrs. W. H Morgan of
Shavertown won special honor by
earning a second series certificate.
Turkey Supper
Annual turkey supper of the W.
S. C. S. of Dallas Methodist Church
will be held in the church Tuesday,
November 11. Members of the J. A.
B. Class wil hold a bazaar in con-
nection with the supper.
Voters Of
tive party.
efficient Tax Collector.
Dallas Township...
In behalf of clean politics, I solicit the support of
all real Republicans and Democrats who do not be-
lieve in jumping political fences for their own per-
sonal benefit and the ruination of their own respec-
I pledge every courtesy that can be shown by an
Wilson Ryman
Republican Nominee
dl toh oki a a a a eh ddd dhiadt mma alle pdiciinediediedincdscativadueslsctivetiesdediaiieicdheiede
; : 1
Date Of Turkey Dinner
Is Advanced One Week
The date of St, Therese’s Church
turkey supper has been advanced, to
the satisfaction of all small boys
and those who love good food, from
November 12 to November 6. Mrs.
Jacob Laux is general chairman and
Mrs. Jacob Gabel is co-chairman.
The menu will be as follows: roast
turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed
potatoes, gravy, candied sweet po-
tatoes, buttered turnips, string
beans, pickled beets, celery, carrot
sticks, rolls, pumpkin pie, coffee.
Calendar Of Events
At St. Paul's Church
“Can Christ Heal the Sick” will
be the sermon subject at the 11
o'clock service Sunday morning at
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Shav-
ertown. The infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Cobleigh of East
Orange, N. J., will be baptised at
this service. The Cobleighs are for-
mer residents of Shavertown. Sun-
day School will convene at 9:45,
Luther League 7:00 and vesper ser-
vice with sermon subject “The Lim-
itations of God” at 7:45. Meetings of
the week: Monday 7:30, Luther
League social and business meeting;
Thursday 4:00, Confirmation Class;
Thursday 7:00, Young People’s
Choir; 8:00, Senior Choir.
Alderson Scouts
Have Big Party
In an effort to raise funds to
equip their headquarters, Girl
Scouts of the Alderson Troop held a
Hallowe’en party Friday night at
Lake Township High School.
Pauline Davis played the grand
march. Judges were Mrs. George
Armitage, Mrs. Vernon Rood and
Mrs. Harold Kline. Prizes in the
adult division were: Annabelle Cris-
pell, prettiest; Mrs. Alfred Rogers,
most original; Edward Shilanski,
funniest. Prizes in the children’s di-
vision were: Doris Gray, prettiest;
Herbert Davis, most original; John
Smith and Bobby Lerch, funniest.
Aronld Garinger acted as an-
nouncer for the following program:
violin, solo, Marjorie Shiner; vocal
solo, Mary Delany; playlet, “Safe
and Sane Hallowe'en” with the fol-
lowing taking part, Barbara Berry,
Emma Huntsinger, Nellie Kitchen,
Lillian Lerch, Esther Taylor, Daniel
Smith, Arnold Garinger, and Luther
Huntsinger; marimba solo, Doris
Rossman, accompanied by Dorothy
Jones; clarinet duet, Mary Delany
and Anthony Shiner; marimba and
accordian, Harry Rossman and
daughter, Doris; clown dance by ten
Girl Scouts; musical selection, Mar-
jorie, Francis and Anthony Shiner,
John Bronson, Mary Delany and
Dorothy Jones; “S. O. S.” with the
following actors, Doris Rossman,
Edna Miller, Audry Kocher, Doro-
thy Jones, Marjorie Shiner, Naomi
Huntsinger, Elaine Avery, Mary
Delany, Wilma Zifchek and Florence
Houch. \
Township High School
To Hold Booster Dance
Junior Class of Dallas Township
High School will hold a Booster
Dance Thursday, November 6. The
purpose of the dance is to stir up
interest in the Lehman - Dallas
Township game on Saturday, No-
vember 8. There will be several add-
ed attractions. General chairman of
the affair is Shirley Goss. Commit-
tee members: Charles McManus, Mi-
chael Kozick, Harold Dymond,
Laura Rothery, Lena Elston, Alice
Brace, Miriam Moore, Vivian Much-
ler, Eleanor Hardisky, Anna Hudak,
Ann Dietrich, Edith Spencer, Betty
Kepner, Marion Jackson, Donald
Smith, James Boston, Dolores Up-
dyke, Zigmund Wojick, Arthur Mor-
gan, Lawrence Smith and Robert
Celebrate Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Evans,
Lawn street, celebrated their 45th
wedding anniversary Tuesday. They
were married in Plymouth by the |
late Rev. W. J. Day. Five children
were born to the couple, all of
whom are living. Mr. and Mrs.
Evans have been residents of Shav-
ertown for the past 11 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith are |
entertaining the former’s aunt, Mrs.
Emma Smith of Wilkes-Barre.
W. S. C. S. will serve dinner at
the Grange Hall on Election Day.
Everybody welcome.
Mrs. Fred Dodson visited Mrs.
Sherman Wardan of Shavertown on
Tuesday evening.
Corey Miers suffered minor injur-
ies when he fell from an apple tree
on his farm Monday.
Nile Hess who is employed at
Harrisburg visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hess over the week-
Hallowe’en Party
The following enjoyed a hilarious
masquerade party at the Grange
Hall Tuesday evening: Mrs. Ray
Henney, Mrs. Victor Rydd, Mrs.
Russell Miers, Mrs. Charles Wert-
man, Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Mrs.
Florence Klimick, Mrs. William Wea-
ver, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs.
Harold Smith, Mrs. Emma Smith,
Miss Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Oliver
Ellsworth, Mrs. Anna Weaver, Mrs.
Stanley Elston, Mrs, Kenneth Mar-
tin, Mrs. Paul Hilbert, Mrs. Gideon
Miller and Mrs. Ralph Hess. Prizes
were awarded to Mrs. Anna Weaver,
best dressed; Mrs. Stanley Elston,
most original and Mrs. William
Weaver, funniest.
for Supervisor @® Kingston Twp.
four reasons why you should
1. She is capable and efficient.
2. She is considerate of the taxpayers interests.
8. She is interested in welfare of the children.
4. She is determined to keep politics out of the schools.
Lutheran Churches
Plan Joint Services
Joint Reformation Services of the
Lutheran Churches of Wyoming Val-
ley will be held at Irem Temple in
Wilkes-Barre at 3 o'clock Sunday,
November 16. Rev. Conrad Bergen-
doff D. D. Ph. D. Litt. D., outstand-
ing Lutheran author and president
of the Augustana College and Sem-
inary, will speak. All of the Luth-
eran churches of the Back Mountain
area will attend.
To The Voters Of Lake Township:
As The Republican Candidate For
I will deeply appreciate your vote and support at
the polls on November 4th., and if elected, I will
do my utmost to faithfully and efficiently serve the
my ability.
of satisfaction.
An Open Letter To My Friends,
From the start of my campaign for election as Tax Collector of Dallas Town-
ship I have been forced to face the opposition of our selfish, petty, political
bosses. The Layaou-Yaple crowd care nothing for ability or records of faith-
ful, honest and efficient community service.
who will take their orders regardless of the ultimate effect on the com-
munity. My loss of the primary as an independent Republican by only 14
votes against their dictated votes was heartening evidence that almost half
the primary voters favored efficiency over petty party tyranny.
unfortunately were overconfident of my nomination and failed to vote. Had
they been “escorted” to the polls the results might have been different,
Now a fellow who has earned a good reputation by working hard to do a
good job doesn’t like being fired by a handful of power greedy politicians.
I am proud of my record as Tax Collector and feel justified in asking the :
voters in the General Election to keep me in that office. Since the Demo-
crats saw fit to withdraw their candidate and place me on their ticket the
Layaou-Yaple stooges have been calling me a turncoat and party deserter.
They don’t mention MY UNCHANGED STATUS.
Republican. My record of past performance remains the issue. I am still a
candidate for the same office, eager to serve all the people to the best of
What they want are stooges
I am still a registered
With the continued support of my friends in the primary, plus the backing
of my Democratic friends who could not vote for me in the primary, plus
the many friends who didn’t vote in the primary I feel confident of victory
on November 4th.
friends in both parties and their sincere encouragement is a real source
I deeply appreciate the enthusiastic support of all these
Herbert A. Lundy
Convenient LOCATION ® Convenient HOURS
Convenient PAYMENTS
in the general election on November 4th you may vote for
the candidate of your choice on either ticket by pulling down
the lever above the candidate’s name.
without obligation to you.
$390 FREE
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Phone us and our repair man will call and give you
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$2.73 a month for all the hot water they need,
heated automatically.
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