Ww THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1941 PAGE FIVE ———SHAVERTOWN —— Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Malkemes and family were visiting the latter's mother, Mrs, A. E. Oliver of New Brunswick, N. J., on Sunday. Mrs. Oliver celebrated her seventy-sev- enth birthday anniversary. * * * Robert Appleton, son’ of School Director and Mrs. Howard Appleton, Shaver avenue, stationed at Camp Sam Huston, Texas, arrived home Monday night for a short vacation. He was accompanied by Edwin Polk, a friend, whose home is in San An- tonio, Texas. * ES # Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Guernsey will leave in a few weeks for Ashville, N. C., and after a short stay there will go to St. Petersburg, Florida, for the winter. wi a Mrs. Ella Fitzpatrick, Canton, Ohio, and brother, Jonas Hawk of Kent, Ohio, have returned after spending the month of September with their cousin, Mrs, Harry Wil- liams of Shaver avenue. Mr. and Mrs, S. N. Davis of Pi- oneer avenue, entertained Sunday, Miss Jane Owen of Ashley. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schall and family moved Wednesday from their home on Center street to Pop- lar street, Kingston. Mrs. Elizabeth Schall will spend the winter months with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Steinhauer of Kingston. Walter Gosart, Strafford, Conn., will spend the week-end at his home on Main street. wl Robert Garris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garris of East Center street, has been ordered to report at the New Cumberland Induction Center, October 16. Mrs. Percy Hart of Center street, is confined to her home with illness. Mrs. William Cease is caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemingway, Brook street, who were recently married, will leave shortly to make their home at Ilion, N. Y., where Mr. Hemingway is employed. Mrs. Dale Zimmerman entertain- ed over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Radenbach of Broadheads- ville. Mrs. Radenbach is Mrs. Zim- merman’s sister. * * * Mr .and Mrs. A. S. James and Mr. and Mrs William Clewell and family spent Sunday at Moyer’s Grove dk Jeanne Haughwout of Carverton Road, Trucksville, is recuperating at her home after an illness. TRUCKSVILLE Mrs. Leslie Webster was a guest at the sessions of the Daughters of America convention at Washington, Pa., last week. From there she drove on to Pittsburgh to visit. Social Club of St. Therese’s Church will hold its first dance of the season Friday night at 8:30. Howard Isaacs of Trucksville Gardens attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Bert Williams of Toledo, Ohio, last week, The deceased was formerly of Parsons. Malcolm Wilson, Host To Blue Ribbon Class The members of the Blue Ribbon Class of the Primitive Methodist Sunday School, Fernbrook, were en- tertained By Malcolm Wilson, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson, Shavertown ,on Tues- day evening. Plans were made for a Hallowe’en party at the home of King Cragle on October 30th and for a wood party on October 21st at the church. The next meeting will be at the home of the teacher of the class on November 7th. Guests were, Miss Lamoreaux, Mrs. Wilson, Ardis Lloyd, Bette Jane Trimble, Margaret Roberts, Arlene Handley, Lucille Lloyd, Virginia Shields, Shirley. Thomas, Nellie Stritzinger, King Cragle, Richard Case, Malcolm Wilson, Melvin Compton and Russell Muchler. Calendar Of Events At St. Paul's Church “What Think Ye of Christ?” will be the sermon subject at St. Paul's Lutheran Church of which the Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort is pastor at the 11 o'clock service. Luther League devotional service will be held at 7 p. m. and “Prayer” will be the ser- mon subject at the vesper service at 7:45. Familiar hymns will be sung and explanation given. Meetings of the week: Tuesday, 8 p. m., Dorcas Bible Class at home of Mrs, Charles Gossart; Wednesday, 1 p. m., Ladies Auxiliary; Thursday, 6 p. m., Con- firmation Class; Friday, 8 p. m., Sen- ior Choir. Shavertown Red Cross Shavertown Red Cross workers met for the first time this season in the Shavertown grade school, Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Dick and Mrs. Donald Nelson are chairman and co-chairman for the coming year. Queen Esthers To Meet Queen Esthers of the Trucksville Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Croom, Mon- day evening at 7:30. Teacher Will Leave Miss Sara Pfhaler, health instruc- tor and girls basketball coach at Kingston Township High School, re- ceived an appointment as instructor in the Wilkes-Barre City Schools. AT DEDEDE RDELDLRLR HIMMLER THEATRE DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY “LIFE BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY” with Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone and Judy Garland MONDAY AND TUESDAY Double Feature The Nurses’s Secret with Regis Toomey and— & Very Young Lady with Jane Withers WEDNESDAY ‘AND THURSDAY Double Feature Sunset In Wyoming with Gene Autry NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHARLIE’S AUNT with Kay Francis and Jack Benny Dorcas Class Enjoy Roast At Elston’s Dorcas Class of St. Paul’s Luther- an Church, held a wiener roast at Elston’s Grove, Kunkle, Monday evening, Present were Mrs. H. E. Frankfort, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Batey, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malke- mes, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Rudy and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kemberling. | Sunrise Service A number of local people at- tended the 12th annual Sunrise Rraise Service and breakfast of the Dieu le Veut Commandry No. 45, Knights Templar, held at the Irem Temple Country Club last Sunday. Invocation was by Sir Knight Rev. Robert Graham, solo by Sir Knight Thomas Roberts and selections by the Salvation Army Band. Evelyn Ames, the Lullaby Lady of the Carnation Contented program, Sings 500th Lullaby sang her 500th lullaby during the special 500th anniversary of the pro- gram last week, over the NBC-Red Network. Miss Ames, former star of the Chicago City Opera Company, has concertized widely. She is a native of Oklahoma. Miss Betty Case Becomes Bride Of Sherman Kunkle, Shavertown Announcement has been made of the marriage of Betty Case, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Case of Trucksville and Sherman W. Kun- kle, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Sher- man Wardan of Main street, Shav- ertown. Wedding took place in Trucksville Methodist Church, Sun- day afternoon at 3 o’clock. Rev. Harry Savacool officiated. Attend- ants were Miss Marjorie Mekeel, cousin of the bride and Edward Swingle. Ushers were Glenn and Fred Case, brothers of the bride. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father wore a white satin gown with short quilted packet. Maid of honor selected ice blue. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride’s parents, and the couple left On for Niagara Falls and Canada. their return they will make their home at Sweet Valley where Mr. Kunkle is associated with the Bron- son Economy Store. Mr. and Mrs. Kunkle are gradu- ates of Kingston Township High | School and Wyoming Seminary. Read the Classified Column Luther League Plan Hallowe'en Party Luther League of St. Church met in the social rooms Monday evening and made plans for Committee members: Melvin Adler, Grover Stock, Howard Frantz, Betty Hontz, and Donald Boline. Shirley Winter was selected missionary secretary and Betty Hontz life service secre- tary. Announcement was made of the Thanksgiving rally of North Eastern District Luther League to be held at St. Paul's Thursday, No- vember 25. Games were played and refreshments served by Doris Mae Paul’s a Hallowe’en party. Hontz and Drina Welch. Others present: Allen Malkemes, Jerry Hessler, Richard Williams, Melvin Adler, Donald Boline, Herbert Bo- line, William Cease, Howard Frantz, John Grant, Betty Hontz, Bernard Jones, Arthur Kitchen, Willard Lo- zo, Shirley Malkemes, ‘Margaret Schwartz, Howard Traver, Donald Malkemes, Warren Boyes, Carl De- Witt, Paul Winter, Grover Stook, Robert Hessler, Robert Lozo, Shirley Winter and the Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort. Choirs To Present Third Annual Concert The third annual concert will be presented by the combined Junior and Senior Choirs of Dallas Metho- dist Church on October 23. soloist will be Robert Collitt, cor- netist of Kingston. There will be an obligato of two violins played by Lewis W. LeGrand and William B. Jones. Chicken Supper King’s Daughters and Dorcas classes of Sweet Valley Church of Christ will sponsor a chicken dinner October 10, at 6. The public is in- vited. Guest : | Shavertown Class Meets Of Their Teacher, Members of the Berean Sunday School Class of the Shavertown Methodist Church were entertained at the home of the teacher, Mrs. C. B. Henry, on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Asa Garey, Mrs. William Ferrell and Mrs. Bert Stitzer were assistant hostesses. Mrs. Walter Shaver presided. Mrs. William Ockenhouse led in devo- tions and Mrs. Henry reviewed the Sunday School lessons. Present were: Mrs. Susan Adams, Mrs. Boyd Bertram, Mrs. Isaac At Home Mrs. C. B. Henry Mrs. Beulah Calkins, Mrs. Russell Cease, Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Mrs. William Ferrell, Mrs. Helen Heale, Mrs. William Hunt, Mrs. Asa Gary, Mrs, Thomas Jones, Mrs, Eck- ley Kocher, Mrs, Edward Kocher, Mrs. Ernest Keller, Mrs. W. P. Llewellyn, Mrs. Albert Major, Mrs. William Ockenhouse, Mrs. William Perrigo, Mrs. Genevieve Price, Mrs. Walter Shaver, Miss Bessie Stroh, Mrs. Louise VanNorman, Mrs. Ralph Whipp, Mrs. Haymaker, Mrs. Fred Bronson, Miss Barbara Major and Miss Clara Stitzer. Brace, Saturday, October 4, 1941, proved to be an exciting day for all stu- dents of Kingston Township High | School for they saw their football team come out, victorious over Ply- mouth Township High School in a well-played football game, the score being 20 to 0. It was also the ad- vent of the combining of twirlers, drum majorettes, cheerleaders and band for the local school. Between halves of the game the twirlers and majorettes paraded out onto the gridiron and presented a very colorful picture of drill for- mations. The cheerleaders were dressed in all white uniforms with orange and black ribbons tied on the sweaters, being the only color. The drum majorettes wore black Twirlers And Cheerleaders Add Color To First Football Game skirts and white sweaters the only color being that of the school, orange and black. The twirlers, who have just been chosen from a great number of girls who were anxious to take part in the activities, wore all white uni- forms of a skirt and sweater combi- nation. The twirlers are: Joan Phil- ips, Lois Sword, Harriet Mae Gib- bons, Anna Spaziano, Shirley Malke- mes, Alice Rodriegio, Betty Hontz, Roberta Luft, Betty Hodgen, Marilyn Malkemes, Shirley Greenwood, Shir- ley Winter, Ruth Ness, Laura Adler, Peggy Greenwood, Lois Sickler, Drina Welch, Katherine Smith, Doris Henning, Mary Lou Boyes, Barbara Metz, Catherine Reed. The drum majorettes are June Parsons, Doris Jones, Ellen Sutton. Helen Scureman, selection today! Through special arrangements with the mag- azine publishers we offer America’s finest farm and fiction magazines—in combination with our newspaper—at prices that simply cannot be duplicated elsewhere! 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